Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Landing ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Hmm…

AN: I'm sorry you got the flu, Kahlan and I hope you're better. I'll keep your advice in mind. Hi Susan!

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Prince Vegeta walked down the landing ramp, pulling on a pair of white gloves. He squinted at the bright sky and began surveying the land. There was large oak tress across the area. The grass was a lush green and off in the far distance he could see a crystal blue stream. The forest seemed completely at peace. It was a sight that Vegeta had never seen before.

"What are your orders, your majesty?" Nappa asked the prince.

"You take half the party east and I'll take the rest west. Meet me back here in three hours. If you find anything before then contact me on your scouter."

"Yes your highness," Nappa bowed then turned to his charges, "Let's go you third class vermin!"

Vegeta turned, heading west with his charges silently following three paces behind him.

* * *

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Bulma sighed. That must have been the forth time he'd asked her that since she had gotten up from her nap. They were coming out the dining hall where they had just finished lunch, well Kakarot had just finished, Bulma had been done for almost thirty minutes. They were now heading towards the entrance of the palace.

"I'm fine. Now that I've had a nap, I'm just fine," Bulma assured him.

Kakarot frowned in disbelief.

"I assure you that I am just fine."

His frown deepened.

She stopped him by lightly touching his arm as they stepped out into the bright sun. "Listen I was just a little tired, but now that I've rested I'm just fine. So you can go about your day without worrying about me okay?" she said smiling.

"Very well then," Kakarot said grudgedly. A smile came to his face as the continued their walk. "What are your plans for the day?"

"I think I'll go for a walk in the forest."

"By yourself?" he asked with concern.

"Isn't that how I always take my walks?"

"I don't think that's a good idea-" he started. He had a bad feeling about her being alone today.

She sighed in exasperation. "Look I'll be just-"

"…fine," he finished mockingly.

"Exactly. Now what are you planning to do?" she asked changing the subject.


She frowned. "I don't understand why you and Radditz are always training. Our people haven't been at war for over a thousand years. It just seems like a waste of energy."

"I've told you a thousand times. We don't train because we have to. We do it because it's fun. I don't know what it is but it just feels…right."

"If you say so," she said unconvinced, then smiled. "So, I'll go for my walk and you can go train and then at six we can meet to dine with my parents."

"As you wish." He took her hand and kissed it then with a final smile turned to go meet with his brother.

* * *

"All right you maggots! I want you to spread out over the land and if you find anything contact me by way of your scouter. Any questions?"

The group of Saiyan men shook their heads at the bald commander.

"Then get out my sight," Nappa said. When each man had gone his own way, Nappa turned and ventured out on his own.

* * *


Bulma had just stepped outside the palace gate when she heard a male voice call to her. She turned and was surprised to find Ambassador Zarbon walking towards her. She didn't know whether to run or stay. Choosing pose over fear, she waited with her hands clasped in front of her for him to catch up with her.

"Princess," he said as he acknowledged her rank with a nod of his head.

"I'm surprised to see you out here Ambassador. Aren't you meeting with my father?" Bulma said trying to hide how uneasy he made her feel.

"Yes, but that's not till later. I was hoping to see some of your kingdom. I figured that maybe you wouldn't mind letting me walk with you," he said in a syrupy sweet voice.

"Well…" Bulma said trying to think of away out.

"Please. I promise not to be a bother and I would really like to see if your forest are really as beautiful as they are said to be," he said with a sweet smile.

"Well I guess there's no harm in me giving you a tour," she gave in reluctantly. There was something about him that just screamed at her "danger".

"Good," Zarbon said. He offered her his arm and she reluctantly took it. Together they walked towards the forest of Isles.

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Okay, I know I said that this chapter would be out like two days ago but I got distracted watching some actually DBZ episodes, so I'm sure you guys understand. Anyway, please don't forget to review. Thanks for reading.