Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ First Reactions ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: (Puts fingers in ears) lalalalalalalalalalala (breathe) lalalalalalalalalalala…

AN: Hello All! (sorry I'm feeling very silly today)

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Prince Vegeta slowly circled the strange woman before him. She was stunning, he would give her that. There was something about her that drew him. The odd color of her hair and eyes did not go unnoticed by him. He let his eyes wonder lower, taking in her shapely form. Yes, she was stunning.

"I strongly suggest that you keep your eyes much higher."

Vegeta looked up in slight amusement. "In your stay here, you'll come to learn I don't take suggestions very well."

"Then it's a good thing that I won't be staying. I demand that you take me home, now," Bulma said with her chin in the air.

"Demand?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes demand," she affirmed.

`She's very entertaining,' he thought.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll do it for you! There is nothing funny about this you- you- kidnapper!" The fact that her distress seemed to amuse him was starting to upset her.

Vegeta's expression went blank as he walked up to her. When they were face-to-face he asked, "And how, little princess, do you intend to wipe the smirk from my face?"

Bulma swallowed her fear. She would not let him intimidate her! She was preparing to back away, when something that she assumed was his arm snaked its way around her waist, holding her to him.

Vegeta smirked at the fear in her eyes. "What's wrong, woman? Can't back up your threat?" he asked mockingly.

Bulma placed her hands on his chest trying to put some space between them. "You'll pay for this, that I promise you," she said through clenched teeth.

Vegeta's smirk widened as he backed away and crossed his arms. It was then that Bulma realized that it had been his tail and not his arm that had circled her waist. She watched in amazement as it wrapped itself around his waist.

Vegeta looked her over once again then grunted. "You talk big, little princess."

"I'm so glad that I amuse you," Bulma spat out sarcastically. "Now if you be so kind, return me to my planet."

Now common sense told him to take this little pain in the ass home but something stronger told him not to be so hasty.

"I'll have to consider what I'm going to do with you. To be honest, killing you would be a lot easier than wasting fuel by turning around and taking you back. Then again you might be a good bargaining tool if I decide to claim your little mudball of a planet as my own," Vegeta said calmly.

He got the desired reaction when Bulma let out a small gasp at the cold tone of his voice. The prince smirked at her one last time before he left the room, letting the stainless steel door slide close behind him.

After he beat Nappa for this little slip up, he'd have to make his father known of this new and interesting development.

* * *

"And you're both sure this is what you want?" King Brian asked in subtle disbelief.

"Yes and if your majesty will give us your blessing, we will be married immediately," Baron Hercule said confidently.

The King turned to the quiet young girl standing next to the Baron. "Lady ChiChi?"

ChiChi couldn't even look the King in the face as she silently nodded.

The King and Queen looked at each other helplessly. Members of court, according to custom, always came for a royal blessing before wedding. These hearings were usually pretty easy except on the occasions when it was obvious that all parties were not happy. True, they could refuse to bless the union but they didn't a sound reason not to and since the girl refused to speak up for herself there was nothing they could do.

"Well…" the King started reluctantly, "if this what you really want then you have our-"

"Your majesty!"

All heads turned as Kakarot and Radditz rushed into the room. ChiChi quickly lowered her eyes.

"Kakarot, my boy, I'm sorry but whatever you've come to say will have to wait. We're in the middle of a blessing right now."

Kakarot's eyes searched out ChiChi's. She held his gaze for a split second then once again lowered her long lashes. Kakarot shook off the spell and turned to the business at hand.

"I'm sorry your majesty but this can't wait. Princess Bulma has been kidnapped."

"Kidnapped!" the Queen gasped.

"By who?!" the King demanded, now standing.

"From what we can tell, she was on a ship from Vegetasei," Radditz answered.

"Vegetasei? But what Saiyans want with our Bulma?" the Queen wondered in distress.

"We're not sure. She used our link to contact me. When someone entered the room she broke the link, so we don't know much."

"Kakarot, you have to do something. You have to go after her," ChiChi said, her worry for her friend overshadowing her shyness around him

Kakarot nodded his agreement. "That's exactly what I intend to do. Your majesty, I request a ship and supplies for my brother and me."

"You have them," the King said quickly. "Bring our Bulma back to us safely."

Kakarot nodded and bowed then he and Radditz quickly left the throne room for the loading docks.

* * *

"…so she could easily be the woman of the legend. That is, if such a woman exists."

Vegeta was in his chambers explaining the current situation to his father and mother over the vid screen. He added the last part to show his growing irritation with the legend that was keeping him from much needed training.

His father's frowned deepened. "It is not legend but fact and I doubt this mouthy woman you speak of could be destined to queen of Vegetasei. No, I suggest you kill this impostor and continue searching for Lady Marron. I believe she, even with all her flaws, would make a much better queen."

"Honestly father," Vegeta said in aggravation, "isn't one blue hared whore as good as another?"

"Don't question me boy! Do as I command and contact me when you have found her." The screen went blank.

"Damn it," Vegeta muttered as he began taking off his training gear.

That man really knew how to push his buttons. If he hadn't been his father, Vegeta would have rid himself of the nuisance long ago.


He stopped unbuttoning his shirt and turned to look at the screen.

"What is it woman?" he asked harshly.

Queen Argana frowned, something rare. "Don't snap at me Vegeta."

Vegeta sighed. He hadn't meant to upset her. "Yes mother?" he asked his face softening a little.

The Queen smiled. "Vegeta I wanted to ask you not to do anything until you've spoken with the mystic."

Vegeta prayed for patience. He really wasn't in the mood for this right now. "Look woman-"

"Now, I know you don't believe in her, son, but I really wish you'd talk to her before you deal with this princess."

Vegeta growled.

"Please. For me," she pleaded.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Very well, but I'm not promising to follow the witch's advice."

Argana's smile widened. "All I ask is that you speak with her. Stay safe my son and hurry home." The screen went blank again.

Vegeta grunted and made his way to his bed. To hell with rest of his gear, he'd remove it in the morning.

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