Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When waves merge ❯ The trip ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or DBGT it would be extremely cool if I did, but I don't so yea.
K in this story the ages are:
Now on with the story hope you like it!!!!!!! Oh and if anybody wants me to change it into a chapter story just let me know and I'll try.
Those blue eyes that make me shiver and send goose bumps all throughout my body. I wish I could gaze into them forever and never have to separate myself from them. Who am I kidding though? He'll never see me as anything more than little Panny Son his best friend and 6-year junior. He'll never know or care about how much I care about him and about the fact that I would do just about anything to make him feel the same about me. Yet I can't do anything because I don't want to lose what I do have with him and that's a friendship that nothing can destroy and it means the world to me…
Huh.. what????
Are you ok? You seem kind of in your own little world…
Yea I'm fine boxer boy don't worry about it.
Ok, just checking, making sure I won't have to take you to a doctor. I mean don't
take it the wrong way, but you've been spacing out more than you usually do lately.
I'm just really tired that's all.
Ok, but if you need to talk I'm here.
Thanks boxer boy, but I'm ok.
Trunks starred at her with a worried face
Should I ask her? I mean she won't think anything of it we are best friends. We're supposed to hang out and it's not like we'll be alone Goten and Bra are coming too. Ok that's it I'm asking.
Hey Panny I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me Goten and Bra this weekend?
Sure I just have to ask my mom and dad, but I don't think they'll mind
Ok well cya later then bye Panny
Bye Trunks
Pan shot up into the air with amazing speed and flew throughout the sky trying to get home as quickly as possible. Just as she left Trunks let out a huge breath of air that he had been holding while asking her what he did.
Thank you Dende
Brat!!! Yelled an extremely mad Vegeta.
Yes father?
I hope you know that if you hurt her Kakarrot's brat can and will most likely tear you limb from limb without as much as a second thought. As will I!!
Yes father. Said a scared Trunks
Great just my luck that my father actually likes Pan more than he likes me.
Yes, yes, yes maybe he does care about me! Thought and ecstatic Pan as she flew towards home. But maybe he just sees me as a little sister.
Great!! Why do I always ruin my own happiness?
With that thought she landed and saw her dad reading the newspaper just like always.
Hey dad!
Hey Pan, why so happy?
Well..daddy..Trunks …um invited me to go to the beach this weekend.
Alone?? Asked a now fuming Gohan
Of course not daddy uncle Goten and Bra are going too, so what do you say?? Can I go?
Fine just be careful.
Yay!! Thanks dad!!! Said Pan as she hugged her father
She went to her room and packed while thinking of all that could happen during the trip. When she was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on the door.
Come in.
Honey me and your father would like to talk to you before you go to sleep.
Ok mom. Said Pan as she followed her mom into the living room
Pan sit down
Pan me and your mom know how strong your feelings are for Trunks
Dad..said Pan interrupting him
Wait let me finish.. We would want you to know that we approve if anything happens because we trust him just try to not get hurt and remember your morals don't do anything stupid that you may regret.
I won't thank you guys, for giving me your trust that is replied Pan
The next day she arrived at the Brief's house ready to go
PAN!!!!!!!!! Screamed an overly hyper Bra
Hey Bra
I'm so glad you're coming it's gone be so much fun! Said Bra as she hugged Pan
Hey Panny took you long enough!!
Hey uncle Goten!!
Ok is everybody ready? Asked Trunks as he walked down the stairs
YEP! They all screamed in unison
Ok you all have fun and be careful said Bulma as she walked them to the door
K mom cya in 3 days said Trunks as he hugged Bulma goodbye
They all walked into Trunks red Ferrari and sped off ready for an adventure. After a 3-hour drive they got to the beach house.
Wow!! It's so beautiful screamed Pan
Thanks said Trunks with an arrogant smirk
Not you boxer boy the house said Pan as she threw a cushion at him
Trunks dodged it laughing
Just playing Panny
Ok let's change and go to the beach said Bra
They all went to change. Goten came out in a pair of blue swim trunks and Trunks in shorts that matched his eyes perfectly. Bra came running down the stair in a blue and white bikini that was decorated with butterflies.
You like? She asked a blushing Goten that could only nod in response
Then came down Pan. She was wearing a lavender bikini that fit her curves perfectly and showed off her perfectly toned stomach. She also let her black hair cascade down her back. To sum it up she looked like a goddess and Trunks definitely noticed.
You're drooling said a laughing Goten who was soon joined by Bra
This comment made both Pan and Trunks blush madly. They spent hours in the water, but Bra and Goten got hungry and decided to go inside leaving Trunks and Pan alone.
Do you..um want to go for a walk?
They walked under the moonlight in a comfortable silence until they heard a song that was being played on the pier.
Would you like to dance?
Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes,
I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe
Trunks put his hand around Pan's waist and Pan put her hands around his neck. Trunks then brought her closer and they starred into each other's eyes getting lost in the moment.
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
In that instance all that mattered was each other.
I have to tell her now it's the perfect moment
There's just no rhyme or reason
Only the sense of completion
And in your eyes, I see
The missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
Um there's something I need to tell you.
Ok go ahead
Since the first day I saw you in your little crib I knew that you would be a special part in my life..I just didn't know how special you would be.
Trunks..said an awestruck Pan
Wait said Trunks as he put his index finger on her lips. With that mere action shivers were sent down their bodies.
Then as we grew up you became my best friend and I realized that I couldn't see myself separated from you. Then you turned into the woman that's in front of me right before my eyes and you were no longer little Panny you were….the woman who I had fallen in love with.
Pan gasped with surprise and tears of joy started flowing down her cheeks. Trunks wiped them away from his thumb and brought her chin up so that he could look into her eyes.
A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
I love you Pan
I love you too
Trunks then brought his face inch by inch closer to her and brushed his lips against hers, which sent shivers down her body. It began as a soft and shy kiss, but then turned into a fiery kiss filled with passion and with the love that they had always wanted to show for the other.

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
They separated and Trunks drew her into a gentle hug. As they both stood under the moonlight in each other under the moonlight they both thought the same thing.
This is going to be the best weekend of my life
Inside the house Bra and Goten had experienced something similar as the both laid on the couch content in each others arms.