Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

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A/N: This is the second chapter so enjoy. Please REVIEW.


Trunks had decided to called Paresu out and expresses his true feelings.

"Hi, is Paresu there?" asked Trunks.

"This is she. Is that you, Trunks?" replied Paresu.

"How did you guess?"

"Would you believe me if I said that I'm psychic?"

"You mean psycho?"

"Hey!!!!!!" Paresu laughed.

"Anyway, I need to see you. Can you come out to the park in fifteen minutes?"

"I have to go to work, but since you sound so desperate, I guess I cut you some slack," Paresu kidded.

"Thanks. See ya."

He hung up and got ready to see the girl of his dream. He clumsily stumbled over to his closet and contemplated about the perfect outfit to wear so he can impress her. After 10 minutes, Trunks realized that he was going to be late, so he took off at maximum speed down the stairs and ran right into Vegeta. Trouble had finally arrived.

"Watch where you're going, brat!" Vegeta yelled. "Sorry Dad, no time!" he said as he fled out of the house so fast, that you can't even see him leaving. "He's got to learn some manners," muttered Vegeta.

At the park, Trunks found Paresu waiting for him near the big oak tree.

"Sorry I'm late," Trunks said.

"I usually don't wait for people, you know. This is the first time someone doesn't have to wait for me," Paresu replied. "So, what's up with the urgent rendezvous?"

"I have something I really need to tell you."

"Shoot. I don't have much time you know."

"Okay, I...I...uh. Okay, this is more complicated than I anticipated." Trunks stuttered and tried to find the right and appropriate words.

"What's so difficult to say? Even Goten didn't act like that when he asked me out on the first date."

"Yeah. Um, Paresu, I've been having feelings for you. I can't stop thinking about you." He gazed at her direct in her brilliant brown eyes for a reaction.

"I...I...I don't know what to say Trunks. I've never expected for you to make such a remark. Tell me how to reply, Trunks." She stepped back away from him. She could tell that the response must have not been exactly what he wanted to hear. His cold lively blue eyes have been conquered over by sadness. She quickly took a glance into his eyes. Guilt had filled her. This has really struck her candidly, and she didn't know what to say or how to react.

Trunks seized her arm so she won't get any farther from him. "I know it's not right to tell your best friend's girlfriend what I just said, but I couldn't hold it at the bottom of my heart anymore. I guess I should have counted upon for you to react this way. I understand if you're not feeling the same as I do for you." His hand slightly released her arm. He could feel warm tears started to assemble at the corner of his eyes. But he was strong. Strong enough to hold the tears back and not let her see how hopeless he felt.

Paresu lowered her face until her eyes caught the sight of the pavement they were standing on. She seemed speechless for a few minutes. Her whole body paralyzed and her mind was blank except for the fact that Trunks had feelings for her.

"Paresu, I really wish I've never had these special emotion. After all, you are Goten's girlfriend. Maybe it is better if I hadn't told you."

She elevated her eyes again and looked into his cool blue eyes. "Trunks, I think that it would be better if you told me so we can clean up the mess. Trunks, you are a very very nice guy. I mean, you're the CEO of Capsule Corp., you're brilliant, handsome, and polite, you're funny, and you're just a perfect guy. I mean, any girl would give up anything just to be with you. I don't know if I'm good enough for you, Trunks." She paused for a few minutes. Finally, she turned her head a little to the side so she didn't have to look at him straight in the eyes and make it easier for her to conclude what she wanted to say. "There are many girls out there that are better for you. I like you very much Trunks. But these affections are nothing but merely feelings for a friend. A friend you can trust. You know what I'm saying?"

Trunks nodded and huskily said, "Yes, I do."

"I really don't want to hurt Goten, and I don't really want to hurt you Trunks because you have been a very good friend to me. You talk to me and comfort me every time I fight with Goten. But I love Goten a lot and cherish the relationship that I have for Goten. I just can't deceive Goten's love for me and be with you. I hope you fathom all that."

"I do. I guess it's better to hear you actually say how you feel toward me. I understand." His voice was trembling a little, but he has managed to control himself.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. So I guess I have to wish you and Goten a happy and long-lasting relationship."

"Thank you. Maybe it's not so bad to hear someone saying that he loves you," she said with a joking tone to calm the moment down.

"Can I have a kiss to remember of you?" he pleaded her with the puppy eyes trick that had never failed.


He leaned over and swiftly kissed on her lips. She could feel his soft, icy lips against hers, and she kissed him back. He drew back and gave a closing hug that really signifies how he feels for her.

"Good bye, Trunks. I'm very fortunate to have a friend like you. I hope you can find the lucky girl you really want to spend the rest of your life with."

"Thanks. Good bye, Paresu." And he watched her walking away down the road. He had never been more relieved in his life. At least he got his feelings out. Now he could really move on with a sweet but painful memory. There will always be a space in his heart that will eternally love Paresu, but it will all be the past soon. "I'll never forget you," he whispered.

A/N: I know it's a pretty lame and predictable ending. Sorry. I actually had another idea for the ending, but it's a little bit too longer, and I have to get off the computer quickly so I hope you enjoy what I put together.