Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Ch 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3

Bulma had, at first, smiled when Vegeta had punched Henry. She wanted to join him and kick him in the one place she hated the most right now.

She gasped when Henry retaliated with a needle filled with some kind of liquid and stood, horrified, as Vegeta slowly succumbed to whatever had been in the syringe.

As Vegeta stopped struggling and sank down to lie on his back, she had a jolt of fear. The look on his face was the same look he'd had earlier that night. The look that said he was ready to die.

She wasn't going to allow that.

As she ran forward toward the syringe, Henry whipped his head around toward her. He grinned and advanced on Bulma, who was merely trying to reach the needle, hoping it still had some of the drug in it so she could make an antidote from it.

Vegeta noticed this and growled as he tried once again to lever himself up. Forget death. He would not let the woman be desecrated by this man. Cursing himself for the weaknesses that kept him on the ground, he could only watch as Henry reached Bulma, who had just reached the needle, and picked her up, spinning her around and carrying her kicking, flailing form over nearer the impotent Vegeta.

He sneered down at Vegeta as his hands roamed on Bulma's body, "Like to see something before you go, Vegeta?"

Vegeta snarled, not able to reply, hardly able to move. He'd rather lie dying before Frieza again-at least before Frieza as he supposed he already was dying-than see her in his arms like that. She fought like a wildcat though. He could admire that.

Bulma looked at Vegeta with helplessness. He was going to die and she would be forced to watch. She couldn't allow this to happen, no matter the cost.

She let herself go limp in his arms, and Henry took notice of her, "Henry, please. I'll willingly-if you'll just let Vegeta live. I know you have to have an antidote on you. You're not stupid. You'd want to make sure that no accidents happened."

As Vegeta sucked in a breath to say words he couldn't speak, Henry frowned down at her, "Yes. I have an antidote. But why would you do what you don't want to do just to save him?" He stressed the last word as if Vegeta was the monster.

"Be-because-I love him." As she said the words, she knew it was true. He was the 'pang', the 'something more'. She'd probably loved him at first sight. She was just too afraid to commit her heart to someone who could so easily break it. It was what scared her the most about him.

Bulma's heart sank as Henry's face twisted, "Love him!? You love him! You can only love me! No one else! How dare you betray me! You're just like all the rest! A tease. A slut! Fine! You love him, die with him!"

He threw her down violently beside Vegeta and her head cracked against the ground. As she rose, a stream of blood flowed from a cut on her forehead.

Vegeta saw the blood and something snapped inside of him. As Henry's leg lifted to kick at the sprawled Bulma, Vegeta's hair suddenly flashed golden, his eyes green. Power surged through him in a torrent so rich he was almost swept away by it. He'd never felt such ecstasy, ever.

As soon as it had begun, it ended; blond hair went dark, green eyes went black, and Vegeta found himself standing upright and holding onto a very shaken Henry by the collar of his shirt. One hand was cocked back and a ki blast was held poised there.

Vegeta looked right in Henry's eyes, letting him know his fate, his fatal mistake. He'd messed with the wrong person.

A hand was placed on his arm, and such was his fever that he felt the coolness of it even through his suit.

"Vegeta, don't."

He did not turn to look at her, only looked in Henry's eyes, gaze unwavering. Henry, however, was looking pleadingly at Bulma. With death so near to hand, he was quite desperate.

"Why not? He deserves it."

"Did you?"

Vegeta's scowl deepened but he still did not look at her. How dare she? I am the Prince of all Saiyans, not some whipped dog that she can command at will. I have reason to kill him. She has every reason to kill him.

Another, tinier voice stated, They had every reason to leave you dead.

With a growl that bordered on a roar he let the ki blast die. Henry let out a sigh of relief before shrieking in pain as Vegeta's still cocked fist connected with his face. It caused quite a bit of damage with Vegeta keeping his hold on the man and rendered him unconscious.

Vegeta let the limp body fall and turned to scowl at the woman, "That's the last time I listen to you, woman." With that, he let the drug take over and passed out, crumpling to the ground.