Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When the Past Meets the Future ❯ Chapter 06 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


When the Past Meets the Future
By: bardocksbabygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor do I make any money from it. So please don't sue me.

*this* is thinking

~this~ is telepathy


Chapter 6


~~~ Goku’s House~~~


As they all settled in the living room Ambrosia began to tell them how she survived all these years. Why she had never come looking for Karkarot or anyone else.


“I was out on a mission when our planet was destroyed.” As she rubbed her mate’s hand with her thumb “I have been going from planet to planet looking for more Saiyans, sadly I have found none. That is till I heard the rumor of a few living here on Earth.”


“The Saiyans will be great once again. Celeste, resurrected me, father and Turles. She even brought back the King and Queen. I bet she could, she could do the same for more Saiyans.” Added Raditz


“I don’t think so brother, she is too far along in her pregnancy to be able to do that anytime soon. Anyway, we have a battle to train for in a few months.” Spoke Goku as the excitement of battle shown in his eyes


“Who is Celeste” inquired his mother


“She is the mate to Prince Vegeta’s son Trunks. We found out today she is Saiyan and important to our people.” Grumbled out Goten with a mouth full of chicken


*So, she is here, the queen will be happy when I bring the girl back to her. I will need to get rid of this baby. And how will I get her away from her mate and his family? I will need to give this some thought* thought Ambrosia as she smiled warmly at her mate and children.


“Mother, she arrived on the planet a few days ago. Do you think she will be able to trick the girl into coming with her?” Asked Prince Kold as he bowed at his mother’s feet.


“I hope so son. For her sake, I hope so. I will not hesitate to kill her. I know you are fond of her. Even taken her as your mate.” As she smiled down at her son while swirling the wine in her glass.


She could not wait for her brothers and father to be here and watch as she avenges them. She will make sure that there is not a trace of those filthy monkeys left anywhere in the universe.


~~~~That next Weekend~~~
Goku, Goten, Gohan and Piccolo had all enjoyed sparring with the Goku’s family. Each was shocked at how strong Saiyan females were. She gave her mate a fight. He could not get a hit on her. Goku had to admit without going super he could barely keep up with her.


Goku had kept missing Celeste and he wanted his mother and adopted daughter to meet. These were just two of the most important women in his life. He smiled as he sensed Vegeta and everyone else just landing outside his home.


“Hey Vegeta!” screamed Goku as he opened his door to let everyone in.


Ambrosia immediately knelt when she saw the King and Queen enter. Bardock, Raditz and Turles also knelt.


“Your majesty, it is an honor to see you. I am glad to see you both doing well.” As she bowed her head


“Hey Trunks where is Celeste. I was hoping she could meet my mom.” Said a saddened Goku


“I am sorry Goku she has been so busy doing my job, plus hers while I train that I let her sleep in this morning.” As he laughed at the naïve Saiyan before him “She will probably start working as soon as she wakes. But I can call and see if she wants to come here?”


“Nah, they can meet later. Let’s go spar.” Then his stomach grumbled, reminding him he had not eaten breakfast yet.


Over the next few days the Saiyans would spar getting ready for the impending danger. Celeste was keeping things going at Capsule Corps. Bulma came out of her semi-retirement to help take care of things till her son could come back to work full time.


“Why don’t you go see Trunks at Dende’s all the guys are going to into the Hyperbolic Chamber soon. Go see him before he’s in. I can take care of things here.” As she smiled at her pregnant daughter in law.


“Thank you.” As she went outside getting into her air car


She flew straight there. She smiled as she caught sight of him standing next to her Goten. They were laughing and smiling. She barely landed the car that she had jumped out and was holding him.


“I have missed you my love.” As she kissed him


He wrapped his arms around her. He could feel his son kick at him. He smiled, knowing he was going to be strong.


“Hello Celeste, I would like for you to meet someone.” Said Goku


“Sure, how is the training going. I can tell you are much stronger than when I last saw you.” As she smiled at him


“Celeste this is my mother. Mother this is my adopted daughter Celeste.” Said Goku with a goofy grin on his face.


She took his mother’s hand into her own grasping it. She smiled at her.


“It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you are enjoying Earth so far?” she asked


“Why yes, thank you. The planet and its inhabitants are quite pleasant.” As she smiled back at her prey.


“While the men are in there training why don’t we spend some time together, since you are my son’s daughter that would make me your grandmother.” As she watched Celeste


“Sure, sounds like it could be fun. Could you let Bulma know I am going to spend the rest of the day with my grandmother. I can catch on any work up tomorrow.” As she looked at the Queen


“I can pass your message along.” Said the Queen with a smile on her face


Nappa was upset. He couldn’t believe that this girl was using his queen as her personal messenger. Goku was so excited that two of the most important women in his life were going to get to know each better.


Trunks gave his mate one last kiss before going in to train. The Queen went her on her way back to Capsule Corps to train in her son’s gravity room. The other Z-Warriors went on their merry way to train. Leaving Celeste, Ambrosia and Yamacha to be the last to leave.


“What would you like to do first?” Asked Celeste


“I know what I want to do.” Said Ambrosia as she picked Celeste up


They flew to a spot in the desert. Yamacha followed closely behind them. He and Ambrosia had already been talking and she was going to help him get Celeste away from Trunks so she could be his.


She had come a few days before and pushed a metal pole into the ground. Yamacha took his rope belt and tied her hands, then lifted her up on to the pole. Her toes did not even touch the ground. He smashed her head into the pole, knocking her out. When she finally woke, it was dark.


“We could not very well punish you while you were unconscious.” Laughed Ambrosia as she knocked the pregnant girl out again


This time when she woke it would be morning. She knew in a few more hours they would be leaving the chamber. Surely Trunks would come looking for her. When she didn’t come home last night his mother would have been frantic. She looked and there was Yamacha and Ambrosia standing behind her.


“Please don’t hurt my baby!” she begged


Talking was hard she was hungry and parched. She had not eaten or drank anything since breakfast yesterday. She heard a bag, unzip she was afraid of what was to come next.


“Now our fun will begin.” Said Yamacha as he pulled out a whip


He began using the whip on the back of her legs. Slowly working his way up her body. Ambrosia took the whip from him and began hitting her much harder. This went on for a few hours.


“You are going to leave him.” she screamed at Celeste


“Never. I will not help the Queen.” She cried


“Wait, what does she mean help the Queen. I thought you were helping me get her from Trunks.” Asked a confused Yamacha


“Silly human, I have been sent to this forsaken planet to get the girl that is all.” As she sensed their family and friends coming this way.


She knew it was close to time for them to be coming out of training. She also knew that once they found out she had not returned her stupid son would use his instant transmission to get to them instantly.


Ambrosia had Yamacha hold the whip. She slowly walked towards Celeste then shot him in the chest. Her hands were still bound to the pole that held her a few inches from the ground, her blood drip down her back where the whip had been used to try and convince her to leave everyone she loved. She roughly grabbed Celeste and hoisted her up that she was not hung up for show anymore.


“You say anything and I will kill this baby that grows in you.” She whispered in her ear


“I am so glad you guys are here, this human was whipping her as I came by. I could not stand by and let him hurt her.” She said as her hand rested on Celeste stomach


Something snapped in Celeste. Her eyes were void of any color and a shield was around them no one could enter or leave. Suddenly the wind whipped around her as it forced Ambrosia to release her. A giant golem came forth from the ground. Grabbing her and placing her upon its shoulder.


She began chanting in some unknown ancient language. The Stone Golem began attacking, every hit its mark. Ambrosia did not stand a chance against her stone attacker. She was coming into her powers sooner than she had hoped for. She had hoped she could have got her to become mates with someone on the Queen’s ship. But no, she had to fall in love with the blasted grandson of their King.


“You think you will get away with this little girl.” As she tried to knock Celeste from the golem’s shoulder.


But nothing she did could even phase Celeste or the golem. She had no idea what to do. No one could get into the shield to help her and she could not escape. She faintly heard her sons and mate screaming her name, begging Celeste to stop. Goku could not even use his instant transmission to enter the shield.


Suddenly lightening sparked all around the golem. An electrified fist connected with her chest and she knew that this was the end for her, she could feel her heartbeat slowing. She was not going to live to see the beautiful face of her mate Prince Kold.


The golem carefully set Celeste back on the ground. Her eyes turned back to their beautiful blue. She held a hand to her stomach and felt the strong ki of her growing son. She let out the breath she had not realized she had been holding. She was just grateful her son seemed unharmed from this whole ordeal.


Bardock was shocked this girl had just killed his mate, mother of his children. And he was not going to let her get away with that. He did not care that she was the mate of the King’s grandson. His Saiyan blood wanted vengeance. He didn’t care that she was special to his people. He just wanted to avenge his mate.


“No, Bardock. You will not touch her.” Screamed the King as if he had read his mind


“Why did you kill my mother, Celeste.” asked an upset Goku, he didn’t know if to be angry or sad.


Goku wanted to know his mother, he had always wanted to meet his parents. But he has loved Celeste, from the moment he first met her, she was so bloody and small. You could tell she had not eaten much. He had vowed from that moment he would protect her no matter what. His emotions were conflicted.


But Celeste did not hear anyone she was too focused on Ambrosia’s near barely breathing body. She walked towards her, she screams in pain, the pain of killing her own mother. A huge pair of translucent wings spread out from her back. The golem moved not far from her, then appeared a bird of fire, a huge dragon formed from wind and a giant solider of ice.


Everyone stood shocked at the beings she had summoned by accident. All the humans moved closer to the Saiyans, knowing they would stand a better chance if anything happened. But almost as fast as they all appeared they were gone.


“Wow, they were all beautiful!” spoke Supreme Kai from behind them all, as he studied the ancient beings she had summoned as he wondered how many others there were she could summon.


Everyone was shocked to see him, no one had noticed that he had appeared. There must be a reason he has come now. Maybe he knows more about her than he has let on.


Celeste lay on the ground next to Ambrosia, grabbing her hand in her own. She cried tears she did not know she had been holding in for years. She thought her mother had died, she mourned for her, but now here she was trying to kill her unborn child and take her back to that ship, with the queen.


“Was I never good enough for your mother? That you are here now to kill my son and take me back to that vile queen” She cried


“I wish you had never been born. I loved your father at one time. But after meeting Prince Kold I truly knew what love was.” As she looked at Bardock coughing up blood. “I wished you had not tried to save our planet, you would not have been allowed to come back for one day. It took just that one time and bang here she was.”


Everyone stood shocked the girl, Goku had raised as his daughter was his sister. His anger was gone. After hearing this realized, it must have taken a lot for Celeste to kill her own mother. Bardock was no longer angry with his daughter, his daughter that was going to take time to get used.


No one could believe what this woman was saying to her own child. Since she had been on here for the past week she seemed nice at least for a Saiyan. Not even Vegeta being how harsh he is would ever say those words to his children.


Ambrosia continued to berate and talk down to Celeste. She never wavered from her mother’s side. Just lying there crying the more and more her mother spoke. But her strength was fading and she had to keep the shield up long enough for her mother to take her last breath. She could not let her leave. She would only bring death and destruction where ever she went. She was almost as bad as the Queen, if she had the strength of the Queen she would be worse.


“Celeste put down the shield my love. We need to get you to Dende or the hospital to get you checked out.” Pleaded Trunks. “I am afraid for you and our son.”


He was getting frustrated, his instincts started to take over. He was going Super Saiyan. But before that could happen his father put his hand on his shoulder. He began singing the Saiyan lullaby that his father sang to him, and he sang to his children and he will sing it to his grandchild.


As she heard Vegeta sing, she dropped the shield. Bardock beat Trunks to Celeste. He gently picked her up, hugging her closely to his body. He too began singing the same lullaby to his now unconscious daughter.


“What should we do about the human?” Asked the Queen as she pointed to Yamacha’s remains


“I think it is just best to let him rest in peace. I have a feeling if he would be given the chance he would hurt her again.” Somberly said Goku


“What should we do with mother?” asked Raditz


“Your mother has done enough, she has disgraced our family and our race.” As he shot one blast at his mate’s body, all that was left was a little ash that blew in the wind.


“Come on everyone, let’s head to Capsule Corps. We have plenty food and room for everyone. I am sure everyone will want to see Celeste when she wakes.” Stated Bulma through tear filled eyes as she clung to Vegeta.


Trunks led Bardock to Dende’s so they could make sure Celeste and the baby were okay.


~~~Trunks and Bardock at Dende’s~~~~


They spoke not a word to each other as they arrived at Dende’s tower. Both landed gently and quietly. Dende was already outside waiting for them. Supreme Kai had already told him to be ready to heal the young pregnant Saiyan female.


“She seems to be okay. She may sleep awhile, but fine other than that. And Trunks if possible I think your son is even stronger. It seems his strength grows in leaps and bounds every time I heal her.” As he was healing Celeste in Bardock’s arms


He healed all her wounds, she would have no physical scars, but the emotional ones are something Dende cannot heal from her. He hoped she would be okay. To have one’s mother do this to them


“Thanks, Dende.” As he waved goodbye to young Namek


“I can take her when we get back to my parent’s house. I will lay her down in my old room.” As he smiled at the older man


“That’s fine do as you want your highness.” As a blush crept onto Bardocks face at being caught watching her sleep in his arms


It did not take long for them to arrive, he gently took her and flew to his old balcony. He laid her upon his bed, his heart ached for his mate. She has had a wonderful life on Earth with Goku. He fears what is to come for her. What danger she could be in.


He slowly left the room, leaving the door open so he could listen for her to wake. He made his way to the living room where everyone was. Bardock had just finished telling them that she just needed rest. And that this Dende said the baby is getting stronger every day.


“I am sorry for your mother Goku.” Said Trunks as he looked sadly at him


“Hey, it’s okay, she was not a nice person. I would take Celeste any day over her. But hey, she is my little sister how crazy is that. Just think Vegeta that makes us family.” As he patted the prince on the back


This made the vein on Vegeta’s head throb. He did not like the idea of being related to the idiot. He caught him off guard and punched him in the face through a wall. Goku just stood in the middle of the rubble and laughed


Supreme Kai landed just beside Goku just walking past him and going inside.


“I have come to discuss something with Celeste, is she awake yet?” he asked


“Yes, I am awake Kai, what can I do for you?” she asked as she slowly came into the room


Trunks was at her side helping her to a seat. When she sat down, he turned his attention back to the Supreme Kai


“How many can you summon? I know the four today was not all.” Curiously he asked


“I am not sure, I would say there are hundreds. Every time a planet dies it comes to me hoping we can resurrect its world and inhabitants.” As she grasped her mate’s hand


“But the four today are different they are not from planets.” Asked King Vegeta


“Yes, they are ancient gods that have been reborn in her. That is how she can resurrect people and whole worlds. It is also how she will know every language ever written or spoke. I believe she houses many more gods.” As he watched her


She began to cry as what looked like a little pixie appeared before her. It hugged her cheek as it cried with her.


“Hello little one, we cannot resurrect your world right now. But after the Queen is gone and my son is born, we will make sure you go home safely.” As she smiled through her tears


The little blue pixie just chirped and vanished into Celeste’s chest. Everyone was shocked at what they had just experienced. The Supreme Kai was the first to recover. He was glad he took the time to make sure she was somewhere safe. She would make the difference to the universe.


“What was that?” as he watched her dry her eyes


“It’s planet was destroyed by the Queen on her way to retrieve me. I was afraid it would not understand it might be awhile before we can send it home. But it understood after it felt the ki of our son.” As she smiled at Trunks





Thanks for reading Sorry for any mistakes.