Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With You- A Tribute To Freiza and Cooler ❯ With You ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

MaujinVader: hi im back its been a while since I wrote much of anything but ive created a new fic. Here it goes

Disclaimer: all that I own is this fic and all the others I have written

I woke up in a dream today to the cold and the static

And put my cold feet on the floor

Forgot all about yesterday

Remembering I'm pretending to be where I'm not anymore

A little taste of hippocracy and I'm left in the wake of the mistake slow to react

Cooler sat down after training for his fight that will occur on earth. "they will pay for what they have done!" he growled. A tear dripped down his face. "they were all I had left and now……now they're gone" he slammed his fist on the floor, "WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Even though your close to me your still so distant and I can't bring you back!


Its true the way I feel what's promised by your face

"brother give me the ball back its mine!" freiza cried chasing his brother around the yard. You hafta catch me first freiza" cooler said running away even faster. Kold stood there watching them. "those boys of mine, one of these days they're gonna make me really proud" kold felt bad though, having to take the weaker freiza to train with him to train, while he had to leave cooler to train by himself being the oldest and the strongest, he would even put up a good fight against his father. He the gave them credit for their young age. Freiza at 6 and cooler at 8. He knew what he had to do.

"Freiza! Cooler!" their father called. Both ran up to him. "yes father?" they said.

The sound of your voice panted on my memory

Even if your not with me I'm with you

You now I see giving everything inside

You now I see even when I closed my eyes

Kold then sent a strong punch into cooler's chest, knocking his air out. He fell unconcious to the floor.

I hit you, you hit me back, we fall to the floor the rest of the day stands still

"FATHER?!?!?!?!? Why did you hurt cooler?!?!?!?!?" freiza yelped put was hit just as hard by his ever-loving father, he instantly fell to the ground

find numbetween this and that when things go wrong I pretend the past isn't real

kold picked up freiza and launched up to the station, leaving the eldest child alone for the rest of his life unless they would meet again somehow someway

im trapped in this memory and im left in the wake slow to react

so even though your close to me your still so distant and I can't bring you back

End Flashback

He remembered it like it happened today. He remembers running to find his brother and his father. It was almost as hard as loosing them forever.


Cooler ran as fast as he could searching for an escape pod that his dad and freiza might have used.

Its true the way I feel

Whats promised by your face

the sound of your voice

Painted on my memories

Even if your not with me I'm with you

"no father I don't wanna go please don't make me, I want cooler to come with me" freiza pouted holding onto a pole while his father literally had to pull him off.

You now I see giving everything inside

With you

You now I see even when I close my eyes

With you

You now I see giving everything inside

With you

You now I see even when I close my eyes

"BROTHER!!!" cooler shouted as he ran for his brother. "COOLER!! help!!!" freiza screamed. "shut up freiza!" his father finally yanked him off the pole and dragged him to the space pod. Cooler ran to his brother and grabbed his hand. They held their hands together for as long as possible before about ten guards came and restrained cooler from his younger brother.

No no matter how far we've come

I can't wait to see tommoro

No matter how far we come I

I can't wait to see tommoro

With you

Cooler watched in tears as his brother was lifted away in a space pod. Freiza was crying, ponding against the window.

You now I see giving everything inside

With you

You now I see even when I close my eyes

With you

You now I see giving everything inside

End Flashback

With you

Cooler looked out into space feeling lonely, not knowing his brother and father's ghost's were standing right beside him.

You now I see even when I close my eyes

"Good luck my son………I'm proud of you no matter what the outcome" cooler looked and saw nothing.

"Father……………..Brother I wont fail you……………….he ………..will………..pay"


so…………………what did you think. Ok so-so bad (please don't say bad) ok im done

may the force be with you