Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ A New Friend ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* I don't own DBZ.

AN: OMG! *blushes bright red (DBZ style of course)* It was LION not LOIN, for those of you who know what I'm talking about and those who don't…good.

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"AH, Prince Vegeta. I've been expecting you."

He narrowed his eyes at the old sorceress.

"Well here I am," he announced not bothering to hide his agitation.

Her smile didn't waver, she simply turned and floated around a corner.

The prince growled. How dare she turn her back to him! He considered sending her to the next dimension. Now, I know you don't believe in her, son, but I really wish you'd talk to her before you deal with this princess. Shit! That damn woman was always standing in the way of his fun.

Holding his temper in check, he followed the little woman around the corner. The turn lead directly into another room. The witch was, as always, perched on her ball and her eyes were closed. She was lightly touching an even larger crystal ball that sat in front of her. The prince assumed his natural stance of legs apart and arms crossed.

The witch opened her eyes and smiled into his. "You're very lucky."

"Is that so?" he sneered.

She nodded. "Not many find what they have been searching for so easily."

"Really?" he said in mock interest.

"You snide at me now, but soon you will see, my prince."

Vegeta grunted his disgust. "I have no time for your little guessing games old woman. Tell me plainly, is the princess to be my mate or my slave?"

"Soon you will know."

"Is that all you will say?! He was outraged.

"For now."

Vegeta growled deep in his throat. "This was a waste of my time," he said as he turned to leave.

"My prince," she called after him.

"What?!" he roared as he turned around.

"A father's choice is not always the way of the son."

Vegeta frowned in confusion. What on Vegetasei was she talking about? The old bat was starting to get senile.

Ignoring the comment he quickly left the room.

* * *

The docking bay was alive with activity. People rushed about coming from and to the many spacecrafts. A pale orange boy was loading bags and supplies onto one of the smaller ships. Once he was finished he turn to the tall man that was talking to the ship's owner.

"I've finished, sir," the boy said once the owner had left.

"Very good," Radditz said reaching into his pocket and flipping the boy a coin. The kid caught it then, dipping his head slightly, disappeared into the crowd.

"Is everything ready?"

Radditz turned as his brother walked up.

"Yes. I think we're ready to load up-" he started when something or more like someone caught his eye. "Well, maybe we're not quite ready yet."

"What? Why?" Kakarot frowned.

Radditz nodded his head in the direction of the entranceway. Kakarot turned and looked at the beautiful brunette standing there. "Radditz could you give me-" he started.

"I'll double check the list," Radditz said already climbing up into the ship.

Kakarot took a deep breath then walked over to her. When he reached her they stared at each other a moment.

"I wanted to say goodbye and wish you good luck," she said breaking the ice.

"Thank you," Kakarot said softly.

"Well…I guess I'll go now." She turned to leave but he grabbed her wrist.

"Wait for me, ChiChi," he pleaded.

"What?" she asked.

"I know you think there's no other way but if you'll wait for me I'll find a way for us, I promise," he said quickly.

"Kakarot I can't," she tried to pull away but he held her wrist tight.

"Promise me Chi," he said touching her cheek.

She closed her eyes and a tear ran down her cheek. "Don't ask this of me."

"I am asking. I have to," he said hoarsely.

She put her head down and he pulled her chin gently so that he could look into her face. "Please," he tried one last time.

After a long pause, she nodded, tears flowing down her cheek. Kakarot leaned in and gently kissed one of the tears. Brushing his hand over her cheek one last time, he turned and headed back to the ship.

Radditz, already in the pilot's seat, was buckling his seat belt. "Are we ready to go now?"


Radditz nodded and started the engines.

* * *

Bulma peeked out her door. She hadn't been able to contact Kakarot so she decided to explore her prison. Seeing no one she stepped out into the hall. As she walked she noticed that this ship was like many of the others she'd been in before. Tan walls held panels that opened the many stainless steel doors along the way. Her heart jumped when one such door slid open. She quickly ducked into one of the other doorways.

She watched as her captor stepped out of the room and leaned his back against the door, his eyes closed.

She studied him from her hiding place, hoping he would head in the other direction so that she could return to her room unseen.

"What are you doing out of your quarters, princess?" he asked never opening his eyes.

Once the shock that he knew she was there wore off, she stepped out of her hiding place. "I didn't know I was confide to them."

The prince opened his eyes and turned his dark gaze on her. Bulma felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.

"You should find other ways to entertain yourself than following me," he said moving away from the door.

"Believe me following you was the last thing I was doing," she said in disgust.

He only grunted in response then turned and headed in the opposite direction.

Bulma released a breath she didn't know she was holding. Something about him unnerved her. Shaking her head she went back to her room.

She was gently massaging her temples when she walked into the room.

"You must be Princess Bulma."

Bulma looked up at the tall blond with piercing blue eyes. "Yes, I am. And you are?"

The blond smiled slightly. "I am your assigned companion for this trip. My name is Juuhachigou, but everyone calls me eighteen."

`Eighteen?' Bulma thought as she nodded her head in greeting.

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Ah, now Bulma has a friend. Please don't forget to review. Thanks for reading.