Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ When hate collide ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMERS: Alright you got me! I don't own DRAGONBALL Z!!
But I still own Kayla, shes my own creation!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My second part of my story, heres a small insight
on Kayla's life, she was 2 years of age when she was founded by Gohan, Trunks was
only 2 at the time. She doesn't know anything about her origins, until she was pushed
into the other world and thats all I'm going to say about her, hey I can't give away her
surprise! She was taken to C.C and was raised with Trunks. Gohan trained
both of them, they were the best of friends.

Trunks-19(he gained one year on Kayla
when he was in the hybolic time chamber)

When Worlds Collide - part two
By Xoulblade


The being loomed over me, it was big, broad shoulders, a flowing white cape, and a white
turban. Great already my day has gone from bad to worse!

The sun was touched the thing's skin, reflecting a nice green color, 'Wait a minute, the only
one that I knew who had green skin is, Piccalo!! He's alive, then everyone else was!'

"PICCALO!!" I yelled, I ran right for him and threw my arms around him, "Your alive!!"

"Baka humans are SO emotional!" Came a voice from behind Piccalo, a voice
that I knew so well.

I looked around Piccalo, "Well hello to you to Vegeta!" I said with a smile, ignoring
his tone of voice, I was too happy to see him to be mad at that remark, still I thought,
'Stupid, arrogant baka!'
**I heard that Kayla!**
**Well pin a rose on your nose, royal pain in the ass!!** Now that was fun I haven't done
that in a long time, but arguing with Vegeta telepathically, made me feel good. I have felt
so homesick since I have been here. Not seeing anyone from the world I left behind for
five months, but of coarse I wasn't at home crying my eyes out, I had plenty to keep me

But after seeing Piccalo and Vegeta, I almost started to cry. I looked around them, "Who
are you looking for, Kayla?"

"Where are the others?" I looked at each of them, Piccalo and Vegeta looked at eachother,
it was the look on their faces, that send my heart into a horrible spiral downward, and it
sended me into the whirling depts, "They are dead, aren't they? Goku, Gohan, Krillian, and
Trunks?" No not Trunks not before I could tell him, I could feel the tears welling on my eyes,
no please not him.

Then I heard a familar voice say my name, "Kayla?"

"Trunks?" I went around Piccalo and Vegeta and I saw him, standing in front of the portal,

I flew into his arms, "You're okay!" My childhood friend held me tightly, I felt his arms
tightened a fraction more before letting me go, he looked at me up and down, "You changed
Ohimesama*, are you alright?"

*Princess* in Japanese

That meant if I had any trouble being here or for that matter if I caused any trouble, there was
alot of this my friend will have to know, but now was not the time to tell him. I pulled away
from him and looked up into his blue eyes, "What are you guys doing here? Are the androids
gone? Can I come home?"

Trunks turned away from me, "The androids are not gone, they are coming here to this world."

"What?" I whipped Trunks around, "What the hell happened, Trunks?"

"We almost had them, but they grabbed Kami and made him open the portal to this world."

"WHY Trunks? Why this world??"

Our eyes met, "They are after YOU now, not Goku."

I was startled to say the least, "Why me?"

"We don't know."

"OH!! Thats comforting!" Sighing I closed my eyes, I was sensing for another door, 'Nope not yet.'

When I opened them Trunks, Piccalo, and Vegeta was taking in all the teenagers that were lining up
on the otherside of the fence, some of them were had fear radiating from their bodies, I could feel
their fear from here, while the others were just curious, well I could image what they were thinking,
seeing a caped, turban, GREEN man with antennas, a lavendered-hair boy about their age with a large
broad sword strapped to his back, and last, but not least, a short man (Saiyin) with pitch black hair flaming
straight up (forgive them Vegeta, they don't know you ARE the Prince of the Saiyans, so give them a
break!) wearing blue spandex and armor. I mean this is Roswell, NM we are talking about!!

"What is this place, Kayla?"

"That," I pointed to the big buildings and the kids gawking at us, "Is were I go to school, Trunks."

Trunks gave me a surprised look, "I was alittle scared when I came here too, Trunks. I never seen
so many kids our age in one place before." As I mentioned before most of the teenagers where I
came from were either dead or in hiding.

We were getting a bigger audience watching us, from the otherside of the fence, right in front I saw
them, Max, Liz, Isabelle, Alex, Michael, and Maria.

"HEY KAYLA!" I turned to the portal, three figures stepped through, Goku, Gohan, and Krillian.
I was complete, the rest of my friends were here safely. They gathered around me hugging and
patting me on the back, "Hey chrome dome!!" I affectionately said to Krillian, Goku placed a hand
on my shoulders, "We have missed you, Kayla."

"Thanks Goku, you guys don't know how much I have missed you, even a certain pain in the ass!"

Goku gave that blank look, then his brain finally kicked in, "Oh you mean Vman!"

Vegeta was just alittle pissed at his fellow Saiyan, "I'm not Vman! Kakarrot! I am the Prince of
the Saiyans, show some respect!!" Vegeta drew back his fist, getting ready to whallup Goku
into the turf or into the sky whatever came first!

(Common sense: never go between two Saiyans, it will hurt!)

Well in the emergency that was coming, my common sense flew out the window and I ran between the two
Saiyans, "Bakas, both of you, Kami knows we don't have time for your squabbles, you two!!"
To prove my point I fired a small ball of Ki at both of them, which didn't hurt them, just to get their attention.

I know if looks could kill I would have been dead, (from Vegeta of coarse) but I had more important things
to worry about!

"Goku?" Our eyes met, "Hows Kami, Goku?"
Goku's face changed into a scowl, "The androids let him go, when they entered the portal."

"If they let him go why didn't Kami just destroy their portal?"

"We tried, but Kami held us off."

"What? Why?" Now I was more confused than ever, "Why would he do that? When the androids
destroyed everything we know and love?"

Goku looked at the others in question, "Come on Goku, spill it!"

He turned his dark eyes towards me, "Alright Kayla, Kami told us you'll take care of the androids,
thats why they are after you intead of me."

"What? Me? I know I have improved since I have been here, but........."

It was then that I felt it, the androids were coming, the others couldn't feel it, you see the Z fighters can
only feel someone elses power level, me, I'm the only one who can feel the android's presence, my
feeling have saved Gohan and Trunks plenty of times in the future world.

Accept for once and it caused Gohan's death, I wasn't there to save the person who meant everything to
to me, who was my father, uncle, friend, and teacher, but this time I can!! To save the Z fighters, to save
my world and this one, I'll have to fight, putting all my fighting skill to the test, and the ones that I have
learned here on this world.

I felt the shift in the air and the portal, it was going to appear at the end of the field, near the goal posts,
behind the portal the Z fighters came through. I knew my friends were watching me, but I have a job to
do. I walked over to my backpack, unzipped it and drew out a metal rod about six inches long. I
pressed a hidden button located near the top and pressed it, with a silent click, the rod expanded to
60 inches, 5'3, my height.

I had to hurry, closing my eyes, I held my hand out, fingers spread. I was feeling for an energy pocket,
my eyes snapped open, there I found one, right where I wanted it about 50 yards away from the portal.
I ran straight for the portal, which was already starting to shimmer and ripple open. Whirling the rod over
my head I slammed the rod into the ground, deep enough to stand upright.

"Kayla?!" My friends yelled from behind me.

"STOP!" Not looking at them, "Kami gave this job to me, so you guys will just have to trust my abilities,
but I'll need all of you to help me to put my plan into action!"

Since my plan was to complicated to say outloud, I just communicated to them telepathically, **Listen
guys we have to fight this as one, to combine all our powers together, its the only way to destroy the

**And I suppose your new found power is suppose to do that?** Vegeta sneered.

**To tell you honestly, yes it is!** I mentally sneered right back.

**Enough you two, now tell us your plan Kayla.** (Goku) Who got an evil look from Vegeta, and
Goku being Goku he ignored it.

**Alright Goku, heres the plan, this world has a powerful energy source the idea is to tap into it and
use it like one of Goku's spirit bomb, with this worlds power and ours combined, we can destroy
the androids. If we don't all will be lost!**

I stood beside the rod, Vegeta on my left, with Piccalo and Gohan. On my right Trunks, Goku, and

"Well, well we found her!" They were here, the unemotional voices of 17 and 18. I narrowed my eyes,
these two were the bane of our existance, in our future they have been after Trunks and I for a long
time, now it was time for the hunted to be the hunter.

Holding the rod with one hand and the other hand to the sky, "POWERS OF THIS EARTH, AID ME!!"
I yelled.

The sky became black with dark clouds, lightning and thunder erupted, sending the power of electrity
right over my head, my focus was on the androids and I didn't even flinch as the power of nature came
to my aid.

"LOOK!!" People screamed pointing to the one place the lightning was gathering, whirling around
high above the rod, then it struck, lightning came down hitting the rod, I never even moved or flinched
as the rod crackled with energy.

The power within me plus the Earth's energy, I felt I was on overload, But I wasn't ready to give up
yet. I was still gathering power, my arm was getting tired, I still had it up towards the sky, gripping
the rod tighter, so tight my knuckles turned white, I raised up on my tip-toes and cried out my last

I was glowing as all the energy was absorbed into my skin and melded to my inner frame, to my very
soul. All the electrity running throught my body, caused my hair to stick up on end, I looked like

It was painful taking power into you expectally from an entire planet! I lessen my grip on the rod,
my fingers were alittle stiff, lifting my arms straight out in front of me, my hands crossed, palms out.



**When I tell you, use your Destruct-o Disk.**

**I'll be ready!**

**Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku?**


**Use your Super Saiyin powers and hit them with all you got! Don't hold back, alright?**

I saw Vegeta's eyes light up with the upcoming battle, you'll have to admit the Saiyin race is
pretty impressive when they are in battle mode, its like a drug. All out or nothing, Trunks is
the same way, being half Saiyin its in his blood.

I also felt deep concern from Trunks and the others, **Don't worry , I'll be fine.**

**You better.** I felt the mental concern from from all my friends, even Vegeta, it felt so
good to be with them and fighting side by side, but back to the business at hand, **Piccalo?

**What?** That was from Piccalo, typical of him, **When Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta goes
SSJ, go for it with your powers, give it all you got too, no holding back. That means you too,

**I figured that Kayla!!** I had to smile at that cool comment.

**Take care Kayla!**

**Just worry about yourselves!** I answered back.

I focused all that power from my very center, down my arms into my palms, I almost lost
control, but my determination and my focus wouldn't let it go. I waited for a few seconds,
sweat started to run down my neck, then I let it go a pure white beam of energy burst out
of my palms and it hit the androids full force. I knew they felt it, their reactions was one that
I wanted, they were afraid!

**NOW!!** I screamed mentally. Taking an instant to become Super Saiyins, they aimed
aimed their full power at the androids, **Piccalo!**

**Alright, lets go Gohan!**

**Now Kayla?**

**Wait. You'll now when.**

Closing my eyes the last ounce of my power flew out of my hands, it was if my soul-self left my
body and traveled along the stream of white energy, rapidly approaching the two androids. I
jerked suddenly, as my soul ripped through 18's metal body, causing havic to her circuits, then
I was in her core, my power exploited from her insides, then I was free and onto my next prey
17, I did the same to him. I yelled out to Krillian, who was already powering up, **Will you be

**I'll be fine, only alittle sore, just do it!**

Krillian arm went up, palm out flat, "Destruct-o Disk!!" Then he let it fly, I stayed within them until the
last possible second. Just as I was leaving Krillian's weapon split into two halves and came into connact
with 17 and 18, slicing them half, it all seem to happen in slow motion.

I was back in my body, I was drained completely, I reached behind me and grabbed the rod, pulling
myself up. I was breathing hard. It was a giant burst of energy that made me look over at the androids,
the ball of energy hit them, their remains exploded into a million pieces.

When the dust cleared, Vegeta stood tall and proud, he added his speciality, the Energy Fist, destroying
the remains, Saiyin-style, translation, destroying it, until theres nothing left!

I rested my forehead against the cool metal of the rod, it wasn't blistering hot from all the lightning striking
it, I was so drained, I felt boneless, I couldn't stand upright, so I sank to my knees.

"Kayla!" Trunks caught me before my knees hit the ground, "Kayla? Are you alright?"

I didn't have the strength to answer him, so I nodded. Putting my arm around his neck I lifted up alittle
to peek over his shoulder, the entire student body was shell-shocked, never have they seen such power,
not in real life anyways. The bond between Trunks and myself was like the one the six friends share, but
ours was alittle stronger, for we have seen and been through alot together.

I smiled at them over Trunk's shoulder to silently reasure them it was okay. The sounds of sirens reached
my, we better get out of here fast!! The others heard the sirens and were starting to walk over to intercept
the law, meaning my friends were going to tell them all was under control.

"No guys! Don't!" They all turned towards me, "This is not our world, guy here the law does not understand
powers nor aliens!" I looked at Piccalo, (well his is green and no one would believe Vegeta and Goku were

"Do think they'll just let this go?" They all looked at eachother, Vegeta just h*mph and did his princely stance,
no help there! "They'll think WE are the villians and besides I think they are after me!" Trunks looked down
at me with his blue eyes and that look, what-did-you-do-now?

I was really uncomfortable, I started to fidget under his direct gaze, "Well Kayla?"

I almost jumped out of his arms, "Well..............you see I kind of pulled a knife on the son of the local sheriff,

"Dammit Kayla!!"

"Well excuse me, Trunks he was being a complete JERK!! What do expect me to do be nice to the guy!!
The only thing I did was break the chalkboard in half!"

Well I could see my friend's Saiyin side was rapidly coming to the surface, and it didn't help matters when a
certain royal ass thought it was funny, I heard his mental voice in my head, **How Saiyin of you!**

**Thanks...I think.**

Trunks was losing his temper he heard that, great, "What did you do now!" He hissed through clenched teeth.

I looked up into his eyes and replied softly, "I broke it in half."

"That kid?"

"Dammit Trunks you know me better than that! I meant the chalkboard, you Baka!!"

Its not a good thing to argue with a Saiyin, expectally when you are being held by one.
Sighing Trunks calmed down and said softly, "Its alright Kayla you had to do it, I

I blew my bangs out of my face, leaning closer to him I whispered, "Kyle, that guy I attacked today, well
ever since I been going there he has made fun of me, and well.........." I couldn't meet my friend's eyes,
"I had no choice to do it!" I looked up directly into Trunk's blue eyes, "It happened right before the portal
was opening, you and the others mean everything to me Trunks and I was worried, 5 months without a word,
I mean come on Trunks, You know me, not much for patience!"

His lavender hair brush my cheek as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear, "I am sorry Ohimesama, I should
have known you were feeling that way." Then aloud to the others, "Lets get out of here!"

"Were should we go?"

"We should go to my house, its not far from here." I said.

"Well lets go!" They all started to power up, to blast off, "WAIT! I have a faster way!"

They all looked at me, including Trunks, I smiled up at him and they all said in unision, "WHAT??"

"Watch!" I gathered the last of my strength and held my arm up, with my other one still around Trunk's
neck for extra support, I yelled, "TELEPORT!!"

With a bright light creating a disk underneath our feet, we disappeared, leaving no sign we were even there,
even the remains weren't there, they were scattered to the winds

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I cringed at all the yelling, for destroying 17 and 18. Back off everyone in my story Krillian does NOT love #18,
OK!! How mean do you think I am?
Do you think I want extra villians in this story and having to deal with them, too?
Part 3 will be coming out next week-----so see ya later!