Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Who turned out the lights ? ❯ Oh No! ( One-Shot )

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Who turned out the lights

Who turned out the lights?

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT I don't have that privilege.

A/n: This is my first Fanfic so please be gentle with the reviews. This is supposed to take place when Pan and Bra are young, so please bear with me, and I am sorry about any mistakes I have made. Remember read and review.

Everyone is round at capsule corp. Bulma is holding a barbeque but a sudden storm flies in. The Z gang move inside to the living room to continue their meal. All is fine until

Krillin: AHH what happened? Who turned out the lights?

Marron: Don't worry daddy I'll protect you.

Bulma: Stop being such a wimp Krillin, the lightning probably just blew the circuit breakers.

Goten: Ohh ow What the Fuck? Who just fucking stood on my foot?

Chi-Chi: Goten! Mind your language young man!

Goten: Sorry mum.

Tien: I am truly sorry Goten I am the one who stood on your foot.

Goten: all right who was it?

Trunks: Was what?

Goten: Whoever did it knows fucking what!

Bulma: Goten! What did your mother just say! We have delicate ears in this room.

Goten: (sarcastically) Sorry.

Vegeta: Okay! Who's touching me?

Goku: Sorry.

Vegeta: I'll give you SORRY, you third class peasant.

(Vegeta punching Gohan in the face.)

Gohan: Ahh What the fuck.

(Gohan kicking Yamcha in the bullocks.)

Yamcha: (In a squeaky voice.) Oh bummer.

(Yamcha knocking his drink all over Videl.)

Videl: Ahh My new dress!

(Videl pushes Mr.popo by accident onto Bulma's new coffee table.)

Bulma: Ahh My new coffee table!

(Bulma faints and Vegeta catches her.)

Vegeta: Blasted woman.

Trunks: Mum, mum are you all right?

(Trunks tries to walk towards Bulma but trips over Mr.popo trying not to lose his balance he grabs Paris' top pulling it off her back, leaving her half naked in the darkness of Bulma's living room.)


Paris: AHHH

Yamcha: Who's sitting on me?

(Goten tries to get to Paris who is trying her best to cover her self.)

Goten: Paris! What's the matter?

Paris: Someone ripped my top off!

Master roshi: Oh really?!

Paris: EWH! Get away from me you freak!

Bra: Mummy, I'm scared. Mummy? Daddy!

Vegeta: What do you want brat?

Bra: Where's Mummy?

Goku: It's okay Bra, I got you.

Bra: who's got me?

Goku: Me Goku.

Piccolo: Eh Who's got their hands on my waist?

Goku: Sorry.

Bulma: (Waking up.) Eh what happened?

Trunks: You fainted!

Bulma: I did?

Videl: Yes, are you all right Bulma?

Bulma: I would if I wasn't sat on something so lumpy! - Ah

Gohan: What-

Bulma: Someone grabbed my- AH!

Goten: Sorry Bulma.

Chi-Chi: Goten! Really, I thought I taught you better than to be a dirty old pervert than Master roshi!

Goten: WHAT!

Master roshi: Yeh what!

Goten: I said sorry for standing on her leg!?

Trunks: So that was you who stood on my ARM! -

Bulma: Calm down I'm sure it was just an accident-


Videl: Shh! -

Gohan: PAN SON!

Pan: What?

Videl: what's wrong dear?

Pan: Something touched my foot!

Goku: Pan, come here to grandpa Goku.

Pan: okay (Sniff) Grandpa.

(Pan runs into Tien.)

Pan: Oww

Tien: Hey kid!

Krillin: Hey Tien lighten up a little, don't be so tough on the kid! Come here to uncle Krillin he'll kiss it better for you.

Bra: AHH!

Trunks: What now?

Goten: Trunks? Where are you?

Bra: Krillin! Put me down!

Pan: Owey Owey Owey Owey.

Goku: Owey!?

Vegeta: YES Krillin put her down before I come over there and blast you into oblivion!

Krillin: Sorry. You don't have to be so touché' all the time. I thought she was Pan ya know.

Yamcha: OW

Goten: OW OMG WTF is that?

Yamcha: Ow, me you idiot. Get off me!

Goten: Sorry.

Yamcha: And you should be, that hurt.

Goten: Trunks where are you?


Goten: Ow, what was that for?

Trunks: I'm down here, now help me up!

Goku: Still you didn't have to hit him like that!

Trunks: No, you understood me that was for making his girlfriend wear such a skimpy little top!

Goten: That was you?

Paris: Yeh, that was you!


Yamcha: Okay, now Bulma where do you keep the torches?

Bulma: Tor-AH!

Goku: Torah? What's a torah? Hmm I wond-

Bulma: No, You pea brain twit that thing or someone touched me again!?

Yamcha: Why do I have this feeling that everyone is looking at me?

Gohan: Because they are!

Yamcha: Well it wasn't me okay! Anyway where's Puar?

Videl: Oh no!

Yamcha: What do you mean OH NO?

Videl: I think I might know where he is.

Yamcha: Well.

Videl: I'm so sorry I thought he was a one of Bulma's new coushins. You know the hard on-


Gohan: Calm down Yamcha!

Oolong: Yeh, not so loud, Master roshi may be old and hearing impaired but we're not!

Yamcha: But still Videl SAT on him!

Vegeta: Well I say good ridence.

Goku: We could always wish him back with the dragonballs.

Piccolo: What! And waste a wish on that talking fleabag that is a waste of space as it is!

Chi-chi: Piccolo! Well I never!?

Mmmppphhh, mmhphphmhhpmmm.

Gohan: What was that?

Puar: Me, you know the talking fleabag that is a waste of space as it is!

Piccolo: Sorry Puar.

Yamcha: PUAR!

Vegeta: (sarcastically) Oh great now we can play happy families again.


Vegeta: What now brat!

Bra: But you said you'd play tea parties with my dollies and me first. That's not fa-

Vegeta: Anyone who laughs, DIES.


(Then followed by Goku, Krllin, 18, Yamcha, Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Videl and Piccolo.)


Pan: I don't get it?

Vegeta: SHUT UP, shut up before I kill you all and all life on this miserable little planet.

(All goes silent quickly and then a cricket chirps.)

Paris: Hello!, What about me. Topless girl over here!

Krillin: Trunks! Give the poor girl her top back!

Trunks: I haven't got it!

Goten: Who has?

Trunks: YOU!

Goten: No I haven't-

18: You know Bulma if you told me where the fuse box is, I might be able to get the lights back on?

Paris: NO!

Goten: YES!

Gohan: For crying out loud bro, give YOUR girlfriend her top back.

Goten: If I must!?

Chi-chi: YES! you must!

(Goten throws her shirt, Paris misses.)

Vegeta: Bul- I mean woman, where do you keep th-

Bulma: AHH!

Bra: Mummy could you please stop that it's hurting my ears.

Bulma: I can't help it; I'm sat on something!

Goku: Well get off it then!

Bulma: I can't, someone else is sat on me!

Chi-chi: Oh I'm so sorry love, let me help you up.

(Bulma stands)

Dende: Ah! Finally that fat lardy of an ass woman got off me!

Bulma: Huh!

Goku: DENDE!

Dende: Sorry Bulma.

Bulma: Apology accepted.

Trunks: WHAT! I get more of a punishment for way less than that.

Videl: Oh Trunks give it a rest. Where's Pan?

Pan: Here mummy.


Pan: Oops.

Gohan: What do you mean OOPS?

Pan: Oops..I guess.

Chi-chi: PAN SON what did you do now?

Pan: (In tears.) I'm sorry auntie Bulma, I didn't mean too. Really, really I didn't, really, really, really. You got to believe me auntie Bulma.

Bulma: Pan, dear. Calm down and told me what you did darling.

Pan: I was walking and (sniff) towards daddy. And (sniff) I dropped my ribeana on the floor. (sniff) Please don't be mad. (sniff) Auntie Bulma I'm sorry.
Bulma: HUH! Its. Okay.. dear (gasping) It. Is(gasp) It'll. Be(gasp) okay.

Trunks: MUM, breath, mum, mum! Don't forget to breath mum!

Bulma: My brand new white carpet, (gasp.)

Goku: Oh No.

Chi-chi: What now Goku?

Goku: I need a piss badly!

18: Oh No.

Chi-chi: Well hold it in dear!

Goku: ( Whining) I can't.

Gohan: The toilet is this way.

(Gohan walks towards Goku's voice and trips over the broken table, grabbing the nearest thing to him, which happens to be piccolo.)

Gohan: AH ..OW

Piccolo: WOAH ..OW

(Piccolo knocks Mr.Popo, who falls on Yamcha, Yamcha lands on 18. Who is sat next to Krillin with Marron sat next to him.)

Mr.Popo: Ow

18: Oh

Krillin: Ah Gohan!

Yamcha: Hey Gohan.

Gohan: Sorry.

Trunks: Mum, are you okay?

Vegeta: She's fine.

Trunks: I was talking to MUM. Mum?

Bulma: WHAT!

Trunks: Nothing.

Trunks: Well sorry for seeing if my only Mother was-

Bra: Daddy?

Vegeta: What princess?

Bra: What's a Fuck?

Pan: Yeh, mum what's a Fuck?

Videl: Oh well done Vegeta, look what you did now!

Vegeta: ME!

Bra: Daddy!

Vegeta: What?

Bra: What's a Fuck?

Vegeta: Well. Fuck is another name for a .chicken, yeh a chicken.

Goku: Vegeta!


Pan: Oh HA HA HA HA!

Gohan: What's so funny?

Bra: Trunks and Goten are wimpy Fucks!

Trunks: BRA!

Bulma: HA HA

Gohan: HA HA HA!

Trunks: Stop it, stop it now before I do something you'll regret!

Gohan: HA HA HA!


(Trunks tries to hit Gohan, but punches Vegeta in the stomach.)

Vegeta: OW! Why you-

(Vegeta ends up kicking Goku in the stomach, making him wet himself.)

Goku: AH!.. Oh no, look now at what you did!

Chi-chi: What now Goku?

Goku: Vegeta made me wet myself!

Bulma: NO. AH.

(Bulma faints on top of Mr.Popo.)

Gohan: DAD. That's disgusting!

Goku: Well you're not the one, standing in wet trousers!

Videl: I'm the one in the wet dress!

Paris: And what did fucking Goten do with my top?

Piccolo: GOTEN, give her, her top back!

Pan: (snigger)

Goten: I DID!

Dende: Is this it?

Paris: What does it look like?

Dende: I'd might be able to tell you if Bulma told us where the torches are!

Krillin: Goten are you sure that your girlfriend isn't blonde!

18: (HUMHP!)

Yamcha: Ha ha, buddy look who's going to be in the doghouse now!

(18 stands pushing Yamcha, Bulma and Mr.Popo on the floor.)

18: I'm going to look for the torches.

Trunks: Good luck.

Piccolo: Eh- who's got hold of my cap- eh.

Paris: Sorry, I thought it was my top.

(Vegeta feels something.)

Vegeta: Hey I think this is it.

(Vegeta passes her top to her.)

Paris: Thanks.

Vegeta: (HUMHP!)

Tien: Let me help you up Piccolo.

(Tien helps Mr.Popo up.)

Mr.Popo: Thank you Tien, but I'm not Piccolo.

Tien: Let me help you up Piccolo.

(Tien grabs Bulma round the top half.)

Bulma: HuhWhat's going on? AHH Get off me!

Vegeta: Get off her!


(Vegeta kicks Gohan.)


Bra: HA HA!


(Gohan stands up and punches Trunks in the stomach.)

Trunks: HUH! Hey.


(Trunks punches Goten.)

Goten: OI!


(Goten punches Vegeta hard.)

Vegeta: AH!

Gohan: Ah ha finally!

Trunks: What do you mean FINALLY?!

Pan: Daddy, I want to go home!

Gohan: Yes dear but-

Bulma: AH.Let go of me!


(Tien lands on top of Yamcha unconscious in an awkward position.)

Yamcha: OW!

(Lights flicker on.)

18: Hey you guys I found the fuse box and got the lights back on.

Trunks: Yippee for us.

Goku: Well I think I've had enough excitement for one day; I'm going to head home. Chi-chi, Gohan, Pan, Videl you coming.

Gohan: Yeh, Bye you guys, I think we'd better go to. Hey Bulma thanks for the food and the black eye.

Bulma: Your welcome.

(Everyone leaves and Bulma is left with two grown men lying in the middle of her living room, on top of her smashed coffee table in one very awkward position.)

Bulma: Never mind.

Yamcha: ..Help.

A/n: So how do you like it? Please review, and please be gentle.