Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ Bring Me to Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With You I'm Born Again
Bring me to life
Old Kai peered through his ball, “Well it could have gone better”
Kabito Kai replied,” Will she be happy again, can she forgive us or him?”
“Maybe, some good god will come—Too bad it was not Goku that had the call; he has left before” Old Kai reflected.
“No, Gohan has the capacity- the power and heart was not not enough” Kabito Kai, remarked, adding, “Can't we do something, haven't they suffered enough?”
“That decision was not ours, as you know- Probably our fault for training Gohan- he had opened up more-" Pausing to gain his thought, “He's too talented to be wasted, he is called, he is needed” The finality of the old Kais statement only rang too true.
“What about Pan and Videl? Cant we do something for them?” asked Kabito Kai
“I will ask,” Replied the old Kai.
Videl had been flying around for hours. When she found herself over CC Vegeta had met her in the sky. Carefully studying her face- he did the unthinkable, “Come here” he demanded to Videl
Vegeta opened his arms and held Videl as she cried. This women he thought, she was the strongest earth woman he had ever met was devastated. He appreciated her strength and how strong willed she be. Why else would Pan be the way she was. Now she was deduced to a mess.
Muffled by his shoulder she asked, `why Gohan?”
To that, Vegeta had no answer; if he had one, it would not stop her pain. He had just heard from Trunks and Pan. Gohan was leaving to train with the Kais. He had earned discipleship training in Kaioism. Soon he would take over for the South Kai. He would not even be in the same galaxy.
In a small way, Vegeta envied him, but being a Kai was not the same as ruling a world. This was a greater challenge that encompassed benevolence, and wise overseer, most powerful mystical. No, not him or Kakarot could do that. Gohan was chosen he was the best choice. But why was he chosen at the sacrifice of his family of Videl? Vegeta could not solve this one. As Videl held on to him for some relief he pondered this situation. How could Gohan leave? His life mate would suffer and he would suffer, It would drive them insane—wait!—the boy, he
“Videl, he never marked you” it was a statement not a question
Her cries stopped. Deep down she knew Vegeta could help, and just like the astute man he was he had figured it out, “No, he said that it never felt right” Plainly she was more hurt over her restating the words Gohan had spoken shilling her heart.
“Then you will survive” Vegeta spoke his eyes ever colder then she thought possible. Stupid Boy! He must have known this was going to happen. Thought Vegeta... No he reminded himself, Gohan would not intentionally kept this from anyone and he would not set out and hurt Videl, he had seen the love between the two and they did have a bond though they never marked one anther. Gohan had never acted wholly on that bond. Well it did not matter now he was gone
Bringing Videl down, he summoned his woman. Sadly, Bulma cared for Videl. Vegeta went back to training, there was not much more to do. Videl and Pan were now under his protection. Trunks and Bulma would make sure of that.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&
Goku blinked once—am I dreaming? He wondered why am I back here. He scanned the mountainside—truthfully; he was home again on earth. I guess my time was up—quickly he searched for Ki's. No one was in the mountain homes. Shrugging he looked westward and felt the familiar Ki of Vegeta. He headed there to the Prince
Vegeta felt sick. He sought to clam his punches and rationalize the feeling he was having, suddenly he checked, `Kakarot” angrily he flared and went to met his long time rival and friend.
“Why are you back?” he growled
“I don't know” Goku scratched his head.
“Idiot!” Vegeta complained, and then asked, “Where were you?”
“I was in the Dragon's Dimension- training,” He stated.
“OH, that's all, so you weren't dead after all?”
“Nope” He smiled that boyish grin.
“Great” smirked Vegeta, Excited now that Kakarot could be a bigger challenge
“Uh Vegeta what happened?”
Not sure again what to say or how to comprehend what Goku asked, he posed a question back to him, “What do you mean?”
“Where is everyone?” He needed to know.
“Follow me” Slowly Goku followed and wondered why they headed to the lookout.
“Goku thought that maybe Dende could better explain it, but then why would Vegeta need Dende to explain anything, suddenly he felt scared as to what he would find out, and he realized that Gohan's Ki was missing as was Chichi's.
Landing on the look out he prepared himself for the news. Being in the Dragon's dimension had robbed him of IT and his mental connection to his friends and family. He had no idea how long it had really been nor what happened while he was away. All he knew hat he was back and some greater power had brought him home. Something much more powerful then the dragon…