Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

AN: This chapter is up a little quicker than usual, but the reviews have been great. I need to go ahead and address a few things. One, everyone is anticipating the reunion of the Z-senshi with Gohan. However, I'm working on chapter 13 right now, and I'm not close to that. I have a lot of plans for his life in here. The story is ANGST, and if you don't like it, you might not want to read any farther. This chapter starts it off. I have plans for their meetings and reactions, but no where near time to begin writing that. Sorry. Two: I'm a huge Gohan fan, and I know he gets tormented in a lot of fics, but that's what I'm doing. Granted, his torture is a bit different, but as a Gohan fan, I want him strongest. To make him strong, I have to apply a great deal of pressure and stress on him and his life. That's the way things are. Now, lets start the beginning of a long list of sad shit.


WARNING: THIS FIC IS AN ANGST!!!! THIS CHAPTER IS THE BEGINNING OF THE SERIOUS ALTERCATIONS AND TORMENT IN GOHAN'S LIFE. This is here so I get no flames saying how mean I am or how wrong I am being. You have been warned and this is an R rated fic. Acknowledge these facts before you proceed. Thanks!


Chapter 6

Christmas. The holiday of joy. Time spent with family and friends, reflecting on the past years as well as the years to come. Every place celebrates the holiday different, and some don't celebrate at all. It is a magical time of year, full of music, lights, presents, family, and happiness. However, the holiday season can also have its dark times. Crime rates are up, lost family members are remembered, and some can't afford anything to make their season brighter. Hope is sometimes all one has left and sometimes, in the darkest of times, even that is shattered.


Angel closed the front door and leaned against its hard surface. With a sigh, she headed back into the living room to be with her family. The room was covered in wrapped and unwrapped presents, the wrapping paper that belonged on some, bowls of popcorn, and of course, the three members of their immediate family. Both Erik and Angel's parents had been there, along with an entourage of their brothers, sisters, in-laws, nieces and nephews.

The kids were lying amongst the debris, their eyes drooping. Both Erik and Angel began cleaning the room, stacking the unopened gifts under the tree, putting the unwrapped ones in the corner of the room, and picking up the ribbons, paper, and bows, as well as the food. As soon as the room was cleaned up, Erik bent down and gathered his daughter into his arms and headed off to her room. Angel did the same thing with Gohan, all the while wondering just why her husband always left her with their son. Their son, at the tender age of nine, possessed the sleek and well-muscled body of a fighter. His weight was nearly unbearable for her. Once in his room, she tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead, once again thanking Kami for her son.

Once in her room, Angel immediately changed into her pajamas and crashed into bed. She knew that the children would wake up very early to see what they got for Christmas. Every year the times varied, but it could be anywhere from a few hours before to a little past daylight when they woke them up.

Erik was left with putting the presents under the tree. As soon as that was done, he joined his wife in bed. Holding her close, he drifted off to sleep. Neither knew that their precious holiday could be destroyed in a blink of an eye.


The holidays at Capsule Corporation were a busy time. Bulma's life was hectic. Between taking care of infant Trunks, repairing Gravity Room after Gravity Room, working on inventions, helping run Capsule Corporation, and a number of other tasks, Bulma was planning CC's Annual Christmas Ball. Knowing that the caterers, the planners, the decorators, the small orchestra, and other servants were downstairs preparing for the night, Bulma was able to worry about preparing herself, her son, and the Prince.

After her long luxuriating shower, Bulma took her seat at her vanity. Although she was a multi-billion dollar heiress, she felt she couldn't trust a single hairdresser in the city to touch her precious hair. She had always delighted in her beauty and even now, no one could ever guess she had a son who was less than a year old. With precision, Bulma combed through her long aqua tresses. Curling the ends of her hair, she allowed it to flow long and loose for the night. With diamond clips, she pulled the hair away from her face.

Stepping into her long black gown, Bulma dressed for the party. The smooth stretchy fabric of the dress clung to her curves. The straps wrapped around her neck and the deep v of the neck of the gown displayed a large amount of cleavage. Two eighteen inch slits on each side of the dress displayed her long shapely legs. Four inch, strappy black heels helped accentuate her legs even further. Tear drop diamond earrings, a matching diamond necklace, diamond rings and bracelets all set in platinum accented her entire look. After appraising herself, she headed off to her grueling task.


That name in its entirety displayed just how much trouble she would have. She had to force the short Prince into an Armani tuxedo and attempt to make him behave in front of her guests. She had already forbidden fighting with Goku. Entering the GR, Bulma was surprised to see him already dressed. Noticing her shock, he merely crossed his arms and turned at her with an obvious smirk.

He may have hated getting dressed up, hated the planet, hated everything there, but he certainly did not hate seeing his mate dressed in such a revealing gown. Now, other people seeing her in it did bother him. He had learned long ago that arguing with her was pointless, just as forcing her (or attempting to force her) into a concealing gown was. Therefore, he found it easier on his precious Saiyan hearing just to go and make sure no one tried anything on his mate.

The pair exited the room, heading inside. There she found her son, Trunks, in the arms of her mother. He was also dressed in a sort of mini tux. With that, the door bell rang signaling the arrival of their first guest. After shooting Vegeta a glare that warned him of the consequences of stepping out of the already set rules, Bulma nodded to the doorman to let them in. The party had begun.


The silence of the Daemon house was eerie.

Lying awake in his bed, Gohan tried to figure out what had awoken him from his sleep. He could have sworn he had heard something, but the silence was deafening. Pulling his covers over his head, the boy tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn't. He could feel that something was wrong. His mind was racing, alerting him of something he couldn't figure out.

Pushing his covers off of him, he hopped out of bed and headed downstairs. Flying into the kitchen, so not to wake anyone up, he poured himself a glass of milk. Gulping it down, he put the glass into the sink and headed back upstairs. As he passed his parents room, he could faintly hear a muffled sound.

Knowing that a small sound could mean nothing, he headed back upstairs to bed. Still, the black haired youth could not sleep. Finally, he gave in to the sensation he was feeling. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on feeling for his family. His sister was in the room beside his, sleeping. His parents in their own room down the hall… but they were not alone. He could feel that two other people were in the house with them. A dark feeling passed over him as he read this with his sixth sense.

Quickly, he flew out of his room and into his sister's. Waking her up, he gestured for her to remain silent. "Cass, someone bad is here." Ignoring his sister's panicked face, he put his hand over her mouth. "Quiet. They might hear us. I'm going to go see what's happening. They're in mom and dad's room. If I'm not back, or if you hear anything, you call the police." He said handing her the portable phone from her nightstand. "Be back soon."

Swiftly, he flew from her room to his parent's door. Putting his ear up to the hard surface, he could hear two mysterious voices and his parents muffled replies.

"Where is it?" one forcefully asked.

"W-What are y-you talking a-about?" Angel asked.

"You know damn well what we're talking about bitch. If you don't tell us where your safe and other valuables are, we are going to kill your children first, then you. And it will be a slow death all around. You don't want to watch your children being tortured now do you?"

Gohan couldn't stand it any more. Flying through the thick wooden door, he landed with the grace of a cat in his parent's room. His father was held at gunpoint, tied up to their desk chair and his mouth gagged. His mother was still in bed, but held down one of the intruders. Both of the men were dressed in black, carrying silver pistols. Everyone was staring at the boy in shock.

Gohan didn't see those stares. He only knew that his parents were in trouble and he had to help them. His anger rose as he took in the surroundings, especially how one of the men held his mother. The intruder was pressing Angel's small frame into the mattress while he towered above her form. Her silk nightgown disarray, showing a bit more than it should have. Seeing red, Gohan prepared to attack because no one messed with anyone he loved, especially his parents.


Chi-Chi and Goku entered Capsule Corps large ballroom slowly. Goku had shed his usual orange and blue gi, now wearing a black tuxedo. Chi-Chi was also out of her usual dress, now adorned in a floor length red beaded gown. The gown fit her curvy figure, held in place by thin beaded straps.

As soon as they entered the room, the attending Z-senshi rushed to meet the leader of their ensemble and his wife. Bulma, who noticed her fighting friends flock to the new arrivals, quickly pulled Vegeta over to the couple as well. Chi-Chi grabbed her blue-haired friend and pulled her into a quiet corner of the room. Her high cheekbones were flushed with excitement, her eyes danced with happiness.

Bulma quickly took in her friend's appearance and readied herself for the news. The past year had put a strain on their relationship. Bulma's pregnancy and the birth of Trunks had distanced them. For Bulma, the subject of Trunks, as well as his presence, was a constant reminder to her friend about the Son's lost child. She had always felt uncomfortable talking about her own son in front of them. Bulma could still remember Goku and Chi-Chi's reaction to the news of her pregnancy. Both of their eyes were shadowed, thoughts of their dead son haunting them. Since then, Bulma had realized that the death of their son had been harder on them than she could imagine. Just the thought of loosing Trunks made her grow cold.

With the largest smile in on her face for the past five years, Chi-Chi announced her own shocking news. "Bulma, I'm pregnant!"


Gohan angrily attacked one of the men. Ignoring the gun he brandished, he rushed at him. However, he was stopped dead in his tracks as the intruder pushed it to his father's temple. The other was still pressed up against his mother. His heart plummeted with the realization that both of his parents were endangered.

A creak in the doorway echoed through the silent room, tension thick enough to cut through. Gohan quickly turned, expecting another intruder. To both his relief and dismay, it was his sister. Her dark blue eyes grew with shock at the scene before her. Gohan moved over to her faster than anyone could see. One moment he was standing in the middle of the room, and then he was in front of his sister. Cassandra gasped in surprise at his sudden presence; however, she was reassured by it as well.

Even with his sister behind him, Gohan couldn't help but feel a great deal of apprehension. He knew that no one was safe. Fear, anger, hatred, and a dozen other negative emotions ran through his blood. Gohan could feel something slowly altering in him as he watched the invaders. He didn't know what it was, but he could feel a strange feeling surge through him. It was similar to when he flew, but this time the power was raging though his blood, promising revenge for what was happening to his family.


Okay, so the angst hasn't quite started, but do you people see where I'm going with this? You should. Anyways, please review and lemme know that you are at least reading this.


MAILING LIST: Still going, just email me or tell me in your review that you want to be on the list. Plus tell me the email address and story name. For those on it, just let me know if you want removed or didn't get it at all.


SNEAK PEAK: (I've discovered some people like this)

"As midnight hit, the loud clock rang out the arrival of Christmas day. The room turned silent as the bells rang twelve times. As it ended, Chi-Chi silently raised her glass. Shadows threatened to overtake her eyes as she stared at the shimmering liquid in her glass. "A toast to my son, wherever he may be.""


"Angrily, he slapped Angel hard. Her head was slammed to the side. Tears slowly slid down her face as she tried to ignore what would happen. It was hopeless. There was nothing they could do. Her eyes locked with her son's, displaying those exact thoughts."