Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: (Jadedbest weeps. The pain is too great for her).

An: A little impatient aren't we, Ms. Nightwing? Well this chapter is just for you then.

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Bulma bit her lip nervously.

`Why did I agree to this? I should have listened to my instincts.'

"You have a beautiful kingdom, princess," Zarbon said smiling down at her.

"Thank you very much ambassador. We take great pride in our planet."

"Well it shows," Zarbon responded as they walked further and further into the thick forest.

After a long eerie silence, Bulma decided to try making conversation. "Tell me, ambassador, who is this Lord Frieza?"

"As I told you earlier he is a great ruler whose alliance you will greatly appreciate in times of war," Zarbon said with great pride.

"I strongly doubt that. You see, our people aren't prone to war."

"Oh, but you will be once you come under the rule of Lord Frieza," Zarbon said as he stopped to look down at her.

Bulma looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "You must be crazy if you believe my father will willingly give our planet to you."

"No we're not crazy. We just know the extent of a father's love. You see," he said grabbing her wrist tightly. Bulma tried to struggle but it was useless. Zarbon smirked at the pain and fear on her face as he continued, "when we tell your father that we have taken you and will only give you back if he turn over command of his meager little army, the planet will be ours." Zarbon pulled her to him so that her back was against his chest. He held her there with one arm, while he slipped his other hand into jacket and pulled out a small dagger. He raised the dagger to her throat as he whispered in her ear, "And know what the funniest part of this will be? When your father surrenders and we send him your cold dead body. Isn't that amusing?" he chuckled softly.

Bulma's eyes widened in fear when she felt the cold steel against her neck. With strength she didn't know she had, she jammed her elbow into his gut, surprising him and causing him to loosen his grip just enough for her to break free. She stumbled forward but got no more than two feet before he stepped on the bottom of her skirt causing them both to fall to the ground. Bulma tried to crawl away but Zarbon grabbed her, flipped her on her back, and pinned her beneath himself.

He pinned both her hands above her head with one of his then reach for the dagger that had fallen next to them. "Not a smart move, princess," he taunted, waving the dagger in front of her face.

"Let me go! I swear I'll make you pay for this!" she cried fighting him with all her might.

Zarbon only laughed at her feeble attempts. This was going to be fun.

* * *

Nappa was searching the land, when he heard the cries. Curious, he wondered over to where the noise was coming from. He watched the two on the ground for a moment then, seeing no reason to interfere, was about to leave and continue his search. That's when he saw the flash of blue. On closer inspection he realized that the woman could be none other than Lady Marron. He had never seen the lady personally, since he usually sent another guard whenever the prince went calling on Marron, but who else would have such a color for hair. He smirked.

'So the little bitch has already found herself a playmate. And not a very friendly one it seems,' he thought.

He considered waiting and letting the man have his way with her. It would teach her a lesson about being unfaithful her prince. When he saw the glint of steel, though, he decided to intervene. After all, the prince wouldn't have much use for her after she was dead.

He stepped from behind the tree he had been observing from and approached the scene. The teal-colored freak that had her pinned down never noticed Nappa. He was to busy torturing his prey. He grabbed the man by the hair and snatched him off the ground.

"What the-" Zarbon said in surprise just as Nappa slammed his meaty fist in to his face, sending the warrior across the forest into a tree. After making sure Zarbon was unconscious, Nappa reached down and grabbed the lady by the elbow. He made sure she was steady on her feet, then looked her directly in the face.

"You," he growled accusingly.

"Excuse me?" she said in confusion, still shook from her ordeal.

"You've caused us a lot of trouble. I'll have you know that the prince is in no way pleased with your little run away act."

"The prince? Run away? I don't know what you're talking about. If you'll just take me home, my father will reward you well for what you've done for me."

Nappa let out a harsh laugh. "You must think I'm some third class idiot. You know very well that your father is dead."

"Sir, you must have me confused with someone. My father is very much alive and the king of this planet," Bulma said shaking her head.

"I will listen to this no more. You and I are going back to the ship now," he said tightening his hold on her.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," the lady cried as she began struggling against his hold.

"I will not fight you on this," Nappa said. He reached around her neck and pinched the nerves at the base of her neck causing her to pass out instantly. He picked up her limp body and laid her across his shoulder. He touched the small button on his scouter.

"Prince Vegeta," he said.

"What is it Nappa?" Vegeta responded in irritation.

"Your highness, I have found something," he said with pride.


"No, Lady Marron."

The pause that followed made Nappa nervous.

"My prince?" he said after a moment.

"Fine. Take her back to the ship and place her in the guest quarters on the lower deck."

"Very well, my prince," Nappa said as Vegeta ended the transmission. Strange. For some reason it almost seemed as if the prince was disappointed that he had found her. Shaking the thought from his mind, he headed back to the ship.

* * *

Bulma slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room in a daze.

"Where am I?" she murmured.

The room was in shadows and she couldn't make out much. She could see the outline of a fireplace across from her with some kind of small ornaments sitting on the mantle. There was a large picture above the fireplace. She could tell it was a man, though she could make out the face. The drapes were drawn so she couldn't see out the large windows. They were also the cause of why she couldn't see the room clearly. She could tell from the feel of blankets beneath her, though, that there had been no expense spared in decorating the room.

Bulma put her fingertips on her throbbing temples. How had she gotten here? That's when it all came back to her. Zarbon's attack. The strange man saving her. That same man kidnapping her. Though she tried to fight it, fear quickly took over.

She stumbled out of the bed, not really going anywhere. She didn't know when her kidnapper would be back or what he planned to do to her. She had to think of something before he returned. That's when she remembered the link.

She set back on the bed and closed her eyes in consideration. They had never tried the link when they where this far from each other. She prayed that it worked.

* * *

Radditz threw yet another punch at his brother, which Kakarot easily blocked.

"You're losing your touch big brother," Kakarot said with a smirk.

Radditz growled at the taunt and charged full speed at his brother. To his great surprise, Kakarot fazed out just as he reached him and he flew headfirst into the wall. Kakarot reappeared behind him and began laughing. Radditz growled his frustration as he stood up. He just couldn't understand it. No matter what he did he just couldn't keep up with his little brother. The kid was a freak of nature.

"I don't see what's so funny," he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh come on Radditz," Kakarot said, "you know it was funny. After all you broke your own golden rule. Never attack in anger," he repeated the words that his brother had spent years beating into his head. Literally.

Radditz smiled. Another problem with Kakarot was that he could never seem to stay mad at him.

"Fine. I say we go again. So I can win back some of my pride," he said settling into a fighting stance.

"All right," Kakarot said getting into his own stance, then stopped when he heard something.

~Kakarot, please help me.~

"Bulma?" he said.

"No idiot. I'm Radditz," his brother said with a smirk.

Kakarot held up his hand for silence and closed his eyes.


~Kakarot! Thank God you heard me! Please come and get me. I'm so frightened!~

~It's okay, Bulma. Just calm down and tell me where you are.~

"Kakarot, is something wrong?" Radditz asked in concern.

"Yes. Something has happened to Bulma," he answered.

~I don't know where I am.~

"Where is she?" Radditz asked.

"She doesn't know."

"Tell her to look around for clues."

~Bulma, look around for anything that will help us find you.~


Bulma stood up and walked across to one of the windows. She pulled back the curtain and looked out at the stars.

~I can see stars out the window, so we must be flying through space.~

~Good Bulma, good. What else do you see?~

She looked around the room and that's when she spotted it. She walked back over to the bed and gave the headboard a closer look. There was some kind of crest on it.

~There is a crest on the headboard.~

~What does it look like?~

~It's a silver V with a lion with a golden mane and green eyes in the center.~

"Bulma said there is a crest with a silver V and a loin with a golden mane and green eyes in the center. Do you know what it is?" Kakarot asked his brother.

Of course him knew what it was. "Kakarot, that's the seal of the rule house of Vegetasei," Radditz said. His brother had been too young to remember such a thing but Radditz had forgotten nothing about his great people.

~Kakarot, what do you want me to do?~ Bulma asked as she sat on the bed.

~Just sit tight and we'll come and get you.~

"You've cost me a lot of trouble, woman."

Bulma's back went straight at the sound of the disapproving voice behind her.

~Kakarot, I have to go. He's here. Please find me.~

~Bulma! Bulma!~

"What happened?!" Radditz asked when his brother's face paled.

"I don't know. She said `He's here' then broke the link."

"What do we do?"

"First we tell the king. Come on," Kakarot said as he headed for the door. Radditz followed quickly behind him.

Back on the ship, Vegeta walked further into the room.

"To be completely honest, I was hoping that we'd never find you. So that there is no misunderstanding, I want you no more than you want me," Vegeta said.

"Good," Bulma said as she stood, turning to face the door, her chin held high, "then you'll have no problem with returning me to my home."

Vegeta stopped in his tracks. This lovely creature was not Lady Marron.

"Who are you?" he asked suspiciously.

"I am Princess Bulma of Isles and you, sir, are my kidnapper," she said with great pride.

"Kidnapper?" Vegeta said on a low whisper as he stared in astonishment at the beautiful princess.

* * *

I know what you're thinking. `Bitch! How dear she drag us along for six chapters then stop right when they meet?' Well you have to forgive me. I have this evil streak that comes from fashioning my life after Vegeta. You know how that goes. Anywho, don't forget to review, it's the most important thing you as a reader can do (well besides reading the story, of course ^_~). Thanks for reading.

Note for K. Nightwing: When are you going to update DOY? I'm dying for the next chapter. Just add the answer to your review.