Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't.

AN: Okay this is a new type of fic for me so let me know what you think.

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She lightly ran her hand over the blue hair piled on top of her head. It was pulled into a neat swooping twist with a diamond tiara sitting on the crown of her head. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed.

The maid who was smoothing the bottom of her dress looked up at the sound. "You look beautiful, princess," she offered in comfort.

"Thank you," Bulma murmured. She looked at herself again. She had to admit she did look beautiful. The white dress fit her perfectly. It showed the small expanse of her waist and belled out slightly, lightly brushing the floor. It had long, see-through sleeves and a squared neckline that showed just the right amount of cleavage. Yes she looked wonderful, but of course she had to. It was, after all, the night of her engagement ceremony.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, your highness?" the maid asked as she stood.

"No thank you. You are dismissed," Bulma said with a wave her hand. She walked over to her bedroom window and stared out into the night. She didn't know why she felt so low. She had known this day was coming since she was seven years old. She should count herself lucky that her intended was someone she already loved. Most women weren't as fortunate. And yet…

She felt like there should be more to her life. She had always thought there would be more for her than what was planned but here she was about to be engaged to someone that was not her true love. Her mate.


Bulma turned at the voice behind her. Her father was standing in the doorway.

"Father," she said as she dipped into a low courtesy.

The king smiled as she stood up straight. "You look beautiful, daughter."

"Thank you," Bulma said softly putting on a brave little smile.

"Shall we go?" he said extending his arm to his daughter.

* * *

They enter the grand hall and everyone inside fell to their knees. When the king nodded his head in acknowledgment of the crowd, they all stood smiled at the beautiful princess. Her father walked her down the aisle towards the head of the counsel of elder. Upon reaching him her father released her arm then stepped back.

"If her highness would take the arm of her intended, we will begin," the old man said with a smile.

Bulma took the arm of the man that was to be her husband, her confidante, and her lover. She smiled up into the face of her best friend. Kakarot smiled back down at her.

"Please step into the circle," the man instructed.

Bulma placed her arm on Kakarot's and together they step into the circle.

"We are today to formally betroth Princess Bulma of Isles to his Lordship Kakarot of Eragon. We will now commence with the prayer…"

* * *

Bulma strolled out to the balcony. As she leaned on the railing, she sighed. The ceremony had gone perfectly. She was now officially engaged to her best friend. The guests were now all inside enjoying the party thrown in the soon-to-be wedded couple's honor. Having had enough of the congratulations, Bulma had stepped outside for some fresh air.

"You look enchanting tonight."

Obviously she wasn't the only one who had tired of the well wishers.

"Thank you, Kakarot. I humbly return the complement," she said.

Kakarot came and stood next to her and began staring at the stars she had been studying only moments before. They watched the sky in silence until Kakarot finally spoke.

"It won't be all that bad," he said trying to convince her as well as himself.

"No, of course it won't," Bulma said with a small smile. "It's just that…"

"Just what?" Kakarot prompted.

Bulma took a deep breath. She might as well, she would end up telling him anyway. She always did. "I just feel that there's something more than this. I know you and I could make each other happy, but I feel that there's something else intended for me. I don't understand why that the moment one turns 18 one must immediately be married off. What if there's a great adventure waiting for me somewhere? What if with a little patience, I could be ten times happier?" she finished looking up at Kakarot, trying to see if he understood.

Kakarot looked at her for a moment then looked back at the sky. "I really don't mind the settling down and marrying, as long as it's with the right person."

At the wistfully sound in Kakarot's voice, Bulma felt unbearably selfish. Here she was going on and on about how there could possibly be something better out there for her and Kakarot already knew there was.

"Have you spoken with Lady ChiChi of late?" she asked.

He continued to stare at the sky as he shook his head.

"Maybe she will change her mind. There is still time," Bulma said offering hope.

"No," Kakarot said on a sigh, "she would never disappoint her father. And I would never ask her to. Just like she would never ask me to disappoint my mother.

Bulma nodded sadly. She had been but a child and yet she could still remember Lady Nazarene's excitement when her son had unofficially been named the future husband of the planet's princess. Such an appointment was a shock to all because the woman and her son had only lived here for a year. They were from some far away planet known as Vegetasei. Apparently she had been married and when her husband died she had been to grief stricken to stay where the memories were so strong. She and her sons had traveled the galaxy until they had stumbled across the planet of Isles. They had made their home here and the Lady had remarried a very prominent member of court. It was her new husband's connections that helped Kakarot catch the King's eye as a possible son in-law.

Bulma sighed. That time seemed so long ago. "You know it is you she loves and not Baron Hercule, don't you?" Bulma said.

"Yes I know. It's the only thing sustaining me," he said softly.

"Oh Kakarot," Bulma said as she placed a hand on his cheek and began stroking it with her thumb. "Everything will be all right in the end. Whatever comes we'll get through it together."

Kakarot smiled. "I'm suppose to be cheering you up, not the other way around."

Bulma smiled. It was her first real smile of the night.

"Well, my lovely wife-to-be are we going to stay out here and feel sorry for ourselves all night or are we going to go and join the festivities. After all they are for us," Kakarot said trying to lighten the mood.

Bulma chuckled softly as she placed her arm through his and let him lead her back inside.

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There's the first chapter. Tell what you think so far. That means review. Thanks for reading.