Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When There Are Two of Me ❯ Part 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male). Trunks x Goten.
Summary: This fic is completely independent of my other fics. GT doesn't exist.
Note: age: Goten 18; Trunks 19.
When There Are Two of Me
by chayron (lttomb yahoo com), beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 11
The morning came slowly. The sun was shy to show its golden braids. It was said that the morning was cleverer than the evening. But sometimes it wasn't like this. Sometimes one wished that the morning never came. Sometimes one just simply wanted to stay in the darkness. Illusions did taste nice.
But the morning still came. The sun did rise. The shadows hissed and evaporated at the touch of light. And he was left standing in the middle of the room, staring at the window and seeing the world for what it really was.
“Unfair bitch,” Trunks muttered, slamming the window shut.
Trunks walked over to the bed and sat down on the corner of it. Trunks' eyes locked on the laptop, which was lying on the bed the same as the last time he tossed it off him.
He hadn't slept in during the night. Not in the bed, anyway. He had too many things to think about, besides he had no guts to touch the computer.
So he sat and stared at the black surface of the laptop. There were more files, not only that one. But after watching that one he was afraid to touch the others. He wasn't sure he was ready to see what was in them.
Trunks' head turned at the sound of knocking. He didn't want to see anybody now, not until he dealt with what he had seen. But sure, nobody listened to him anyway.
“Good morning, Trunks,” Bulma greeted. She entered the ward and closed the door behind her.
“Umm…” Trunks' didn't even try to cover his surprise. “Hello…” he stood up, pushing the lap top farther over the bed.
Bulma walked up closer and took a good look at Trunks. Trunks knew what she was seeing: disheveled black hair with purple roots, turgid face. He hadn't slept much this night. Just in the very morning he switched off for several minutes against the counter of the sink.
“How do you feel? Did something happen?” Bulma asked, and Trunks could read real concern on her face.
Trunks shook his head in denial. “Not really,” he lied.
Bulma sighed as he didn't say anything more. She slowly walked up to Trunks and sat down on the bed next to him. She lowered her eyes to her hands on her lap.
They stayed silently then Bulma leaned to Trunks and embraced him.
Trunks lowered his head to Bulma's neck and inhaled her scent. Too sweet, too faint, too human, too deceiving.
“I don't think so,” he caught Bulma's hand before she could have injected him. He raised her hand, in which she had a syringe. He looked in her eyes. “I do feel for you, believe me I do. But I won't let you kill me and let him out,” he squeezed her wrist to emphasize his words.
Shaking, Bulma stared back at him. Two sets of clear blue eyes were washing against each other.
“Break it.”
Bulma's head snapped to the door where Goten was standing. She felt the pressure on her wrist increase and quickly turned back to Trunks who didn't react to Goten as if he had known that Goten had been standing at the door all along. Trunks' dark blue gaze locked onto her eyes while his hand squeezed further. The syringe Bulma had been holding dropped onto the covers next to her.
“He doesn't belong to you anymore!” Goten hissed, walking closer to them. His dark eyes were mad with anger. “You'll pay dearly for trying to harm him!” he growled. “Break it! BREAK IT!” he hissed, shaking in uncontrollable fury.
Bulma screamed in pain when her bones crunched and snapped under Trunks' iron grip. Screaming, she cradled her arm after Trunks let go of her. Shaking, she pressed her arm to her chest, her painful gasps echoing in the ward.
Goten moved out of the hysterical woman's way when she ran to the door.
“Next time I'll kill you,” Goten said softly when Bulma ran past him.
The door fell open, Bulma's heels frantically echoed in the corridor then silence returned.
Trunks got up from the bed and slowly walked over to Goten.
The slap on Goten's face ran loudly in the room and into the corridor after Bulma's heels.
Trunks slowly removed his palm from Goten's red cheek.
“You overdid,” Trunks said simply. He walked over to the bed, took his laptop then turned back, walked past Goten and through the door. “I'm not your child, and you are not my mother,” he softly said before silently closing the door between him and Goten.
The day really sucked, and it seemed that it would suck further.
Trunks stood in an empty ward he found on the first floor in the hospital. Then he slid down the wall put the laptop on the ground, beside him. He wrapped his arms around his knees then rubbed his burning forehead and sighed.
After thinking for a while he reached out for the laptop. He had no doubts about what he had seen, he just couldn't believe that it really was what he saw. He had to see that again.
Trunks switched the laptop on, entered the passwords it asked and opened the file once again. He saw the familiar street he saw the previous time and Ayame Kochirou walking along it. Actually he could see only Ayame's back, but there was no doubt to who the man was: Ayame had long silver hair that reached to his waist. Ayame was wearing blue jeans and black T-shirt, there was a strap slung over his shoulder and chest, and a black bag bumping at his hip with each step. It seemed it was a cold evening because after some time Ayame started ransacking his bag and pulled a sweater out of it.
Ayame turned to his left, to a small street between two houses. He walked over to almost very end of the narrow street and then wanted to turn into a wide street that Trunks knew was after this one. Instead, there two guys appeared against the silver-haired man. At first Ayame didn't pay any attention to them, but when he approached the passage, they stopped in his way. Ayame tried to bypass them but was stopped again.
The sound in the video wasn't clear, but Ayame must have asked what they wanted. Then two more men approached Ayame from behind, from the same street he had just been walking along. After that the further events happened very fast: Ayame was grabbed by his hair, his mouth muffled with some rag and the man was dragged back into the same narrow street.
The men were shouting something at Ayame who was trying to fight them, but obviously had no skills and strength for that. He received several blows to his face and stomach and was dropped to the ground. His bag was torn from him away and thoroughly searched through. The man, who had been ransacking it, found a wallet and stuck it into the back-pocket of his jeans.
Ayame's fear turned into horror when the men started peeling his clothes off him. Ayame was stripped out of his jeans and forced to his knees. Ayame's struggling was successfully appeased by several hits to his head and ribs. The man was pushed back down to the ground and mounted.
Trunks couldn't discern the whole sentences but he could hear the separate and disjointed words: “Fucking fag”, “Want it up your ass?”, “bitch”, “take it”, “How do you like it?”
Trunks forwarded through the rape scene to the place where the man zipped his pants back up. Ayame was grabbed by his hair and forced to his feet. The rest of the four men amused themselves by beating a naked Ayame for some time then tossed the unconscious man back into the wall.
Several minutes passed and the video camera started approaching the unconscious man. For several minutes it simply filmed what was before it: the naked and bloodied Ayame's flesh, his unconscious and beaten up face, the tousled hair, the appearing blue bruises on his whole body. The video camera then went down to Ayame's crotch to film his bloodied thighs.
After the camera seemed to have its fill, a bottle with water came into the picture. Water slowly trickled over Ayame's face, making the man rouse.
“Hello, sweetheart.”
The bottle was emptied now into Ayame's open eyes then tossed to the side. Ayame's gray eyes blinked the water out of them then concentrated at the face that was hovering over him.
A fist flashed into the picture, and Ayame yelped at the hit to his face.
“Now, now… No need to get so excited…” the fist retreated. “Or…maybe you still didn't get enough of excitement…? I can arrange more of it… Or maybe you'd want to recommend this kind of treatment to Goten…?”
Ayame was hunching and simply cradling his nose and staring at the camera with a wild look.
“Ah, thought so…” the low voice chuckled. “We'll keep this little secret between us, don't you think so?”
“W-what d-do you…?” Ayame breathed shakily.
“What do I want? Hmmm… Well, you made me hate Goten, and I truly, truly hate you for this… IS this good enough?” the voice purred dangerously.
Ayame simply stared at the camera.
“Well, I'll be going now,” the smooth voice announced. “Don't want to be seen next to such a filthy thing like you…”
The scrollbar reached the end and left Trunks again to stare at the blank screen and shiver at that so familiar voice that was his own.
After deeply inhaling, Trunks clicked the mouse onto the next video. This one was older than the first one; the date at the bottom of the film showed that it was made several years earlier than the previous one.
This time it was a woman. About thirty, quite tall, with long dark hair and she was wearing a blue dress. She was followed into a dark corner.
This time the camera was propped somewhere on the ground but from the following sounds from outside the shot it was pretty clear what was going on: the woman was being attacked. The muffled creams and gasps were quickly subdued then the grunts of an excited man followed.
The unclear sounds and black screen lasted for a bit longer than a minute, then a low growl-grunt came from behind the screen.
After that the camera was picked up again to film the woman's face. She was gagged, her face all puffy with tears, her dark hair all tangled up. Her eyes were wide with fear and plead.
The same hand that had stricken Ayame across the face reached up to the woman's neck, enclosing it. The fingers squeezed slowly, making the woman claw and try to hit her attacker. She wasn't tied up, but neither her hits nor kicks were effective.
After half a minute she turned red, her struggles turning desperate and mindless. She was gargling, her eyes popped out in her scull and started looking upwards. The hand held her by her throat for some time longer after the woman stopped struggling, and after it seemed that the woman finally died, let go.
“Darn, forgot the gloves,” the low, excited and panting voice grunted out.
After a second the woman's body was scorched and torn to pieces by a ki-ball.
The screen on the laptop went blank again.
Trunks clicked the mouse automatically on the next video. It was made several months later than that one with the woman. There was a man this time on the video. This time it was very late and Trunks could hardly see what was happening. The man was followed into a dark alley, the video camera shook and some muffled sounds were heard.
When the camera rose from the ground it filmed an already dead man with disjointed limbs and fingers.
The scrollbar came to an end, leaving a panting Trunks to stare at the screen. Trunks' fingers moved by themselves to click on the other videos.
He had no guts to watch the entire the length of them. By the time he finished watching the fifth video, he was already weeping like a child. Weeping and watching further, weeping and watching further. After it was the end of it, he chucked the laptop off him, regretting he had ever touched at all, curled up on the floor and gave it all to what he felt.
“Trunks?” Gohan pushed the sliding door aside. “What…” He stared at Trunks who was curled up on the floor, his body shaking with sobs. After finding a silent and gloomy Goten in the ward, he had followed Trunks by his ki to this room. “What ha-?” the inefficient words stuck in his throat after Trunks' body went rigid and his dark blue eyes shot to him.
“I know what you did…” Trunks whispered, his nails digging into the white tiles underneath him.
Gohan's wide in horror eyes watched the energy course through Trunks' crouching body, raising his black hair up and tinting it gold, making Trunks' dark blue eyes turn aquamarine, making his canines lengthen.
Gohan didn't have a chance to say anything before he was thrown into the wall and through it, and then through another one, plaster and concrete spilling over them. Gohan was just in time to raise his ki up to avoid his bones and flesh being simply smashed into the walls.
Trunks knew how to fly. Though, Gohan realized that the knowledge of it was too late for him. Trunks didn't even stop for a second after they both had thwacked right through the last wall and went into the air. The man attacked him with such a mindless fury that he had hard time simply avoiding the assaults.
Thinking about counterattacking, Gohan rose his ki to that of Super Saiyan then, as in response Trunks went straight to Super Saiyan two, Gohan had to rise it further to withstand the harsh rain of blows that fell over his body.
Trunks hissed in anger at his blocked kick. Not letting Gohan catch him by his foot, he flipped over in the air, catching Gohan with his other foot by surprise. At the kick to his head, Gohan's glasses shattered, spraying small pieces of glass all around him.
Gohan had his eyes closed only for a second, but that had cost him a punch to the face and a kick to his stomach. He doubled over, gasping for air. Panting, from a corner of his eyes he saw Trunks' power crackle around him as it rose further. Then Trunks' body suddenly froze. Gohan hissed in pain as unexpectedly he was engulfed by a red-colored blast.
Trunks grabbed still dizzy Gohan by his hair and blinked away from the air just seconds before Goku appeared there.
Gohan felt his head spin as they blinked through the tunnels of air at an unbelievable speed. He had traveled by IT with Goku, but it wasn't anything like this. That what Trunks was doing was something… They had probably changed thousands of places until Trunks simply tossed Gohan away from him and into the air.
Gohan used the opportunity and powered up fully. He was outmatching Trunks with his energy.
Trunks attacked Gohan with a determination of a madman, but with an already formed plan in his head. Using flash-stepping, he dealt a blow to Gohan's face. He was blocked but the brute strength of his blow tossed Gohan several meters away. A red blast engulfed Gohan faster than he put a protective shield on. Gohan smelt his flesh burning.
Through a daze of red Gohan saw Trunks' fist approaching. He ducked his head to dodge it, but what he didn't expect was Trunks' knee meeting his face. He had forgotten that Trunks had been a master what came to fighting in the air… The following Trunks' roundhouse sent Gohan back again. Trunks wouldn't have tried a roundhouse, for it wasn't really effective in a close combat when the opponents were experienced fighters, but Trunks was mad with fury, and Gohan was still dazed from that blast, and a kick to his head was the best Trunks could get.
Trunks smashed his palm into Gohan's chest, making the other man cry out in pain. The air blurred around them as Trunks started ITing again. He had noticed earlier that ITing left the other man who was inexperienced in dealing with such a quick moving and such fast changes of place dizzy.
While blinking in and out of the world, Gohan suffered several hard blows until he managed to clear his head. Gohan kicked Trunks into the stomach, which tossed Trunks back and made Trunks let go of Gohan's neck. Trunks snarled at the black-haired man. He flash-stepped to Gohan, charging for his midriff but the last second instead of delivering the blow, used his ki to make his own interpretation of a cartwheel and kneed Gohan into his face, tossing the other man away.
The sounds of snapping bones and the other man's gasps and running blood down Gohan's face simply fried Trunks' brain.
Noticing Trunks disappearing from his vision again, Gohan realized that he might not win this fight. Trunks' ki was bordering on that of almost Super Saiyan three, and Gohan was sure that several seconds more and Trunks would break it. Trunks perfectly well remembered all his fighting skills and knew to use them well, driving him tighter and tighter into a corner. He might have had a better chance if they were on the ground, but they weren't.
After several more hits to his head, Gohan was left too dizzy to deflect the enraged blows coming from Trunks. Trunks added a countless ITing to that, on his way assaulting the other man with endless attacks and all combinations of martial arts he knew.
When Gohan's back hit the ground bellow them, he was sure he was going to die. He could hardly move his body that had turned into wires of hot pain and jelly of disjointed bones and flesh covered by a bag of skin. Through his swollen and black eyes he could see a blurry vision of Trunks approaching him. He could feel Trunks' power roaring around him, violating his senses and body.
Trunks raised his hand with a blast that could annihilate the whole Earth in a millisecond. Gohan closed his eyes.
But the blast never came. Instead, after opening his eyes, Gohan saw Trunks on his knees. The man was shaking, frantically grasping the grass between his fingers.
“Why?! Why?! Why didn't you kill him?! Why did you let him live?!” Trunks screamed. “Oh Gods, why?!” he screamed, his scream breaking at the end, turning into a sob. “Why didn't you kill him the second time when the fucker was in coma?!” Trunks yelled, tears streaming down his face.
Trunks yelped and fell to his side as a suddenly appeared Goku punched him in the head. The next second Goku was swept from his feet and received a kick to his head.
“Father, stop it!” Gohan rasped out. “Leave him!” He tried to sit up, but his body didn't listen to him anymore.
Goku rolled to his side, quickly jumping to his feet. Trunks' ki was up and was bordering to that of Super Saiyan three, and Goku knew that, if wanting, Trunks could break it at any time.
There was something mad in the younger man's eyes. It wasn't fury. It was despair.
Slowly, Goku started lowering his ki. Trunks didn't lower his, but didn't show any intention to attack him either. After several seconds more, Trunks simply slumped onto the grass.
Goku starred at the younger man who was rocking back and forth, weeping.
“Do you have a Senzu?”
Goku turned his head to his son. “Yeah,” he rushed to Gohan's side. As Gohan's jaw seemed not to be able to handling anything firmer, Goku chewed the bean then pressed his lips to Gohan's, making sure his son would swallow all of it.
“What the hell happened?” Goku silently asked, wiping his mouth after Gohan swallowed.
Gohan closed his eyes, simply refusing to deal with it. Instead, he concentrated on bones and flesh knitting together in his body.
Gohan startled as Vegeta shot from the sky and landed next to him. The prince looked at his son who was on his knees and was hysterically sobbing with his head in his hands. Trunks' ki was madly fluctuating around him.
“He knows,” Gohan muttered. “He's angry that I didn't kill him when…”
“Fuck,” Vegeta cursed. He looked back at Trunks. “Fuck!” He quickly approached Trunks. “Stop it!” But Trunks didn't pay any attention to him, his ki madly jumping and seemingly still rising. “Snap out of it, damn you!” Vegeta slapped Trunks on his face. “Lower your fucking ki or you'll-”
“Leave me fucking alone!” Trunks screamed, pushing Vegeta away, his ki rising even higher.
Vegeta let out a row of colorful curses. If he disturbed Trunks any further, he might simply become the cause of the explosion. To simply knock Trunks out with the power the brat possessed right now was practically impossible, and a prentice effort might also be the cause of the explosion.
Vegeta grabbed Goku by his arm. “Get Goten here! Now!” he screamed as Goku was just blinking at him. “Move, dammit! Or do you want him to explode the fucking Earth?!” he yelled at Goku's face.
Goku turned to sobbing Trunks. Only now he realized that Trunks wasn't able and didn't even try to control his ki. Normally, Trunks would have fed the energy to reach another stage but instead of that, even if the energy rose, it wasn't concentrated - it was just madly lashing out from Trunks' body, without any purpose. Or maybe there was a purpose to this…
The next second Goku blinked out of view. After several seconds he appeared with a dazed Goten who had no idea what was happening. Goten took in the field and trees around him.
“What do you think you are doing?!” he bristled, smacking Goku's hand off his shoulder. He then froze, his head turning to Trunks who was chocking on his tears. Goten's eyes went aflame. “What the fuck did you do to him?! Jesus fucking Christ, Trunks, lower your ki!” he ran to the kneeling man.
Goten fell on his knees against the weeping man. “Lower your ki, Trunks!” he grabbed the other man by his shoulders, shaking. “Lower your fucking ki, or you'll kill yourself!” he repeated, raising Trunks' head to look at him.
When Trunks' ki continued rising, Goku got really worried about their all safety.
“Just move from this place or say a fucking word and I'll kill you,” Vegeta softly hissed at Goku's back, noticing Goku intending to interrupt.
Goten looked at the face stained with tears, at aquamarine eyes unfocussed and filled with pain. “Trunks, c'mon, stop it. You promised me not to do this! Remember? Trunks, you promised!” With a huge relief, Goten saw that his words were working.
“It's okay, whatever it is, it will be fine,” Goten pressed Trunks' head to his chest, stroking the golden hair. He could feel the other man sobbing and trembling against him, his shirt getting stained with Trunks' tears and snivel. “You promised… You promised, Trunks…”
“Goten…” Trunks chocked out through his hysterical sobs. “You don't… You… Goten…”
“Shhh… It's okay now,” Goten rocked them back and forth. “Calm down… It's okay, honey,” he kissed Trunks' hair, “it's okay now…”
Goten closed his eyes in relief as Trunks' ki stabilized then started lessening, taking Trunks' hysterical sobbing down together with it. Goten simply held Trunks pressed to his body, gently rocking them both.
After Goten was sure that Trunks' energy was fine, his head turned to the others. “Whose fucking work is this?!” he hissed, his eyes catching a mad flame, his canines glistening. “If you want a piece of him, you'll have to go trough me first!” he hissed, demonstratively wrapping his arm around Trunks' back and pressing the hiccupping half-Saiyan to him.
After uneasy silence Goten's eyes fell onto Gohan who was sitting on the grass. The Senzu had done its work, but it didn't wash the blood that was left on Gohan's face. “Was it you who attacked him?!” Goten's eyes narrowed. “I'll fucking kill you if you touched him!” his canines showed.
Gohan gazed back at Goten's and had to lower his, for he couldn't hold the gaze. “I…” he muttered, not knowing what to say. “I…”
Goten's eyes left him as suddenly Trunks simply slumped against his chest. Worried, Goten shook the other man but Trunks only muttered something and stayed out. Goten chuckled realizing that Trunks simply fell asleep; from what he had seen in the ward today, Trunks probably didn't sleep this night.
Goten took Trunks into his arm and stood up.
“Bring him to the hospital. He…” Gohan bit his lip, not finishing the sentence. Goten's eyes didn't let him.
“Hospital my ass, you fucker!” Goten spat. He shot into the sky.
Vegeta rolled his eyes at Goku who was clearly intending to follow them. “You can hardly feel Trunks' ki - several meters more and you won't be able to feel it at all. And after seeing that you are following them, Goten will suppress his ki. What's the point?”
Vegeta turned to Gohan. He motioned with his head for him to get up.
“We can't let him simply go! He almost killed Gohan!” Goku retorted, not able to believe that Vegeta wanted it to leave like that.
Gohan gave a morose look to his father. “If he wanted me dead, I'd be dead; I wasn't able to catch up with him… Currently you are the one who can match his power…” he muttered.
“Currently GOTEN is the only one who can control him,” Vegeta snorted. “Leave it for him - it's the best for now. Until Trunks' hysterics ends, there's no use in talking with him anyway.”
“What the fuck happened here?” Goku was losing his patience.
“Trunks is afraid of needles; Gohan wanted to inject some vitamins…” Vegeta grinned.
“Vegeta!” Goku howled.