Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ Daddy's gonna die. ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When Royalty Fails~*~

::smacks head:: I've been forgetting the disclaimer!! I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters, but I do own Kackan, Lily, Adri, and the plot of this story, so no stealing!

This chapter is detected to:

Zerox (my betta)

Special Thanks To:


Evil Goddess Vegeta



Princess Bura

Saiyan Princess

SSJ5 Majin-Goten






Azori Jin Alyx





Evil Goddess Tokimi


The wonderous(making_even_DuoMaxwell_blush) Kitsune






Son gonay vidal goku






Lord_ Disturbed





Petite angel


Nobody special




DBZ Lover

DBZ Hottie

Trunks li'l Gurl

Gotens Gurl



For Reviewing!

When Royalty Fails. Chapter 7.

Last time:

"You got me on that one; Ladies, you may continue." The Princess announced handing the bottle labeled "Spiced Bronze" to the lady that spoke to me earlier. In absolutely no time at all I felt the cold creamy substance of shampoo puddled upon my head with four hands following it closely, working it into every single inch of hair on my head. I voiced my pain every time one of the elderly women would tug and pull on my spikes roughly, and sometimes they would even pull out my hair; they were yanking so hard!


I tried to hide my emotions, I really did! But for some reason I can't help myself but immediately let down my serious cold impassive mask when I'm around my newest servant and his cute curious ways. It's almost like he's seeing everything for the first time in his life and he can't help but stare wide eyed in wonder; Like a child when placed in a room full of all the different kinds of candy in the universe, he is just as enthusiastic and awed.

I can't help but smile at him whenever he looks at me with those big black orbs of his; In his eyes swims the innocence of a tender young child who has just left home to explore the world and all of it's magnificence. I try with all of my might to ignore him and his various "ouches" as my two eldest servants wash him throughly to banish the smell of Vegeta-sei's two suns that seems to radiate off his currently wet skin. I could have sworn I felt my whole being jump up in pain at the sight of the two elderly lady's pulling and yanking as they roughly washed his rebellious raven colored hair as soon as I had handed them the shampoo he had chosen when they had finished cleansing his sun-kissed body. I feel so bad for him, perhaps I should have gotten someone else to do the job………but if I did that would just uncover my soft side that I've worked so hard to hide from everyone's prying eyes. Why does he have this affect on me? I'm pretty sure that I've never had trouble with acting like the uncaring princess everyone takes me to be, so then why is it that with one simple act of innocence he is able to melt away the icy walls that I built to surround my heart? What makes him any different than every other male that has served me? Could it be that I'm just happy that I've finally done something worth wild like escaping the palace grounds to get myself a servant? It must be that, what else could it be………I could never be so enthralled by someone of such insignificant roots………can I? No, it can't be that………it can't be him who is having this affect on me………that would be simply impossible.

While I'm sitting and debating with my mind, my conscious self takes note that the two elderly servants are about done with him. That, in turn, signals me to go to the closet, which is connected with the bathroom, and choose what would be just right for him to wear to meet my mother. I promptly walk inside the large walk-in closet, which has been transformed to accommodate the needs of a male, and choose the best looking armor inside. The armor that catches my eye is beautifully lined in metallic black instead of white while the rest of it is plain pearly white; I've chosen a black spandex suit to go with it, one that covers everything but the tail and face. I think he'll look absolutely handsome in this………hope he likes it.

`Oh my gosh, I can't believe you just thought that!' My mind says to me in a surprised mental tone. Can you believe that I'm actually amazing myself with my kind actions and thoughts towards this stranger, it's almost as if I there are two sides of me that are battling for dominance inside my being. How weird can you get!?

As I walk out of the closet I make a mildly swift dash towards the vanity chair in which I was previously sitting in and picked up the book I was reading as to avert my eyes from………him. The two elderly servants' of mine make quick work of drying my newest personal servant and promptly wrapped the lower half of his body in a thick absorbent towel, as expected. If you want something done right, get the elders to do it because they are the most experienced in everything. Both elderly women approach me with their heads respectfully bowed as they inform me of everything they've done and noticed about the raven hared male.

"The newest member of her Majesty's royal group of servants as been successfully cleaned from the filth of the earth." The first woman said; her head still bowed in respect.

"However, her Excellency's servant has noticed a few things that must be taken care of before nightfall of this day." The second woman said in a tone that asked permission to continue with her assessments of the situation at hand.

"Very well, you may continue." I say, still curious as to what is needed for Goten. `There you go again………using his name as you think………' My mind scolds me as if I had committed a crime.

"Thank you your Highness; the wounds upon her Majesty's servant's back are cleaned and disinfected, however, infection may follow if not healed properly by the regeneration tanks." She says to me; I'm not at all surprised though, considering how deep the gashes on his back are.

"Very well, he will be put in the regeneration tanks after his introduction to the Queen, but for now help him into these garments and groom him appropriately. I will be in my room, notify me when he's ready." I say in a cool passive tone as I hand the garments to the second elderly woman. I then eagerly walk out of his living quarters and into my room so that I may get myself cleaned from the dust that stuck on to me from the flight to and from Third Class Territory.


The fiery incandescent suns of the planet beat down upon me mercilessly, unconcerned that they were frying the Prince of all Saiyijins. There is not a cloud in the sky in which to find a shady refuge in, just my luck. I fly on, wanting to get my duties over with so that I can go train. `Almost there.' My mind consoles me as I curse both suns under my breath, I sware! It seems as if they're concentrating all of their burning power upon me trying to cook the living crap out of me; or at least it feels that way. By the time I get home I'm going to be so badly sun burned that everything that's covered by the spandex suit will be glow in the dark white and my face will be cherry red to contrast it; how pathetic!

Five minutes later I finally land on the border that separates the Second Class Territory from Third Class Land. I walk briskly towards the tallest building that is placed directly on the middle of the boundary that separates middle class from lower class. The expectations of my father are very high when it concerns building a new city, so the day before yesterday he requested for me to come here to see that all is on schedule and that there will be no setbacks.

A Guard quickly notices me and opens the door so that I may enter the mildly adorned building that was made of nothing but the finest wood on Vegeta-sei. I catch the attention of everyone when the Guard announces my presence loudly; I'm accustomed to the attention, but sometimes I wish someone would just treat me like a person rather than royalty.

"Prince Trunks, Son of the mighty King Vegeta and Queen Bulma, has now arrived." The armor clad Guard announces for all to hear as I just pretend that I didn't hear anything, approaching the Head of Taskmasters.

"Your Highness………what are you doing here so soon? We were expecting you in a week; please follow me." The Head of Taskmasters says in a tone that is trying to hide his nervousness and fear towards me as I simply follow him into his office so that we may talk.

"My father wanted me to check on you. Is everything going as planned?" I ask, getting straight to the point so that I may get my answer and leave.

"Well………Why don't you come with me and see the progress of the new city, it is much better shown than spoken of, Your Excellency." He says to me in a fully respectful tone of voice, I mentally wince at the idea of going back out in the sun, but I comply with his request.

"Very well, I will." I answer, moving out of the small office and back out of the building with the Head of Taskmasters trailing behind me.

I promptly make my way onto Third class Territory by foot with the fairly short Head of Taskmasters staying one step behind me in respect. I look about, inspecting the newest buildings with only my eyes until about half an hour later when I spot a building that did not fit the high standards of set for the buildings.

"This building is poorly built. Where is the Taskmaster that oversees the making of this building? Find him, I wish to speak to him." I state in an authoritative tone, paying no attention to the various stares of the Third Class workers of the group that, from what I gather, were the builders of this building.

Coinstantaneously, without warning, a cool breeze blew against me, with it the unmistakable smell of death and spilt blood. I inwardly wrinkled my nose; someone was killed near by, and by the smell of it no one has bothered to dispose of the body, how distasteful. I follow the scent in curiosity as to who is dead; ignoring the calls of the Head of Taskmasters whom obviously is hiding something from me. He probably doesn't want me to know who has been killed; oh well, I'm the Prince after all so it's my business to know what's going on. (A/N: Coinstantaneously is a synonym for simultaneously.)

As I come about the bloody scene I try my best to figure out who is it that is dead; his features were brutally disfigured and mutilated by someone of great strength, to the point beyond recognition. I turn to address the Head of Taskmaster's but instead of finding him standing stiffly behind me he was, instead, on the dusty ground on his hands and knees, quivering like a leaf. I stared at him as my eyebrows furrowed deeply between my eyes; the pieces of the puzzle were finally coming together one by one in my head. The man who laid dead at my feet is none other that the Taskmaster who is………or was……… responsible for the buildings which are poorly done. But now that he's dead the responsibility now falls upon the Head of Taskmaster's who hasn't produced the required authority for the now open position.

My anger unintentionally rises as the thought of being set back more than a month's work because of someone who felt the need to kill the now dead taskmaster has unwaveringly taken over my fairly good mood. I may come out as the villain in this little scenario, but in reality I'm the one who must carry the bestial beatings of an enraged King upon my shoulders because of the miniscule things that get him angry. This little problem is going to most likely add onto his unconfined wrath that he vents out upon me when we spar, gaining me more quality time with the regeneration tanks in the Medical Ward of the palace. What fun; I can hardly wait. (A/N: If you can't tell that last sentence is very sarcastic.)

"Who did this?" I ask, my voice dangerously low in octave signaling my anger.

"A T-t-hird Cl-cl-ass worker, Sire, by the name of Son Gohan." He stuttered, no longer able to hide his clearly pronounced fear for his life.

"GUARDS! FIND ME THE THIRD CLASS WORKER BY THE NAME OF SON GOHAN WHO DARED SET BACK THE MAKING OF THE KINGDOM OF VEGETA, AND BRING HIM TO ME!!" I shout without restraint, I'll make sure that the low class scum suffers for his crime, for giving my father another reason to beat me mercilessly senseless to the point that I'll be in the regeneration tanks for an entire month. How dare he do such a thing; he'll pay dearly.

As soon as I get the words out a multitude of First Class Guards scatter quickly in search of the opposing Third Class worker who killed his superior. In a matter of seconds they bring him to me; the man's head is held high with his chest out in pride as he walks towards me with his eyes shining without any sign of remorse of murdering his Taskmaster. Strangely surprising, he has the look of a warrior who just defeated a great foe upon his chiseled features, something I've never seen upon a Third Class's face; no matter I'll wipe that look off with one punch.

When the Guards bring him directly before me they forcefully push him to the ground, making him kneel afore me with some resistance on the killer's behalf. I can't help but smirk evilly at him, at what I will do to him for killing one of his superiors. He keeps his head fearlessly up as his ebony eyes clash against my cold blue ones; in his glassy orbs swims anything and everything but remorse or resentment at what he had done. It would be such a shame to kill such a strong worker; but then again, those are the rules.


All I was doing was holding on to him, my father, as the First class guards violently took him away………all I could do was try to hold on to him, but all my effort was in vain because with one punch to my gut I let go of my tight grasp upon my father's hand; how weak of me. I run after my father and the Guards that have taken him away from me as my mother quickly notices my chase and decides to join me. Before long I find my grandfather and grandmother joining the chase after my father, worried looks upon their young looking features when they notice that my father is being forced to go with the Guards.

The Guards finally slow down as they approach someone who I can't really make out because of their big bulky bodies that are shielding my father and the person who gave to command to get him. A deadly silence follows and the suspense is enough to choke the breath out of me.

`I just have to know what's going on.' My mind says to me as I get the brilliant idea to crawl underneath the overly tall Guards to see just what is going on; after all, who would summon my father right now? It just doesn't make sense.

I quickly get on my hands and knees and make my way through the thick array of large feet and legs by weaving in and out of them with little difficulty; I am, after all, a petite person when you consider the size of the majority of my race. I go on, pressing my belly against the dry crispy ground of the city's square as I continue to snake between people's legs in order to get in front and see who summoned my father.

"So, you're Son Gohan, correct?" I hear a young man's voice ask in a tone that makes butterflies of nervousness dance in my tummy as I finally get up from the ground and dust myself off.

" Yes, that is my name." My father answers with his head held high in pride as he intently stares into the blue oasis eyes of the handsome stranger with shoulder length lavender locks of hair.

"Do you see that carcass? I was told that you were the one who killed him………is that true?" The tailed young man asked in a tone that said he already knew the answer as I felt a knot form in my throat grow in anxiety as to what would happen next. This stranger can't do anything……… right? I mean, my father had the permission of the princess to kill that lowly bastard!

"Yes, I see it, and yes I did kill him and I don't have any regrets what so ever." My father answers in a tone full of pride and honor as he keeps his intense gaze plastered on to the sea blue eyes of the young lavender hared man.

"I see. You've murdered a man of higher class for no apparent reason but your own selfish third class lust for the blood of the one you hate. This crime is only payable on the death----"

"NO! You're wrong! My father did not murder him; he killed on my behalf with the permission of the Princess! My father is innocent of what you accuse him of doing and if anyone deserves a punishment it is me!" I say in a strong authoritative tone as I interrupt the young handsome man that I have walked up to during my short speech. My dad is quick to shut me up by giving me a death glare, which I guess I deserve, considering that I have totally stepped out of line by interrupting his business. I couldn't help it though, I just couldn't let someone accuse my dad of such a crime………it was a spur of the moment kind of thing, I just had to say something, especially cause it's my fault that my father is in this mess; he killed for me.

I stop my current train of thought when I notice the stranger's blue lagoon eyes taking on an angry glare as his lavender eyebrows furrow deeply between his beautiful eyes-and what's even worse is that his glare is directed in my direction. He then sharply turns his glaring gaze away from me and towards my father right before he speaks.

"Haven't you taught your daughter her place in line yet? It would do her well if she knew how to address those of higher authority." The young stranger scolded my father for my behavior in a harsh tone. How dare he imply that I am nobody to speak up in my father's defense!! What a sexiest!!

But then again, every single male on this planet is like that, with the exception of the males in my family. My father said nothing in return, probably meaning that he agreed with him-ouch, that hurts.

The strangers hard chiseled facial features then changed a bit, his eyebrows no longer furrowing between his lovely clear sky blue eyes as he continued to speak.

"So, you killed a man of higher authority, in your daughter's behalf, with the permission of the Princess. Is this correct?" The sapphire eyed male asked as a smirk replaced his scowl in a fashion that is usually seen when someone is going to do something mischievous.

"That's right." My father responded, his voice unwavering though the difficult predicament he was in.

"So then, who would you pledge your allegiance to? The princess or the King; who would you obey?" The lavender tailed man asked as I raised one eyebrow in question………what was he getting to?

"I have already pledged my allegiance to the King; I will obey him and him alone." My father answered bravely as he took a moment to steal a look at me as if I was going to disappear any moment; what in the world is going on here? Have I missed something?

"So, you broke the King's law by going along with what the princess permitted you to do; does this sound like treason to you?" The young man asked my father who scowled deeply at the lavender hared man's point.

Now I understand where this is going………. he wants to punish my father for killing that man without the permission of the King……….well that's just wrong! How can he do that!? I mean, who gives this freak of Saiyijin's the right to punish my father for following the Princess's orders!? He would have to be of a higher stature than the Princess is, and I highly doubt that to be true.

"But Sir, is it not true that the Princess serves under the same house as the King? If this is so then they both share the same views and outlooks on the law; and who are you to overcome the Princess's commands!?" I shout from my place among the front of the crowd of people who began to whisper at my protest against the accusations that this stranger was making.

The lavender hared male turned his head to look at me again with his frigid blue eyes digging into my chocolate earth colored ones as he smirked widely as if he had just come forth victorious from conquering a planet.

"I warned you to keep your daughter out of this; her tongue will dig your grave if she continues." The tailed man said in an icy cold tone that was directed towards my father.

"Then I will surely die for I have never told her to keep silent while an injustice is at hand." My father stated in an equally cold tone as he smirked at the young lavender hared man.

"But she does prove a very important point, doesn't she? Are you afraid that she might have the wits and words to prove you wrong, Sir?" My father says in a triumphant tone of voice as his smirk widens.


I couldn't help but let my smirk go smug like and evil at what I was about to reveal to these poor pathetic third classes; what an evil plot my mind was conspiring at this very instant! This victory would be flavorful with tears of acid lacing every bit of it, how delicious.

"I will never fear a female." I said in a strong tone as I let my gaze once more run over to the little imp in question; she is something else; beauty, as well as an untamed spirit to match.

"She hasn't proven any kind of point," I began to say as I intently studied the faces who were currently held high in pride; they would all soon falter.

"Because from the minute I arrived the Princess's word grew miniscule in comparison to mine for I am the Prince who comes on his Father's behalf." I finish and, as I predicted, everyone's face faltered and gawked at my words as they all continuously ran my last sentence through their heads in order to make sure they had heard correctly. But most of all I loved the expression of fury of the head strong girl who contained within her impish chocolate swirled eyes a wild beast that threatened to tear through the thin lining that separated her soul from the physical realm. She is one of a kind; she will make an excellent little toy to break in my spare time………though it may take a while because her spirit is so strong and feral.

`It's almost as if she's screaming for you to brake her.' Is the thought that passes through my head as I take special care to notice the way this simple low class female takes the time to glare numerous knives into me while taking on a defying stance as if to taunt me to attempt to make her respect me.

`Well little one, you will get what you so passionately beg for.' I say to her through my thoughts though she can't hear them.

"Now, you were saying?" I tease the impish girl's father as I step closer to him provoking him to try and get a good punch in; he looks at the ground in disgust at how he was so stupid to let his daughter open her mouth.

"Nothing, Your Majesty." He answers in a defeated tone laced with acid as if to burn my ears.

"Now what would you have me do to punish you and your uneducated daughter as well?" I ask him, though I'm not really expecting him to answer.

"Leave her out of this." The unruly hared low class male says in a warning manner that makes me chuckle evilly; what makes him think that he is in any position to deny me the pleasure of breaking his daughter's unbroken spirit?

"But she too is responsible for the Taskmaster's death. I believe that she also deserves punishment, don't you?" I ask the nearest Elite Guard who nods his head in agreement. I then look down at the low class male and I feel somewhat sorry for him.

"Don't worry, death will not come to you or your household………but perhaps you will wish for it because what I will put you through will surely torture you day in and day out." I say to the man whose face immediately contorts in to an untrusting expression.

With a flick of my wrist I motion the nearest guard to grab a hold of the third class male's daughter whose face twists into horror as the realization of the entire situation finally befalls upon her small delicate looking frame.

"I'm taking your daughter to be my servant. It will be punishment enough for you and your family; wondering how your precious little girl is doing, or if she is properly fed and taken care of." I announce putting their fear into words.

"Please Sire, don't take her away………she isn't even of age yet; take me instead." A woman from the crowd pleads with desperation knotting her tone of voice.

"No mother. Stay with father, I'll be fine." The raven hared imp replies with fearlessness dancing upon her every word. It's going to be fun trying to brake her.


"Ouch! Hey, could you be any more rougher!?" I ask sarcastically as both elderly women comb my hair mercilessly pulling and forcing the knots out. I don't even want to get into how they dressed me up; they treat me like some damn doll.

"Shut it." One of the elderly women commanded, emphasizing her statement my yanking my hair some more. I simply growl in reply and in return I'm rewarded with another painful dose of having my hair pulled. Damn, by the time I'm out of here I'll be stark bald!

"You are something else boy, what is your name?" The same old woman asked as she continued as if she weren't busy with yanking out my hair by the fist-fulls.

"Go-ten." I grounded out as I clenched my teeth tightly, trying not to voice my pain though I failed miserably.

"Well Goten, you are something else entirely." I hear her say in a raspy worn tone of voice that everyone adopts when they're well into their years as she paused her combing as did the other woman, in turn giving me the opportunity to rotate my body so that I was facing them.

"What do you mean?" I ask, letting my curiosity swim upon the features of my face as both time worn women looked at me intently, both starring into the depths of my soul.

"Look at him sister, the innocence of a child is held within him." The first woman says; her statement directed to whom I now know is her sister.

"If anyone is to awaken the kind warm hearted Princess from her ice walled prison it will be you, my boy." She continues on to say as I cock my head to the side in a dumbfounded manner………how can I do such a thing………It didn't even occur to me that the Princess was locked up in an icy prison.

"Your right sister," The second woman replies in answer to her comment, completely oblivious to the fact that I have absolutely no idea as to what their talking about.

"He is ready, I'll go inform the princess; you take him to her chambers to await her." She added as she headed for a door across from me that I hadn't noticed before now as the other woman took me by the collar and lead me to the opposite side of the bathroom and out into my room.

"This place is confusing." I say in a calm confused tone of voice as I let the elderly woman take me back into the Princess's room where I had been previously inspecting the material that the ceiling was made out of.


I exhaled lightly as I let my body sink all the way into the hot bubble bath I had just prepared with ocean mist scented bath salts and oils to try and clam my emotions down. I have to try my best to put up my cold mask again unless I want the others to notice the effect this lowly third class has on me………damn.

Sometimes I just don't understand myself, it's almost like the half of me that I killed a while ago resurrects whenever I'm around that third class nobody; but why………why is it that he is able to do this to me? Where did I go wrong?

I eventually let my thoughts die down to nothing as I fully concentrate on enjoying my bath, but just as I've found my escape from this world one of the elderly female servants walks in from the door that connects my bathroom to Goten's. I hate to admit this, but for a fleeting moment I had high hopes that it would have been Goten who had walked in, coming in to scrub my back.

`Mmmm, to have his large warm hands run up and down my back and make little doodles on it with the bath bubbles that still clung on to me……….ooooo………' I thought as I closed my eyes enjoying the false feelings of him doing the act that my mind concocted, making my toes curl in response as I brought my knees up against me and wrapped my arms around them.

`ACK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!!?' My mind screams at me as the realization of what was going on in my mind fully dawned on me; I hadn't have those kind of thoughts since- ever since that night when that bastard………

A low growl escapes my throat and vibrates the warm vaporous air around me as the mere thought of what had happened fills my head with unwanted memories of my past ways- how disgusting.

"Princess, Your Highness's servant is dressed and groomed appropriately; he is waiting for Her Majesty in her royal chambers." The elderly woman tells me as she bows before the first step towards my bathtub. I acknowledge her with a nod and then send her on her way with a quick motion of my hand; I really don't want to be bothered by anyone at the moment. She promptly leaves through the door that leads to my room. I overhear her telling the other two that I would be a while; then the sound of my thick wooden front doors closing follows after a few seconds, signaling me that they had both left, leaving Goten alone in my room.

It's not that I don't trust him, it's just the fact that I'm worried that he'll try to find out what the ceiling is made out of, and if he does he might get sucked in to a world that I believe he's not ready to see. So I stand up from my water filled tub and let the remanding bubbles that hung on to me slowly bleed their way back to the tub of ocean scented water; I then step out of my ivory tub and dry myself up by using my chi.

"What to wear?" I ask myself out loud as I make my way over to my extensively large walk-in closet containing all of my clothing. I decide on an icy blue long sleeveless dress that sparkles whenever the sun hits it, one that I usually wear when I go to see my mother. I then slip on the some-what elegant dress and proceed over to my vanity where I pick up a few hair accessories. I decide on a long silvery white colored metallic string that wraps it's self around anything with ease; I use it to hold up a half bun, letting a few hairs fall and frame my face.

I was about to just walk out but I couldn't help but steal a look in the mirror to see if I looked decent enough to walk through the palace halls. Sure enough I find my appearance acceptable, the dramatic plunge the dress took down my back was the only thing that bothered me some. It didn't look good with my hairstyle so, with ease I took the half bun and turned it into a full one, making sure to let out a few strands of hair to accent my cream colored skin on my neck that had been exposed.


The old women had left me here alone inside the Princess's room once more after telling me to wait here for her to come out. I can't help but feel butterflies inside my stomach at the fact that I'm alone in the cerulean hared goddess's room, which makes me somewhat nervous.

Not to mention this body suite……………goodness, it's so skin tight that I mightiest well not be wearing it, and instead just cover myself in paint, it would be lots more comfortable.

I nervously twiddle, my fingers absentmindedly pinching at the tight body suit as I waited for the Princess to emerge from her bathroom so that I wouldn't be alone anymore.

Then, as if my silent prayer was heard, the glass door that led into the forbidden beauty's bathroom opened, revealing the most magnificent creature I've ever seen in my life.

A scorching heat forms inside of me, making my cheeks burn in a crimson blush as my breathing stops completely, tiny beads of sweat forming and falling down my spine as I take in the sight of the ice goddess.

Gods, she was so breathtaking that I swear I could feel myself growing woozy from just being in the same room as she is……….. This is so insane!

Just as I was beginning to gather my composure she decides to come closer, reaching out to my white gloved hand, leading me out of her room and out in to the hall. Through this simple action I felt my mind go numb in concentration upon everything and anything but the sweet smelling Princess so that I could be seen as any normal servant. Unaffected by this beauty's hypnosis, though in the inside I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour, I'm surprised that my heart didn't but through my chest it was beating so fevorently!

`Oh Kami help!' My mind prays helplessly as I am led deeper and deeper into this world of absolute fascination for the infallible Princess of Vegeta-sei.


"Get your damned hands off me!" My little impish fairy shouts, thrashing about in my Guard's arms, which hold her in the air as we fly back to my palace. She is a lot stronger than she is leading on, and could easily kill him, though I think she doesn't out of respect for the laws of this planet.

"Shut up winch, and stop moving!" The Guard shouts in response, grabbing a fistful of her long ebony locks of beautiful thick hair and pulling, gaining an unrestrained growl from her as a result.

What she did next was bound to happen as she brought the heel of her foot up to forcefully connect with the man's balls, making him fall out of the sky in pain.

She was left, unharmed and with every single strand of hair still implanted upon her head where it had always been.

"Tisk, Tisk." I whisper into her ear, getting behind her faster than she could follow, making her vulnerable to whatever I choose to do with her as punishment.

A small gasp of surprise escapes her pouted lips when she realizes our close proximity and the fact that she couldn't follow my movement.


Oh boy this is getting good!!! TEE-HEE!!

This chapter was over thirteen pages so I expect some really extensive reviews and plenty of them if you want a nice chapter next time.


All right, first things first, My e-mail is dead and It will never come back to life until my father admits that we need a new computer, so I can't tell you all when I update. ::starts to cry::

I miss you all so much!!

I LOVE YOU ELIZABETH, PLEASE DON'T THINK I HAVEN'T WRITTEN TO YOU CAUSE I'm ANGRY!! I'm okay with the fact that you are more of a Legolas fan than I am, though I absolutely drool at the mere sight of him……….But that doesn't matter now, I just wanted to say that my e-mail has died and I totally miss writing to you and talking about soccer and youth trips and all of that other stuff!! HUGS TO YOU!

I LOVE YOU TOO ZEROX!! Man girl you rock my world and I miss talk'n to you and helping you out with your Spanish work, and being your beta reader……….I miss all of our conversations ::sniff:: HUGS TO YOU!

I LOVE YOU THREE ANDROID 71!! I miss all of those useless surveys you used to send me and make me do, and I miss all of those cute friend letters from you…::sniff:: ::huggles you::: I just miss our contact with each other!! STUPID E-MAIL!!

And to all of you who also e-mail me: I LOVE YOU TONS!! Beyond the stretch of the horizon, past the starry heavens of the sky to rival the vastness of the dotted universe is my grief and sorrow for not hearing from you. My love and appreciation for all of you is just as big, please forgive me for not being able to tell you about my GOOD FOR NOTHING e-mail that is being a total B****.

I haven't updated if forever because so many things kept on coming up, like my friend dying and all of this other depressing stuff. But I guess it all has a good side to it because out of my misery I find inspiration to write, thus killing the writer's block fairy that has been plaguing me for a while now.

Another thing: I don't know when I'll update again, but give me until I update my other stories which will go in this order:

#1 - Happy Anti - Valentines Day

#2 - Alone

#3 -- If You're Not There

Keep in mind that I haven't written anything yet for those stories and it will take me time to type everything up.

((Hey, if you all like RPG's may I recommend this really cool X;men Evolution group on Yahoo that I'm apart of. The address is:


Take care,

-Kinoko (a.k.a.) Selah