Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ When divided we stand baby, united we fall ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own DBZ so please refrain from suing me. I do not own the rights to the song "When love and hate collide" By Def Leppard.

*Glomps her reviewers!* You guys are the best!!!

When Love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Trunks stayed in the medical area until everyone left that day. He didn't know if he could face Goten again or not. He needed his time to rethink everything that was spinning out of control in his head. His own words echoing inside his head as he confessed to his father.
'I love Goten with all my heart…I love Goten with all my heart…I love Goten with all my heart'
It was the truth. He did love Goten more then life it's self and then some, too bad he couldn't face what happened to him in the past to make things right once again with Goten. It had been over a week since the incident, but he could still feel Goten's soft lips brush against his as he hastily made a retreat.

~Flash back~
This was supposed to be the biggest party in school history and Trunks was in the thick of it having fun with his friends. Goten wasn't allowed out that night, his mother keeping him home to study some history or something trivial. It wasn't until after a few hours into the party that Trunks started to miss Goten's presence. They were always together; Trunks' father had thought some sort of adhesive stuck them together for years because if you saw one, the other was right there.

There was drinking games galore that night, the guys proving how manly they were to the girls by drinking obscene amounts of alcohol in a matter of minutes. Trunks didn't need to prove himself in that way; he already had tons of girls fawning over him with every step he took, not giving him much breathing room. Trunks was handed drink after drink, taking in more alcohol then most before even feeling the slightest bit tipsy. As the night progressed, Trunks started to feel woozy, his poor stomach telling him to call it quits before he retched up his entire dinner.

"Yo Briefs, man you alright?" Trunks waved a hand toward one of his friends as he made an exit out the back door just incase he got sick. He staggered around for a bit, finding a large rock out in the back garden to perch upon to rest. After that moment everything was just flashes of broken memories. Laughter, taunting, fighting, and then the uneasy feeling of his clothes being ripped off. The feeling of hands on his body, groping, molesting, taking something he wouldn't give up willingly. What ever he drank caused him to become so weak. He tried to summon his power but failed miserably. He wished Goten were with him, to save him.

"Damn you have to try some of this guys. He's so tight! Guess that fag he hangs around with hasn't taken him yet!" A hand fisting into his lavender locks, being pulled back roughly as he was slammed harder. He remembered pleading, begging for them to stop their assault. His fingers twisting into the thick grass below him, feeling the assault of tears running down his cheeks.
"Scream for me bitch!" Someone else taking their turn, ripping delicate tissue letting more blood spill. The very last thing he remembered before the darkness claiming him was the name Goten on his lips. He wasn't sure how long he was out, the delicate colors of pre-dawn was starting to show in the sky when his eyes opened. His whole body ached; his head was pounding with a fierce headache. He stood on shaky legs as he looked around him. His stomach flip-flopped as he caught the sight and smell of his blood. The drying blood clinging to the inside of his thighs, the smell of something else he couldn't quite place and the heavy stench of the seed left behind by every boy that had taken him. His mind raced, his stomach churned violently.
'How could this happen to me? I'm a saiyan prince! Oh Dende!' His mind screamed as he picked up the last remaining shreds of his clothing.

He made up his mind that he would keep everything a secret, acting like nothing ever happened. It was hard in the beginning; he wanted to tell someone, needed a shoulder to cry on but he felt dirty, disgusting filthy. The rumors at school started not long afterwards. At every corner, at every turn Trunks was confronted, guys he didn't even know getting into his face. Trunks changed schools after he was cornered in the locker room. He fled quickly, not wanting a fight that might result in him killing half the population of the school.

Goten questioned him after changing schools, but he just told his best friend that he would do better in a private school, away from distractions that the public school held. Goten believed all of it.

The day that Goten confessed his love under the old tree in the meadow, something snapped inside of Trunks. All the blind rage, the feeling of waking up finding his body violated, every bit of emotion he kept bottled up came back. He loved Goten, ever since he could remember, but after what happened he couldn't even think about being with the one person he loved. He didn't want Goten's pity or sympathy. He didn't want to see the reaction on Goten's face knowing he was dirty. If he could push Goten away then things wouldn't have to be explain, things would go back to the way they were. He was afraid, deathly afraid of being with Goten, fear that he was going to be hurt, violated, humiliated once again.

He never meant to hurt Goten the way he did. He visited the young Son in the hospital after hours when no one would know he was around. He held Goten's hand tight, crying softly at his bedside ashamed that he could commit such a deed on his best friend. He felt worse when Goten left home, striking out on his own someplace by himself. He knew he'd never see Goten again after that. His life went on, he worked, he partied, and he dated when he had the time. Nothing was the same with out his Goten at his side.

He totally lost it when he heard Goten singing. He knew exactly whom Goten was singing to, but denied it at first. Goten declaring his undying love in verses of song to be immortalized forever in song just for him after everything he had done to drive him away.

~End flashback~

Goten was just as confused at Trunks' action even after a week of thinking. What ever Trunks had buried deep inside was eating him alive. He needed to know before he went totally insane. The week went by rather slowly to him as he thought about what he wanted to do. He still had his singing career after all to contend with. Maybe it would be better if he just left again, at least he wouldn't be lonely this time because he would have his daughter with him.

"Daddy?" Leilani looked up from Goten's lap where he sat trying to do her thick mop of hair.
"What baby?" He asked, a small smile spreading across his lips as he looked down at her bright blue eyes.
"Grandpa Vegeta says that you like the purple monster."
"Is that so? He has a name you know. And he isn't a monster. He saved your life." Goten chuckled softly as he tried to get her to sit still so he could finish her hair. Small arms crossed in front of her in a small pout.
"I tell you what, if you sit still just for a few more minutes I'll take you back to the meadow to play today. Maybe have your grandpas come and play with you."

After getting the small girl ready and convincing Vegeta to come along, Goten sat under the old tree once again with a guitar across his lap as he watched his daughter running through the tall grass with his father chasing after her. Vegeta sat some distance away grumbling with flowers tucked in his thick regal upswept mane compliments of Leilani. With pen and paper beside him, Goten strummed a few notes and hummed to himself before writing it down, the lyrics coming easily to him, words from his heart.

"When divided we stand baby, united we fall…I don't wanna fight no more, I don't know what we're fighting for.
When we treat each other baby, like an act of war. I could tell a million lies and it would come as no surprise.
When the truth is like a stranger, hits you right between the eyes. There's a time and a place and a reason.
And I know I got a love to believe in. All I know got to win this time.
You could have a change of heart, if you would only change your mind. Cause I'm crazy 'bout you baby...Crazy...Crazy!
Without you…one night alone is like a year without you baby.
Do you have a heart of stone?
Without you…can't stop the hurt inside when love and hate collide."

"Is that what you really think?" Goten sat down the guitar before looking up to answer the question posed to him.
"Depends on where you stand I guess." Trunks shrugged his shoulders, his feet kicking the grass around the tip of his boot.
"I think I'm ready to talk but not here."
"Alright, you pick the spot then. I'll see if Dad and Vegeta will watch Leilani for a while." Goten smiled as his father tossed Leilani high into the air, her giggles ringing loudly in the air along with protests from Vegeta about tossing the girl so high.
"She's a beautiful girl Goten. Seems my Dad likes her well enough."
"Yes she is. I caught your Dad giving her candy last night before bed. I'd like for her to get to know you instead of as the purple monster."
"I rather be a purple monster instead of a purple dinosaur named Barney."
"I'd like for you to be more then that to her." Goten answered quietly before adverting his eyes away from the lavender haired prince standing in front of him.
"Yeah, well I'd like to talk soon before I lose my nerve again Goten. Meet me back at Capsule Corp." Trunks snapped out before taking to the air quickly.

"What was that all about?"
"Nothing. Can you watch Leilani for a bit? I need to talk with him Dad."
"Sure, just be careful and don't pick any fights with him."
"I won't." Goten answered before lifting himself off of the ground, rocketing towards Capsule Corp.

"Kami Damn it Kakarott! Get her off of me!" Goku spun around and couldn't resist a laugh. Leilani had transplanted more wild flowers into his hair, singing a little tune about how pretty he was.
"You look wonderful koi."
"Shut up!"

Trunks waited on the couch in the darkened living room when Goten arrived and let himself in. Taking a deep breath, the dark haired demi-saiyan made his way towards Trunks' ki.
"Sit. What I have to say will probably take awhile." Goten nodded and fumbled towards a leather chair near Trunks. After a few silent minutes, Goten decided he should start.
"I'm listening Trunks. What ever you have to say I'll listen to every word." Trunks swallowed audible, before tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear.
"What I'm about to tell you is something I haven't told anyone before until now. My…my father knows now but not the details. Back when we were still in high school…" Trunks started to spill his guts, not leaving one single scene untouched. The night of the party, the flashes of what happened after he left the party to the reason he left public school with Goten.

"I never meant to hurt you Goten…I…I don't know what I was thinking. I almost killed my best friend on more then one occasion. I've wasted my time trying to find someone to take your place after you left when I knew in my heart that only you would do…"Finally the young prince looked up to see the collage of emotions written across Goten's face. Anger giving way to grief giving way to disgust to relief giving way to pure love. The tears slipped from dark eyes, Goten feeling the pain and anguish that Trunks must of felt all those years ago. He lifted his eyes to see Trunks in almost the same condition, silvery tears staining his pale skin on his face.

Silently Goten got up from his chair moving to crouch in front of Trunks. Hesitating for a split second, Goten brushed his hand across Trunks' cheek, removing tears and soft damp hair away.
"Trunks? I wish you would of come to me when everything happened. I want to kill them for what they did to you."
"It's in the past Goten. Leave it there where it belongs. I don't want to remember it anymore." Trunks answered in a shaky breath.
"Can I?"
"Can you what Goten?" Trunks asked feeling Goten's soft warm breath so close to his face.
"Can I kiss you? Just once before I leave to go back to America."