Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Willpower ❯ War of the Sons ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Nope.

AN: (AN from original posting) Special thanks to Susan (yes it is naughty isn't it?), Kiyasha, Nebula, Element Rogue, Tristar 49, Point26, Maggs, Akiya (yes I do know ^_~), Papa Bear, Mela989898, Camilla, Beth (don't worry you can never read to many v/b's), Z, and Visa Kusanagi (A: I have no idea.) Enjoy!

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ChiChi quickly washed the dinner dishes. The sun was quickly setting so she wanted to hurry and get them done. During dinner, Goten had begged to go to this `really great party' as he put it. Goku stopped eating at that point and smiled across the table at her. She knew exactly what that smile meant. She had promptly told Goten no, receiving a frown from both father and son.

“But, Mom, why?” Goten whined.

“Because I said so,” ChiChi said gaining a new interest in her plate.

The seventeen-year-old turned to his father for help.

Goku patted his son's shoulder and looked at his wife. “It's all right, Goten. I'm sure your mom doesn't really mind you going. Right Chi?”

ChiChi looked up into their hopefully faces and then Goku winked at her.

“Well- I-I- I mean- well,” she began to stutter.

“Ah thanks mom!” Goten cried as he jumped up and kissed his mom's cheek then ran out the door before she could change her mind.

Once he closed the door, ChiChi looked back across the table to see her husband smiling at her. `What am I going to do now?'

“So Chi,” he said drumming his fingers lightly on the table, “looks like we're all alone.”

ChiChi gulped. “Yep, looks like it.”

Goku scooted back his chair and stood. He slowly began walking around the table and just as he reached her there was a knock at the door. Goku was more than ready to ignore it but ChiChi had insisted on him answering it. Sighing, Goku had answered. It was Piccolo and he was looking for a sparring partner. Goku thought about telling him that he was busy at the moment, but ChiChi had quickly agreed to the match on his behalf. When he had frowned at her she had said she needed to clean the kitchen anyway and she would be done by time he returned. Reluctantly, he had agreed with her.

Ever since then ChiChi had been working nonstop. She intended to not only be done with her cleaning but also be in bed sound asleep before he got home. She was gonna win this bet.

She had put the last dish in the drainer when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. He buried his face in her hair.

“Hmm. I love the way you smell,” he murmured as he began nuzzling her neck.

“Goku, stop it,” she said as she pried at his arms. They didn't budge.

“Do you realize that we have a completely empty house, Chi?” he murmured as he began placing open-mouthed kisses on her neck.

Did she ever! That's exactly what she was afraid of. When his mouth reached the sensitive mark on her neck, ChiChi shuddered involuntarily.

Goku smiled against her neck. That was exactly the reaction he had been looking for. He didn't know why she was fighting him tonight but he knew how to break down her defenses.

With speed that ChiChi cursed, he turned her in his arms and crushed his mouth to hers. Slowly and tortuously he ran his tongue along the inside of her mouth. Just as she was about to lose herself in his arms, Bulma's words rang in her ears:

`I have ten times the willpower you do and I'll prove it!'

With great effort she tore her mouth from Goku's and placed her hands on his broad chest. She pushed herself out of his arms. Goku was in shock.

“What's wrong, Chi?”

“No-nothing, “she said as she started moving around the kitchen table, trying to put some distance between them.

“You're lying, ChiChi,” Goku stated simply.

“No, I'm not. I'm just not in the mood,” she said lamely.

“You seemed in the mood a minute ago. And if you come back over here I'm sure I can get you in the mood again,” Goku said as he started moving towards her.

ChiChi moved around table and held out her hand to halt him. “Stay where you are Goku,” she warned. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be in an obedient mood tonight.

And so the chase began. They circled that table at least twenty times before Goku finally stopped and frowned at his wife. “ChiChi, this,” he said looking down at the bulge in his pants, “is not a game.”

ChiChi sighed. “And I'm not playing with you Goku. I can't sleep with you tonight.”

“But, why not?” It made no sense that the strongest being in the universe was whimpering like a small child.

“Because I can't, that's why,” ChiChi stated. “Now, just stop and go to bed.”

Goku stopped for a moment and thought. He looked as though he was going to comply when he suddenly placed two fingers to his forehead and disappeared only to reappear in front of her. Before she could do anything, he pulled her flush against him.

“Damn instant transmission,” she murmured as he once again began sucking at her neck. She moaned at the pleasure his attention was giving her, but then that damn annoying voice rung again. “Goku stop!” she cried in desperation not sounding too convincing. She started to struggle against him and her knee accidentally made contact with his crotch. He immediately let her go and grabbed his groin.

“Oh Goku,” she cried as she walked over to him and began rubbing his back. “Sweetheart, I'm soooo sorry.”

“Damn it ChiChi, I didn't think you were serious at first, but now…” he said, wondering what he had done to make her so angry.

“Goku, I am really, really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you darling, really. I just can't sleep with you tonight. I'm sorry,” she said then ran out of the room before she gave in if for nothing more than guilt.

Goku watched her leave and frown as she passed their bedroom and went into Gohan's old room. Shaking his head, he sighed and walked into the bathroom. He needed a shower and not just to wipe off the grime of his sparring match with Piccolo.

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Gohan removed his glasses and massaged his temples. He had been grading papers since dinner and he was pooped. He turned off the small desk light and stretched. It was time he went to find some…entertainment.

Smiling to himself, he got up and went in search of his wife. Dressed in only a pair of pajama bottoms, he wondered down the hall and stopped briefly to check in on his ten-year-old daughter. She was sleeping peaceful and had been for hours. Perfect.

He kissed her forehead then tucked the covers more tightly around her. He then left the room closing the door behind him and continued his search for his mate.

He was temporally distracted as he stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich. He hadn't eaten since dinner and he was starving. After finishing his snack, he continued into the living room where he found her. She was sitting on the couch channel surfing, completely oblivious to his presence.

`Not for long,' he thought with a sexy smirk.

Making sure he kept his ki signature down, he crept up behind her and whispered into her ear.

“What are you doing?” he said in a deep baritone. He then kissed her ear, lightly sucking at her lope as he pulled away.

Videl nearly jumped out of her skin. She had been trying to avoid him seeing as he seemed especially desirable tonight. She knew that she'd be toast if she were around him too much.

“Gohan, wh-what are you doing?” she said pulling away from him and scooting down the couch.

Gohan's eyes widened in surprise at first then he smiled. “Shouldn't it be obvious?”

Videl, not sure what to say, only murmured a hoarse, “Oh.”

Gohan arch a brow as he walked around the couch and sat down next to her. Videl scooted over once again. Gohan scooted closer to her yet again. Videl scooted again. They continued this until her back was against the arm of the sofa.

Gohan smiled his victory and rested his arm on the top of the couch. He leaned in and began to blow in her ear. Videl shivered. His free hand slipped itself under her sweatshirt and began lightly stroking the soft skin of her belly.

“Videl-el,” he whispered in her ear like the devil on one's shoulder.

“Y-e-ss,” she breathed out trying to control her raging hormones.

“Let's go to bed,” he whispered seductively.

“Uh…no.” She was having the damnest time breathing.

“Why not? You know you want to, don't you?” he said, nipping at her jaw.

“Uh-huh,” was all she could think.

“Then,” Gohan said, moving his hand off the couch and to her chin, turning her head slightly, “let's go,” he finished as he pressed his lips to hers.

Seeing as she had already lost the fight, Videl melted into his arms. After all, what were a few zeni?

`Well if you're not strong enough…'

Videl ignored the voice as Gohan's hand moved further up her shirt. No stupid little voice was going to stop her.

`No really, Videl, it's okay. We know how Gohan runs your relationship'

Videl's eyes shot open. Nobody ran her!

Gathering all her strength, Videl pulled away from her overheated spouse.

“What the…?” Gohan muttered trying to catch his breath.

“I can't…Pan,” Videl said, grabbing on to the first excuse she could think of.

“What about her?” Gohan frowned.

“She's in the next room.”

“She usually is.”

`Touché,' Videl thought, trying to think of another reason.

“Oh, come on, V,” Gohan coaxed, once again moving in for the kill.

Videl placed her palms on his bare chest to hold him off. “Gohan please!” she said.

Her voice caused him to immediately stop. “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing. Really. I just don't- well- I have this terrible headache and- well- um…could we just um…hold each other tonight,” she stumbled.

“Hold each other?” Gohan asked, his brows knitting together.

“Yeah, um, like cuddling. I'm sure it'll make my head better,” Videl said offering him a small smile. When he continued to frown she added a meek `please'. It disgusted her to no end to play the weak female, but what else could she do?

Gohan looked over her face trying to figure out what she was hiding. When he could find nothing, he sighed the sigh of deeply frustrated man and stood. He extended a hand to help his lovely wife off the couch then led her back to their room to `cuddle'.

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Goku: Man this stinks! Why in the crotch?

Gohan: I know. I mean `cuddling'. How is that going to help my situation?

Goku: *crosses arms pouting* This just isn't fair.

Gohan: I know! Just because Jadedbest isn't getting any why do we have to suffer?

*Both turn and glare at Jadedbest*

Jadedbest: Now don't look at me like that. This started out as a fic to torture Vegeta. You guys just got caught up in it. I'm sorry, okay!

*They continue to glare*

Jadedbest: Oh, come on, guys. You can't stay mad at me forever.

*They look at one another and then turn back to Jb*

Goku: We think you should just finish the preview so we can go.

Jadedbest: *sighs in defeat* Fine. *Turns to readers* Okay in the next chapter we find out how our dear Veggie is fairing in this little bet. Thanks for reading. *Turns back to the Sons* There. All done.

*Both nod curtly and walk away mumbling something about stupid, no good, obsessive, fanfic writers*

Jadedbest: *running after them* Oh come on guys it's not that bad.