Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ Are you real? ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own DBZ so please refrain from suing me. I also do not own the rights to 'Two Steps Behind' by Def Leppard. Thanks!

Last chapter everyone…please enjoy and tell me what you think.

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

Trunks sat in a state of shock as the broadcast continued repeating the words 'no Dende, no.' over and over in a hushed whisper after he collapsed back into the couch. Vegeta didn't have a clue as to what was going on until a recent publicity photo of Goten was flashed on the screen with his birth date and the date of his supposed death.

"What's going on out here?" The tall full-blooded saiyan asked as he came from Leilani's bedroom noticing the stunned and shocked look on Trunks' and his koi's face.
"Kakarott can you feel Goten?" Goku frowned slightly before closing his eyes and searching.
"No, I haven't felt him since he left. He's pretty good at suppressing his ki. I guess he does it out of habit." Goku laughed lightly only to see the other two in the room did not join in.
"Kakarott, sit down. You need to hear this." Vegeta pointed towards the over stuffed chair beside the couch. Goku cautiously made his way towards the chair alternating his glance from Vegeta to Trunks wondering what had the both of them on edge.

Trunks' heart steadily started to race out of control as his stomach twisted into horrible knots with each passing picture that was flashed across the television screen. He could hear his father talking to Goku only feet away, but could not make out any of the words that were spoken.

'My Goten! We were finally together only to be ripped apart to quickly. Dende please no.' Trunks stood up abruptly and darted out of the house. The faint scent of Goten that was still lingering in the house was making his heart ache more with the passing seconds. He couldn't stick around there with so many memories.


Goten cursed himself for the hundredth time as he flew across the dark murky waters of the Pacific Ocean. The cold wind smothered his hair back away from his face as he watched the refection of the moon on the water below. His thoughts were solely on his family and his koi at the moment after finding out what happened to the plane he was suppose to be flying home in. Dende must have been looking over him when he missed his plane all because he was starving after he checked in at the airport ticket counter. If it weren't for the long line at the small overly priced pizza place around the corner from his gate, he would have been on that ill-fated flight.

After leaving the recording studio for the last time. Goten flew to a remote canyon just on the outskirts of the city and crashed his car over the side of it. Sending a small ki blast towards the shiny red convertible at the bottom, the car exploded with fire consuming it totally. This would be his bow out of the music industry. He could see the headlines in the papers around the world. 'Redjacks singer burned alive in automobile accident. No body recovered.' But now there was the problem of the real accident that he was supposedly involved in. Surely everyone would believe he was dead including Leigh, the only one to know what he was doing.
"Could this get more complicated?" Goten wondered out loud to himself as he continued on with his flight towards home…towards his Trunks.


"Where is he going?" Goku made a move to get up and follow the demi-saiyan out of the house but Vegeta held his arm out in gesture to not follow. The old door rattled in its frame before becoming silent.
"Goten is dead." Vegeta said in a calm voice drawing the younger saiyan to him. Goku scrunched up his face as he looked at Vegeta for a moment.
"No he's not." Goku shook his chaotic lock covered head, his eyes still looking at the dark pools of Vegeta's eyes.
"The plane he was taking back here crashed in the middle of the damn ocean Kakarott. The damn media is all over this because of your whelp and his fame."
"He's not dead Geta. You know that sick feeling you get when something bad happens, I haven't felt it."
"That doesn't mean anything koi and you know it. I'm sorry Kakarott."
"You're wrong Vegeta, you're wrong." Goku shuttered out as he shrugged Vegeta's arm off of him before making his way towards the bedroom they both shared.

Vegeta sighed heavily. This was something that wasn't expected at all. Kakarott was extremely happy that his youngest son had come home. He was content that Trunks finally came around to his senses. His…their family grew larger with the addition of a new granddaughter.

After debating with his pride, Vegeta got up to check on Goku. This wasn't his strong suit, but he couldn't sit back and watch the younger full-blooded saiyan relapse into depression again. It took him too long to drag the lighthearted warrior out of the pits of despair the first time for it to happen all over again.

"Damn blasted phone!" Vegeta cursed as the phone rang on his way past the kitchen. He was half tempted to just blast the damn contraption off the wall but decided against it.

"What the hell do you want?"
"Daddy? Did you hear the news? Do you think he's…" A shaking sob answered on the other end of the phone. His daughter, the spitting image of her mother was crying violently.
"Stop that crying! You and your mother are exactly the same. Crying at the drop of a hat."
"Daddy, what about Trunks? Is he all right? Oh Kami I can't believe this."
"Calm down, he's alright. I don't think Kakarott's brat is dead like those baka reporters say he is."
"You don't?" Came the sniffled question from Bra.
"No, now go to bed before I come over there and make you."
"Night Daddy."
"Hn, night princess."


Trunks made his quick exit out of the Son house running full out as tears slipped past his lower lashes. Everything that he could remember rushed in his mind. Lazy days with Goten around occupying his time to days they were full of mischief. He regretted all the days that he missed out in Goten's life now. All the years wasted with a blink of an eye.

He found himself in the meadow after his escape. The home he had constructed stood tall near the old tree that Goten and himself lounged under after intense sparring matches. He was so happy that the house would be done soon to surprise Goten with. That day would never happen now. He raised his right hand charging ki to fire at the home, to demolish it all when a sob broke from his throat. He couldn't do it. Not just yet. Lowering his hand, Trunks took unsteady steps towards the home. Walking up the porch stairs to the huge wooden door.

Inside the home stood almost empty. Only a few rooms were completed before the decorators left for the night. The living room was almost complete along with the kitchen. Trunks paused at the door of the bedroom he intended to share with Goten. Rich burgundy and amethyst adorned every corner of the room right down to the plush carpeting. On the nightstand stood the last picture that was taken of the two together in a silver frame. The lavender haired prince closed his eyes and continued down the hall glancing into the room that was meant for Leilani. Trunks had it decorated in baby blue, puffy clouds, flowers and a touch of something familiar for Goten and himself, seven dragon balls floating. Closing the door, Trunks found himself back in the living room. Sitting down in an old chair he had moved from Capsule Corp. he found the remote to the television. Biting his lower lip, Trunks turned it on knowing what to expect.

It didn't take long for the tears to start falling again.

Goten landed just outside of the forest that surrounded the Son house just after midnight. He was tired and starving but sleep was the main thought on his mind. Hauling his backpack over his shoulder, Goten walked the short distance to the house to get a hot meal, a warm shower and all too much needed sleep.

Slipping through the shadows, the small Son home came into view at last. With a sigh of relief and happiness, Goten made his way to the door and entered quietly not wanting to wake anyone. Setting down his backpack, Goten made his way towards the bathroom to catch a warm shower. Stopping off briefly at his old bedroom door, he found his daughter sleeping peacefully with a smile upon her little lips and Mister Fuzzy tucked under her arm like he has always been since she was old enough to drag the poor teddy bear around. Closing the door behind him, he continued down the hall with a lazy stride until he ran into something hard.

"Vegeta-sama?" Goten questioned as he strained to see the outline of the royal saiyan.
"Boy you have some explaining to do and fast."
"I missed my flight back here. Dende must have been looking over me." Goten smiled scratching the back of his head in the same nervous habit as his father.
"Everyone thinks you're dead including my son. I suggest you find him before he blows something up."
"Yes sir Vegeta." Goten replied feeling his heart sink into his stomach over his koi. Without thinking twice, Goten left the house in a hurry.

"Both of them are going to get surprises tonight." Vegeta chuckled on his way back to the bedroom to curl back up with Goku.

Only the soft glow of the flickering television lit the room as Trunks watched video after video being played in loving memory of his koibito. With a heavy sigh, he ran his fingers through his tousled lavender hair.

"Next up is the new video from the Redjacks. This video was not supposed to be released for another few months but Ashley Roberts from Roberts Recording released it for the fans of the late Ryan Shaw. Here is Two steps behind."

Trunks barely paid attention as the black and white video faded into the screen showing Goten walking down a tree-lined street. Black hair was tousled and tangled as the scene changed to the entire band on a blacked stage.

"Walk away if you want to. It's OK, if you need to.
Well, you can run, but you can never hide from the shadow that's creepin' up beside you.
And, there's a magic runnin' through your soul, but you can't have it all.
Whatever you do I'll be two steps behind you
Wherever you go and I'll be there to remind you.
That it only takes a minute of your precious time…to turn around and I'll be two steps behind."

Goten found himself in the old meadow looking at a house that seemed to appear there over night. He felt out for Trunks' ki after he left his childhood home leading straight to their old stomping grounds. With a smile on his playful lips, Goten made his way towards the house cautiously, seeking out his koi.

The house was a beautiful two story white house, not one of those capsule homes everyone had. Finding flickering light coming from one of the lower windows, Goten made his way towards it. Peering inside he could see Trunks sitting in his old favorite chair with his head in his hands, shoulders shaking lightly. The smile from Goten's lips died on the spot as he watched his koi crying in the darkened room. The light wispy music could be heard past the glass catching the dark haired demi-saiyan's attention. Frowning to himself knowing that he had just finished making that video, Goten walked around the house looking for a way in. Finding the back patio doors wide open with the lacey curtains blowing lightly in the breeze, Goten entered making his way towards the living room.

"Take the time to think about it. Just walk the line; you know you just can't fight it.
And take a look around; you'll see what you can't find, like the fire that's burnin' up inside me."

Trunks couldn't take the sights and sounds any longer. As fast as anyone could think possible, a ki blast made it's way towards the large screen television, blowing it to pieces with incredible force. The room went dark before Trunks had the time to sit back in his chair sobbing uncontrollably.

From the doorway, Goten's heart clenched in guilt. The sound of Trunks crying was almost too much for him to handle. He hadn't heard Trunks cry like that since he was a small child. The day his father came to the look out and delivered the news that Vegeta and Gohan had perished fighting the monster called Majin Buu.

Slowly walking towards the silhouette, Goten picked up where the video left off.

"And, there's a magic runnin' through your soul, but you can't have it all.
Whatever you do I'll be two steps behind you."
Goten approached slowly, listening to the sobs lighten as he continued to sing in a soft voice.

"Wherever you go, and I'll be there to remind you.
That it only takes a minute of your precious time.
To turn around and I'll be two steps behind."
Lavender hair cascaded into cerulean eyes as Trunks turned to see where the voice was coming from. Standing not even two steps from him was Goten. Baggy jeans, an old tee shirt and his favorite worn out sneakers on his feet. IT was his beautiful Goten in living flesh.

"Yeah baby, I'll always be two steps behind…" Goten whispered as he knelt in front of the young prince. Reaching up cupping his prince's cheek, Goten wiped the remaining tears from Trunks' face as blue eyes threatened to spill again.

"Goten? You're real and not a dream?"
"I'm real. As real as I'll ever be Tru-chan."
"I don't know if I should hit you or kiss you. Damn you Goten I thought you were dead. Everyone else in the world think you're dead."
"Good, because I'm not going back. I'm staying right here with you Tru-chan. I'm never leaving again." Goten stumbled out as kisses were showered on his face, royal hands groping, wanting more and more of the younger man in front of him.

"I'm sorry that I scared you Tru-chan. I never meant for this to all happen. I planned on being back sooner, but I missed my flight…lucky me."
"You'll have to tell me all about it, but not right now. I just want to hold on to you and never let go. I'm afraid that this is just a dream."
"Would a dream feel like this koi?" Goten asked taking one of Trunks' hands and sliding it down his chest, softly past his toned stomach to the raging hard-on trapped within baggy jeans. The lavender haired prince smiled agreeing with Goten that a dream would never be this vivid.

"So whose house is this koi?" Goten asked getting off the floor pulling Trunks up with him.
"Ours Goten. For us and our family."
"Really? All this for just us and Leilani?"
"Yes koi."
"It's too big for the three of us Tru-chan. We could have had a smaller home."
"Not for what's going to happen soon Go-chan." Trunks replied smiling from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around Goten's waist from behind.
"You'll find out soon enough koi, soon enough. Let me show you the bedroom."

'Mental note…have Goten talk to Goku and Dad about Saiyan biology again. I think someone skipped a chapter with him…'

The End!

What? You didn't like where I left off? I thought it was a happy ending…
