Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of a Banshee ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: WARNING! Lemon scene! Clean, but still there….

Chapter 4

Bulma stretched, eyes opening to the sunlight streaming in that spoke of a setting sun and the warm feeling of two strong arms wrapped around her. She felt the arms and the body they were attached to shift. "Didn't mean to wake you."

Vegeta grunted. "I wasn't asleep."

There was a moment of silence as both lay there, taking in the feeling of a day ending and trying to ignore the sounds of their visitors downstairs.

"What do you think that was about at dinner?"

Vegeta moved his head down to look at her. "Which?"

Bulma met his stare evenly. "That topic about you that Trunks asked Goku and then they all clammed up."

Vegeta shrugged. "I'm sure I'll get it out of them tonight when I spar with the two brats."

Bulma snuggled deeper into Vegeta's chest. "Be easy on them, Vegeta. They haven't fought that seriously since Buu and I really don't want blood tracked in the house."

Vegeta grunted once again, his form of acquiescence. "I was thinking it would be good practice for the boy."

Bulma twisted herself around so that she was facing Vegeta, regarding him curiously. "Vegeta?"

It took Vegeta a moment to realize she was asking if it was that boy and not requesting his attention. He nodded. "He is right. We do need to find a way to distinguish between us."

Bulma grinned. "I still like Vee-" Lips on her own stopped the hated nickname from being pronounced. Bulma was panting when the smirking Saiyan released her mouth. "Vegeta!"

He cocked a brow at her, reading what she asked with that one word. "Of course I still desire you! I am the Prince of all Saiyans and therefore can desire my woman for as long as I want. I will not let a petty thing like time stop me from-" His eyes widened in indignation as she shut him up with a finger on his lips.

"Sorry for being clichéd, Vegeta, but shut up and kiss me."

For once, the Prince was more than happy to comply.

* * *

Trunks paced the length of the Gravity Room, going from the bench on one side to the console on the other. After the third time of doing this, Goten finally grunted and pushed himself off the domed wall. "Will you stop that? You're driving me nuts!"

Trunks paused and looked over at his best friend, blinking as if he'd forgotten he was there. He looked down at the invisible path his feet had crossed. "Oh, sorry." Looking back up at Goten, he strolled over to where he stood and leaned back, letting his head fall back to rest on the wall. "He's so going to hurt me."

Goten turned his head, leaning back once again to join Trunks. Trunks looked at his best friend, glaring when the sympathy he expected was met by a smirk. Goten chuckled, shook his head, and leaned it back on the wall. "After all these years, you just still don't get him, do you?"

Trunks shoved himself off the wall. "What do you mean by that?"

Goten raised his head and shook it again. "He's your father, Trunks. You should know by now that all he wants is a good fight. He's not really mad at you or anything."

Trunks rolled his eyes. His friend had truly gone insane. "Okay, Goten, what world are you living in? Cause you are currently not orbiting this planet."

Goten rolled his own eyes, mocking Trunks, when they both turned at the sound of the door sliding open. Trunks stifled a gasp as a flame-haired head poked through, then let it out as his son entered the room fully. Vegeta looked from one man to the other, noting the slightly relieved looks, and crooked a grin. "What?"

Goten let out a shaky laugh. "We thought you were him."

Vegeta laughed, stepping fully into the room. "Who? Veegee?"

"I will beat that name out of you, brat, if you utter it again."

All three could not stop the huffs of air that escaped them as a blaze-crowned head stepped into the Gravity Room at the heels of the younger Vegeta, the door closing behind him with a clicking finality. Vegeta strolled casually up to his younger self, glancing at his son and his son's best friend, who both looked at him with trepidation. "Well? Are we going to start this, or am I going to have to beat statues? Vegeta and I against you and Goten. If we win, you have to tell me what you were talking about."

Trunks stepped closer to his father, letting his anxiety melt with a smirk that resounded his father's own. "And if we win?"

Vegeta folded his arms across his chest. "I don't beat the information out of you."

Trunks blanched and was glad when his friend stepped up to join him. "I want more out of it then just that!"

Vegeta raised a brow at Goten. "What? Kakarott's spawn has more spine than my own? Well, this is a first." He let his grin widen, amused that his twin was looking from him to the other two with a slightly slanted smile. "I suppose a reward is in order for such a impossible feat. Name it."

Goten nudged Trunks with an elbow and his friend looked at him with wild eyes. Goten wiggled his brows suggestively. Trunks started, then mouthed, 'Are you crazy?'

Goten rolled his eyes dramatically and mouthed back. 'Wuss.'

The lines around Trunks' mouth hardened and he turned back to his father, not noticing Goten's smile. "We want full Gravity Room rights and the freedom to use your training bots whenever we want." Goten gave a nod beside him, grinning approvingly.

Vegeta raised a brow and turned to his counterpart. "Can you believe the audacity of these whelps? Not only are they suggesting they can beat me, but they want to use my equipment as well." He turned back to the two; grin revealing canines. "Since you're not going to win, sure. Why not? But you only get free use for two months, after which time you have to-pay for its use. Twenty zenni an hour."

Goten gaped. "Twenty zenni! That's highway rob-" A sharp hit to his side from Trunks reminded him just who he was speaking to. "I mean, that sounds perfectly fair, sir."

Vegeta grinned again. "Ah, brains as well as guts. Are you sure you're Kakarott's?" He waved a hand languidly as Goten opened his mouth to protest. "Nevermind. Let's begin, shall we?"

He moved a hand over to Vegeta's shoulder and maneuvered the reluctant boy closer to him. He leaned over, not taking his gaze off the two before him, and hissed in the boy's ear, causing him to squirm in discomfort. "You're the distraction. Your father will underestimate you. He doesn't know all that you learned in just a few hours time. You know more than he does. He could never learn all I taught him, let alone perform it correctly. You have that on your side, so go after him. I'll tangle with Goten, knock him out, and come assist you."

Goten frowned and stepped up. "Hey! You can't do a pre-game huddle!" Goten gulped as two black eyes pinned him where he stood. The kid had no idea how alike he sounded to a certain five-numbered group on Namek.

Vegeta snorted and turned fully to the other Vegeta, spinning them both around so they were not facing Trunks or Goten. "Beware if your father goes Super Saiyan. His power is vastly greater in that form. I would say that he probably wouldn't go that high on his own offspring, but I myself learned that lesson the hard way."

Before Vegeta could ask what the other had meant, he was spun back around, feeling slightly used for all the positioning he was being put through. He scowled minutely and then tuned into the scene before him in enough time to see Trunks and Goten heading straight for them, the man beside him phasing out of existence with an arrogant smirk and reappearing behind Goten to hold him in a full-nelson.

Trunks turned to help his friend, who was struggling uselessly in Vegeta's grasp, and was pitched forward to ram his head into the wall. He turned around to see his smirking son descending on him with a cocked-back fist and made an unmanly yelp, dodging to the side and watching with wide eyes as his son plowed his ki-filled fist into the wall, leaving a big depression.

"Vegeta-!" His son was upon him again, making him throw two arms down in a low cross-block to bar the front snap that was aimed for his groin. His blue eyes hardened as he looked at Vegeta's smirking face. It seemed his son had picked up some traits from his namesake. "Fine. Want to play hardball?" He drew back and allowed his ki aura to surround him in a pulsing cocoon with a yell. He lowered his head slightly, the shadows that played across his features not quite hiding the gleam in his eyes. "We'll play alright."

Goten shrieked at the man who held him. However, that did not stop Vegeta's actions. Goten found himself rising up into the air, levitated by a smirking Vegeta, only to smash back into the ground face-first. Goten groaned and tried to pry himself from the hole he'd made, only to be rammed back into it by a knee in the middle of his spine, spit flying unwillingly from his mouth.

Goten threw back his head and shrieked again before letting out a feral snarl and turning completely around onto his back, throwing the older man off him. He pushed both his hands outward, filled with ki, and flung the blast at his opponent from his prone position.

Vegeta smirked, batting it aside to hit the wall and almost singeing Trunks, who was just ramming a fist into the younger Vegeta's gut, causing him to double over in agony, blood spraying lightly from his mouth. The older Vegeta continued smirking and advanced on Goten, pouncing on him only to have the man roll out of his way, springing up to face him.

Vegeta growled low in his throat, crouching down like a stalking cat, his tail completing the image by unwrapping from his waist and slashing the air behind him. He snarled one last time and leapt.

Trunks sneered at his bent-over son as he leaned back from his attack. "So, you thought you could take on your old man, eh?"

His son wiped the spittle and blood from his mouth with one hand and sneered right back as he straightened. "You think you can take on your old man?"

Trunks' eyes flew open and he turned around just in time to receive an elbow to his jaw that smacked him head over heels into the metal wall behind him. His son ducked and rolled toward the older Vegeta, who was smirking at both his son's discomfort and his grandson's apparent mockery of it.

Trunks pushed himself off the wall with a groan and glanced at Goten's unconscious form as both Vegetas ambled toward him with predatory grins, his father speaking in a hard and gruff tone that made a shiver crawl up his spine. "I think it's time for a lesson in pain, son."

* * *

Bulma looked up from her book at the soft knock that sounded on the door, setting down the novel on her nightstand and blinking the sleep from her eyes. What in the world possessed such women to write such unreal romances? And what possessed her to read them? "Yes?"

A red-haired head peeked around the corner. "Hey. Can I come in?"

Bulma smiled and patted the empty space next to her on the bed. "Sure. What do you need?"

Rose returned the smile and stepped in completely, accepting the invitation to sit on the edge of the bed, albeit uncomfortably. "I just thought that maybe you'd want company since our boys are off-sparring."

The pause before she said the word made an aqua brow rise as Bulma shifted deeper into her covers. "You're not comfortable with it?"

Rose colored slightly. "Well, I mean, it makes him so happy. You should see him when he comes in after training, all flushed and sweaty-" She seemed to remember just who she was talking to and averted her face quickly, but not before Bulma noted the beet-red color of it. Bulma herself sat in relative shock. She'd never thought to hear about her son in that light.

Rose turned back to apologize, having regained her composure, only to see Bulma suddenly bend over, tears overflowing from her eyes as she laughed as she hadn't laughed in years. Rose reached out, alarmed, and was waved back by Bulma, who was luckily stifling her amusement to a more manageable level. "Oh! That was-um, more than I wanted to know, Rose."

Rose colored again. "Sorry."

Bulma waved a hand. "No, no! I understand. I feel the same about Vegeta, actually. Just-hearing that-about my son…. It's disturbing, but it's hilarious at the same time and I have no idea why."

Her blue eyes twinkled in glee as she shrugged. "But that's not the point. The point is that all this violence disturbs you and you don't know how to get your point across to Trunks because he likes it so much and he's-well, like his father; pigheaded."

Rose nodded, made speechless by the other woman's intuitiveness. Bulma nodded and continued. "I went through this with Vegeta…. I realized though that yes, he would come home hurt, but also, this was the only life he knew. If I tried to stop him, I would be trying to change him. And I wouldn't want that for all the world.

"Then, when Trunks came along and Vegeta began training him, there was that fear. And that fear was so much more. But again, it all came back to Vegeta and who he was; who he had been. This was the only thing he knew to give to Trunks. Oh, I taught him other ways I hope, but this was how they connected. Trunks wanted so much to be like his father, and his father was very proud of him; still is. He never showed it, but I could tell." Bulma smiled gently, looking at the covers and twisting the loose threads on them.

"It was a huge struggle. But we compromised. We talked about things." She suddenly lifted her head and rolled her eyes. "And you've never been in turmoil till you've tried to get something out of that man! You have it pretty easy with Trunks. Vegeta took years to train!" She winked at Rose, who smiled back; a shared joke between all women.

Rose's chuckle died down. "I just can't believe he agreed to let your Vegeta train my Vegeta without even discussing it with me!"

Bulma shook her head. "Oh, Vegeta did the same with Trunks. Just carted him off one day to the Gravity Room. Trunks could hardly move the next day! Vegeta was on the couch for a week after that!"

Rose laughed lightly. "Maybe I should do the same to Trunks, huh?"

Bulma's eyes twinkled as she took in the woman before her. "Oh, there are worse punishments then that!"

Rose stared at the mother of two kids and wife to an alien Prince for a moment, noting that a devious expression on that wizened face was not good. Still, the deviance was-infectious. "Really?"

Bulma nodded. "Yep. Here's what you do…."

* * *

Vegeta, the older one, rubbed a shoulder as he stepped out of the Gravity Room. "When did you learn Kakarott's trick, brat?" He sounded more then slightly peeved as he glanced back at the lavender-haired man following him with a haughty stride to his step.

Trunks grinned unashamedly at his father, sporting a black and blue eye, as Goten 'high-fived' him, carting Trunks' unconscious son on his shoulder and trying to hide his slight limp. "Oh, we did more than talk about you, dad. After thatfailedfusion," he rushed the last three words, ignoring his father's smirk, "Goku decided it would be cool to teach us a few tricks. Whatever we wanted to learn. I said Instant Transmission, so that's what we learned."

Vegeta chuckled. "I'm surprised that idiot was able to teach you, let alone that you were able to learn it. Still, if it hadn't been for Kakarott's brat, even that parlor trick wouldn't have saved you. You may have caught your son off-guard, but I am a totally different matter. You're lucky the Sons all have such thick skulls. You owe them your consciousness."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "Come on, dad! We had no intention of losing-" His sentence died as he spied a certain red-haired woman coming down the stairs, green eyes flashing as she caught sight of the knocked-out Vegeta draped over Goten.

Goten himself squeaked, black eyes wide, and hurriedly handed off Vegeta to a still Trunks, who tried to arrange his son in a semblance of comfort to stave his wife's wrath. "Um, sorry, Trunks. Gotta go!" With that, and a two-fingered gesture, Goten was gone.

Trunks couldn't help mumbling under his breath as his wife stormed over to him, "Saves me from my father, runs from my wife…."

He heard a deep, dark chuckle from behind. "Too smart to be Kakarott's." He saw his father take his best friend's example and leave him facing his wife's anger on his own to head up to Bulma.

As Rose stopped in front of him, both hands on her hips and a decidedly unpleasant expression on her face, Trunks smiled sheepishly. Without a word, and Trunks knowing better then to say anything, Rose held out her hands. Trunks transferred his son over to her care. After making sure there were no broken bones, Rose stomped off again, her inclined head demanding Trunks follow.

Trunks did so; meekly and silently watching as Rose entered Vegeta's room and gently lay him on his bed, kissing his forehead and pulling the blankets up to his chin. Trunks winced as his wife once again turned to him, reached him in two strides, and grabbed the back of his head, hands clutching his hair as she crushed his mouth to her own.

All his tension immediately vanished after the shock of the sudden contact. He'd expected a slap; not this searing heat that only deepened as her tongue slipped in. The hot slickness of her, the taste of her, filled him. His eyes closed as her tongue probed and prodded around his slack mouth. Then, just as quickly as she had started, she stopped, removing her tongue and lips and stepping around him without a second glance to walk to their room.

Trunks stood there for a few seconds, his mind not quite going beyond the 'kiss good' stage. He whirled around then and dashed out of the room toward his own, noting that even with the added speed his heritage had given him, she had still managed to lock the door. His fevered mind considered just breaking down the petty wood that held him from her, but his Saiyan instincts would always be quelled by his human side, which gave him an image of an unresponsive Rose. She'd done that a few times. This, this she had never done. She'd never initiated anything like that without going all the way.

He knocked softly on the door. "Rose?"

A perfectly calm and unruffled voice answered him from just on the other side. "Yes, Trunks?"

"Um, honey? Could you let me in?"

He heard cloth sliding over skin and bit his lower lip. "Our son is unconscious, Trunks. I don't recall us discussing our son being in an unconscious state."

"I'm so sorry, honey! Please, let me apologize properly. Open. The. Door." His voice raised several octaves as he hopped from one foot to the other. He was going to knock the door down. He was not going to knock the door down. He was going to knock the….

"Who knocked him out?"

The voice was cold. It almost made the heat from the kiss, the heat the kiss had awakened, leave him. "Um. Me?"

He heard a faint scratching sound and realized with a heated start that she was running her fingernails up and down the wood of the door. Kami, where had she learned such torture? "Hm, wrong answer." Her voice was husky…. Kami! It was husky!

"Honey…." He really didn't care that he was taking on a plaintive tone. Oh, how his father was probably laughing at him, practically begging.

He heard the voice whisper from the keyhole and his ear immediately went there, shivering as her breath hit it. "I might be persuaded to. Under one condition…."

"Anything!" Kami, his pants were too tight!

"You let me do everything. I'm in control tonight. If I say beg, you beg. If I say no, we don't. Do you understand?"

He nodded eagerly, straightening to place both hands on the door. "Perfectly."

The door opened and he grabbed a handful of red-hair and white negligee, mouth possessing his wife as his foot kicked back and shut the door with a slam. His hands had already slid the straps of the slip-like material down her shoulders when she pushed back. "Trunks!" Bulma had told her he'd react, but this was almost too much.

Her husband's voice came back slightly breathy, broken by the kisses he kept planting on her mauve lips. "Right-said you-were in-control."

He maneuvered her to the bed and plopped her down onto it. He stood then and quickly ripped his shirt over his head. "There. All yours." His grin could only be described as feral.

She stood up slowly and languidly trailed a hand over a heavily built chest and rippling abs. "Better be all mine. I'll kill the other."

Trunks couldn't stop his arms from encircling her. "Other? Not unless there are two of you." She leaned back her head and tilted it to the side as his lips gently nicked and pulled on the area where neck met shoulder. She made a soft sound and Trunks crushed her body to his, marveling as they seemed to cup each other perfectly standing. "Rose…."

He suddenly yipped and jumped back as Rose's hands found his waistband and pulled it out, letting it snap back into place onto bare skin. "You're not wearing your underwear again, dear."

Trunks grinned, advancing back on his wife until she had no choice but to sit. He lowered himself to his knees and arched up to meet her lips, their tongues fencing for position in each other's mouth. He pulled back and reached both his hands under her slip, hands trailing slowly along her legs and thighs to cradle a warm waist. "You aren't either."

They both grinned at each other, thinking of that first time. Neither had been wearing their underwear. Yeah, that was all they could remember without….

Rose gasped as she was lifted up and bounced back onto the bed; Trunks following not long after to hover overtop her. She got one good look at blue eyes that pierced her with their intent before her slip hid him from sight as it was pulled over her head. Trunks gazed hungrily at his wife's body, a body that had not seemed to age in five years, before his hands and mouth took over where his eyes had lingered.

He traced all his favorite places; the fold between her thigh and red-tinged hair, the dip in the back of her knee, the pearls of raised spine on her back, even the scoop in her neck where it nestled between her shoulder blades. They were all examined and thoroughly enjoyed as Rose groaned and twitched under him, one hand reaching to undo his pants as the other grappled with his hair, urging on his attentions. She bucked her hips as his warm hands trailed near to that throbbing spot, voicing a louder complaint as he once again passed it up.

Rose's eyes opened with green fire as she curled her lip and fairly snarled at Trunks, both hands reaching down and ripping his pants at the hem. He stopped to watch her with widened eyes. No matter how many times his wife showed her more animalistic nature, he was always caught off guard.

Rose finished ripping the pants enough and Trunks hurriedly used his own feet to slide them off. She gave another growl; this one more pleased, and began to tease her fingers down his legs. He shivered, covering up his slip by clutching her around her waist and neck and bringing them both up to a sitting position.

Her green eyes met his questioningly and he smirked, rubbing their bodies together. They gasped simultaneously at the friction created, satisfied rumblings coming from both their throats. Rose grabbed him in both her hands and pumped furiously, causing him to hiss in surprise and pleasure. His own fingers reached her, entering and thrusting in time with her strokes.

They both let out cries that bounced around the walls, growing in strength until a final cry produced their names from numb lips and caused them to collapse back on the bed, exhausted.

Trunks smiled at his wife and rolled over, pulling her gently to his chest and fitting their bodies together as perfectly as they had when they'd stood. He breathed in her scent; nuzzling her hair and listening to her breathing slow down and steady.

Rose shifted slightly, getting more comfortable beside the warm body of her husband. She curled her hands around the ones holding her waist against his and caressed the skin there. "You know, you still have to be punished for knocking out your son."

She felt the man behind her jolt in surprise. He must've thought she was asleep. "What? But we were just sparring!"

Rose frowned slightly, increasing her pressure on his hand. "He's your son! You didn't have to knock him out!"

Trunks sputtered indignantly. "Well, he started it!"

Rose laughed lightly at the childish comment. "Then I suppose he'll have to finish it. Rematch him after a few more sessions with Vegeta. From what I've heard, he'll be able kick your ass by then!"

Trunks' dry rejoinder made her laugh louder. "Wow. The support from the stands on my side is astounding."

"Oh, come on! Just because I'm rooting for our son to be able to whoop you whenever I tell him to doesn't mean I'm not on your side!"

Trunks sounded incredulous. "Then what does it mean?"

She turned in his arms and planted a kiss firmly on his lips. She pulled back and looked at him, tracing his jaw with one finger. "Means I love you."

Trunks rolled his eyes, though he smiled. "Tough love."

Rose nodded seriously and snuggled back into Trunks' chest. After awhile, the only indication the two were in the room was the soft sound of their breathing.

* * *


He started awake, popping up out of bed and disrupting Bulma, who voiced her complaint and sat up herself, switching on the light to glare at her husband. "Vegeta?"

Vegeta glanced at her, frowning lightly. "The next time you plan on having a dream about me, warn me."

As Bulma wondered what in the world he was talking about, Vegeta plopped back down into the sheets and promptly fell back asleep.

She blinked at his still form for a few seconds, thinking that she really hadn't been dreaming about anything; let alone him, before shrugging mentally and joining him in slumber.

A/N2: Whew! That was one tough sex scene…. Wait a minute, they didn't actually *have* sex, did they? ^_~ 2nd lemon right there people. Well, what was that last about, eh? Hee hee. Not telling.