Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When the Past Meets the Future ❯ Chapter 05 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the Past Meets the Future

by: bardocksbabygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor do I make any money from it. So please don't sue me.
*this* is thinking
~this~ is telepathy

Chapter 5

~~~~Trunks Dream~~~~

There was a little Celeste she couldn’t be more than 3 or 4. She is crying over her mother’s body. He watches as she first meets his grandfather. She loved him. He was the first thing she loved other than her own mother. She just loved being around him, learning from him. Even at a young age, she yearned to learn. How his death nearly destroyed her fragile heart. He felt her pain as her tail was ripped from her body.

Waking to find herself on Earth and in Goku’s home. She was scared at first, but sensed no one would hurt her, just love her. She clung to Goku at first, she sensed he had the purest heart of all of them. But it did not take long for her to cling to ChiChi. 

He laughed in his sleep as he saw her first time meeting him and his parent’s. She wanted so badly to run and hug his father, but she knew he wasn’t the Vegeta she knew. So instead she got on one knee and pledged her alliance to him. And from that day she was the only one that ever treated him like the Prince of all Saiyans. Showed him the respect he deserved. 

She enjoyed coming to his home at an early age, she would sneak into his mother’s lab and fix inventions that he nor his mother could fix. She would never let them know she had been there. She loved him from the moment her eyes laid upon him. 

Everyone laughed when she made the declaration at four years old that she would be his mate. He would never admit it, but he loved her the moment they met. She was so shy and he was the opposite he liked to be the center of attention.

As they both got older she became more beautiful. He saw her in school, she was a few years behind him and Goten. She was always bullied. Even though he and Goten would always try to protect her sometimes it was not possible. 

One memory stands out. She was maybe fourteen, another kid was being bullied by the same group that picked on her. She walked up to the head girl and punched her right in the nose. Blood poured from the girls face. Before she knew it all the kids started to attack her as well as the other girl. Trunks and Goten just happened to be looking for her. There she was before them on the ground being kicked, punched and spat on. Next thing she knew, irate Trunks had her in his arms flying her to his home so his mother could tend to her. Looking over his shoulder, she could see Goten looking just as pissed flying not far behind them. 

He felt her nervousness when they had shared their first kiss that same night. To her it was perfect he stopped before getting her home to tell her he loved her. And that from this day forward they would be together. But she worried about Pan, she knew pan loved Trunks as well. But Trunks had only ever seen pan as a little sister. 

Everything seemed to fly by in his mind till he got to the night that they had made love for the first time. It was a year after he declared his love for her that she felt ready. She was glad that Trunks had not pressured her. She was nervous, she hoped she wouldn’t be a disappointment to him. 

How nervous she was when they told his parents that they were in love. She had insisted that do everything properly through Saiyan traditions, that meant when his father gave them permission, they would do the mating ceremony. How her heart broke when his father at first said no. That she was the adopted daughter of an idiot and his son deserved better. She got down on one knee, put her right fist over her heart, bowed her head and told him as you wish your highness. 

Her memories raced through his mind. He saw all the milestones of her life. 

~~~~Celeste’s Dream~~~

There was a young Trunks watching her cautiously as she arrived on his planet. He thought she was cute. He was sad when he saw her small body covered in blood, cut and bruises. He frowned when he heard the Supreme Kai say there were dead around her, Saiyan’s had died protecting her. He vowed to himself, he would do the same.

He was always trying to get his father's approval. How when Majin Buu came, he finally got the hug and approval from the Prince. He was so happy, but embarrassed that this moment was done in front of his best friend.

He was nervous the night they shared their first kiss. Sure, he was popular with girls. Mostly because he was the son of Bulma Briefs the richest woman on the planet. But with Celeste she did not care about any of that. He was so happy she wanted nothing more than to be with him. She had never asked him for anything like other girls.


He was so angry when his father said no that he could not take Celeste as his mate. He wanted to punch his father, but was shocked when he saw her get down on bended knee and tell his father that she would abide his wishes.


The rest of his memories flashed just as quickly through her mind. But the memory of him when he realizes she was pregnant made her smile in her sleep. He was so excited. He was going to be a great father.


She cried in her sleep as she saw him power up to Super Saiyan 3 when she got hurt. His frustration at not knowing who had hurt his mate was getting to him. 

~~~~Trunks and Celeste~~~

It was near dawn when Trunks woke first. He watched as his mate slept. He was happy to know that the dreams that have plagued her for so many years were her mind trying to remind of who she was and where she came from. While she slept he was going to have a talk with a scarred human.

~~~~Capsule Corps~~~~

It was the next day and no one knew when Trunks and Celeste would be home. So, the newly resurrected Saiyans and the Z Warriors decided they would go to the desert and train together. The females were going to go along and gossip, while making a huge meal for everyone. It was still early in the day when a very agitated Super Saiyan Trunks appeared and was holding Yamacha a few feet off the ground by his throat.

“Didn’t think I would find out what you did to her. I know she begged you to not hurt our son. But you still kicked her in the stomach, did you hope she would lose the baby. Saiyans are tougher than that.” Whispered Trunks into Yamacha’s ear. “I saw how you tried to slit her throat.”

Yamacha could only gulp in fear as he knew he was as good as dead now. He was floating a few feet from the ground when he had flung Yamacha to the ground, he proceeds to lay into the now unconscious man. His blood was boiling, how could someone who was a family friend do this to a pregnant woman. He was someone they all thought they could trust. 

“What are you doing Trunks? Screamed SS Goku as he and both SS Vegeta as they tried to pull the boy off the bloody pulp that was left of Yamacha. 

“Let me go, I am going to kill that bastard. He was the one that attacked Celeste.” Howled Trunks

“You have to be joking, right son?” asked a shocked Bulma

“I wish I was a mother, I saw his face the day she was attacked. She didn’t want to upset anyone by saying what she saw. He told her no one would believe her, he had known every longer than her. They would trust him before they would trust her.” As he began to calm down and powered down. 

“I will get him to Dende, making sure he gets healed up. Then let him know if I ever see him again, I will personally kill him.” Said Goku as he picked up Yamacha’s body and instant transmitted to Dende

“Trunks dear, do you think Celeste would want you to kill Yamacha. I don’t think she would and you know she wouldn’t.” screamed ChiChi to the now flying away half-Saiyan.

~~~~Later That Evening~~~~

All of them were enjoying themselves when out of nowhere Celeste had her arms wrapped around the King bawling her eyes out. 

Trunks landed a few feet away and just shook his head at her. He knew she was upset. He just didn’t think she was so upset she would leap from his arms. She nearly gave him a heart attack.

“Who do you think you are girl holding onto the king that way?” bellowed an irate Nappa 

King Vegeta raised his hand, motioning for Nappa to be quiet. He wrapped his arms around the now shaking girl. He could barely make out her whispering Geta. He then realized who she was. She was the little brat from the Queens ship. She had survived. His death was not in vain, none of their deaths were. A smile made its way to his face. He could not believe she had become the mate of his grandson. 

“You touch one hair on her Nappa and I will personally kill you.” Sternly said the king as he watched him approach them.

Everyone stood shocked all but Trunks that the king would kill one of his own for this girl. He sat on the ground and began singing to Celeste the Saiyan lullaby he would sing to her as a child. She immediately began to calm down. His heart was just as excited as when he saw his grown son alive and thriving.

“Do you think you have calmed down enough to explain to everyone what is going on?” asked the King in a soothing voice

He stifled a laugh when she looked up at him, tears still in her big blue eyes. How he missed those eyes, she was all that kept him going in that part of his life. Knowing she would someday help resurrect their race and make it great.

“I finally remember you died protecting me before the Supreme Kai brought me to Goku to take care of.” As she spoke through sniffles

Everyone just stood back and listened to the king and this girl talk. All of them were astounded by their conversation. The way they talked, laughed and cried it was like there was no one else around, it was just the two of them. Hearing them talk about when she as a child, the abuse the Saiyans endured under the Queen. Vegeta was most shocked of all when he heard his father had tried to rescue him from Freiza’s clutches. He always thought his father felt he was weak and left him there as punishment. Neither of them could remember how they got to be on that desert planet that fateful day.

“I remember when the Queen’s son grabbed me by my tail, he ripped it from by body. I cried for you to help me, but they had the ki collars set too high that you would not wake up.” She spoke between sniffles

“They must have lowered them at some point, the first thing I saw when I woke was you getting kicked towards me. You were barely breathing, I knew then any hope of seeing my son again was gone. I charged at him. Than you charged at a solider and he just swatted you away. I was so proud when I saw you shoot your first ki blast. “As he mindlessly rubbed her head, forgetting anyone else was around. “But it just seemed to make them angrier, you ended taking the brunt of the anger. You were brave that day.”

“I want to spar with you guys in a few days. I think I might be able to help you all get stronger.” As she rose from the King’s lap and walked towards her mate.

“How do you think you can help them get stronger? I have more ki than you do.” snorted Pan 

Almost everyone began to laugh, but Trunks, the King, Queen, Goku, ChiChi. Bulma, Vegeta, Goten and Gohan.

“Show them brat, I could feel your tail has grown back.” Ordered the king

She uncurled her tail from under her shirt and there waving behind her was a tail the same color as her hair. A beautiful golden blonde. She hid her face in Trunks chest ashamed she had not told anyone that she was Saiyan. But she truly didn’t remember till yesterday. She always thought her dreams were that dreams not fragments she was trying to remember from her past.

Trunks nudged her to look and there before her was the king, queen, his father, Nappa, Goku’s father, uncle, and brother all down on one knee before her hand over their heart. 

“No, don’t do that. I am still me, I am nothing special. You are my King, Queen and Prince, I will always bow to you.” As she blushed at being treated differently. 

“Okay, I am confused why are you guys bowing to her?” asked a confused Goku with his goofy grin

“She is just as important if not more, than the legendary Super Saiyan.” spoke Vegeta with irritation in his voice, he couldn’t believe how dumb Goku was, had he not taken this time to ask his family about his Saiyan heritage.

“Why?” asked Krillin

It was decided they would all sit down and as they ate they would talk about the legend of who she is. What she means. And why she is important. 

“I know you all believe that Goku became the true Super Saiyan from legend but he is not. She will help someone become the true savior of our people.” Stated King Vegeta as they all began to sit down to eat. 

Everyone began murmuring it would be Goku since he raised her since she was a little girl, or Trunks because he was her mate. Or even Vegeta since he is her mate’s father. Maybe she would even choose King Vegeta since he died to save her.

“If you will all be quiet I will continue.” Watching for all to quiet down.

All eyes were on him eager to hear more. Even the humans and Namek in the group were interested in learning more about the Saiyan’s in a whole as a race. 

“As you can see she has the ability to resurrect people. She can also heal wounds. She will never have ki to fight. But she will never be defenseless she can summon ancient beings that will fight for her. I am guessing that is what she wants to try to do.” As he watched all their faces, all with a look of awe and amazement

“It will take a few days to get the summoning ritual perfected. Then I believe they will be a great training assets to you all. Also, they will be very effective in aiding in battle.” As a blush crept on her cheeks as everyone’s eyes were upon her.

“She can also put up a shield that can protect, or even prevent someone from causing damage or harm.” As he coughed to get everyone's attention back to paying attention to him and not her. He can see that she is uncomfortable.

“When she used the dragonballs to resurrect us, she talked in a language that only she and the dragon could understand. She understands all languages, she can resurrect anyone. Her powers are not limited to Saiyans. She just happened to be born a Saiyan.” As he watched them all take in what he told them so far.

“So, is that why Frieza’s sister is coming to Earth, in hopes of making Celeste resurrect her brothers and father?” asked Gohan

“Her mother never told anyone who she was. Even other Saiyans she kept this secret from us.” Stated the King “But if she could not be brought back to life with us, she is more than likely still on the ship and told the Queen who she is by now.”

“How can a mother put her daughter in such a horrible position.” Asked Bulma as she squeezed Celeste hand

“I do not know. We as a race do not have the same instincts towards our children as you humans do. Sure, we love them, but we do not show it. If one thing I have learned from our short time being on this planet is that humans are very emotional. Not that it is a bad thing. Your race has survived longer than ours. And look how strong the children of our two races combined are.” Stated the King with pride in his voice as he looked over at his grandson Trunks.

“Why don’t we talk about how all of your training went today.” Said Trunks as he looked down, seeing Celeste had fallen asleep.

Goku smiled as he saw that Celeste had fallen asleep. He loved that girl like she was his own daughter. From the moment the Supreme Kai had brought her to his doorstep. His smiled, turned to a frown as he remembers how her little body was bloody and bruised. He also remembers being told there were dead bodies all around her some Saiyans, some not. Supreme Kai told him it looked like the Saiyans had died to protect her, she must be protected at all costs. Someone wanted this little 4 year old dead. 

He shook himself from his thoughts as he saw Trunks fly off with a still sleeping Celeste in his arms. Everyone decided it was probably a good idea and follow their lead and go home for the night. They all agreed they would meet again this coming again to all spar again.

~~~~Goku’s House~~~~

As Goku and his family returned home, there was a stranger standing with her back to them. She turned around and smiled at them.

“Ambrosia, is that you my mate?” asked Bardock as he stood in shock of his seeing his mate before him.

She flung her arms around his neck and gave him a long passionate kiss. When she finally let him go she walked up to Goku and cupped his cheek in her hand.

“You must be Kakarot, you look just like your father.” As she smiled up at her youngest son.

She smiled at her older son and mate’s father. “I bet you are all wondering how I survived all this time. Why don’t we go inside and I will tell you all about that?”


Thanks for reading