Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where Ever You Will Go ❯ Where Ever You Will Go ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This story takes place in Mirai Trunks' timeline. It's written in Vegeta's POV.

Defeated again. Defeated by a couple of tin cans. I can still hear their mocking laughter; their cruel smirks… I used to be that way. I still would be if not for one person… one onna.

So lately, been wondering

Who will be there to take my place

It was enough to make me laugh. Me, the Prince of Saiyajins, has gone soft because one person out of millions decided she was going to be nice to me. Damn her. Damn me for allowing her to penetrate my carefully constructed barriers. Damn my barriers for not being strong enough. Damn my body for not being strong enough to save that woman and her precious mud ball and all its inhabitants.

Damn it all.

I can't help but grimace as I slowly trudge through the muddy, broken streets that used to be a grand city. The buildings have been destroyed, along with the people within them. The few remaining souls were grieving over the bodies of their friends and families, many of which had just lost their lives in the most recent android attack; the one I tried to stop.

I failed.

I failed just like so many other members of the Z Senshi. Tien, Krillin, Piccolo, Yamcha… all dead. They'd been ripped apart by the Earth's terrors. They never had a chance.

And Kakarotto.

He's gone too. He was spared from the androids, for a heart virus claimed his life instead. And yes, I actually feel sorry for the baka. That's no way for a warrior to die. I'm sure if Kakarotto had been able to have a choice, he would have fought against the androids and died an honorable death.

Life's a bitch sometimes.

Only a few remain now. My son, Trunks, Gohan, myself, and Bulma. The Earth's population has dwindled to only a few hundred. Soon there will be no one left.

No one.

When I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

If a great wave shall fall, and fall upon us all

Then between sand and stone, could you make it on your own?

I finally make it back to what remains of Capsule Corp. The once proud building has been reduced to no more than a shell of its former glory. Cracks and holes riddle its exterior, and the interior isn't much better.

I slowly walk up the broken path and raise my hand to the doorknob, pausing only a moment before pushing the door open and stepping inside. I don't even notice as the freezing rain that has drenched my beaten body drips from my hair and clothes… or what's left of them anyway.

The building is quiet and dark. The sound of my own boots clicking on the cracked tiles seems to radiate throughout the area, making my surroundings that much more eerie.

Then, as I near Bulma's lab, I can hear something… or someone. My pace slows when I recognize the sound. The woman's crying… again. I pause in the door's frame and lean against it, watching the two figures within. Bulma is sitting at her desk, facing away from me. Her face is cradled in her hands and her shoulders are heaving as she sobs uncontrollably. Trunks is standing behind her and stroking her back in a failing attempt to calm the onna. Upon closer inspection, I can see that my son is fighting back tears of his own.

It's a losing battle.

I decide not to intrude and turn my back on the scene before heading toward the backyard, where my gravity machine awaits. It's funny how it's still in one piece. Dumb androids. This is what will enable me to finally beat them. They're fools for not destroying it first.

I smirk as I approach my training area and pull the heavy metal door back, stepping inside afterward. It's just how I left it. I won't leave this infernal place until I am sure I can defeat my enemies. I won't lose again. Not now, not ever. Never again.

I smirk as I approach the control settings and begin programming them to my specifications. There's only one battle I've fought where I accepted my defeat… eventually. That one was fought with a human. Bulma. She kicked my ass…. Not that I really minded.

If I could, then I would

I'll go where ever you will go

Way up high, or down low, I'll go where ever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out

A way to make it back someday

I decide to cut my training short for today. I can't get the onna off my mind. The scene from earlier was implanted within my psyche, nagging me to no end. She did a lot of crying these days, but something was different this time.

Just as I'm about to flip the controls off, the lights flicker out and the gravity returns to normal on its own accord. I was just about to unleash a fury of curses when some movement outside the small window on the door caught my attention. I run to investigate and I just manage to catch sight of Bulma as she's returning to the building.

She'd just used the outside controls to cut off power to the interior, and judging from the mangled wires hanging from the electric box, it was cut off for good.

I stare at the mess for a moment blankly, wondering why she'd do such a thing. Then anger sweeps over me. Was this her way of telling me to give up?! Her way of telling me I'd never be strong enough?

I couldn't help but scream in rage before storming after the onna for an explanation. It wasn't long before I found her alone in her… `our' bedroom. She was crying again. My anger disappeared instantly as the image of her sitting on the side of the bed invaded my vision. I sighed and my shoulders slumped as I admitted my defeat again. I couldn't stay mad at her for long.

Damn her.

I hate seeing her like this, and I didn't want to continue seeing her like this. Slowly, I approach her. I say her name, though she doesn't seem to hear it. I pause as I get closer. She's holding something… a picture. Of us. It's one of the few photos I allowed to be taken of me. I just watch for a moment as one of the woman's tears hit the glossy finish and roll down the picture.

To watch you, to guide you, through the darkest of your days

If a great wave shall fall, and fall upon us all

Then I hope there's someone out there

Who can bring me back to you

I finally step around the bed and sit beside her. She still seems to be in a daze; not even noticing me. So I place a hand on her shoulder.


There. I finally get a response.

"… Why? Why did you have to leave me?"

….What? That's not what I was expecting. Before I can say anything, she spoke again in a cracked and straining voice.

"I told you! You weren't ready! But you still fought them… Stubborn bastard…"

What the hell?! That pissed off feeling is returning and I'm reminded why I followed her in the first place. How dare she cut off my only means of becoming stronger! I open my mouth to shout out an insult, but she interrupts me.

"And now you're dead!"

My jaw drops. Dead?

She collapses on the floor, still clutching the photo to her chest. All I can do is stare at her in disbelief. My mouth is probably hanging open like a baka's too, but that's not really important at the moment.

"I'm… I'm not dead, woman!"

She doesn't respond.



I scream her name into her ear one last time, but again, there's no acknowledgement from the woman. I sit back, completely at a loss.

She can't hear me.

She can't see me.

She can't feel me.

She might as well be dead to me as well. I start to feel a very disturbing crushing feeling in my chest. It's strange. My heart's not beating anymore, but it's breaking. Some rule had to have just been broken here…

The woman continues to cry, and there's nothing I can do but watch. I've never felt this helpless in my life… and I've had my moments.

Run away with my heart

Run away with my hope

Run away with my love

I don't understand. I shouldn't still be here. I should be in the next world. Maybe this is my hell. I was always stubborn. I never treated Bulma like I should have; not when it really mattered. Now I wanted to comfort her… I wanted to do something!

And I can't do anything but watch.

This really is hell.

I know now, just quite how

My life and love may still go on

In your heart, in your mind, I'll stay with you, for all of time


They buried my body the next day, with the others. My grave was right next to Kakarotto's. Great. I get to rot beside the baka. He just better stay in his own grave if he knows what's good for him.

Oh Kami… I'm losing my non-existent mind. Damn it.

My attention returns to Bulma as she places a mixture of black and red roses on the freshly churned dirt covering my grave. I can't help but smirk at the flower choice.

Roses. Pretty to look at, but painful to the touch.

The woman always said they reminded her of me.

I frown as I interpret those words differently. I originally thought she meant my fighting skills, but now I think she meant something more personal. One thought crosses my mind as another tear falls down her cheek.

I'm a bastard.

But no more. I won't leave her anymore. But I'm dead… Damn it! I'll find a way! Fate can't control me!

If I could, then I would

I'll go where ever you will go

Way up high, or down low, I'll go where ever you will go


Fate be damned. I found a way. I could still be with Bulma.

In her dreams.

Apparently I'm stuck in a world between those of the living and the dead. I didn't want to accept my death, so I became stuck. But this way, I can get closer to the living world than those in the afterlife can. I can enter a person's dreams.

And I have.

I find myself in an open field with flowers and butterflies. The sky is blue with puffy white clouds that are floating lazily through the air.

Ew. If I see a rabbit, I swear I'll puke. …. Wait, there's one now… Ick…

I turn away from the creature and spot a far more beautiful one in the distance.

It's her.

I'd know that flowing blue hair anywhere. I start walking to her with a steady pace, but before I know it, I'm running as fast as I can.

And maybe, I'll find out

A way to make it back someday

She sees me coming and jumps up in excitement, extending her arms expectantly.

I won't disappoint her. Not this time. Not ever again.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. I'll be damned if I let go.

She's crying again, but this time I know it's from happiness, not sadness. That's how I want it. It's too bad I had to die before I realized it.

If I could turn back time,

I'll go where ever you will go

If I could make you mine,

I'll go where ever you will go

She finally dries her tears and pulls back with a smile on her face. She knows this is how things have to be from now on. We can only be together in her dreams. I don't know what will happen when her time comes, but I'm not worried right now.

We kiss.

How gross is that? Well… it's not that bad.

She smiles afterward and sighs as she rests her head on my shoulder, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

"Does this mean you'll stop calling me `onna'?"

I snort and tighten my arms around her.

"In your dreams."

I don't see, but rather feel as her lips curl into a smile against my skin.

I know now, just quite how

My life and love may still go on

In your heart, in your mind, I'll stay with you for all of time