Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

Chapter 2

In the small town of Greenfield, far from Mount Paozu, Erik and Angel Daemon awoke at eight am as routine. After their personal morning rituals, Angel awoke their four year old daughter, Cassandra, and dressed her as well. Downstairs, Erik quickly fixed breakfast before sitting down together and enjoying their morning as a family in a dining room surrounded by boxes.

Erik and Angel Daemon had married shortly after Cassandra's birth. Childhood sweethearts and high school lovers, the pair had been planning to marry before Angel realized she was pregnant. The pair had continued to live in their hometown, planning to raise their family there. Erik followed in his father's footsteps as his father had followed in his father's. They were a family of martial artists; generation after generation had participated in martial arts competitions world wide. He had spent the past five years participating in competitions as well as instructing at his father's dojo.

The day before, the Daemons had moved to Greenfield at an offer for Erik to start his own dojo. Jumping at the chance, the family had packed up and moved in less than two weeks. They had just moved into their two story home on the edge of town. Eric had bought their home, five acres of surrounding land, and a closing dojo on a previous trip to the town. They had yet to meet anyone in their new home. Socializing would have to wait.

Erik peered out of the dining room window and out onto their land. That side of the house had a view of the large lake and the woodland that covered most of their property. It was very scenic with the blue sky and beautiful surroundings. These things had attracted him to the property as well. And now, with it being autumn, the tree's color change had made the property even more beautiful.

On this day, however, the blue sky was marred with a smoke trail. It was at this time that Eric remembered the tremors that had shaken the house. The family wasn't exactly foreign to earthquakes, but it hadn't been enough for Eric to be overly concerned about. Now seeing the trail of smoke coming from the woods, he had the feeling that there was more to the shockwaves than a possible earthquake.

Running out into the cool morning air in his gi, Erik headed towards the source of the smoke. He had just moved there and certainly didn't want his new home burnt down. Pushing through the dense underbrush, he headed deeper into the woods. Finally, Erik came across a fairly deep crater.

Noting there was no actual fire, Erik slid down the edge of the crater and towards the smoking debris. He quickly realized that it was some sort of metal object. Upon closer inspection, he found it was a spherical object. Smoke poured from what appeared to be engines. The small circular window was cracked and the outside's metal covering was cracked and falling apart.

Looking through the small window, Erik was shocked to see a small boy curled into a corner of the ship. He quickly began to pull with all of his strength on the door. Luckily it had been blown off track allowing him to grab the edge. Years of training paid off in those moments as he was able to pull the door open far enough to get in.

The interior was like a high tech computer terminal. Erik didn't know too much about technology, but he was keen enough to know that this was very high tech. Far too advanced to be operated by a child. Smoke oozed from the control panels and sparks flared from exposed wires. Very carefully, Erik moved to the child and kneeled down beside him, checking all of the necessary vitals. The boy seemed fine, he was just unconscious.

Having a nurse for a wife, he knew that moving the child could be dangerous, but it seemed to him that leaving him in the machine was more dangerous. Gingerly, Erik picked up the boy and exited the ship. Once he was out of the crater and a safe distance away, he gently laid the child down on the soft grass.

The boy possessed fair skin that appeared lighter due to his black spiky hair. Short spikes appeared in the front as the rest of the hair was gathered in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His clothes were torn quite a bit, but Erik could easily see he was wearing green pants, black boots, and a green, yellow, red and white over shirt. The symbol on the front was torn in half. Noticing that the most of the child's injuries were bruises and scrapes, Eric gathered the child in his arms once more only to be shocked by two things.

The arm supporting the boy's head seemed unusually warm and there seemed to be a furry appendage behind the boy. Shifting the boy's head up, Erik noticed that the warmth came from blood that was seeping through his shirt, originating from the back of the boys head. Passing the appendage off as a figure of the imagination, Erik took off running towards the house, child in hand.

Bursting through the door, Erik motioned for Angel to follow him. Laying the boy on the plastic covered mattress of an unused bed, he told Angel what had happened. Angel immediately moved into her nurse mode as she ordered Erik to bring the first aid kit, hot water, a cold washrag, and her own nursing bag.

As he went off for those things, she removed the boy's overcoat and boots, leaving him in his green pants and white undershirt. Noticing the gash on the child's knee, she went to remove the pants only to see a golden brown tail. Jumping back, her eyes wide as saucers, Angel breathed deeply. Surely what she had seen was fake. Removing his pants, she realized that the tail was indeed attached to the boy's backside.

Erik entered and noticed his wife's shock. Peering over her shoulder, he saw the tail as well. The couple looked at each other in shock. People don't just have tails. Shaking her head, Angel decided that it would have to wait. Taking the supplies from her husband, she pushed him out of the room.

Erik headed downstairs still shocked at what he had seen. Sitting at the dining room table, he looked at his now soggy cereal. Poking at it dejectedly with his spoon, he found his mind fully focused on the boy upstairs. The fact that the boy had a tail started him, but he was still trying to figure out how he had gotten there. Erik was shaken from his thoughts as he felt a slight tug on his arm. Looking down, he found himself looking into the innocent midnight blue eyes of his daughter.

"Daddy, who was that boy?"

"Hey sweetie." he said pulling her onto his lap. "Daddy found him in the woods. He was in an accident so your mommy's taking care of him."

Grinning at her father, Cassandra cuddled up on his lap to take a nap. Erik looked down at her, realizing just how grown she was. It only seemed like yesterday that she had been an infant, and he had been scared to pick her up. Ruffling the child's curly black hair, Eric closed his eyes, falling asleep.

Suddenly, Erik felt himself being shaken awake. Opening his eyes, he found another pair of dark blue eyes peering at him. Only this time it belonged to his golden haired wife. Jumping up, his thoughts immediately went to the child he had found in the woods.

Silently, Angel led her husband to their room. She had to clean up the blood from the other room, so temporarily laid the child on their bed, covered with blankets. Erik casually noted the child was wearing nothing but his underwear, displaying his chubby figure. All of his scrapes and gashes had been expertly bandaged.

"Twenty six stitches, just to let you know. If you hadn't found him, he would probably be dead." Angel said in a hushed voice. She moved to sit beside the child. Brushing the dark bangs from his eyes, she looked at the boy before her.

Erik moved beside his wife, putting a comforting arm around her. His wife loved children, which is why she was a pediatric nurse. However, having Cassandra at such a young age had caused complications. She could no longer have children. Both of them came from large families and had wanted a large family of their own. Angel had felt so guilty when they discovered her inability to carry another child.

Silently, Angel handed her husband the set of dog tags that she had removed from the boy. Turning them over in his hand, Erik quickly read the single word printed on them. "Gohan…" he whispered as he replaced them around the boy's neck.

The two slipped from the room and into the kitchen. Angel silently began to clear the table and load the dishwasher. They knew they would have to wait until the boy awoke to have any answers. All they had was a single name.

Three hours later, the pair heard soft whimpering coming from their bedroom. The couple rushed into the room, followed by their curious daughter.


Curled up on the king sized bed, tears slowly escaped the youth's eyes. Waking up in a dark and empty room, not knowing where he was frightened him immensely. Whimpering, he drew his legs to him tighter, hoping to disappear. Suddenly, the doors burst open as Erik and Angel entered the room. The pair immediately rushed to the boy's side. Cassandra stood in the doorway, her thumb in her mouth, watching the scene play before her.

Choking back his sobs, the dark haired boy looked at the adults. The blonde haired woman immediately attempted to soothe him while the black haired man stood off to the side. Worry was apparent in his emerald eyes. Looking upon the two, the child suddenly realized he didn't recognize them.

"Who-who are y-you?" he asked.

The blonde smiled immediately. "My name is Angel. This is my husband, Erik, and over there is my daughter, Cassandra."

His eyebrows furrowed as he thought over the names. None of them were familiar. "W-where am I?"

Noticing the boys deep thought, Angel hesitated. "You're in Greenfield."

His eyebrows deepened in thought once more. Suddenly, the child was hit like a ton of bricks. Looking up at the two adults with tear filled eyes, he asked the question that shook him to his core.

"Who am I?"


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