Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Ch 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 11

Vegeta's thoughts were, unbeknownst to him, revolving around the same issues that Bulma's had, only without the added results.

Bulma kept stealing occasionally worried glances at him. She obviously thought he didn't notice, or she would've stopped long ago. Vegeta sighed and stopped, turning to her, "What?"

Bulma had to fling her arms out to the side to keep from running into the Prince, who had his characteristic guarded expression up. She blinked, "What do you mean?"

The slight tinge to her cheeks belied her innocent tone, but Vegeta had to give her credit for trying. "I mean, why do you continue to examine me as if I was one of your gadgets?"

Bulma sighed, "Well, I was just wondering why you haven't asked about Trunks yet or the Androids-or me…." The last was said so softly that he wouldn't have heard her if not for his acute Saiyan hearing.

Vegeta looked confused, "What is Trunks now? A year-and-a-half? Two?"

Bulma gaped, "Vegeta, he's thirty-five!"

Vegeta's eyes widened and he quickly spun around and continued walking, strides longer and faster. Bulma ran to catch up to him and then had to jog to keep his pace, "Vegeta-could you-slow down?" she panted.

He slowed down his pace so that Bulma could breath, even if her legs did burn still. "You must be mistaken, woman. There is no way I have been here that long," he deadpanned.

Bulma got ahead of him just enough so that she could step in front of him. He stopped and glared at her. She, undaunted, laid a comforting hand on his shoulder, "I'm not mistaken. I died of old age, Vegeta, a stroke or something. It's been that long."

Vegeta shrugged off her hand, and narrowed his eyes, "Really? Then how do you explain your 'youthful' appearance?" He grinned triumphantly.

It was now Bulma's turn to look confused. She inspected her hands then ran them carefully over her face, feeling for the wrinkles and creases that she remembered there. They were not there, though. Even her hair was different. It was long and wavy, falling a little past her neck. Her eyes widened, "Wow! That's cool!"

At Vegeta's annoyed expression she wiped the glee off her face and became pensive again, "Seriously, Vegeta, it's not that hard. Do you think that anyone actually wants to be old in Heaven?"

Vegeta humph-ed at the insult, "I would also think they wouldn't want to be ugly."

Bulma's mouth pinched into a thin line and her eyes flashed. She opened her mouth to yell and instead surprised Vegeta when she closed it again and took a deep, calming breath.

Thirty-five years. She changed, he reflected sadly.

Bulma saw the flash of regret cross his eyes and wanted only to comfort him. His still crossed-armed pose prevented her from doing so from the front, so she moved behind him.

He craned his neck around, his eyebrows lowered in confusion. What was she-?

He let out a grunt of surprise when her hands began to make slow, deep circling motions on his shoulder, neck, and back. Her hands were cool and smooth even through the bodysuit he wore; still wore. They worked at his muscles, commanding that they bend to her will.

He remembered the last time she had done this as if it were yesterday. It had been for him, but for her…. She seems to remember though, he thought with a grin as he felt his muscles slowly begin to relax under her ministrations. He suddenly realized that he was purring and wondered if that was what she had giggled at. She confirmed this when he heard her laugh lightly.

He would have colored if his ruddy complexion had allowed it. Him, the Saiyan Prince, purring!

He broke the hold she had over him by stepping out from under her hands, much to his body's reluctance. He heard her sigh sadly, a small, soft sound. It was neither the time nor the place for such things. Relaxation was for those who could afford it and neither of them could.

As they both continued their trek he heard her whisper, "We just have to get to the portal. Just one more level, one more demon, and everything will be like it used to be. You'll see." It sounded as if she was trying to convince herself, for she certainly didn't convince him.

She hasn't changed that much. She's still as naïve as ever.

* * *

I know now, just quite how

My life and love might still go on

In your heart, in your mind,

I'll stay with you for all time

The lifting of the black mist in front of them forewarned both Vegeta and Bulma that they were nearing something. Both reacted differently from this change of scenery, although both their reactions were the same. For Bulma it was relief at the thought of an end to this nightmare. For Vegeta it was the relief at the thought of an end to a different nightmare.

The pair both stepped forward at the same time, completely chasing away the blackness and revealing something that took their breaths away.

There was giant hole in the black fabric of the world they were in. The outline of the hole was wavy and erratic, brilliantly colored, although those colors, every one imaginable, shifted constantly. The blackness inside the hole contrasted sharply with the outline, making it stand out like an open wound on the flesh of Hell.

Bulma had seen the Aurora Borealis before, but its beauty could not begin to compare to this. Where the sky's display was calm and soothing, like a river, the portal was more like a raging fire. Bulma could swear she could feel the heat even from here.

As they gazed upon the outline and its black inside, the inside shifted. Bulma gasped as she recognized the kitchen of Capsule Corporation. She took an involuntary step forward.

Vegeta stood transfixed by the colors of what he knew to be the real world; the live one, that was open before him. Glancing at Bulma, he could see that she recognized the room, even if he didn't. By the fridge and table set, he could easily guess it was a kitchen.

Vegeta saw Bulma move and grabbed her shoulder, suddenly brought back into awareness of their surroundings. Always before there was some indication of the demons before they attacked. After straining with every sense to detect anything he had to conclude that at least this demon was smarter than all the others.

Bulma too tensed, remembering there was suppose to be one more demon guarding this portal. She felt Vegeta's breath tickle her ear and shuddered involuntarily.

"When I tell you to, run. No arguments, no questions, no half-truths, just run. Ok?"

Bulma nodded, still trying to glance all around, heart-aching at the familiar home right in front of her.

"Promise!" a harsh hiss now.

She looked him right in the eye, "You're coming too?"

He gave her a small smile, "Of course. Wouldn't want to mess up our schedule."

She smiled back, "Then I promise."

Vegeta nodded, already looking around again. He was getting impatient, Where is it?

As if in answer, Vegeta suddenly let go of Bulma, ducked, and rolled forward, feeling air rush past him as something swung through where he had been. He came to a stop and spun on the ball of his foot to rest in a half crouch. His eyes furrowed as he looked this way and that. Nothing was there.

His instinct screamed out a warning again and he whirled around. Nothing. Yet the crack as something connected with his face said otherwise.

His head snapped back to the right and spittle flew as his body continued in the direction of his head. He quickly picked himself up and cursed quite imaginatively, making Bulma blanch. Her eyes were wide open, but she still couldn't see what had hit Vegeta. Was it that fast?

Every part of Vegeta was tense, ready to spring one way or the other. As he flipped backwards abruptly, he winced as he heard an audible snap where he had been. Something caught the heel of his boot, something hard that tried to dig in. He managed to jerk his foot out of the way and landed in a crouch, head turning this way and that.

This thing, obviously invisible, had teeth.

He suddenly straightened and a confused expression alit on his face. A sibilant voice, little more than a whisper, spoke, "Ah, yes, Prince of the Saiyans. I can feel the evil inside of you. It reminds me of someone. You know him."

"Who are you? What are you talking about?"

It was Bulma who answered him, "Huh? Who are you talking to, Vegeta?"

He looked over at her with confusion until the voice hissed again, "She cannot hear me. Only you. You are blind to me, Prince of the Saiyans."

He gritted his teeth, "Who are you?"

"I am you, oh Prince."

Vegeta shook his head and looked again at Bulma. He mouthed the word 'Run' to her. She nodded and took off. Vegeta took his attention away from her and concentrated. He swiftly did a front flip, intending on sending his feet through this thing's chest.

His feet connected soundly with something-and bounced right back off. He had to twist in mid-air to escape snapping jaws again and land balanced on his feet.

The something chuckled, "My prey runs?"

Vegeta knew the thing wasn't speaking of him and moved quickly. He was protecting Bulma's back just in time for something huge to smash into his body. His hands fumbled and found the thing's long and narrow muzzle just in time to force it away from his throat. The muzzle felt bumpy and slightly slick, making getting a grip and keeping it quite a challenge. But he'd always loved challenges.

Inch by inch, his dug-in heels were slid back.

As he grappled with the things jaw, feeling hot air waft on his neck, something swung around the thing and swept his feet out from under him.


Before he could make another move, he was on the ground with something pinning him down. The way it tightened around him, the puncturing as something went through his armor and into his sides, told him it was claw-like.

The jaw had drawn back so now Vegeta wrestled with the appendage holding him down. The grip was vice-like though and the Prince could not find a hold. There were no bumps on this surface.

As the grip mercilessly and swiftly tightened around Vegeta, he couldn't help but scream, several ribs cracking with the great pressure.

Bulma was just at the edge of the portal when the scream sounded. It died much too quickly. She whirled around to see Vegeta writhing on the ground, looking like he was restrained there, although she could see nothing that held him.

She immediately turned around fully and ran toward him. As if she would have done anything else.

The voice again chuckled through Vegeta's pain-laced mind, "Humans are so predictable."

Vegeta turned his head, vision swimming. His watery sight did not block out the blue that was coming closer. Run, woman! You promised!

Bulma's step faltered as she clearly heard the words echo in her mind, then her face hardened with determination. "As you promised to come with me." She continued forward, more cautious, having no idea what to do or where the demon was.

The grip around Vegeta lessened slightly, and he felt the body above him shift slightly, readying itself to pounce. He strained his eyes on whatever this thing was, willing himself to see it. It was no use. He might as well been blind.

He abruptly grinned.

He gritted his teeth, pushing the pain to the corner of his mind as he pushed his torso up, straining against the hold, which, loosened as it was, gave. His hand shot upwards, and he sneered triumphantly as his fingers pushed into something that gave way underneath them. The thing yelped as Vegeta's fingers stabbed into its eyes. Vegeta could imagine it rearing in pain as the claw's presence vanished from around him.

Vegeta, knowing he should be moving now that he was free, could do nothing but fall back to the floor, the pain from his exertion making black dots reel in his vision. Exhaustion threatened to send him into unconsciousness.

The feeling of hands fluttering worriedly over him caused him to growl and push the blackness away.

"Stupid, woman! I said run!" He struggled to rise fully and was surprised when Bulma managed to shove him back down.

"Can you see it, Vegeta? Where is it? What is it?"

Vegeta shook his head and again tried to rise. He felt the ground beneath him shudder, four times.

"It walks on four legs, has scales, long narrow muzzle, sharp claws, a tail…"

"You mean you still haven't figured it out? Can't say as I blame you," it laughed, "Don't you want to know who you remind me of?"

Vegeta ground his teeth, "…and it's telepathic." This time he managed to rise fully, feeling Bulma helping instead of hindering. He put a hand on his chest, feeling movement beneath the skin that should not have been there.

He coughed slightly and knew from the look on Bulma's face that it was blood that now stained his lips. He tried to shove her away from him, "Go. Run. I'll be right behind you."

Bulma shook her head, blue hair bouncing with the motion, almost hypnotizing Vegeta, "No. We both go. Now."

"Neither of you will be going. Especially not you, Vegeta. Isn't that right? Didn't you lie when you promised her you'd follow her? No, you can't leave. You belong here. She doesn't. That's how it's always been."

Vegeta glowered at where he felt the demon's presence. It was just standing there. That much he could tell. "She will leave."

The demon laughed, "No. You're weak. You say she must go without you, yet you, unable to leave, don't want her to go. You're afraid of being here alone. Afraid of losing yourself." The thing was hissing with triumph.

Vegeta again shook his head and transferred the hand around his middle to his head, cradling it.

"Yesss, admit it. She's so innocent and pure. You are neither. You belong here. Hell is as much a part of you as you are of it. Your own ruined soul will bring hers down. You have only to wait. She'll soon fit here just like you."

Vegeta moaned, bowed his head, and closed his eyes, the other hand joining its mate in cradling his head.

"Vegeta?" Bulma voice rose in pitch and she put her hands on his elbows, trying to turn him to face her. He violently wrenched out of her grip and stumbled away from her, eyes wide and confused as he looked at her. She took a step toward him, "Vegeta?"

"Get away, woman!" his voice was hoarse, "Why do you continue to cling to me? If I wanted it I'd get a dog!" She opened her mouth to protest and he harshly snapped, "No! I lied when I said I was going back! I don't want to go back with you! I don't want you anymore! It's been thirty-five years, woman. Things change! Leave! NOW!" The last was bark that made her jump.

Bulma was totally thrown off by this change in attitude. She knew that what he was saying held some truth in it. But Vegeta had ever been good at blending truth with falsehood so well that only after the fact were the lies revealed.

He'd said that the thing was telepathic, so it was obviously saying something. But what could it be saying that would get this kind of reaction? Especially from one who usually could brush off such things?

She decided that fire had to fight fire. She stomped a foot down smartly and glowered at the Prince, "Use your brain, Vegeta! This thing is somewhere out there, and you want to talk semantics! Can't you get your priorities straight? I'm not stepping through that portal and that's that. So, if you'd dislike seeing the universe ruled by something other than you, I suggest you move yourself over here and get me and you through that portal before the demon gets me!"

Vegeta blinked at her a couple times, and she had to root herself to the spot at the thought of the demon pouncing on her while he stood in apparent indecision.

His features finally settled on something that resembled application of his mind. He chuckled suddenly as he realized that this thing had manipulated him as well as he manipulated others. He looked to his left, obviously at where he sensed the demon was.

You are me, eh? Well, then, I guess I do know what you are. Know this. It will take more than head games to stop me.

The demon growled, and Vegeta was pleased to notice that he heard it with his physical ears.

Bulma gasped as she heard a slight growl and saw a grayish outline of something huge where Vegeta was looking. The gray filled the inside of the outline and the outline became sharper, like a picture coming into focus. Slowly the gray inside became as clear as the outline, revealing a shadowy form, lizard-like in shape, whose body rested on four pillar-like legs. A long, sinuous neck led from the body to the creature's muzzle, which was wide and flat nearer the base of the neck, becoming tapered at its snout. The creature's tail, equipped with a speared tip, lashed behind it in either anticipation or irritation, she couldn't tell which.

Bulma felt faint as the form finally obtained color. The beast's black, glistening body became highlighted with a fire-like color that aptly belonged where it resided. The last parts of it to be colored were the eyes. They glowed with a baleful red light, full of a hate and anger that she found terrifyingly familiar.

Vegeta shifted his stance so that he showed as little of his vital areas as possible. His eyes lit up at the sight of the monster. It towered two feet over him; neck arched like a cobra's, eyes burning into him. To assume that because the creature looked like a lizard it had lizard-like attributes would be a generalization that could get a person killed.

"Of course, when you said you were me, you forgot to mention that you were only a part of me." Vegeta smirked.

The dragon smirked back, lips curling back to reveal rows of long, knife-like teeth, "And yet you figured it out, Prince. I do not think the leaving out hindered you any. But this does present a problem, now doesn't it? It would have been much easier on you if you hadn't faced the truth."

Vegeta snorted, "Are you demons always this long-winded?"

The dragon smiled, "Ah, yes. I see."

Vegeta frowned. He let the energy build up in his body, emitting light and heat that were strangely not soothing in this place. He put an arm out before him and let the energy travel through his body and concentrate in the palm of his outstretched hand. A ball of ki slowly flickered to life and grew as his smile grew with it. He poured all his energy into it and the ball soon grew double the size of his head.

Although Bulma was cowed by the sight and size of the dragon, her fear was tempered by Vegeta's obvious calm in the face of the mythical creature. She felt just a hint of trepidation that the dragon was also calm.

Vegeta lobbed the ki ball, hurling it at the demon with a speed that broke the sound barrier. There being no sound barrier to break in Hell, there was no sonic boom, of course.

The resulting blast knocked Bulma off her feet and caused her to skid backwards. With a curse, she rose onto her elbows, intending on berating Vegeta for his lack of foresight or, at least, warning. Her eyes, however, became glued to the billowing smoke where the ki had impacted with the dragon's body, and at the chuckling dragon that the now clearing smoke revealed.

"Are you really that much of a fool, Vegeta? I'm much too powerful for you. You're not even a Super Saiyan. And even a third-class could reach that level."

Vegeta growled in a feral way, then visibly calmed himself, seeing the ploy for what it was. The dragon switched tactics.

"I said you reminded me of someone, and so you do. You share the same bloodlust, the same ambitions, the same hungers, and the same desires. You have the same heart and blackened soul. It's funny really, ironic even."

Vegeta sighed and rolled his eyes, "Would you get to the point? This battle is so boring I'm liable to fall asleep."

The dragon smiled, "Surely you know who I speak of, Prince. The one you hated above all. And yet look, you are him."

Vegeta's eyes flickered with some un-namable and dangerous emotion.

"That's why you're here. Because in the end, no matter how much you loathed him, no matter how much you tell yourself you're unlike him, you are truly the son Frieza wanted."

Vegeta's face twisted with hate and he yelled, charging at the dragon recklessly, with all the anger of his twenty years of slavery and abuse behind him.

The dragon's eyes suddenly brightened with a visceral light and his grin widened. He met Vegeta's charge by rearing up on his hind legs, taking a huge swipe with a speed that belied his great, bulky appearance.

The claw hit Vegeta, despite his sudden twisting in the air, flinging him like a rag doll, his parallel course with the floor steadily declining until his body touched the black surface, bouncing off of it several times. The last jolt with the ground caught his body in such a way that he flipped head over heels, spinning in that fashion until his tumbling slowed and finally stopped, his body tossing over one final time to rest on his stomach. He'd landed nine yards away from the demon. He did not move.

Bulma's wail of empathetic pain and concern caused the demon to turn from the still body of the warrior and grin at her, "Well, it seems as if it's just the woman and the dragon."

Bulma's grief-stricken, disbelieving blues eyes turned fully on the dragon. The anger and hate that suddenly filled them were the same that had touched them at Vegeta's first death. She promised herself that she would be as satisfied as when she heard of the Androids' death from her son's own mouth. She couldn't destroy this thing, but she would cause it all the pain a being of Heaven could cause a ninth level demon. She hoped it was a lot.

He stalked her, crouching low to the ground and slowly circling her, tightening his circle ever so slowly. She herself tensed up and followed his movements by turning her body with his, waiting patiently. For some reason, the demon seemed to have nothing to taunt her with. Perhaps he enjoyed the prospect of a wary woman.

The demon charged her and Bulma leapt at him at the same time, arms outstretched to touch the beast.

She gasped as her hands met empty air and her face met the floor. She got up and whirled around, face livid at finding the monster laughing from behind her.

"Really, woman. I hope that wasn't supposed to hit me."

She paled, mouth opening and closing, as that one phrase, an echo of Vegeta from almost forty years ago, made everything else that had been said, at least aloud, click into place.

"You are Vegeta! I mean, a part of him."

The dragon chuckled, "I believe he already pointed that out, woman."

She growled, "Don't call me that." The word, which she had gotten used to, and even liked, hearing from Vegeta, sounded like a curse on the dragon's lips.

The dragon curled the sides of his mouths up, exposing pearly white, yet deadly, teeth, "Why not? You'll never hear it from him again."

On second thought, he did have some taunts. And she was as exposed to them as Vegeta and reacted in the same way, lunging at the demon. For her, though, the action was much more suicidal.

This time the demon did not bother to rear up. It just casually lifted a claw and swatted at her as if she were a fly. He must have been gentle, for she didn't go very far before smacking into the ground, and she was able to rise to her hands and knees. The dragon wanted to play.

She wiped the side of her mouth and grimaced as it came away bloody. She glared futilely at the demon as it casually walked toward her.

"How should I kill you, hm, slow and painful or painful and slow?"

Bulma blinked, "But don't you want you want to use me to get to the outside world?"

The dragon threw back his head and barked a laugh before looking down at her, eyes twinkling with merriment, "And then what? I'm not that little Saiyan, you know. I have no longing for immortality or ultimate power or the whole universe bowing to me. I already have it here. Why exchange a world of darkness and despair and hate for one of sunshine and hope and love? I have everything I need and want here."

Bulma was wide-eyed. She again heard what wasn't said. "So, then, why is Vegeta here?"

The dragon paused, "What?"

Bulma grinned devilishly, "Oh, I think I'll take that to my grave with me."

The dragon's eyes glowed malevolently. He, like Vegeta, did not like not understanding something. He grinned suddenly, "Grave? You're already dead, woman. You won't have a 'grave'."

Now Bulma frowned, for it was she who did not understand. She wasn't about to lower herself to ask what he meant though, and he knew that.

She gasped as something rustled on the monster's back. Two leathery wings, totally blocking out the light of the portal with their great span, unfurled from behind the monster. The monster shuddered in pleasure at the scent of her fear, so tangy and sweet. He curled the edges so that they seemed to encircle the woman, almost slavering at the sudden peak in her terror.

Bulma wanted to close her eyes. This was hardly the last image she wanted to have. But she couldn't tear her eyes off the glorious and deadly sight before her. She no longer wondered at all the people who were utterly fascinated by this creature of myth. She herself was in an almost hypnotized awe of her killer.

She watched as its tail lifted off the floor and the spear of its tip pointed at her. She would've asked what had happened to slow and painful as she was pretty sure the thing was aimed for her heart. However, she'd pretty much left the dumb-blonde version of her behind forty years ago.

As the thing hurtled down toward her, she could only stare at it and watch.

The dragon was not the least bit surprised when a figure intercepted the spear with his body, preventing it from hitting Bulma. No, he was angry because he hadn't gone to make sure the Saiyan was dead before going after Bulma. That had been his plan all along.

Such was the force behind the tail that it slipped right past Vegeta's hold and right through his shoulder. He cried out involuntarily and sagged against the tail, almost stumbling to his knees as the spear was wrenched violently back out. The barbed ends on the spear point did more damage going out then coming in.

The demon stepped back with a smile as Vegeta swayed backwards and the woman quickly rose and was at his side, again supporting him; a crutch. He would enjoy this. The Saiyan couldn't hold out much longer. His injuries were too many and too grave.

Vegeta wondered at the fact that he could actually touch his wound. He could touch all his wounds. He had no time to wonder about that now.

"Vegeta." Bulma's voice was a soothing whisper in his ears as he tried to blink back his blurry vision and get into a fighting stance.

"Woman, get to the portal," his voice was almost slurred beyond recognition because of the pain.


"Look at me, woman!"

She didn't have to look at him. How could life be so cruel? Wasn't once enough? "I won't do it this time, Vegeta. You can't ask me to."

"Stop being so selfish! Once it's done with me it'll use you to kill everyone. It'll kill Trunks. You'll kill Trunks."

Bulma laughed dryly, "No it won't. And you know that, Vegeta."

He turned his head and looked at her, "Stupid, wom-"

Her lips cut him off as they met his, and all his thoughts, scattered as they already were, dissipated. The kiss was cool and seemed longer than it really was. It was as if he could have done anything at that moment, and the only thing he wanted to do was stay like that forever.

But reality has a way of crushing the most memorable of moments, twisting even the memory of it so that it faded into the background, seeming nothing more than a fantasy of emotion and desire. Vegeta knew the kiss was over, yet he still felt as if he was falling. The woman was screaming his name but he couldn't seem to garner up the strength to answer her. He could only watch as the dragon chuckled and advanced on Bulma, who was kneeling by him and looking up at the dragon with unbridled rage in her eyes.

With a primal scream that Vegeta thought could only come from his throat, Bulma lunged at the grinning demon like an avenging spirit, intent on ripping out its throat.

The demons tail lashed out and this time scored a hit, knocking Bulma aside and cutting her across one shoulder. The red stain of her blood showed through the white of her garment, but Vegeta didn't have to see it. He could smell it.

He suddenly realized what the key was. When Kakarott had turned Super Saiyan, he had done so right after Krillin, his life-long friend, had been killed by Frieza. Kakarott must have felt exactly what Vegeta felt right now. Not a desire to go Super Saiyan, to achieve that legendary position, but a sudden need to destroy, to utterly annihilate, his opponent. But it wasn't just that. It was a focus. A purifying of all Vegeta's wishes, desires, and wants to obtain this one goal, to obtain so much power that it changed the very structure of his genetic makeup.

He grasped that key as Bulma's scream of unfulfilled vengeance echoed in his mind. He put it in the lock as the dragon laughed. He turned it as Bulma rose to her hands and shot a glare back at the dragon. The lock snapped open as his composition changed ever so slightly, as his hair went bright gold and his eyes aqua-green, as his genes changed to allow this new and great influx of energy.

Power shot through him in a torrent long remembered and long desired. It was sweet and painful in its intensity. He controlled it as he controlled his Oozaru form.

He got up, no longer feeling the pain, the power so great it acted as narcotic would. The dragon had stopped all movement and was looking at the glowing Vegeta with narrowed eyes. It snorted.

Vegeta wasted no words, just charged at the dragon, moving so fast the demon was hit before he'd realized Vegeta had moved. Vegeta's reverse punch knocked the dragon's head to the side, body stumbling and some teeth coming unhinged from his mouth.

The dragon whipped his long neck back and snapped his jaws at Vegeta, but Vegeta simply stepped onto the head and vaulted over the body, easily dodging the now slow tail that tried to trip him up.

He caught the tail as the dragon tried to turn around and swung it in an arc over his head, watching in amusement as the rest of the dragon's body followed the tail. He leaned up a little as he slammed the beast's body down, making a deep impression with the dragon's body onto the floor.

As the dragon, dazed, tried to rise, Vegeta sneered at it and snapped a hand at it, palm upright, thumb tucked in. The power that he gathered was ten times that of his previous ki blast. Holding it in his body, centering that much power in his palm, made him giddy. He grinned.


Bulma was still staring in shock, her mouth forming a perfect 'O' as little pieces of dragon rained down around her. Vegeta let out a small laugh, powered down, and promptly collapsed.

* * *

If I could, then I would

I'll go wherever you will go

Way up high, or down low,

I'll go wherever you will go

Trunks stealthily crept downstairs and almost sighed at the involuntary sneakiness. His mother had been gone for a year and he still found himself doing the little things that he'd done when she was alive, like being quiet so he didn't wake her. All those years with the Androids had made her a light sleeper.

He entered the kitchen and immediately knew something was wrong. Something in the air felt-off. A look to his side convinced him of this as his gaze settled on a hole in his kitchen.

He rubbed his eyes and looked again. There was a hole in his kitchen!

He didn't notice the beauty of it, nor its odd shape. It was there, and he didn't know what it was.

He crept forward, peering into it, readying himself for whatever came out. It was not what came out, but what shouted out, that startled Trunks.

"Trunks!" The wail was an unmistakable one that had him charging through the portal before rational thought could take hold.

He stopped at the scene before him.

A young, blue-haired woman was trying vainly to lift a heavily built, unconscious man and drag him toward him. He blinked. The young woman looked exactly like the Bulma from the other timeline. And there was just no mistaking Vegeta.

"Trunks, please help me!" the younger Bulma looked up at Trunks with watery eyes and Trunks saw all the pain and longing that the other timeline's Bulma had never had to go through. He wasted no time in asking questions or hesitating. He could feel Vegeta's ki fading. Questions could be answered later.

He picked Vegeta, hoping the man didn't wake up to find himself being cradled by his son. His mother put a hand on his arm, relief apparent, and they walked through the portal and out of Hell.