Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ The final battle ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: Hey all! Sorry I took so long to update, these last couple of weeks of college have been really hectic. I'm currently also involved in a little… well let's just call it a misunderstanding, for lack of any better words… with one of my teachers. So yeah.. I'm still trying to get that solved but in my opinion… she should just do us all a favour and find another job cause honestly I've never met such a lousy excuse of a teacher… and I've met bad ones trust me! But hey.. that's my opinion and who am I to decided huh? Oh well enough of that!
Before I continue though, I wanted to ask you all something. When I read a fanfiction, or any other online-story I find it easier to read when the paragraphs are short and separated with blank lines. I'm not used to writing like that but I've decided to give it a try in this chapter. Please let me know what style you prefer so I can work on making my stories easier to read :)
Well that was all for my rambling. No need to delay you any further! I give you chapter 13 of Where I Belong! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 13 - The final battle!
Recap from last time:
Frieza growled furiously “PREPARE THE SHIP! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THE PEST MYSELF!” he bellowed.
“Yes milord” the soldier who had just informed the tyrant of what had happened quickly scrambled off to do his lords bidding.
`How could this have happened?' Frieza thought. `Well… no matter. It'll soon be taken care off' the evil tyrant laughed like a maniac as he drank his wine. “Soon my prince…” he said in a soft, menacing voice.
This time:
It was quiet on the rebel-planet. The only sounds that could be heard where those of battle. A fierce battle.
Every single soldier and rebel stood silently looking up at the sky. Some where frightened, while others where pleased. Some where shocked, while others where amazed.
What are they looking at, you wonder? Well the battle of the century ofcourse!
Up in the sky two beings where fighting fiercely. One the Saiyan prince, a Super Saiyan. The other an Ice-jin, a tyrant who terrorized the universe for far to long.
Vegeta laid punch after punch, kick after kick on the tyrants body. Not even breaking a sweat.
He took pleasure in every bone he heard cracking. In every drop of blood he forced from the Ice-jins body. But he took the most pleasure in the desperation that was beginning to show in the tyrants eyes.”How does it feel to be beaten by a Saiyan Frieza?” he taunted. “Ironic how you destroyed the entire Saiyan race out of fear. Fear that a Super Saiyan would rise up and overthrow you! And yet you let the strongest one live!” Vegeta laughed heartily at the irony of it all.
Frieza growled at the insolent prince. `How dare he mock me! He'll pay dearly for this! Stupid monkey! That's all he is! A monkey!'
Sweat covered his body, mixing with the blood that flowed freely from his injuries. He was trying so hard to block the Saiyan's attacks, but he was failing miserably.
`How is this possible?' he wondered. `I've transformed into my final form, yet still he's beating me! This can't be possible! He's just a monkey! I'm the stronger one! I'm superior!'
Frieza growled furiously as Vegeta's fist connected with his jaw.
His body was already broken and torn. Even he knew that he wouldn't hold out much longer. With every punch, kick and blast his body grew weaker.
`Yes it was true. He, the great emperor Frieza was losing. He was losing to a Saiyan. A monkey! How degrading', he thought frustrated.
He was inclined to just blow up the entire planet, but he wasn't sure if that would leave him with enough energy until his father or even his stupid brother found him.
`For yes, he could survive in space, unlike most other races. But surviving in space required much more energy than normal. It was a risk he didn't dare take. His chances of survival where much greater this way. Both his brother and father where nearby after all'.
He was violently jarred out of his thoughts by a vicious punch to his abdomen.
`Damn that Saiyan!' he thought as he tried his hardest to dodge another kick. `I should have destroyed him when I had the chance!'
The fight was interrupted by a loud rumbling sound. The sound of a landing ship. Vegeta knew those sounds all to well.
Slowly he turned to see both King Colds and Coolers ship landing. `Shit!' he thought.
`It was extremely easy to defeat Frieza, so I should have no trouble dealing with his father or brother. But both of them together?' He wasn't sure about that.
`Better finish of Frieza before he gets the chance to escape or intervene in a much more difficult battle!' and with that he sent a fairly powerfull energy blast in Frieza's direction.
Frieza's eyes widened in shock as a powerfull blast came at him, fast! There was no way he could dodge it so he tried blocking it.
If possible, his eyes widened even further as the blast hit him, destroying his body.
Vegeta had just enough time to enjoy Frieza's demise before King Cold and Cooler showed up.
“FRIEZA!!!” came the shocked, rather feminine voice of King Cold.
Vegeta laughed heartily at the shock clearly visible on King Colds face. “Don't worry you'll be joining him soon”, he chuckled before attacking.
There was no time to play. He had to get back to his mate. She needed him, now more than ever.
And so Vegeta put everything he had into the fight. It was much harder though, now that he was fighting two Ice-jins. Every hit he made on Cooler or King Cold was met with one of their own.
He could feel his sweat mingling with his blood. This was definitely a lot tougher than he thought.
The fight went on for hours, and things weren't looking good for our prince. He was tired and badly injured. He hated to admit it, but he still wasn't strong enough. Not to defeat two of them anyways.
Cooler smirked at the fallen prince. “What's the matter monkey boy?” he taunted. “Not so tough now are you?” he laughed.
“Don't worry. I want you alive. Then you can watch as I fuck your mate over and over!” He laughed at the look of horror that briefly showed on Vegeta's face.
The prince attacked with renewed vigor. `No! He couldn't let that happen! He would not touch his mate!'
Cooler laughed once more as he dodged another kick, placing his own fist in the Saiyans stomach. His punch was directly followed by an energy-blast from his father. The blast hit the prince in the back.
The younger tyrant smirked continuing to taunt the young prince. “I still remember the day I first took her! She was feisty!” He laughed.
“Even after I fitted her with a ki-drainer, she remained feisty” he continued. “She also tastes and feels absolutely divine!” he smirked riling the prince up more.
The more Cooler gloated about how he raped and beat his mate, the closer Vegeta got to snapping.
And finally he did. Something snapped and his power grew exponentially. Two pairs of Ice-jin eyes widened in shock as the Saiyans power increased once again.
The young prince smirked as he viciously attacked the two Ice-jins. He was quickly gaining the upper hand once again.
It wasn't long before King Cold fell, his body disintegrated by Vegeta's Gallic Gun.
Cooler growled furiously as he watched his father perish. “You'll die for that!” he spat angrily at the smirking prince.
Vegeta laughed heartily at the only Ice-jin left. Desperation was now starting to show on his face, just like it had on Frieza's and even King Colds, just before they perished.
Soon, the cocky tyrant would fall and they would be free!
`How could this have happened?' Cooler wondered. `How could a mere monkey get strong enough to destroy two Ice-jins in one day? And get me so badly injured?' He couldn't, for the life of him understand how this was possible.
He didn't have much time to think however, for soon one of Vegeta's fists landed heavily on his jaw. Followed by a knee to his gut and an elbow in his neck, making him cough up blood.
It didn't take much longer before Vegeta finally finished Cooler off in a blinding light.
The rebels all cheered for their new ruler. The Saiyan prince had done it! He had destroyed the tyrants and freed them all!
They made quick work of the few loyal Ice-jin followers left, before breaking in an all out celebration. They where free! They where finally free of the tyrants that ruled the universe for far to long!
Vegeta quickly rushed to his mate and carefully cradled her in his arms.
Before the rebel leader closed the pod he gave a final order. “Build me a fortress and rebuild the cities. Let me know when all is done”.
“Yes milord” the rebel leader answered, before closing the pod.
Vegeta sighed as he set the coordinates for Frieza's base. No not Frieza's… his! He was now the strongest warrior! He was the new emperor!
There you go :) I'm sorry for not going into to much detail when it comes to the fighting. That just isn't my thing to write. I'll work on it though, and when I've managed I'll maybe rewrite this chapter to put in more fighting :)
This story has almost come to an end. I actually finished writing it today. All that's left is to type up the epilogue and upload it. I hope to do so this weekend.
Also don't forget to let me know what writing style you preferred so I can make my next stories easier for you people to read! ;)
Thomas Drovin I completely forgot to thank you for the reading tip! So I'll take this opportunity to do so :) Thank you for the tip! I'll be sure to look up the story and read it :)
-*- Golden Tigress -*-