Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Ambassador ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: (snickers)

AN: I just wanted to give special thanks to Susan, cha, Kahlan Nightwing, Firaga, mizu megami, re-o-ko. Thanks so much for the great reviews. Oh this (~) sign means a telepathic thought and this one (`) is a personal thought, so keep that in mind for the rest of the fic.

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"Lord Yanak of Kokling," announced the court caller.

It was customary on the planet of Isles that the king, queen, and the future king and queen, sat through the daily presentations to court. It was times like this that Bulma and Kakarot were most thankful that they daily took time to practice using their link. The `link' was a telepathic bond learned during childhood. It was almost an unspoken law of the court that one would learn telepathy so actual talking wouldn't be necessary at events such as these. The talent could be used with any member court but was often strongest between two people. In Bulma and Kakarot's case, their bond was strongest with one another.

Bulma smiled and nodded her head at the latest presentation, whose name she had already forgotten. She mentally sighed.

~Having fun?~

Bulma glanced down at Kakarot, who was sitting on the right side of her father.

~Yeah loads,~ she thought as she acknowledged the next in line. ~Honestly, you'd think we didn't know how to nod our heads. I don't see way we have to sit through this everyday. We're not the king and queen yet. There's no reason why we have to be torture, now.~

Kakarot held back his laughter as he smiled and nodded his head at Princess something or another from planet whatever. The princess' smiled turned to almost a leer as she looked him over. When her escort finally pulled her away, Kakarot rolled his eyes. `Princess'' he thought.

~I heard that.~

He's smile widened.

Bulma bit her lip. She hadn't told Kakarot about her talk with ChiChi yet. She decided now was as good a time as any other. At least here he couldn't yell at her.

~I spoke to Lady ChiChi yesterday,~ she thought diving in.

Kakarot glance down to where she sat on the left of her mother. ~About?~

~I think you know what about.~

~I wish you hadn't done that,~ he thought, given Lord whatever a forced smile.

~Don't be like that, Kakarot. I was worried about her. Did you know that her father's money is gone?~


Bulma was surprised. ~Why didn't you tell me?~

~Because it wasn't any of your business,~ Kakarot thought casually.


~Don't go getting your feelings hurt. It wasn't. ChiChi didn't want anyone to know. She was very shamed. I promised I wouldn't tell.~

~So you knew why she was marrying him.~


~But Kakarot you could help her- ~

~Stay out of it Bulma,~ he thought warningly.

~But Kakarot- ~

~You two stop this.~

They immediately broke their link and looked at the king.

~I want you to pay close attention to the next presentation,~ he thought.

They nodded and watched as a handsome man with teal colored skin and matching hair approached the throne.

"Ambassador Zarbon of the ninth quadrant," said the caller.

The king held up his hand to stop the procession.

"Ambassador, I would like for you to tell us a little about this Lord Frieza that you have come on the behalf of," he said.

"Well your majesty," Zarbon started with a polite smile, "Lord Frieza is the great ruler of the ninth quadrant. He sent me here in hopes of forming an alliance between our people."

"Well," the king said, "I look forward to hearing what he has in mind for this alliance."

"Very well your majesty." Zarbon bowed and smiled at each of them, his gaze lingering slightly on Bulma, then followed the procession out.


~Yes, your majesty~ Kakarot responded looking at the king.

~I want you sit in on my talks with that man. This Lord Frieza will either be a great ally or a great enemy to your rule.~

~Of course, your majesty.~

The king smiled then turned to the caller as he stood. "That will be enough for today. My queen is tired and we wish to retire." The queen stood and placed her hand on the king's arm and together the left the room.

Bulma remained in her seat. The look that Zarbon had given her had sent a shiver down her spine. There was something very disturbing about the man.


Bulma's head up snapped.

"Are you okay?" Kakarot asked his eyes full of concern.

"Uh, yes, of course, I'm fine," she looked around the room and realized it was empty. "Where is everyone?"

"Your parents wanted to retire. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," Bulma said standing. "I'm just a little tired. Will you walk me to my chambers?"

"Of course." Kakarot offered her his arm and together they left the throne room.

* * *

Vegeta sat in the pilot's chair and stared out the observation window. He gently rubbed his right temple. He could feel himself getting more and more aggravated with every passing moment. They had been traveling for a week and had not found a trace of Marron. It made no sense that she could just disappear into thin air. What made even less sense is why he was here in the first place. He hated Marron even more than she hated him and yet here he was chasing her across the galaxy. It was absolutely ridiculous.

He knew she held his future as a warrior in her hands and yet he actually hoped that they would never find her. These ill feelings were starting to make him doubt the Writings.

"My prince," said a soldier as he fell to one knee in front of Vegeta.

"What is it?" Vegeta asked in a bored tone.

"I must warn you that we are dangerously low on fuel, my lord," the man said nervously.

Vegeta's frown deepened. "How are we low on fuel? Didn't you fill this piece of tin up before we left?!"

The young soldier looked around helplessly. Nappa decided to speak up.

"My lord, you have had us flying at hyper speed since we left Vegetasei. That type of speed uses a lot of power."

"Very well," Vegeta grunted. "Where is the closest planet where we can refuel?"

"Um, there is a small planet coming up. It is said to be neutral and very open to those in need. Peaceful with many resources, it should meet our needs adequately," said the foot soldier.

"What is the name of this planet?" Vegeta asked.

"I believe they call it Isles."

"Fine," Vegeta said, "I don't want to be bothered by a bunch royal crap so make sure we're not seen."

"Yes your majesty." The soldier quickly stood up, bowed one last time, and then left to set the course for Isles.

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Please don't forget to review. Next chapter should be up either today or tomorrow (most likely today). Thanks for reading.