Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ There is nothing between us! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ. Please refrain from suing me! Thank you!

Thank you all for your wonderful reviews!!! *smiles widely*

When Love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

After Trunks had left, Goten managed to get himself under the shade of the tree, leaning up against the rough bark with his eyes closed. The pain wasn't all that bad. Not as bad as what initially happened years back. It could have been worse. He hoped that sending Leilani off was a good idea, but also worried because she didn't know the area like he did.

"I hope she didn't get lost." Goten murmured, trying to find the energy to get up and make sure she was all right.
"Why didn't you fight back?" Came the question. Startled, Goten opened his eyes looking in the direction of the voice.
"I was taught never hit the one you love. You were taught the same exact thing." Goten answered with a heavy sigh before closing his eyes again.
"Sometimes you have to Goten. Are you going to live your life this way forever? Being Trunks' personal punching bag?"
"Shut up Gohan! You haven't the clue what I've been through." Goten ground his teeth together in frustration and anger.
"You were rejected by someone you love with all your heart and soul, beaten within an inch of your life. I watched you leave and run away before you were even eighteen Goten. Mother cried for days and well dad, he worried about you something terrible. You missed a lot while you were gone Goten. We all love you very much but we don't want to see you in this much pain."
"I had to leave Gohan. There was no other way around it. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling Trunks but I messed that up. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. Then maybe, just maybe he'd still want to be around me."
"Who's to say for certain Goten?"
"You know I thought if I got it off my chest everything would be alright. I hurt so much to be with him everyday and not be able to tell him exactly how I felt at that moment. How I wanted to just hug him, kiss him…to…"
"I get the picture, no need on telling any more." Gohan raised his hand to stop his little brother before he said some embarrassing remarks.

"That's why I left. I figured if I got out of here that maybe I would forget Trunks and find someone new."
"Did you?" Gohan asked taking a seat next to his brother watching him out of the corner of his eye.
"No one like him. No one that gave me butterflies in my stomach. No one that kept my interest for very long. I had a few boyfriends. But that didn't last long at all. They just didn't seem right if you know what I mean." Gohan nodded before snapping a blade of grass off to play with between his fingers.

"Yeah I know what you mean. No one seemed right until Piccolo and myself got together." The corner of Goten's mouth quirked up in a sloppy grin.
"I knew you'd be together with him. Ever since I could remember I just knew." Gohan just smiled reclining back against the tree. He also knew he would be with Piccolo one day, just when remained a mystery until a few years back when him and Videl parted ways.

Trunks landed back at Capsule Corp. with anger raging through his veins. He stalked across the back yard into the house scaring his sister in the process. Bra watched with curious eyes as her older brother slammed the back door and marched through the kitchen without a backwards glance to her. She frowned slightly wondering what was eating at her brother. She crept behind him all the way to the doors of the gravity room, which was slammed harder then the kitchen door. She peered through the small window, watching Trunks crank up the gravity and taking his good shirt off, tossing it aside before striking out at invisible foes like her father always had. Shaking her head, Bra left to go back to the kitchen and wait for her mother's arrival back home from her trip abroad.

Vegeta arrived at Capsule Corp ten minutes after Trunks had stalked in. He came in through the back door same as his son, noticing the sullen expression on his daughter's face as he entered.
"Where is he?" He asked knowing full well that his daughter knew exactly what he meant.
"Gravity room kicking the shit out of the invisible enemy."
"Watch your mouth young lady." She rolled her eyes as her dad left the kitchen heading straight to his old place of training for many a year.

"Brat!" Trunks didn't even stop his training. He knew his father was there even before he touched down in the back yard several minutes ago. He was hoping if he ignored him, he would just go away and leave him alone like he wanted in the first place. Vegeta tossed his shirt to the side, standing near the control panel in just his boots and dark loose fit jeans. He was going to get his son's attention even if it meant he had to beat him near death.

"What the hell do you want?" Trunks snarled out as his father joined him in the air just a few feet away. Vegeta just growled to himself before sending a barrage of kicks and punches towards his son. Trunks ducked and weaved away from every attack, his body running high on the adrenaline rush he was on at the moment.

"Where were you a short while ago?" Vegeta asked ducking one of his son's punches. Trunks stiffened with the question letting his father get in a good solid roundhouse kick sending him to the floor below. The lavender haired prince pushed himself up off the floor before glaring daggers at his dad.
"Because I asked you."
"None of your business." Trunks seethed out as he launched himself back into the air to continue with the spar.
"I make it my business when my mate's granddaughter comes running into the house bawling about a purple monster beating on her father."
"Oh? She doesn't call you grandpa too? I figured she would since you fuck him." Trunks sneered at his father, catching the prince off guard with the snide remark.
"Why should you worry about what I should be called? Are you jealous because you could have been her other father? Is that it?" The demi saiyan screamed out blazing into super saiyan, launching at his father with pure rage.

"Leave me alone!" Trunks shouted as he tried his hardest to land a punch on his dad. With blind rage working against him, Trunks didn't stand a chance when Vegeta retaliated against him.
"All this nonsense of beating up on Kakarott's son will stop as of right now!"
"He asked for it! He could have fought back, but I guess going around being gay and singing songs made him soft!" With that Vegeta sent his own attacks against his son, driving the demi saiyan to the floor again.

"Soft my ass! He didn't fight back because he was taught that. Never ever strike the one you love. I have never struck Kakarott out of hate or disgust since we've been together."
"Well good for you. But you know something it don't matter because it doesn't involved what is between me and Goten."
"Only because you hate him and he loves you?"
"Correct. I see that your brain is still working since shacking up with him."
"IF you would get your head out of your ass and realize what you and Goten have is something that shouldn't be thrown away."
"There is nothing between us! And never will be. Stop trying to preach to me because I'm not listening anymore." Vegeta flashed behind his son, taking his arm and pinning it behind his back roughly. Trunks cringed as he felt tendons and ligaments starting to pop and snap under the strain.

"You will listen and listen good." Vegeta snapped out pushing his son to the floor with his arms still behind his back. Trunks was face down on the cool tile flooring, wincing in pain as his father sat down on top of him to make sure he wasn't going to escape.

Leilani's voice cut through the silence between Goten and Gohan as she approached with Grandpa Goku following her to the spot. Goten felt relief flow over him as he heard his daughter's voice.
"Daddy?" She called out as she took slow and steady steps towards her father and the dark haired stranger sitting with him.
"Sweetheart. I'm proud of you." Goten said before bracing his ribs to stand up. Gohan reached over and pushed his brother back down knowing their dad would bring a senzu for him.
"Gohan, this is your niece. Leilani this is your uncle Gohan. Daddy's older brother."
"Hi." She squeaked out shyly with a small wave of her hand.
"She looks just like you bro. Very pretty."
"Daddy says I'm beautifuler then mommy." She announced quite proud of herself. Gohan chuckled to himself. He missed Pan at that age. She was adorable and innocent.
"I bet you are."
"Here Goten." Goku bent down in front of his youngest son, placing a small bean into his hand.
"Thanks Dad." Goten mumbled out before popping the senzu into his mouth, chewing on the bean with a cringe.

"You don't look too bad. I thought it was worse." Goku said breaking the silence between them all. Goten only looked down at his feet.
"Vegeta left after Leilani came in. He went to see Trunks." Goten looked up in shock, racking his hands through his disheveled hair.
"Great! Now Trunks will want to kill me more!"
"No, I don't think so."

Trunks cringed with pain as the tension on his arm was tightened more. Vegeta refused to let go until his son had listened to him.
"Why the hell do you have such a problem with Goten?"
"Because I will not convert to his life style."
"Something wrong with that?"
"Yesssssss!" Trunks hissed out as another snapping sound was heard.
"I don't see why it matters. I see you parading around with all those women but never ever caught their scent on you. Why is that?"
"Because they don't interest me to take them to bed. I'll find the right woman eventually." Vegeta just shook his head. There had to be more to this then what was on the surface. Trying to dig his way through would be the problem.

"You're afraid of what other people will say aren't you? Afraid that people will call you names and do things to you because you're gay?"
"Shut up!"
"You're afraid that if you walked around with Goten that your life on the social ladder will come crashing down?"
"Shut up damn you! I don't want to hear it no more!" Trunks screamed out, trying to power up to get out of Vegeta's grasp.
"Why not?"
"You don't know what it's like! God you don't know how bad it can be!" Trunks choked out, tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Then tell me what it's like."

"Just let me go! Let me go!" Trunks struggled more trying to break free.
"How do you know what it's like?"
"Because I've been there already ok? That's why I changed schools in my junior year or didn't you notice?"
"Who what he?" Trunks choked back a sob as the repressed memories came flooding back after years of being forgotten.
"I don't know, I don't know who all of them are."
"What do you mean? Explain!" Vegeta growled out, getting tired of asking questions and getting nowhere fast.
"I went to some party, I don't remember a whole lot. They drugged me Dad, they drugged me and forced themselves on me." Now Trunks was sobbing hard under his father. Vegeta gasped slightly, letting go of his viscous arm lock.
"I didn't tell anyone what happened…I…I kept it to myself. I changed schools after…after they tried to do it again…telling people I was the faggot boy. I…I didn't want to go through that again…don't want to hurt no more…"
"Goten would never hurt you boy."
"That's not the point! I don't want to be known as faggot boy ever again. I love Goten with all my heart but I just can't do it."
"Then why did you beat him like you did?"
"Because I wanted him not to love me. He would less likely to get hurt if he didn't love me…He could love someone that would love him back"