Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ when you lose everything ❯ chapter 1 ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When you lose everything

This is an angst so anyone don't like it….oh well

This is something I wrote when I was depress and

I was reading angst stories to help me feed it

I think that the title says everything

My thought of what would happened if trunks and Marron

Married in a weird and odd kind of way…..

Reviews are welcomed

"please don't cry" his voice even though it was small and it was quivery still sung trough her ears "n-no! y--you can't leave me!" cried Marron "it's okay everything is going to be alright" Uubu said, even though he was obviously in great pain and the cut very deep, actually it came in from one side and it got out in the other side, "I-I-I tried to make it stop! It won't stop bleeding" Marron weep "it's okay!" said Uubu trying to stand up with his last bit of strength "Marron I-I love you, will you marry me?" "yes"

Marron woke up with a start, that dream or more likely nightmare it kept haunting her, she looked at her side to see the sleeping trunks, his hair which he usually had comb neatly was a tangle mess, and he made no look that he was woken by his beloved wife. She hated herself for what she did, she married trunks out of pity, they married out of pity with each other, he lost pan and she lost Uubu, on that stupid fight with that monster, he killed then both and Vegeta and Goku with trunk's help destroyed him. But they lost pan and Uubu. And now here she in bed with trunks who married her after 2 months of the incident, and both their families quickly agreed.

Marron stood up she walked over to the balcony where she had a lovely sight of the park, 'the perfect place' thought Marron and she was about to climb on the balcony to drop of the 5 floor manor. But she was grabbed by the waist by 2 strong hands "what are you doing?" asked Trunks in a half worry, half angry voice "what does it look like?" asked Marron with venom dripping through her voice. And trunks just shook his head this was becoming more regularly she did it almost every night. She squirmed out of his grasp and went downstairs to the couch to see the fire burn in the fireplace. She did this every time she had that dream, "yes" was the last thing she said to him and with a last kiss died on her arms unable to do anything. Why did this happened to her? She looked at the fire hypnotizable her, her thoughts went astray but kept coming to Uubu. The guy that stole her first kiss the guy or the father of the little girl that now is dammed named PAN, the guy she fell in love and lost it on a blink of a eye. And with that on mind she fell asleep.

Trunks walked inside of the living room where Marron was sleeping in the couch and brought some blankets to cover Marron, who slept with a black tank top and black silk pajamas. "good grief" he thought out loud "she really needs to get her mind out of Uubu" him himself wasn't over pan either and the 2 scars on his wrists prove him, he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the paper, then without reading the headlines, he grabbed his stuff and headed out not even saying good bye or morning to Marron.

When Marron woke up she was groggy and wasn't thinking straight, she walked to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife in the kitchen and a piece of paper a pen. She walked to the room she and trunks shared and started to write on the paper, then she let the paper go to her feet and then she lifted her hand with the sharp knife and swung it to her stomach she twisted the knife and then took it out and collapsed with the knife on hand

Trunks came from and threw his suitcase on the couch, then started looking for his 'oh so loving wife' but when he didn't find her, he went up for his wife and his bedroom, there he saw Marron in a bundle of red blood sprawled and saw the note beside her with shaky hands he picked it up and read it "I'm sorry trunks, I hope you forgive me, I love you but I can't pretend that everything is fine, please take care of pan and your self


Ps. Can you forgive me?"

With tears in his eyes trunks said "yes"
