Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why of Life ❯ fun time for us, bad time for someone else ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys! Sorry this chappie is so short. I was trying to get it ready for Seth, one of our homies. Nemrac and Notyep are helping me with this. Again "DON'T LAUGH IT'S IN GOOD WILL!" I LOVE FLAMES; SEND THEM I DON'T CARE!

CHAPTER 4: fun time for us, bad time for someone else.

After Pan had left them alone, Trunks began training once again. Trunks seemed to be doing better all the time. Gohan decided to break the silence,"so, Miss Videl what do you do for a living?"

"Ah, good question. I own a daycare center. It's kinda' what my mother left me. It's a hassle, but they can grow on you."she said.

"Oh, so they are mostly three year olds?"he asked.

"Yeah, just little kids. My oldest is five."she said,"so what do you?"

"Oh me? I,...um umm."

She looked at him funny,"you don't know what you do?"

He thought for a few seconds,"uh I work on cars and stuff like that."

"So you're a mechanic? That's pretty cool."she said,"so you have any siblings?"

"No not any, but Trunks is just like a little brother to me. I look after him a lot."

Videl didn't have anything else to say. They became quiet again. Gohan looked to his right and saw a jasmine-colored flower. He picked the flower and gave it to Videl.

She took it and smiled,"tank you"she giggled at how awkward that was. She sniffed its wonderful smell; a bee felt his habitat being moved and saw the woman in front of him. It panicked, but flew the wrong way which was right down her shirt. She didn't notice it at the time. She looked at her friend who was now looking at her. They moved closer and closer. Without realizing what they were doing they're noses were about to touch. Just then the bee in her shirt went crazy. She felt it and jumped up screaming. She cluelessly yanked her top shirt off which exposed a yellow tank top with a cute teddy bear on it. Gohan blushed then his nose bled so, he held it. Trunks walked over to the two holding Videl's shirt,"did you lose something Miss Playboy?"

Videl looked at the boy,"there was a bee! I'm not like that! How dare you!?"

"How dare you! You come over here like you own the place, and then take off your shirt for a little extra money. We don't do that here, I'm sorry."Trunks stated.

Videl grew angry. She looked at Gohan who was on the ground holding his nose. "Oh a bee? I just thought you didn't want to kiss me,"he laughed. Videl began to giggle along with him. It was very funny if she thought about it. Trunks got mad at his master, because he wouldn't kick her out. He went inside and slammed the door furiously.

"Let me take you home right quick."Gohan said standing up.

"Thanks it is getting pretty late,"she said putting on her shirt. "Wouldn't wanna' be late for daycare tomorrow. And I'm sorry I made your nose bleed,"she laughed.

He blushed again as he lifted her in the air,"well I'm sorry I tried to kiss you."

"It's alright. It could have been nice."she said.