Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When the past comes back to Haunt You ❯ A Secret Relationship ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1: A Secret Relationship
Vegita pants as he glares at his long time rival, once again he had come back from the dead and Vegita was determined to show he was the strongest one. The Saiyan Prince screams flying at top speed at the lower class Saiyan as he throws a punch at the mans jaw, causing his opponents head to snap in the opposite direction. A proud smirk graces Vegita's lips as he observes his opponent thinking he had dealt a good blow to the other Saiyan's face.
No sooner had that grin appeared it was replaced with a look of shock and disappointment as the taller man strikes him in the face with a single upper strike, the force sending Vegita flying into a nearby cliff face. He growls as he glares once more at his opponent once again not a severe wound on his body. “K-Kaka…rott” he hisses in anger as Goku flies down towards him. Vegita…who was still embedded in the side of the cliff throws both fists at his rival, only to have them both caught by Goku's quick hands.
Vegita growls as he pushes back on the mans hands his eyes never leaving Goku's face, the mans face had a look of pure boredom and annoyance causing Vegita to grow even more furious. “WHATS WRONG WITH YOU KAKAROTT AM I BORING YOU” he screams trying to push back only to have his hands pinned to either side of his head. Goku remains silent as he listens to his long time friends yells of anger…he watches as Vegita struggles trying to free his hands from their now vulnerable position.
They had been rivals once but now in Goku's opinion they had become much closer than ever expected and Goku knew himself from previous `death matches' with the Prince that his feelings were the same. It was the Prince's pride that was in the way…and Goku vowed that today was the day he would break that pride to bring those feelings into the light.
Vegita hisses as he see's Goku though giving him eye contact wasn't listening to him once again. “DIDN'T YOU EVEN HEAR A WORD I JUST…” was all Vegita could scream till Goku's lips crushed against his, pushing his head back into the wall of the cliff. Vegita blushes as he feels the mans tongue force its way into his mouth struggles not wanting a repeat of their previous battles the past three years.
Goku closes his eyes tilting the shorter males head back to allow better access, Vegita feels his cheeks warming and moves his head back breaking the kiss only to slam his forehead against Goku's in a skull numbing head butt. This sudden attack took the Saiyan by surprise and he moves back clutching head as blood trickles down the middle of his face. Vegita winces since now had inflicted the same wound on himself and pants hovering out of the gap he was wedged in glaring warningly at the other male not to do it again, a faded blush still on his cheeks.
Goku see's this and smiles using instant transmission to teleport behind Vegita taking him off guard and he grabs the man's leg, throwing him with as much force to the ground below. Vegita yells as he hits the ground only for Goku to appear on top of him once again claiming the Prince's lips with his own. The Prince growls something into the kiss in which was too muffled to understand and struggles as the younger Saiyan undoes his shirt pulling away the tattered piece of clothing. Goku raises himself smiling as he see's his now shirtless prize and dips his head back down to now kiss at the pale skin of the mans collar bone.
Vegita blushes in humiliation as the mans lips lower slowly gracing his skin with nips, licks, and kisses whimpering as he feels his breathing grow shallower and his body slowly heating as he falls deeper into bliss barely able to resist. Goku grinned, nipping at skin just above Vegita's pants, worshipping it with loving kisses and licks, nuzzling it playfully. Goku then gazes up, black eyes meet black. "You know Vegita, you're so cute when you blush" he commented with a grin as he moved back up and kissed him gently, "And your hot too in this state too” he purrs smiling.
Vegita's blush darkens as his body trembles in pleasure as his wants and desires slowly creep their way into the crevasses or his mind. Suddenly he remembers why they came here and shakes his head taking grip onto what little self control he had left and using his foot roughly pushes the other Saiyan off his body. “THAT'S IT OFF KAKAROTT NOW…OFF” he hisses annoyed sitting up once the man was on the ground by his feet. "Where is my shirt I can't believe this has happened again” he growls grabbing his shirt. Each time we come here to fight it ends up in kissing and leads to...to" Vegita stammers not able to finish.
Goku was shocked at the sudden outburst from the unruly Saiyan Prince. Blinking, he shook his head and grinned “sex” he says finishing the Prince's sentence for him. "What's wrong now Vegita. You've never complained before." he said with a small chuckle.Moving over, he grabbed the other's shirt and pulled the shorter man close to him. Vegita's stained cheeks remained that way as he pouts struggling “Kakarott I came here to kill you…to beat you...not to be fucked up the ass...." he hisses blushing since he was pressed against the taller mans muscular chest."You can't tell me you don't like this" Goku whispered softly grinning "come on, don't be stubborn" he purred.
Vegita gulps taking a breath “I…I never said I didn't enjoy it” he admits stammering before looking at him trying to be stern. “But you're married and...well I admit I hate my wife..." he adds grumbling. Goku laughed as he planted a gently kiss on the male's lips and smiled, "well I think a lot of people hate that woman. She's about as bad as Chi Chi". He laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "I might be married, but that doesn't mean I like it there." he said. "I have two sons what more do I need? Oh that's right… good lover like you." he says smiling keeping Vegita pressed against him.
"Goku I came here to fight you...not be here to have sex with you...besides what about your wife...isn't she good in bed?" Vegita asks annoyed."Good in bed? When the hell have I slept in bed with her?" Goku asked confused. "Oh...you mean those times when she got pregnant? Yeah...that's been what....twice now right? I have two sons right?" he asked and laughed as Vegita listens frowning. "I can't stand being around her though she cares more about Gohan and Goten more than she cares about me" he said softly gazing down at the older yet shorter Saiyan. "I don't like living with her...when you get hit in the head with a frying pan as many times as I have, you learn to just leave her alone" he told him in all honesty, "you're a better lover than she'll ever be".
Vegita blushes again and looks at Goku "now I understand why you have such a low brain cell count" says awkwardly as he sighs looking down.Goku let out a hardy laugh and nodded "maybe that does explain it." he said and grinned. "But that wouldn't account for my son's low brain cell counts either would it?” he asked and shook his head.
Vegita looks back up at Goku hesitantly his dark red blush had faded to a faint color or rosy pink "I can't believe I let myself love you....and even more let myself be dominated by you " he says serious sighing.
Why can't you believe that Vegita? After all the time we spend together trying to..."kill" each other as you say" he said with a smile. "I love you, that's the only reason I come to see you anymore. I want to be with you. It's love...isn't that how it works? I might not be that bright, but there has to be something between people in order for it to last and I think the only reason we stayed with our wives is because we were in denial." Goku continues his eyes never leaving the other set of black ones before him.
Vegita blushes "that was the smartest thing I have ever heard you say" he whispers softly. Goku then grins "besides, we all know that you belong under me" Goku teased and laughed. "You make a good Uke and I please you well enough don't I?" he asked. Hearing the Uke comment causes Vegita to stammer and whimpers as he tries to find an answer to the question that wouldn't further degrade himself. "I...um...I" he hesitates innocently growling annoyed when the none of the answers he thought of just sounded desperate like of a sop opera.
Goku smirked as he ran a hand up and over Vegita's chest, pinching a nipple teasingly. "Feel free to voice how well you like it 'Geta." he purred as he leaned in, tongue trailing over the other Saiyan's neck, nipping and teasing the skin as he made his way down further. Vegita blushes and yelps as he feels that mouth on his skin and those fingers teasing his nipple back into hardness as he trembles panting. "k-Kakarott I...must it...ugh...god fuck it" he hisses finally ceasing all attempts to resist and pulls Goku in for a hot hungry kiss growling.
Kami how Goku loved hearing such words fall from his partner's lips. It made Vegita all the more irresistible and knowing that this man was his was icing on the sweet delicious cake. Giving into the kiss, he returned it with as much hunger as his lover put into to start with.Goku purrs as he used his body weight to force Vegita back down onto his back and lay on top of him, rubbing and grinding up against him. Vegita blushes as he is forced down not making it easy for the man since he always resisted and groans as the larger male bucks against his now rock hard bulge, thrashing under him before glaring at the man. "FUCK KAKAROT IF YOU KEEP THIS UP I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU...I NEED MORE...ENOUGH TEASING AND GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF THESE PANTS “the prince yells in frustration and need.
"Please don't make me have to beg" he adds in a whine knowing how much the hyper active Saiyan loved him to beg and be submissive though it embarrassed the prince beyond belief.Goku backed off and laughed some as he watched him."You know, you're so much cuter when you beg." he purred as he leaned in and nuzzled against his neck teasingly undoing the mans pants slowly. ”Mmm, just answer me this...in a full sentence...are you my submissive little Uke?" he purred into Vegita's ear as he slipped his hand into the loose pants.
Vegita blushes as Goku begins turning to his lustful animalistic side and blushes looking away as his pants are undone and he whimpers as the mans hand rests inside his boxers. "I...Kakarott...you know how humiliating this is" he stammers trying to sound stern but failing his voice more trembling in need than anger. "B-but" he bites his lip shuddering and looks at Goku blushing "I only submit to you" he says softly.
"Mmm you're so hard baby...you want it don't you?" he asked teasingly as he then begins to run his fingers up and down the hardened flesh of the Saiyan princes shaft. Vegita Blushes and growls looking up at him visibly trembling each time those fingers moved across his shaft. "WHAT FUCKING QUESTION IS THAT I'M DYING FOR IT YOU BASTARD" he hisses embarrassed, “I hate it…how you like to tease me” he stammers blushing furiously.
"Geez! No need to yell." Goku said with a grin as he pulled back Pulling Vegita's pants off with him as he stands, staring down at the hard member and who it was attached to. Goku licks his lips his eyes never leaving the males body as he unties his sash allowing it and his pants that it was holding up to fall to the ground as his shirt followed soon after. Goku never wore underpants…in fact he never saw a need for them all they did was cause discomfort and wasted more time when it came to undressing for love making. Vegita sits up legs crossed and was about to tell off the other Saiyan till he saw the taller male standing in front of him his god like body on display as his clothes lay in a heap in the dirt by his feet.
Goku laughs as he watches the older male wipe away some drool from the side of his mouth. “Oh, you're dying for it huh? You want it that much?" he asked as he sat back and grinned, patting his lap. "Come and have a ride" he purred the grin never leaving his face. Hearing his mate's purrs causes Vegita to grumble crawling over on all fours like a wild cat in heat and climbs on Goku's lap glaring at him. "Don't get so smug Kakarott got it...I'm your superior...as the prince you should treat me with dignity not tease me like a child" he scolds blushing and lowers himself feeling that hard shaft poking the outer muscles of his anus. It had been a whole six months since he had last been fucked by the other male and deep inside he wished desperately to feel the man inside him once more.
"Yes my prince, I will treat you with as much respect as you deserve as long as you ride my cock nice and hard." he purred, watching as Vegita started to seat himself onto his cock. Vegita grunts and takes a deep breath slowly lowering himself more finding he had to push harder till the head of the mans cock finally penetrated him. A surprised gasp escapes his lips as he slowly continues to force his hips down knowing Goku was enjoying the show glaring at the man till he was finally fully seated on the mans lap Goku's engorged penis fully within his body. Goku growls and gripped at the ground under him, he didn't want to force himself up into the trembling Uke until he was comfortable.
Goku chuckled as he reached out and stroked Vegita's cheek causing the soft sigh to escape his lips as that soft hand is brushed against his skin grasping onto the Saiyan's shoulders as he gulped. “Not in pain love?” he whispers softly and Vegita just answers with a small head shake."Mmm, it's been a long time" he purred as he leaned up and kissed him hard. Vegita growls hearing the man state the obvious purposely slaps him across the face. "It's been 6 bloody month you idiot it's your fault for dying...shame on you...leaving me here sexually deprived for six fucking months" he hisses more in pain and hurt than anger and rage. "I...I fucking missed you you moron...never fucking die like that again" he growls looking down to hide his tears "never...ever...leave me..." he hisses in a whisper.
Goku blinked he hadn't expected the slap or the emotions that flooded from his mate after wards. It really wasn't his fault for dying. You know, all them bad guys just sometimes come out of the wood work and well, some he couldn't destroy without dying as well. Reaching up, he pulled Vegita down and kissed him gently before licking away the tears his lover wasn't hiding very well. Vegita blushes' pressing his lips back against the others chapped ones and bites his lip as his tears are licked away panting as he tries to calm down."I can't promise I won't leave you again. You know how it goes bad guy shows up...we fight, either one dies or we both do. But I always come back don't I?" he said and grinned."I'll always come back...I have a reason toJust promise you won't go off and leave me if I do die again" he purred as he kissed him once more. Vegita hears the explanation and blushes kissing back and nods confirming the promise, "I...fucking want you to try...and....this doesn't mean I won't fight" he hisses blushing.
Goku smiles and pushes up into him gently, trying to get him used to the feeling of being filled again.Vegita's eyes widen as he is bucked into gently blushing as a whimper escapes his lips muffled by Goku's pressing his lips against his own. Vegita grips either side of the mans head, fists full of hair as he pulls them face to face "now...fucking fuck me...like a bitch" he growls and pulls Goku's head to one side biting into the mans neck growling as his Saiyan lust took over.
Goku groans as the bite was what finally snapped his restraint. Bucking up, he thrusted up into his lover, hands gripping tightly into the pale flesh of the male's hips. "Like a bitch huh?"He asked and grinned. Leaning in, he bit down on Vegita's neck, sucking on the flesh a few times before pulling back. "Ride me 'Geta! Ride me till I cum inside you." he panted, bucking his stiff rod inside his lover's hole over and over again. Vegita blushes as he hears the way Goku is speaking and growls "damn it k-Kakarott I will this time but I swear...AH....your getting to big for your boots "he hisses between cries of pleasure. Once finished speaking he places his hands on Goku's shoulders and yelps riding him hard and fast looking away embarrassed as each time he was thrust into he whimpered and moaned, like a bitch in heat.
Goku groaned and growled as his fingers flexed over Vegita's hips, pushing him up and down on his cock as he bucked with him. "Never too big for your ass though." he purred in pleasure as he leaned in and kissed him hard and passionately. Vegita blushes and kisses back letting that statement go since it was true and continues to ride his cock moaning in bliss. As he rode his lovers cock he moves his lips down to his neck kissing and licking down the taller mans figure till he got to an erect nipple. Once there he purrs and captures the hardened flesh in between his lips and sucks roughly tugging on the other with his free hand.
Goku groaned and arched to those skilled lips touching him. "Mmm, that's it baby. Yeah more." he groaned. His cock was pulsating inside his lover's bottom, so close to Cumming, he wasn't sure how long he could last. Vegita hears his lovers word blushes growling as he bites into the mans nipple but not hard enough to hurt him. Vegita whimpers embarrassed as he feels that twitching and pulsing organ within him growing sensitive with each thrust. Goku panted and grunted as he bucked into his lover harder, fingers gripping tightly to the tender flesh of his hips. "Mmm, yeah, that's it baby, cum" he purred. Vegita pulls back trembling as he was on the edge of his orgasm and his eyes widen as his prostate is hit dead on.
After that Vegita couldn't hold on anymore, he grips Goku's hair with both hands and screams at the top of his lung as he cums his semen spraying between their bodies. Vegita twitches as the last of his juices leak out of him and collapses against Goku shivering weakly yelping as each thrust within his sensitive body caused him utter bliss. Black eyes watched the white liquid spurt forth. Grinning, he leaned in and kissed his neck gently as he gave the last few thrusts into him and came hard, claiming him as his own.
Panting, he lay back against the cliff wall behind him and smiled "Mm that was wonderful" he purred. Vegita smiles panting impressed and looks up at Goku smiling as he feels him finish filling his belly with cum “not bad for a man who has been dead for six months” he stutters between breaths for air.Goku grinned at him and laughed. "Yeah, I still got that touch huh?" he asked with a laugh and yawned slightly. "Oh yeah, still good though huh?" he asked as he reached out and rubbed Vegita's cheek gently. "Mmm, so then, we should get back huh?" he asked.
Vegita growls remembering Bulma "ugh...yeah I guess...Bulma will have a bitch fit when she see's me like this" he hisses and groans in pain as he tries to stand, sitting back down. "Aah fuck" he growls rubbing his back Goku still inside him. "Listen you...next time you do all the work got it?" he growls looking at Kakarott sternly.
Goku listened and chuckles watching him “ok then…next time” he says softly "Even though I always do the work and this is the first time you've been on me for a while" he purred with a small chuckle."Come on!" he said as he gently lifted Vegita up off his cock and stood with him. Vegita blushes as he is lifted and sighs "yeah well I hate to admit it but when we fight you beat the crap out of me more" he says pouting as he bends over to grab his pants.
Goku watches and smiles “Didn't you say your grandson was graduating? The party is tomorrow isn't it?” he asks softly and Vegita nods confirming it as he pulls up his pants. Goku purrs and walks over pulling Vegita close “wonderful that way you and I can sneak away and have some alone time to figure out how to get rid of our bitching wives." he purred. Vegita Blushes and looks up at Goku shocked turning to face him.
"G-god Kakarott you dirty bastard why is it every time we meet you want that" he says more embarrassed than angry. Goku grins and let's go of his lover and grabbed his clothes dressing before chuckling. "I have a one tracked mind when it's not on food." he said. "But you are right...the party is a good time...your invited of course...and I do agree about the wife thing...I can't keep living with that bitch...she expects too much" Vegita growls pulling on his shirt.
Watching Vegita dress, he nodded and grinned. "Oh I'm sure Chichi will be happy to come. Goten will be there...Trunks and him were great friends when they were younger" he said. "Well then, we'll see you for the party. And don't worry, this time I won't beg for it" He said as he winked at him. Vegita blushes and blinks before gulping and shakes his head "fine fine see you tomorrow Kakarott" he growls and flies off not wanting Goku to see him flustered. Goku chuckles watching and once that beautiful Saiyan ass had disappeared into the distance he smiles and turns flying off into the opposite direction.