Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Who She's Been Waiting For ❯ Rough Landing ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


"Blah, blah, blah..."<---Talking

*Blah, blah, blah...*<---Thinking

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They didn't talk to one another for days. Vegeta stayed above, mostly by the control panel, starring out the huge window before him, saying nothing when Bulma would happen to come up for a meal. Bulma, having no other place to go, stayed below, having nothing really to think about, other than the fact that she had no memories, therefore no thoughts, really. No thoughts that could make sense, other than everything from her waking 'til now. All her memories consisted of were Vegeta and her parents, who she hadn't had any recollection of. It made tears well up in her beautiful eyes at the thought of it. Who had she been before? How did she act? Did she have anyone, save family and friends, to share her life with? A lover?

She backed herself across her bed into the wall and pulled her legs into her chest, her head buried in her knees where she let her tears fall helplessly, soaking into her jeans. The same jeans she'd been wearing since their departure from Earth. She hadn't the time to grab anything, of course. Though Dr. Briefs had mentioned something about sending her supplies she needed, though she didn't pay any mind to it until now, for there were much more important things on her mind at the time. And with that in mind she picked herself off the bed with its ruffled sheets, and headed above in pursuit of new clothes.

When she reached the upper deck, Vegeta was in his usual spot, perched on the control panel, facing open space, blank face. "Vegeta," she said abruptly, startling him slightly, for he knew not that she'd say something, only that she was there. After all, they hadn't spoken in days.

"What woman?" The sound of his voice was almost soothing, almost.

"How do I contact my father?"

"On the intercom, like before. Don't tell me the amnesia is that bad." He received a hard, by Bulma's terms, slap to the back of the head for that. The first, ever.

"How do I work it?"

"You build it and you can't figure out how it works?" he mumbled, more to himself than anyone, as he stood and advanced towards her. He hadn't meant for her to respond to him.

"I built that?" she asked, pointing at the monitor.

"Yes, of course. Kami."


"I don't know. You're the genius, not me."

"What the hell are you talking about, Vegeta?"

He was about to retort, when he realized that her memory of her success in engineering and such were completely whipped out by that blow to her head. And he was suddenly saddened, as much as he would allow himself to be, at the thought, wondering how he would-could cope with such a loss as that. He was going to have to be more careful with what he said to her, and remember that everything he knew, she did not.

With a heavy sigh he punched a few buttons on the intercom, then waited for a response.

"Hello Vegeta my boy. How are things up there?" Dr. Briefs said cheerfully when his head popped up on the screen, startling Bulma a bit.

"As horrible as ever old man. But I didn't contact you to chitchat. Your ungrateful daughter requires a word with you." With that he stepped back, pushing Bulma almost forcefully towards the screen, where the camera could spot her.

"Hello love," her father greeted her, smile as wide as ever.

"Hi," she said simply, still slightly confused by Vegeta's last words to her.

"Everything alright dear?"

"Well, considering the circumstances, I'd say they're almost bearable." She cast her eyes at the ground, feeling uncomfortable suddenly with this man.

"Was there something you needed?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact there is. I was thinking about our conversation a few days ago, and I hadn't thought of it 'til now, but I need some clothes, and other things. You know, toothbrush, hairbrush, things like that. I remember you telling me you could send them to me, but I think I was far too distracted by everything else to pay attention to that..." She paused a few moments, then glanced back up at the camera. "How can you send that stuff? I mean, if you can't send a ship for eight months, then how can you send those things?"

"Oh, that's quite simple. I can send them very quickly actually. Through the computer." He disappeared from the screen for a moment, then reappeared, holding a can of soda. "Ice cold soda, would you like some?"

"Dad," she said uneasily, not feeling all too comfortable calling him that. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything sweety...Look to your...right." She turned her head slowly in the direction he'd asked. "See that large device with the glass cylinder around it?" She nodded, turning back to him. "Ok, now look at it when I say when." He disappeared once more, then shouted, "When!" from an unseen location in his lab.

After a few seconds the can of soda that had once been in Dr. Briefs' hand, back on Earth, slid down the cylinder, landing on a soft cushion of some sorts.

"Holy kuso!" she swore, clasping her hand over her mouth, though no more words would pass her lips. She ran quickly over to the device with the can of soda in it, removed the glass cover, and picked it up, examining it.


"Yes?" she answered, returning to the screen, soda in hand.

"Oh, you've got it."


"Oh its quite simple sweet heart. You yourself came up with the idea and built it, I merely suggested the proper energy source for it. Don't you remem-" He quickly shut his mouth, casting his eyes at the floor, extremely embarrassed for being so careless with his words. "I'm sorry love. I forgot..."

"Its alright, sir. Vegeta already mentioned something about that."

"About what?"

"My being a "genius" and all," she said rather bitterly, doing the air quotes with her fingers. "Anyway, I was wondering...Why can't you send a person through that thing if you can send this?" she asked, holding up the ice cold soda, which she now wished to drink and popped the lid open.

"Oh Kami no, that would be impossible. Its far too risky to try, now anyways. I'm sorry Bulma."

"Now? So it may be possible in the future?"

"Very far in the future sweety, when we are long dead and gone..."

"Oh...I see...Well..."

"I'll fetch your mother dear, and you can tell her what you'd like."

"Sure," she sighed, waiting for her beautiful blonde mother to appear on screen.

"Hello Bulma dear! How are you!?" she cheered, clasping her hands together, so not to let them fly around when she talked, a habit she was known for.

"I'm alright, and yourself?"

"Oh I'm wonderful, just missing my baby."

"I was wondering if you could get me a few things I need..."

"Of course. What would you like?"

"Well...I have no idea what I have, but I'm guessing you probably know my taste, seeing as you are my mother, so whatever you think I would want."

"Oh, well that shouldn't be too hard." With that said, she disappeared from the screen, Dr. Briefs appearing in her place.

"We'll contact you in an hour with your things dear."

"Alright. Thank you...Bye..."

"Bye love." And the screen went blank.

Bulma sighed deeply, leaning on the control panel, much like she'd seen Vegeta do so many times. Her thoughts were as cloudy as ever, confusing her more than when she'd first realized she had amnesia. She had been some sort of engineering or scientific or mathematical genius back on Earth. But was all that lost now? Could she regain all her knowledge from before, or would she have to start over? The mere thought of that caused her eyes to become misty, and she turned completely away from the Saiyan, hiding her sudden emotional outburst. He, of course, knew something was wrong and opted, for the first time, to find out what was going on.

"Woman," he said, almost softly, taking a place next to her, leaning on the panel in the same fashion as she was.

"Leave me be Vegeta. I'm in no mood for you."

"When are you?" he asked, in all seriousness, causing the slightest chuckle from the aqua haired Earthling.

"Never," she continued to laugh slightly, whipping her eyes and turning to face him. "What do you want?"

"What's upsetting you?" The amount of emotion in his voice startled him, and he took a few steps back, not wanting her to think he was there for her comfort.

"What do you think?" she spat, having taken the hint when he backed away. "Why do you care anyway? You'll only mock me with it. Telling me you know all about me, and I know nothing. Just leave me alone with my pain..."

"Woman, just tell me why you're crying, and I'll do as you demand."

"Fine, but you better leave me alone." He nodded, stepping towards her again. He didn't quite know why he felt he needed to know what was troubling her. It wasn't like he was going to help her with it, or provide any sort of comfort at all. Only absorb the information and keep it with him, as if he'd sucked it from her without her knowing. "But you already know," she sighed, deliberately looking away from him. She never could look into his eyes, even before, when she knew who she was. "The memory loss, of course...But its something else..." She glanced at him a moment, making sure he was paying attention, then back at the control panel. "Did I...have someone?"

"Woman, you have millions of people. Everyone knew your name." He was quite confused by her question, and offered the only explanation he could come up with, without knowing exactly what she wanted to know.

"No, no...I mean...A...lover...I know I wasn't married, cause my parents would have definitely mentioned that and I would have talked to him..."

"Oh...that someone?..." He thought for sometime, not knowing what to say to her exactly. He knew she already knew about her broken relationship with the weak earthling, Yamcha. Then there was that one man, Yuki. He'd only been around for a month or so, then she found a new man to ogle over. That one was, well, he'd never learned that man's name, nor cared to learn it. After those two, she'd been on several one time dates with unmentioned men, men she'd met in local bars or at work. So...there was no one she had, no one he could tell her about...Unless... "Well...You had a series of on and off relationships and love affairs-"

"But no one I loved?"

"Woman, love doesn't exist," he said harshly, turning away, intent on getting as far from her as he could. But before he could make it more than a few steps, she grabbed him by the arm and ran around in front of him.

"Don't feed me that bullshit," she hissed, gripping his arm tighter, which would hurt any normal person, though all Vegeta felt was a slightly harder touch.

He looked at her a moment, wondering if she had her memory, would she be doing this. He had to give her some credit though, for she knew how he was, a lot of what he'd done in that short time with her parents. He'd listened only to the part of the conversation that pertained to him. With a deep sigh he opened his mouth, letting these words escape, "He loved you but you never knew it, and let him get away." When he looked at her, she was still angry, as if she hadn't heard his words. Had he heard his words? Had he spoken them at all?

"Hello?" she growled, waving her free hand in front of his face. He glared at her with more malice now than at anyone he could remember, save Friesa, and grabbed her hand, throwing it forcefully to her side.

"You had no love," he said in his most heartless vice, and walked away without a second thought. By the time he reached his destination, the lower deck, his eyes were burning with tears, tears that would never escape them. He was just so angry at himself for thinking those words. "He loved you but you never knew it, and let him get away?" he growled to himself, punching a less than fist-sized hole in the nearest wall.

"What the hell are you doing down there!?" Bulma yelled from the top of the ladder.

"None of your damn business woman!"

"Well knock it off before I make it my business!!" she countered, fully prepared to continue their argument down there.

"Make it your business!? And how the hell does a weakling like yourself expect to carry out such a threat!?" He walked over to the base of the ladder, glaring up at her. "I could destroy you in the blink of an eye...Don't think I won't. I have no use for you."

"Fuck you," she hissed then turned and went back to the control panel.

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The next week went by quicker than Bulma could imagine. Their ship was now only a few hours from its destination, and her heart seemed to beat faster with every passing second. Since their last fight, Bulma and Vegeta had said nothing to each other, save that morning when Vegeta told her they were landing. The only people she'd had contact with were her parents, who had sent everything she needed, and more, and a few of her "friends", though she didn't recognize any of them. Chi-Chi, who she'd become quite fond of over the past week with their conversations, had offered her some useful information about the Saiyan aboard with her. Goku, who she'd heard so much about, won her heart as well, and gave her advice on alien interaction when they landed, though Vegeta assured her that they would not be making contact with what little life there was where they were going. They wouldn't even be on the same side of the planet as them. Yamcha, her lost lover, had seemed nice, though she could see in his eyes what her father had told her about. Gohan, Chi-Chi and Goku's son, had been the only other being she'd talked with, though he hadn't had much to say, being so young and all, all he'd wanted to do was go outside and play. There had been many others mentioned and promised to speak with her, which she was more than happy to wait for. Anyone to spend her time with was better than Vegeta in her eyes.

So, through all those people, she learned much about herself, much that helped, yet confused her. She'd have wait for her father's method and see what happens before she got her memory back. He'd said a few days back, at the suggestion of Goku, that they use the dragonballs to recover her memory. But, as wonderful as it sounded to have her memory back, the news was bittersweet. The dragonballs had recently been used, about six months back, and so would not be able to be used for another six. Six months of confusion and broken memories. She could hardly imagine what was to come.

"Woman," Vegeta called from the top of the ladder. Bulma's head snapped in that direction, though she made no attempt to answer him. She was still angry, though more with herself than him. She hadn't been able to counter his threat. She didn't fear him, the way she knew she should, the way he practically begged for with his empty threats. What did frighten her about him beyond belief was his heartlessness, his incapability to love. She didn't believe, or rather didn't want to believe, that any being, no matter what they'd been through, was not able to love or experience any emotion remotely related to it. "Woman," he repeated. "We're landing within an hour, so unless you want to permanently become part of the wall, I suggest you come above. Now."

"As you wish, your highness," she snorted under her breath, as she got off the bed and made her way to the ladder.

"Don't think I didn't hear that, Onna," he growled once she was in view.

"Don't think you know my intentions," she retorted venomously with a victorious grin, as she pushed by him, intentionally shoving into his shoulder.

"Watch it," he warned, his eyes held on her as she trekked towards the chair before the control panel.

"How did we sit during take off?" she asked, completely ignoring his previous threat. She drown out most of them, now. They were far too many for her to pay mind to. She wondered how she dealt with him before.

He scowled at her, not wanting to reply and make known his cowardice-ness. He'd much rather not give her ammunition for future fights. Fights which he then wanted, but now wished for things to return to normal, her tongue tied down by fear as it bad been before.

"Hey! Veg-" before she could catch his attention, something else did, along with hers as well. "What the hell was th-" Again she was cut off as her body was flung forward by a violent jolt that shook the floor beneath them, into the arms of none other than Vegeta (Cause no one else is there, lol :D).

"Kuso!" he yelped as her body collided with his, taking him back a few steps, though his concern was all on the scene laid before him through the unbreakable glass of the ship's only window. "Get down!" he ordered, as he shoved her to the floor, toppling onto her in the process, before she could even think of opening her mouth to protest.

"Vegeta!" she gasped, short of breath. "What the hell's going on!?"

"Shut your mouth and stay down!" he demanded again, as he jumped to his feet to clarify his suspicions. "Oh Kami," he sighed as what he'd feared came completely into view. Another ship, firing at them, and them with no defenses.

"What?" Bulma squeaked desperately, staying pressed to the ground as ordered, for she'd rather not be pushed again. "Why's the ship shaking!?"

He didn't reply, for he was far too busy frantically trying to steer the ship away from the attacking once, which was still firing. They must have thought them enemies.

"Vegeta! Tell me what's going on or I'll come see for myself!" she warned.

"Woman!" he screamed, not halting his wild ministrations, trying to keep focused on the controls, which were not working to his advantage. "There is an enemy ship firing at us and I cannot get the controls to work, so unless you have a brilliant idea to get us away from them, shut up!"

Immediately her clasped her hands over her mouth, her chin tucked in to her chest. Even if she'd had something to say, she wouldn't have been able to. She curled her body into a compact ball, not moving, except for the shaking of the ship.

"Oh Kuso!!" was the last thing Bulma heard Vegeta yell before everything once again went black.

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Vegeta's eyes flickered open, the stench of animal manure struck his nostrils full force and caused him to gag. *What the hell? Where the fuck am I?* he thought, looking around the nearly pitch black room. From what he could make out, the walls were thick concrete and there was no door in sight. "Woman," he called, trying to suppress the anxiety in his voice.


"Woman!" he yelled this time, scratching his finger nails along the icy mud-caked cement floor.

Again, silence. He looked around, squinting his eyes to try and see better. He could only see worse. *Think* he ordered himself as his breathing quickened. *Kami damn it! I'm a Saiyan, the strongest being in the universe, and I can't think of a way to get out of this damn room! Let alone see!*

"Why not use your ki, Saiyan?" he heard a strangely familiar voice laugh from somewhere in the darkness.

"Who the hell are you and how the hell did I get here!?" he commanded, jumping to his feet and looking around, as if he could see something. The suggestion of using ki went in one ear and out the other, for he was more concerned with knowing the owner of the voice.

"Just as demanding as ever I see," the voice mocked him, cackling evilly.

"No," he groaned, glaring in the direction of the voice. "It can't be…"

"Well, who else my friend?" he laughed whole-heartedly, sounding much closer than before.

"Iago," he grunted, taking a few steps forward so not to appear cowardice in the eyes of his enemy.

"In the flesh," he confirmed, forming a ball of ki just big enough to light the area surrounding him and his Saiyan counterpart. He was a tall man, well built with powder blue skin and deep blue hair, cut shaggy-like, looking quite messy in the bitter Prince's eyes. He was just as he remembered all those years ago when he last saw him. "I was beginning to think you were dead, dear friend. But then, I pick up something on radar, and who does it turn out to be!?" he asked excitedly, letting his right hand do the talking for him as well.

"I can't imagine," he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Why you of course. And that lovely peach you had with you." Vegeta's eyes suddenly widened as he remembered his companion.

"Where is she?" he demanded, stepping closer, his fists clenched.

"Don't worry Vegeta, I didn't harm your mate in any way."

"My mate!?" he hissed, then softened his glare some. "My mate had better be in mint condition when I see her!" He held a balled fist out, shaking it at Iago.

"Trust me friend. My quarrel is with you."

"And mine, though friend is not exactly the term I coincide with your name."

"Oh Vegeta, still cynical? Has his mate's love not softened him?" he teased.

Vegeta simple shot him a warning glare, then stepped right up to his face. "Bring me to her."

---Chapter 3!!! Woo hoo!! Like? I did :P LOL.


Next time: Iago brings Vegeta to Bulma, and Bulma gets to see Iago for the first time…

*Queen Briefs*