Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ Attacked ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

AN: Thanks so much for all your patience with this story. My special thanks to ErieDragon for placing this fic on her (if you're a guy I apologize ^_^) top fifty favorite B/V fics. It is truly an honor. Now on to the fic.

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When the ship had begun to shake, Nappa had been holding active duty in the captain's chair in the prince's absence. After the shock of the first two blasts wore off, Nappa turned to one of the two disoriented pilots.

"What the fuck happened?!" he roared.

"I- I don't know, sir," the Saiyan stuttered as another tremor hit the ship.

"Well find out!" Nappa cried as the ship continued to shake and he gripped the arms of the chair to keep himself from falling.

The soldier nodded and righted himself in his chair. His fingers quickly flew across the keys before he announced, "We're begin attacked by a foreign craft, sir. They've completely disabled our shields."

"Let's prepare for a counter attack, then," Nappa ordered.

"We can't sir. They took out our defenses with the first assault," the younger man reported as another blast hit the ship.

"Damn it," Nappa growled underneath his breath. "What parts have been the hardest hit?"

"Section G5," the second pilot reported. "It seems that they're trying to separate the ship. We've lost contact with all sections below G5."

"Does that include the Prince's quarters?" Nappa asked.

"Yes sir," was the response. The ship rocked again and Nappa began to think quickly. He had to find a way to make the Prince aware of this situation. Then it hit him. "What about floor 9 just above G5?"

The pilot quickly put in the information and nodded his head. "Yes communication with floor 9 is feasible."

"Connect me with the Prince's companion, now!"

* * *

Eighteen had been sitting alone in her room, which was located just above the Prince's quarters when the attack had first began. Five minutes into the assault, her view screen blinked on.

"Servant!" Nappa's voice barked at her.

Eighteen looked up startled. "Yes?"

"I want you to use the passage and take a message to the Prince. We are being attacked by a foreign ship that has completely broken down our defenses. He is needed at the bridge immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes." The word had barely escaped from her lips before there was another hit and the screen went blank. She stumbled forward and gripped a table for support. When she got her footing back, she began to make her way across the room. The shaking of the ship caused her to fall to her knees as she reached her destination. Pulling up a piece of the carpet, she began prying at the steel door. Normally the door would have slid open of it's on accord, but it seems that it had shorted out.

The passage had been installed when the ship had been first built. Her quarters had always been the rooms of the royal companion and since they were expected to satisfy the royal member's more carnal urges a discreet doorway had been placed between the two rooms.

Seeing that the door wouldn't budge, Eighteen slowly stood to her feet and stumped on the floor with all her might. After six blows, the door finally opened partially and Eighteen fell to her knees and pushed it open the rest of the way. Sighing in satisfaction, she slipped through the opening when another blast hit, causing her to lose her grip and fall. A startled cry ripped from her throat as she fell to ground below, hitting her head in her landing.

The cry caused Bulma to pull her face from where it was buried in Vegeta's chest. Turning towards the sound, Bulma immediately recognized the blond blanket spread across the floor.

"Eighteen!" she cried as she pulled away from Vegeta and stumbled across to her friend.

Fallen to her knees beside her, Bulma gently lifted her head and lightly slapped her cheek, trying to rouse her.

"Eighteen wake up! Come on Eighteen open your eyes! Eighteen can you hear me?!" Bulma cried her eyes watering.

Bulma looked up, fear in her eyes. "Vegeta, help me! Please," she pleaded.

Vegeta frowned at her then moved across the room towards them. Falling to one knee on the other side of the fallen girl, Vegeta reached out and checked her pulse.

"She's fine," he said to calm the practically hysterical woman. "Come on. We need to get to the deck and find out what's happening," he said as he prepared to lift the servant. Unfortunately another blast hit and he lost his footing.

Bulma screamed as the ceiling began to fall and she threw herself over Eighteen to protect her from the falling plaster. The lights began to flicker then, finally, everything went black.

* * *

"I'm truly sorry to hear that, my friends and of course any resources that I may have that could assist in finding Princess Bulma is yours," Lord Krillin stated.

"Thank you Krillin," Radditz said.

They had landed on Mongo only an hour ago and Krillin had welcomed them with open arms. He had had his technicians take their craft for fueling and minor repairs. They had just finish telling him of the current happening as they walked along the palace walkway.

"Your palace is beautiful," Kakarot stated conversationally.

"Thank you. My people take good care of me and I try to return the favor," Krillin said looking around the grounds.

The people of Mongo were a rare one in the fact that they elected their rulers from their own kind. Krillin, one of the wealthiest and most loved of his clan, had been elected ruler for life ten years ago and had kept the planet at peace all his reign.

"Krillin, do you mind if I use your com. system to contact home? I'm sure the King and Queen would like a report on where we are in our mission to find Bulma," Kakarot asked.

"Of course," Krillin said then stopped a young boy that was passing. "Orfesis, take my friend here to one of the com. rooms and help him connect to Isles."

"Yes sir," the boy bowed then lead Kakarot away.

"Well," Krillin said turning to Radditz. "Shall we have lunch while we wait?"

Radditz's eyes lit and he smiled. "Sounds just fine to me."

Krillin chuckled and prepared to lead the way.

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Well I finally updated. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Remember: You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.