Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With you I am Born Again ❯ More then Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With you I'm born again
More then Friends
Flying over the surrounding area of Mt Pao was exhilarating for Goku. He had dreamed of doing this again for a while now. He peered to his left to see Videl carefully scanning the landscape looking for another place to call home.
They had not ventured back to where the two other
houses had been.
He really did not want to live there, not without Chichi, and especially with Gohan gone. He needed a new place for new adventures. However, he needed money to do that, luckily he owned the area, so he could just stay there.
Videl could move anywhere- he wondered why she had not contemplated that. He focused on the land again, as he noticed them coming away from a forest, there was a clearing. He dropped down knowing that Videl would follow.
“Do you like this area?” questioned Videl
“Oh yeah its ok” distracted by his thoughts
“What is it?” she asked
“Well I was wondering, why you want a place here too?” Goku scratched his head.
She smiled, Goku at least got to the point, and Gohan would always fumble things.
“Goku, I love Mt Pau- I never wanted to raise Pan in the city- and I would hate to have my grandchildren in the city either. Mt Pao has always held a certain charm, a perfect place for young Saiyans.
“I always thought so too” he grinned
“Unless you do not want me to stay here,” she cautioned
“No, no” shaking his head. “I just thought that I really had no choice unless I found some other place, but I wouldn't want to, but you, you could go anywhere live anywhere” rushing to explain.
“I appreciate the thought really- but I don't think so- I, I like it here” hailing off
“Ok, so do you like it here?”
Laughing because he was so childlike, she agreed, “Yes here is nice”
“You know there really never was a bad spot on the Mt.”
“I see why you loved it so much”
Then together they said `perfect' and laughed again.
It was an old comforting feeling that surrounded them; Goku had that affect on people she guessed. Everyone could feel at ease with him, except perhaps enemies, but ever then, enemies never could guess just how powerful he could be for that reason.
“So, let's look around,” suggested Goku, sporting a curious child's personae.
Videl could hold the smile- his ways were contagious, it was easy to fall into them. NO wonder Pan had enjoyed being with Goku when she was a child.
Agreeing the walked the area, investigating they would talk briefly and exchange stories, even painful memories.
Though neither cried that day, there talk was bittersweet with thoughts over the loss of their spouses.
On a whim, Goku asked if Videl would want to see Gohan-, he could take her- but she assured him that it might not be a good idea. She could not see bringing up the hurt for herself. She knew that it would be too hard.
Confused Goku did not really understand, but Videl cut that conversation short.
No, she thought Gohan made the decision and he had been thorough with it. She did not care to explain how thorough Gohan had been. Her financial situation was solid. What surprised her was how he had erased himself so completely from their lives. Nothing was left in his name.
“Goku, this is perfect lets build right here!” she exclaimed
He could not agree more!
Capsule Corp was bustling. Trunks ordered everything for the pre-construction on the site Videl had chosen, so now he was handling his job, planning a wedding, a secret honeymoon, building his own home, and his mother. However, he was happy.
Construction for Videl was Slow. She did not want a capsule house, she knew it would be faster, but she had envisioned a large traditional home that was permanent. If Pan and Goten were going to start a family, she wanted them to come visit her - at a real home- nestled in the meadow.
Everyday she would trek out to the area and visualize her home. Goku would always come with her; he would train nearby as she watched the contractors work. Trunks and Bulma made sure that work began and never had a snag to make it stop or slow down, but it was still not fast enough. Traditional housing had many delays.
At Night Goku would escort Videl back over to CC. That was how the days were; soon though it became not so exciting watching the work.
In an effort to not being bored, she and Goku began training together, and a gentle friendship developed.
Goku marveled how fun it was to workout with Videl. She was not as strong as Pan, but she could manipulate her Ki.
When the day was over or when Videl was needed for something, Goku would seek out Vegeta and get a hard workout.
3 months into the job, Videl began to see the frame of her dream home coming to life. Suddenly, the thought of her life then changing again, left her a little sad. She had formed anew routine that was better for her and helped her get over the loss. However, a small consideration nagged at her. When the sun was setting that day and the last of the crew left to go home, she decided to rid her conscious of the nag.
“Goku, where are you going to live?”
“I don't know, thought I would toss a cap home nearby- or wherever” he shrugged
“Would, you, you would like to share the house with me?” she fumbled over the words, not sure how it would be taken.
“Really, why?” It was not a harsh question just a curios one.
“We could, you now- it's a big house, with a training room and a gravity room just like Vegeta's, and all- plenty of rooms”
“Just like that, Ok? No questions, no let me think about it?” she was incredulous.
“Yeah ok, just like that, I don't need to think, and I am really getting tired of living at CC!”
They both smiled, this was true for both of them.
“Good, it's settled, we can plan an area just for you,” Videl seemed excited by the aspect of something new to do.
They flew the rest of the way in silence.
Videl was quite but her mind was in fifth gear. She did not know why the idea of offering Goku a place to live seemed so important to her. Maybe she knew he needed a home of his own, but she could not stand to the thought of him living by himself in a cap home, or wondering the area popping that said cap home.
However, she knew he would never mind it. Then she thought that maybe it was because of Chichi. Chichi would want her to; he was after all her father- in- law.
However, she knew it was more then that. She had found a friendship, different from the ones she was use to having, and maybe missing Gohan had something to do with it. At least, now if Goku wanted to come and go as he pleased, train, and fish or whatever, her home would be his too, that made her feel good, very good.
She made no mistake, while they had lived next door before; she was use to his ways. But he seemed a bit different then before, probably because before he had disappeared he had still been a little kid form.
She was just glad he had come back, and there seemed to be more reason why he was there now, but she had learned that you never looked a gift horse in the mouth, speaking of which, she realized in the idea of cooking again for a hungry Siayan, was something she found she missed. Moreover, Goku was the largest eater besides Goten.
Later that evening, Videl approached Bulma about planning something for Goku at the house. For a minute Bulma had a blank look on her face.
Then a wide grin spread across her face and she smiled.
“Oh, r e a l l y” she longed her speech
“Yes, do you think Trunks could work something out?”
“Sure no problem, what did you have in mind?” curious now
“I don't know, any suggestions to make the house more Saiyan proof, and he should have his own set of room, and his own hot tub bathroom. We already decided to have a Gravity room for the kids, and stuff, so maybe you could think of some programming that should enhance Goku's training style”
“Vegeta would hate that!” Bulma assured her
They both nodded their understanding at that
Later that night in Bulma and Vegeta's room Bulma told Vegeta about Videl's and her conversations. Though it was dark, she could tell that Vegeta was smirking.
“I know what you are thinking Vegeta but really this is Goku!”
“If you knew what I am thinking, then it's because you thought the same thing!' he accused
“I have lived with you for too long?” she posed it like she was not so sure.
“Wrong, that mind of yours probably what into full gear as soon as the brat told her idea”
“She is not a brat”
“I know, but it seems that it will be like having more brats around”
“Why do you say that?”
“Dealing with Goku will always be like dealing with a child, and mix something a little more, which by the way, is what your suggesting is going to be like us handling brats again, I mean we had to do it with Goten and Bra and Pan and Trunks, I am getting tired of raising Saiyans!”
“Huh, what, I am suggesting, what did I suggest?'
“Romance, you're suggesting that Videl and Kakarot might be or will have a more then friendship brewing”
“Oh give me a break Vegeta that was your idea!” she smiled
“Yes my idea, that's why you are smiling and I am smirking like always, we don't know anything, but my guess would be to bet on it, though I just can't imagine Kakarot having any idea of what to do though.”
“Oh Vegeta you are funny but right”
“That's a new one, funny you say?” he rolled over and kissed the back of her neck
“No, not funny, but your right Goku his clueless at times, but Chichi did train him”
Once again, she could feel his smile
“Don't play match maker,” he warned.
“I won't, it will be better to see how things work out naturally, but Vegeta, don't you think it odd that Goku returned after all this? I mean it is like he came back for a reason more then just showing up and stuff?” she asked
“I have talked to him, and he has no clue why he came back at the time he did, though he was mad about it. I wonder that myself. Maybe for the reason we are just now beginning to see. Videl and Goku never did properly mate with their spouses” he did not continue that statement
“I think you're a right, lets just call it kismet”
“Nothing has happened, yet, we are speculating”
“I know”
“Let's go to sleep Onna”
She curled into this embrace and her dreams came to her, and they were of happy times to come, glad that their lives were always so full!
Late late that night
Goku sat upon the roof of CC. He thought of all the things that had transpired. Then thought of how easily it was to make the decision. His old life was over. Hehad no one to train at that moment, the world was a peace, Gohan was fulfilling a divine calling, and Chichi was resting in heaven. Though Gohan was not dead, he tried to understand why Videl would not want to see him. However, as his and Videl's friendship grew he understood better now. He wanted Videl to go on as though he had died. Therefore, that made him and Videl dealing with the same thing.
Chichi was gone, and he did not even know if she had kept her body. Maybe King Yemma saw fit for her to do so, but he had not even ventured to Otherworld to find her. King Kai had not even spoken to him in a while, and the Other Kais were silent. This was usual, that was just how it was; no news was good news to him.
He had dealt with so many changes in his lifetime and death, however, now he was missing Gohan and Chichi. He had the rest of the family, but Gohan and he were very close, at one time. Maybe that was what drew him to be near Videl. Try as he might, that did not sit well. Sure, he could tell himself that, but it was a lie. He agreed easily to move in with Videl. That only made him remember the first time she spoke to Him about building a new home and getting their lives back again. He was excited about it, it warmed him, it made him contemplate things that he would have never considered .This should give him doubts, but when the question was asked, he did not give two thoughts about moving into the home. He saw Videl to be much more then a friend.
When Trunks got the call about the changes to the house for Videl, he could not help but smile. IT sounded very interesting to him. He wanted to remember to bring it up with Goten first though, was there something more going on? Pan would probably hit him or something if he let her know how twisted his mind worked! Ha-ha her mother and her grandfather getting it on, what would she think?