Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Ch 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6

Vegeta quietly floated before the window to his room. It was nearing dawn and he had trained until every muscle in his body screamed in protest.

He was filled with helpless rage. No matter how hard he'd tried, how hard he'd pushed, Super Saiyan stayed tantalizingly out of reach. It was mind-boggling. He was sure that if the woman hadn't upgraded the machine, he would've destroyed it.

He was glad he hadn't tried to enter by his door. The woman was sleeping in his bed. He growled low in his throat at the strange sensations he felt bubble up at the sight of her sleeping form. She was probably waiting for him, hoping he'd come into his room to sleep. Well, she'd just have to wait.

He made his way around the house to her room, quite confident it would be the last place she'd look, since it was so obvious.

He entered her room and immediately regretted the decision. Her scent permeated it. Everywhere he looked was something to remind him of her. The whole room screamed 'Bulma'.

He squared his shoulders and continued into the room. He wasn't going to be cowed. Besides he'd slept in the gravity room before, it was not comfortable. The Prince of the Saiyans slept in comfort.

He squashed the voice that started to contradict that thought with a list of all the times he hadn't slept in comfort. He would sleep in comfort tonight.

He lay down in her bed fully clothed and shut his eyes, forcing himself to sleep despite the fact that her scent was teasing his senses mercilessly. Pretty soon he was falling asleep, silently thanking the fact that he had learned this trick.

A sound and the feeling of another presence made his eyes snap open, The woman? No…

His eyes narrowed to slits at the shadow that was crawling over the ledge and into Bulma's room. Vegeta lay still. He wasn't in a good mood, and he found the prospect of pulverizing a thief quite appealing.

As the shadow crouched down into the room and silently stared at the bed, obviously studying the figure on it, it suddenly rose and turned to flee. Vegeta too rose, and soon had the would-be thief in a death grip by the throat.

Recognizing whom he held, Vegeta growled, "So, you came back for more, human?"

Henry was pale and shaking. "But-this is Bulma's room!" he squeaked.

Vegeta looked disgusted. The human's whole face had been mangled by the last punch Vegeta had given him. His nose was pressed flat against one side of his face. The other side was swollen and an ugly shade of blue that Vegeta could see even in the dim light. "How observant of you. Now, how would you like to die? Since I didn't have the pleasure of doing it last time, I'm really looking forward to a slow, painful death, how about you?" he sneered at the human whose skin was literally trembling underneath his hand.

"Ar-aren't you going to ask what I was doing here?"

Vegeta frowned. The human's trembling was halting. He wanted him to quake. "Why should I care?"

Henry actually looked Vegeta straight in the eye, "Because you care for her."

Vegeta flung the man away with a growl and he slammed into the edge of the window, yelling as he went over.

He almost sighed in relief as his fall was halted but it was cut off when he was brought up to meet Vegeta's black, merciless eyes.

"You're not getting off that easy." Vegeta grinned and threw Henry back into the room, where he thankfully landed on the bed.

Vegeta again frowned as the human rolled off the bed and managed to stand up. He shouldn't have been able to move, much less stand upright. Vegeta wondered if he was losing his touch.

He sneered at Henry and stalked closer, "Have to remedy that."

Henry had no idea what he was talking about but had already figured out that this man was insane. It didn't matter. What he had said sounded pain-filled, and Henry wanted no more of that. He wished he'd never taken this job.


Vegeta wasn't waiting, but his frown returned and deepened into a scowl. As Vegeta's hand again came around Henry's neck, who was too scared to even react, Henry blurted out the first thing that he thought would stop this killer.

"If you kill me you'll never find out who wants Bulma dead."

This would have stopped Vegeta, except for the red haze that blinded him. By the time it cleared, he held a purple-faced Henry.

Vegeta opened his hand, letting the now gasping Henry drop to the ground with a thud. He crouched down and leaned into Henry's ear, his whisper making the still wheezing man shudder.

"You will tell me."

Henry audibly gulped and kept his face averted from Vegeta's, which was a good thing. The look on Vegeta's face would have stopped his heart.

"Someone hired me to kill her. They said to do so I had to get rid of the 'other man in her house'. I swear, if I'd known… You can't be human!"

Vegeta smirked and rose up over the human, "You've gotten that right at least. Who employed you and why did they want to kill her?"

Henry cautiously looked upwards, "I never saw the person who wanted her dead. A person lower down on the ladder was sent. Bulma has lots of enemies so I wouldn't know why. I only do my job," he looked back down at the floor, "Then I fell in love with her."

Henry was hauled up again violently, "You LOVE her!? You tried to RAPE her!"

Henry flinched at the shouted words and was suddenly pitched into the nearest wall, leaving a deep impression. He fell forward in a delayed reaction that he actually would've found funny if he weren't in so much pain.

He coughed up blood and got up to his hands and knees.

Vegeta cursed, "Will you just die?"

Henry looked up and actually grinned, "Steroids do that to you."

Vegeta grinned back, "That's the only way you could keep from being weak?"

"That's the only way I could make money." He blinked and remembered Vegeta's earlier comment, "I do love her. I never raped her."

Vegeta snarled, "In case you didn't notice, human, she did not want what you were giving her."

Henry looked confused, "All women do that. They don't mean it."

Vegeta looked pole-axed for a second then his face and tone fell flat and cold, "You humans are truly a disgusting race. Remind me to thank Kami I was never born one." He raised a hand in front of him and filled it with ki, aiming it down slightly, "I think I'll start with the legs and work my way up. You'll last longer that way." His smirk was truly delighted.

A retort sounded off to Vegeta's left and Henry suddenly fell flat on the ground. A puddle of blood formed under him and slowly flowed towards the Prince.

Vegeta turned around and would've done a double take if his gaze hadn't been locked on the sight of Bulma holding a smoking gun in her hands.

She looked at him with a half-sad, half-angry gaze, "I pitied him, Vegeta." She pointed the gun at the shocked Saiyan.

They stood like that for a long, tense-filled moment. Vegeta acutely wanted to close his eyes and shut out the sight in front of him, sure the woman would shoot, but found he couldn't. His pride was not the only thing not allowing him to.

Bulma slowly lowered the gun and tears sprang to her eyes. She fell to her knees and began to sob.

Vegeta's next actions were instinctive, although he would curse them later. He was quickly by her side and holding her tightly to him.

"I don't pity you," she managed to get out, and Vegeta's eyes widened. She hadn't killed Henry just for herself.

He cradled her in his arms and carried her back to his room, which was violence-free. The way she clung to him was making his skin crawl and his brow was furrowed so fiercely he could've chipped stone with his gaze.

He started to lay her down on the bed and back off, but she clung to him even tighter and whimpered.

He sat down beside her and pulled her almost on top of him, "I would've taken care of him," he voice was hoarse.

Bulma buried her face in his chest, still crying, "He wasn't yours to take care of."

Vegeta nodded. It was exactly what he would have said.

"Did it hurt this much the first time?"

She felt Vegeta's skin jump underneath her and looked up. His eyes were distant, back in the past she had flung him. He looked down at her with a set expression on his face.


She didn't ask what he meant. She thought she had an idea. He'd grown up in a society where killing was the accepted rule. He'd lived his entire life around people who enjoyed it. He hadn't known any different than to enjoy it himself. She certainly did not feel that way.

She laid her head back on his chest, sobs reduced to heaving breaths. Vegeta leaned against the headboard.

They stayed that way, the entire night, falling into a sleep that took them both away from horrors of both present and past.