Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You're Mad ❯ When You're Mad ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything pertaining to DBZ<well except a poster of b/v love child Trunks> so enjoy the story.
It's just the cutest thing
When you get to fussin'
Yelling and throwing things
I just wanna eat you up
I don't mean no disrespect
When I start starin'
Knowing that it makes you mad
I'm sorry but seeing you mad is so sexy
Vegeta watched from the shadows as the Onna, Bulma fiddled about her lab.
His sensitive ears picked up muttered phrases, like curses and grumbles about the broken technology.
He couldn't help but be amused, there she was sitting at her work desk fixing the charred circuit board, her hair mussed (no doubt from running her fingers through aqua tresses) and she had a smudge on her cheek.
The only word that came to mind was `cute' and he had to grimace at that thought.
He was startled from his temporary insanity as her scream filled the room.
“Aaaah! Fuck this!” she screamed throwing the circuit board and tools across the room.
“Vegeta's dumbass will just have to wait a few days!”
Upon hearing his name getting cursed he silently walked from the shadows. Her back was to him as she was currently rummaging through her work drawers.
“You called?” His low, rumbling voice filled the semi-silence.
She spun around and gave a startled gasp.
“Dammit, Vegeta! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!” she yelled, her hand covering her chest.
He could see the pulse in her neck throbbing and knew he had scared her good.
He then tuned out the statements that followed as he took in her appearance again.
Under her white lab coat she wore a deep violet tank top, and he knew she wasn't wearing a binder or bra as she called it, for they swayed and bounced with her agitated movements. She also wore a black, thigh high skirt with black pumps and he absently wondered why she wore such provocative attire when working.
“Are you listening to me? Vegeta?” She called to him, tipping her head up to look into his eyes. He simply raised an eyebrow as if to say `should I have been?'
“Say something, dammit!” she yelled, then growled when he still didn't answer. Vegeta's body instantly responded to the feral growl that fell from her lips. If he had though she was beautiful before, the growl and fury in her appearance made her look damn hot.
Could it be the little wrinkle over your nose
When you make your angry face
That makes me wanna just take off all your clothes
And sex you all over the place
Could it be the lil' way that you storm around
That makes me wanna tear you down
Baby, I ain't sure but one thing that I do know is
He continued to watch as her face scowled and her cheeks flushed. The image flashed in his mind of another setting, her under him as he pounded her into the mattress, her face pinched in a grimace of pained pleasure as she clawed his back.
He snapped back to the present and watched with a small smirk as she stomped over to him. His eyes lowered to her breast as they juggled with each step; looking back up to her face the thunderous expression that filled it told him that she had noticed him checking her out.
His smirk widened into a grin and he crossed his arms over his chest and waited.
Secretly, he relished her fearless attitude towards him. She came to a stop a few inches from him and glared into his, often expressionless, face.
His heart thumped, she looked like a lioness staring down her prey, though he could hardly be called that.
“Are you done with this foolishness? Get back to work and stop wasting my valuable time…Onna.”
He waited for her reaction to his arrogance and the little nickname he'd always called her.
Sure enough it wasn't long in coming.
Every time you scream at me
I wanna kiss you
When you put your hands on me
I wanna touch you
When we get to arguing
Just gotta kiss you
Baby, I don't know why it's like that
But you're so damn sexy
When you're mad
Vegeta watched as her red, kissable lips curled into a sneer before she opened her mouth and yelled.
“What the Hell! I'm not your slave! If I don't want to do something well then you're shit out of luck until I get good and God-damn ready to do it!”
All the while she was screamed she poked him in the middle of his rock hard, muscular chest.
For some reason even this irritating touch sent a pleasant shock through his system, and for a moment, between thought of chocking her or blasting her to shut her up, he thought of an even better way to quiet her.
His lips started to tingle, begging to taste hers.
“…and another thing Vegeta who do you think you are? All that training must have turned your brain to mush, because last I checked you're nothing important here!”
Baby, don't think I don't take you seriously
But I just can't help the fact that your attitude excites me (so exciting)
And you know ain't nothing better
Then when we get
Mad together and have angry sex (I'll blow you out)
Then we get what we were mad about
Vegeta bristled under her disrespect; she knew this was a sore spot for him. Being on a planet of weaklings that showed him no respect. That he was the last of his kind, well except for Kakkarott, but he didn't count since he still thought himself human.
“Onna.” his voice was a menacing warning.
“What? I'm not scared of you. I'm tired of your attitude. After all this time the same old shit.”
“You should be scared, Onna. I've killed stronger people for their lack of respect.”
“Yeah, whatever. You know if something were to happen to me Goku'll kick your ass.”
Damn her. There she went and pulled the power card on him, another sore spot. Actually two, not only was Kakkarott liked by all these idiots, but he was the first to meet the Onna. And the tenderest spot was the fact that he was stronger, no matter what.
Sure everyone said they were equal, but that wasn't true. In the end Kakkarott always came through and he was left sitting on the sidelines with the Namek.
His blood boiled as the Onna touched on all his peeves. She had started to turn this fight back on him.
“God, all this mess. I should've snatched Goku up when he was younger.”
“You've gone to far.” He growled, the ki around him slowly rose then brightened.
The idiot had taken everything from him, his revenge, and his title of strongest and now after all this time for the Onna to…
Well, he'd be damned if the fool was getting any thing else, especially his woman.
“OH, I don't go far enough! You arrogant sonnova-“
“Onna!” he yelled, cutting of the insult.
“At least if I was with Goku I'd've had love, affection and unlike ChiChi I would've had him wrapped around my finger.” She continued to rant, never noticing how his eyes crossed as his mind flashed images of her and Kakkarott.
“I'll kill him!!” He roared, his ki exploding and pushing her off balance.
“Mother-fucker.” She muttered as she landed on her bottom.
“If Kakkarott ever touches you I'll…”
“You'll what? If I want to touch or be touched by someone it's none of your concern!” She screamed up at his towering figure.
“You're mine!” He growled crouching down to glare at her better.
“Hmph. You is not the boss of me.” She declared, turning her head away.
Rage flooded his senses, she was his woman and he'd be damned if she thought of another man while he was around, especially that damn Kakkarott.
Thoughts of his rival and woman together made his ki burn even brighter.
She was his.
Staring at her exposed shoulder and neck made grin fierily.
It was time that he reminded her of who she belonged to.
He watched for a moment knowing that he woman's curiosity would get the best of her and sure enough she peeked at him from the corner of her eyes.
That was when…he pounced.
Could it be the little wrinkle over you nose?
When you make your angry face
His mouth latched onto the area where her neck and shoulder connected, over the fading bruise from last time. Biting hard to re-bruise the spot.
His momentum sent them both back, he cradled the Onna head from the impact but she still didn't appreciate the effort as she struggled.
Pulling back he looked down at her, she scowled at him and pouted, her red lips begged to be kissed and sucked.
“No fair Vegeta.” She grumbled.
That makes me wanna just take off all your clothes
And sex you all over the place
He couldn't resist any longer, he began pulling at her clothes.
The tank top was pulled down over her breast and his mouth eagerly sought the pink nipple.
She groaned and tried to grab him, but unfortunately the lab coat she wore had pooled around her forearms and was now trapped under her body restricting her arms movements.
His other hand came down and touched her knee, before sliding up her thigh and pushing the skirt up to expose her black laced panties.
His hand moved to her center stroking the fabric covered sex and making her buck.
Could it be the lil' way you storm around
That makes me wanna tear you down
Baby, I ain't sure, but one thing that I do know is
Bulma writhed under his touch; her incoherent cries filled the room.
Vegeta was so focused that he didn't notice that she had shifted slightly until she bucked hard, startling him form his suckling.
The nipple slipped form his lips with a small `pop' and he watched a little surprised as the Onna slipped from under him and began to crawl to her work desk.
So she wanted to play huh, he thought and made a grab for her. His hand caught the lab coat but she shrugged it the rest of the way off.
She reached the work desk and used the edge to help pull her up but she didn't get far before she was grabbed around the waist from behind.
“You're not getting away now, Onna.” His voice rumbled against her back and she shivered. Oh what his gravelly voice could do to a girl.
Strong gentle arms pulled her back and she went without a second thought.
Every time you scream at me
I wanna kiss you
When you put your hands on me
I wanna touch you
When we get to arguing
Just gotta kiss you
Baby, I don't know why it's like that
But you're so damn sexy
Only the sounds of pleasure filled the room afterwards. The noise came the vicinity of the floor where the couple lay naked and entwined.
Leaning up some Vegeta looked down at his mate's face, her short aqua hair clung to her sweaty and flush face as she gasped out his name. Her lip swollen and even redder from his demanding kisses.
She gripped his arms with her sharp manicured nails and he couldn't resist giving a small groan at her actions. His hand came up and he fondled one of her bouncing globes causing her to tighten around him.
Her legs squeezed him waist pulling him deeper into her, but he resisted and continued his slow, hard thrusts.
She whimpered and wanting more. She was so close and he was teasing.
Every time you scream at me
I wanna kiss you
When you put your hands on me
I wanna touch you
When we get to arguing
Just gotta kiss you
Baby, I don't know why it's like that
But you're so damn sexy
When you're mad
“D-Damnit, Vegeta. S…Stop fucking messing around.” She gritted out as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up to his level.
He sat back on his heels, pulling her into his lap, and they glared into each other's eyes.
The battle of wills continued even in this position.
He continued his slow thrusting and growled lightly.
“Don't you ever shut up, Onna.” And before she could retort he caught her lips in another hard kiss. She met him with the same intensity as mouths meshed and tongues battled.
One of her hands gripped and clawed his back while the other raked though his hair.
He groaned at the feel of her nails against his scalp, while his own hand tangled in hers and gently tugged.
She moaned and pulled back but not before licking his lips.
“Onna.” He rasped. He felt her shift, and the pace changed, her strong legs braced at his sides she began to impale herself on him, hard and as fast as she could.
“Onna, what are you doing.” He grunted.
“I'm doing what you're too lazy to do.” She gasped out, continuing to bounce.
His hand came down and braced her waist as if to stop her.
“Yeah, lazy. Who are you trying to kid with this stuff?”
“What?!” He roared and put more pressure on her hips stopping her from moving.
“Really, if you were doing it right I wouldn't have to do all this work.” She said breezily still holding on to him but looking away.
“Look here Onna the only lazy one here is you, I've had to do all the work while you just laid there.”
“Well that's because I was letting you get your manly rocks off with the whole domination trip.”
“Getting off on dominating you? Really Onna, that ain't hard to do.”
“Wha…” She began but he cut her off by kissing her.
“Onna you asked for it.” His voice rumbled over lips when he pulled away.
Laying her back on the floor without breaking contact he moved her legs until the knees hook over his arms. Sometimes it amazed him at how flexible she was, this was only one of many less complicated positions he's put her in.
Shaking away the thought he shifted his weight and pushed deeper.
Bulma shivered in anticipation, then gave an ecstatic cry as he began to move at an incredibly fast and hard rate. Going deep and hitting that spot on her cervix that caused that pleasurable pain.
“Y-yesss…uuummm…Vege-taaahhh!” She clung to him for all she was worth. Though it wasn't long before the passionate couple cried out as they came almost simultaneously.
They lay panting on the floor, well Bulma did, but Vegeta lay lightly on top of her breathing slowly.
“Hey Mom. Dad. Me and...ew, gross. Bra don't come down Mom and Dad just had an `argument'.” The young male voice yelled
“Ew, gross. Aren't they to old for that now.” Came the reply of a young female voice.
The couple on the floor stared at the doorway that was now empty and only the sound of retreating footsteps could be heard.
Bulma looked up at her husband's face as he glared at the door, she already knew he was plotting some punishment for the two.
She tried to stifle a giggle but it failed and now Vegeta's glare was on her.
“Oh Vegeta, you know you're so sexy when you're mad.”
“I'm sexy all the time.” Came his reply before his head dipped down to her.
A/N: hey this is my first songfic and I don't know if I did it good enough but this is what I came up with. Hope you liked. Any who for all who are wondering I made them into potty mouths, but I can't see them as any other way and really they've grown on each other so really what can you say. So R&R and tell me what you think.