Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Sparrows Fall ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Sparrows Fall
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I totally forgot it for this story!!! Anyway, if I owned Dragonball Z we would all know EXACTLY how Bulma and Vegeta got together, along with Krillin and 18.
A/N: Well, a little birdie told me that I needed to write another chapter to peak interest, so here it goes.
Kakkarrot sat in his space pod, thinking sternly about the conquest before him. He and many other saiyans were on a search and rescue mission. Twelve years ago, a new rival had made its presence to the saiyans, effectively disproving the popular belief that they were the strongest race in the universe.
They had known about the Colds for a long time, but they had never considered them a major threat. Little had they known that while they were conquering their side of the universe, the Colds were establishing themselves quite well in the opposite side. It was almost too late that fateful day the Colds decided to make themselves known to the saiyans.
Kakkarrot stood hidden behind his father's leg as he saw the epitome of evil take a seat on the throne chair that only belonged to the saiyan king, Vegeta the seventh. The man, if you could call him one, was of a species he was totally unfamiliar with; however, Kakkarrot could already tell that this person was not someone to be toyed with. He was purple and white in color, and his Ki so was unimaginably high that his presence sent cold shivers down the spines of every saiyan in the room. He did not even seem humanoid, the only type of people Kakkarrot had ever seen in his short life.
It was supposed to be a normal day for the throne, and the rest of the saiyans. Kakkarrot had gone down to the training areas to spar with his one and only friend: Prince Vegeta, the seventh. In reality, the prince was more his mentor than anything else. The four-year-old had been allowed to be trained by the prince, because his power level was unnaturally high for any saiyan baby, especially a third class.
Because of his power level, his family was brought up to the first class. His father, Bardock, became excellent friends with the king. When Kakkarrot reached his first birthday, the king decided that it was time for the boy to be trained. His own son, then ten standard years, was extremely powerful and had outgrown most of the older saiyan men that had attempted to train him. As a result, the king decided that both boys could benefit from the training. Thus, the training began.
Kakkarrot looked up to the prince, all through those three years. At first, Vegeta - as Kakkarrot was soon allowed to call him - resented the fact that he had to train a toddler. But as time wore on, Vegeta began to grow quite fond of the boy. Being the heir to the saiyan throne, the king could not bear anymore children unless the prince died in some way or another. Thus, Vegeta was an only child and a very lonely one at that - at least until he met Kakkarrot.
The two became as close as two non-blood related saiyans could be. Although they fought constantly, mostly because Vegeta was arrogant and Kakkarrot was a little naïve, they still maintained a close bond.
When Kakkarrot had arrived at their training facility that morning, he was shocked to find Vegeta no where in sight. He began to ask around, but then he ran into his father. Bardock said nothing as he scooped him up in his arms and flew to the throne room. Before they entered, he put him down and told him sternly, “do not say anything, son. We may have a great deal to fear today, and I do not want to lose you to that monster too.”
Kakkarrot did not understand what he was being told, but he remained silent. They walked in together, and that was when he saw the over-grown lizard.
Although, what scared Kakkarrot most was that he saw his sensei, his brother, his friend bound in Ki chains, forced to kneel before the disgusting creature. The child looked to the king, `why isn' he helping him?' Kakkarrot thought wildly. Surely the king did not like the position his son was in.
The king said sternly, “What is it that you want, Lord Frieza?” `So, the lizard had a name to match that ugly mug,' Kakkarrot thought to himself. `Wait, LORD Frieza?? Since when did the saiyans have a LORD to answer to?' Kakkarrot ceased his thoughts so he could fully concentrate on the conversation that had ensued.
“In order to keep your empire relatively safe from total annihilation, all I want is one thing. Give me your three greatest warriors, including this sniveling fool in front of me. Do not worry, dear king, you will have your precious prince back when he is ready to take the throne. Until then, he is mine. This is not negotiable. Give him up, or let your whole race down. It is your choice, your highness, but beware the consequences of your decision.” With that said, Frieza shot a small Ki blast at the prince. He laughed as Vegeta cried out against his restraints.
“Very well,” the king said, looking at Vegeta with a blank face. “Take him, Nappa, and Radditz, and do not come back unless you are returning my heir to me.” Kakkarrot's heart melted, his sensei was leaving. What nearly shattered him was the look Vegeta gave his father. With pure sorrow in his eyes, Kakkarrot watched Frieza drag the broken boy out of room, not missing his stricken face.
End Flashback
Kakkarrot had never forgotten that day, never forgot the fact that his only friend was taken from him. His older brother Radditz had been taken as well, but Kakkarrot had never been close with him. Still, the fact that Radditz was taken tore his mother and father apart. In fact, his mother died a couple of months after they were taken, probably out of the loss of her son. Radditz had always been her favorite.
It was not until he was older that he learned what Frieza truly wanted with Vegeta. According to reports, he had tried manipulate the saiyans, particularly Vegeta, and brainwash them into thinking that the Cold Empire was the best empire in the universe and the saiyans needed to be taken down. Apparantly, Vegeta and the others had not budged on their beliefs - yet.
In fact, Vegeta was the reason for the search and rescue team. After the three saiyans were taken, the king formed a special group of technicians to spend 4 hours everyday tracking Vegeta. Bardock was the leader of the squad, and when Kakkarrot turned 10 he had been allowed to join - of course while still keeping a strict training schedule. After finding many accounts of Frieza forcing the saiyans to do entire purges of solar systems and even galaxies, Kakkarrot's group had been able to follow their paper trail. They were just watching, making sure the `big 3,' as many planets that feared them called them, had not broken.
They even had accounts of punishment, which Vegeta often received the worst end of. In fact, for a long time they thought he volunteered to take the punishment for them. But as greater intelligence was gathered, the squad found out that Frieza really only cared about Vegeta. He was the one Frieza tried so hard to break.
The reports were not clear on what mechanisms he had used on Vegeta in attempts to break him, but Kakkarrot had kept to himself the little piece of info that Vegeta was Frieza's `favorite toy.' Even though he was still slightly naïve, Kakkarrot was now sixteen standard years, he knew the implications. There was no way that he would ever betray Vegeta, and no one had to know the humiliations he most certainly suffered.
At that moment, Kakkarrot was broken out of his reverie by the beep that signaled his father wanted to talk to him. “Kakkarrot, I know Vegeta means a lot to you,” Bardock's stern face appeared on the screen. “And, I know you know more information than you let us all in on, so I want you to be the one to find him. New intelligence from one of our spies on the ship says that he is in the deepest dungeon. I want you to get to him and get out before anyone sees him. The king does not want anyone, and I mean ANYONE, to see him except us. We have reason to believe that his pride may not be able to handle it otherwise.”
`So, my father suspects the same thing, very well,' Kakkarrot thought to himself. “So be it,” Kakkarrot said darkly. Truthfully, Kakkarrot did not know if he could handle it either, but he knew he was the one best for the job.
“I know you will make me proud, now prepare for landing,” and with that the transmission was cut.
It was agreed some years earlier that by Vegeta's eighteenth birthday, he and the others would be returned to the Saiyan Empire having served his `penance' - as Frieza had coldly called it. But that was two years ago, and the paper trail had ended. Hell, they had a hard time keeping up with Frieza's main ship. Then, they found a helpful spy on the ship, and he had told them Frieza had put Nappa and Radditz on Frigidia, a planet with unnaturally low temperature in the left quadrant of the universe. And Vegeta, well he had been taken out of action and placed permanently in the lowest dungeon on the ship, routinely visited by the murderous lizard.
The only hope in this news was that Vegeta had obviously not broken, like Radditz and Nappa were assumed to be. Frieza still had interest in Vegeta, which meant that he was still fighting him.
Kakkarrot was happy with this conclusion. His pod had landed among about a dozen others in the hanger. They had been cloaked until they entered the ship; everyone was pretty certain that this was completely surprising to the Colds. And by the look on the faces of the warriors, it appeared to be true.
A/N: I know Kakkarrot did not defeat Frieza yet, but this chapter had a LOT of background in it that might be confusing if I started in on the fight, so I wanted to let people adjust to the atmosphere. Is it clear?? Next chapter Kakkarrot will meet Vegeta and will defeat Frieza, I promise!!! This is all important background for the story. Very special thanks to my beta Cappuccino Penguin; she has a wonderful story called “Vegeta and Bulma what really happened!” I urge all of you to read it!
Also, to those of you that are fans of `Cry,' I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow.
Chiku: thanks!!!! I am glad you like it. I hope it is interesting; it's odd because on ff.net Cry is really popular but Sparrows doesn't seem to be doing as well.
Andromeda2: I am glad you are!!! I will try to update asap.
Also, please if you haven't done so, check out my other story Cry. If you like this you should like that.