Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ I just can't love you like that ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please refrain from suing me!

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

It was late morning when Goten woke from a fitful slumber, rubbing the remnants of a bad dream away from his eyes. Glancing over to his right he found the biggest pair of blue eyes staring back at him. With a goofy grin on her face to rival even Goku's, Leilani tumbled into her father's lap giggling.

"And good morning to you too. Hungry?" The small head started to nod fast; she did have the Son appetite after all.
"Alright, lets get you cleaned up and a change of clothes first then I'll see what's for breakfast." Goten said as he dug through the bag of Leilani's clothing that she herself had packed all by herself. Finding something that looked like a match, Goten took the little girl down towards the bathroom. As soon as the bathroom came into sight, Leilani barreled past him and stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. Goten couldn't resist a small laugh as his daughter reminded him so much of Vegeta at that moment in that stance.

"What do you think you're doing?"
"I'ma big girl Daddy! I don't need your help anymore!" She announced quite proud of herself as she grabbed her clothing from Goten and slammed the bathroom door behind her. He stood in shock for a few moments trying to let everything register.
"You are three years old young lady, not thirty!"
"Na huh! I'm almost four! I'm alled growed up!"
"You're still three!" Goten shouted back at her realizing this was getting him nowhere. In the book of child rearing, it never said that your three year old would think she was an adult at this age. But that was for humans, he was dealing with a quarter saiyan female!

"Problems?" Came the think voice of the prince from down the hall. Goten gave him a grin before turning back towards the door.
"Umm, nope none at all!" The young demi-saiyan announced nervously hoping Vegeta would buy it.
"Hn." Vegeta grunted as he left for the kitchen.
"You got five seconds to open this door!" Goten growled above a whisper.
"Bribe her with a new outfit, it always worked with Bra." Vegeta recommended quite loudly from the kitchen with an evil sounding laugh. Goten paled, being a full time Daddy was something to get use to.

After bribing the small girl with candy, her favorite treat, Goten got her fed while listening to his father talk about everything that he had missed while he was away.

"Gohan will be over tonight with Panny-chan along with everyone else. They really want to see you." Goku remarked as he watched Goten tie Leilani's shoelaces tightly.
"Sounds great. I think I'm going to take Leilani for a walk. Need to run down some of this excess energy of hers."
"You should train her." Vegeta piped in as he cleared the breakfast plates from the table.
"I don't plan on it. Not while we live in the city. All I need to happen is for her to blast a whole city block."
"Non sense! I trained Trunks when he was just her age…" Vegeta realized his mistake when Goten's head shot up to glare directly at him. Grabbing Leilani by the hand, he shot out the door quickly before another word was uttered.

"Nice way of putting your foot in your mouth Geta."
"Can it Kakarott, I didn't realize what I was saying."
"And you say that I don't think before I open my mouth."
"Shut up!"
"I don't think I learned my lesson from earlier." Goku said coyly at the flustered prince.

The old meadow was just as Goten remembered it. He sat in the shade of the old oak tree and watched his daughter run through the tall grass and wild flowers after butterflies as she collected a huge arm full of flowers. She looked so happy. Happier then what he seen when they were still back in California.
"Daddy make me a crown!" Leilani chattered out as she threw the arm full of flowers on his lap.
"Umm sure thing. Why don't you go get more just in case I need some."
"Ok!" She smiled with a glint in her beautiful eyes before running off again. He let out a contented sigh as he tried his best at trying to weave the flowers together to make a crown.

"It's nice to be home."
"What are you doing back here?" Goten's heart clenched, he knew the voice. That voice that shouted at him, cursed him to hell and back.
"I didn't come back to fight with you, or even see you for that matter." Goten muttered out as he tried to keep his attention back on the crown he was making while he silently cursed himself for not keeping his ki hidden from everyone.
"I see. I thought you came back to sing me love songs Goten. I know that's what you've been doing. Singing to me, hoping that I'll take you back as a friend or even a lover. But I'm sorry to tell you it's not going to happen." Trunks said as he came around the tree to stand in front of his former best friend. His voice harsh and loud.
"Just go away Trunks. I've already told you that I didn't want to fight."
"What's the matter? Too out of shape to fight me? Afraid you'll wind up at the hospital for another month?" Goten shook his head and continued about his work trying so hard not to let Trunks' words get to him.
"No." He uttered softly before a foot kicked all the flowers in front of Goten several feet. Goten finally looked up with his dark brown eyes to see Trunks glaring back at him.
"Just leave me alone please. I didn't come back to cause trouble."
"You just came back to do fairy things in the meadow huh?" Trunks grabbed Goten by the front of his shirt raising him up to his feet.
"Trunks please." Goten pleaded. This was something he wasn't planning on today. He just wanted a peaceful day with his daughter. Trunks just smirked before a punch was thrown directly into Goten's face breaking his nose instantly. A fount of blood erupted staining the front of his shirt and Trunks' knuckles. Dropping the dark haired saiyan, Trunks laid into him with several kicks to Goten's stomach before an ear-piercing scream rang out. Trunks turned to see a small blue eyed girl standing not far away with her arms loaded down with the same wild flowers Goten was messing with. Clenching his fists, Trunks turned back to Goten who was trying to get to his feet.

"Trunks, please not in front of my baby." Goten begged as he panted for air as he grasped his ribs, hissing with the pain. Leilani stood frozen, tears streaming down her chubby little cheeks watching her father trying to get to his feet only to fall back to the ground.
"Oh Dende…" Trunks muttered out looking between the bawling little girl and the demi saiyan that struggled to get up in front of his feet.
"Leilani, go get your grandfather for me." Goten hissed out before coughing up a large amount of blood.
"Daddy?" She cried, her voice shaking with fear. She wanted to run to her Daddy but was afraid of the lavender haired man that stood in her way.
"Just go!" Goten snapped at her. More tears sprang to her eyes, her feet not moving to take her away.
"Listen to your father brat!" Trunks snapped out this time completely scaring her. She dropped the bundle of flowers at her feet before sprinting off the way she came earlier that morning.
"Damn it Goten!" Trunks spat out, wringing his hands in frustration as he looked down at him. Not sure what the hell he was doing, Trunks raked his hands through his hair before kneeling down in front of the man he had just assaulted.

"Goten?" Trunks brought his hand up to rest on the dark haired shoulder when Goten flinched, shrugging the hand away in a hurry.
"Just leave me alone Trunks. Don't you think you've caused enough damage already?" Goten muttered out as he roughly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"How was I supposed to know that you changed? I…"
"Nothing has changed Trunks."
"Nani? You have a daughter Goten, things have changed." Goten swallowed roughly before looking back up to see Trunks' face.
"I still feel the same way Trunks whether you like it or not. I'm sorry you can't accept that." Goten finished in a whisper, lowering his eyes back to the grass waiting for the next blow to come just like before.
"I just can't love you like that…I…I can't be that way…you wouldn't understand…"
"Wouldn't understand? Try telling me maybe I will understand. It sure beats you kicking the crap out of me."
"You just wouldn't understand!" Trunks shouted before lifting off the ground flying away fast. What Goten missed was the tears being shed from the other just before he took off.

Leilani had barreled into the house occupied by Goku and Vegeta in near hysterics. Both full blooded saiyans looked at each other, both clearly startled out of their snuggle time.

"Leilani? What's wrong?" Goku asked as he bolted from the couch catching the crying three year old in his large arms.
"Shhhh, calm down ok? Tell me what's wrong. Where is your Daddy?"
"A purple monster is hurting him!"
"Purple monster?" Vegeta asked looking from the child to Goku.
"What's this purple monster look like? Like a dinosaur?" Black pigtails shook from side to side angrily, Leilani becoming frustrated that she wasn't being understood.
"Ok, tell me what it looked like then."
"He…he had purple hair and mean, he yelled at me called me brat!"
"Trunks!" Both men announced loudly making the small girl whimper.

"Great, Geta get the senzu beans. I have a feeling he's going to need one."
"You take care of your son, I'm going to take care of mine." Vegeta bellowed out cracking his knuckles loudly before disappearing.
"Vegeta! Damn it don't do anything brash!"
"Kakarott don't tell me what to do with my son. I'm sick of his attitude about this shit and it's going to end now!" Vegeta came back in to the room handing over the small bag that held the extra senzu beans before flinging the door open and taking off in the direction of Capsule Corp. Goku sighed, the day was shaping up to be a fine day. His life complete once again with his youngest son home and the arrival of a granddaughter no one knew about.

"Alright, lets go fix your Daddy."

The show down and answer to why Trunks pushed his best friend away...next chapter!