Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Within You ❯ Shapes of Every Size ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The sun filtered in through a gap in the thick heavy curtains that hung in front of Bulma's window. The thin sliver of light snaked its way across the plush midnight blue carpet and glimmered over the blue haired girl's face. Frowning and scrunching her face up against the offending light, Bulma rolled over and pulled the warm quilt over her head and sighed in contentment.
Her peace was disturbed once more as a light, yet insistent knocking began at her door.

“Bulma? Bulma, dear! Are you awake, sweetheart?”

With a groan, Bulma peeked out from under her warm haven and glared at the door, wondering how her mother could be so bright and bubbly in the morning.

“Yeah... I'm awake Mama...”

The door opened and Mrs Briefs smiling face peeked into the room before giggling girlishly and coming in with a cup of tea.

“Don't look at me like that, dear! You were the one who asked me to wake you up bright and early so that you could start your training!”

She perched on the edge of the bed and handed her daughter the cup of tea.

“So, what kind of training will you be doing, dear? Aerobics? Yoga? Pilates? I have just started a Yoga class myself, it does wonders for my flexibility!”

Bulma grimaced and delicately sipped at her tea trying to drown out her Mother's bubbly chatter, but Bunni Briefs would not be ignored. One perfectly manicured finger nail poked Bulma insistently in the ribs.

“Well, come on, Bulma! Which class will you be attending?”

Running her free hand through her teal hair, Bulma shot her mother a look of annoyance before sighing and finally answering.

“It's not that kind of training, Mama. I will be doing the same type of training as Goku, and Yamcha. Those men think they're so good just because they're all tough and strong. Running off on big adventures and leaving me behind! Well, not anymore! I'm going to train hard, and learn to control my Ki! Just you watch! I'll be flying and fighting in no time!”

Mrs Briefs affectionately stroked Bulma's hair and chuckled.

“Now, why ever would you want to do all that, dear? You have lots of big strong men around to do all the fighting and adventuring for you! What about all your experiments and inventions you were working on?”

Bulma dragged herself out of bed with a yawn and stretched. She rolled her eyes at her Mother's comment. She was so old fashioned at times.

“That's all well and good, but I want in on the adventures too! And as for my inventions... well, they can wait a bit longer. They're just in the planning stages anyway.”

Mrs Brief's shrugged and patted her platinum blonde hair before standing and straightening out her skirt.

“Well, whatever makes you happy dear! I'll go and finish making your breakfast. “

Bulma smiled gratefully at her Mother as the blonde woman left her room. She could hear her singing all the way down the corridor and then downstairs, so with a shake of her head, she stripped off her pyjamas and jumped in the shower.

Mrs Briefs was beginning to think that her daughter had been spirited away or something as she looked at the clock and realised it had been over an hour and Bulma still hadn't come downstairs. But before she could call the search parties, Bulma came breezing into the kitchen wearing a brand new powder blue tracksuit with her name written in pink glitter on the back. Her hair was tied up in a sensible bun, and even though she wasn't wearing as much makeup as usual, it was impeccably done and she thought that the new eye shadow she had bought just for this occasion, bought out her eyes beautifully.

“Oooh! You look lovely, dear! Now come and sit down! All warriors need a big breakfast before they go out to train!”

Grinning happily, Bulma sat down to a feast fit for a Saiyan. Soon Mr Briefs joined them and father and daughter discussed their latest experiments and compared notes, whilst Mrs Briefs smiled and nodded whilst sipping her tea.
Once breakfast was over, Bulma was a whirlwind of activity, rushing about the large house, packing all sorts into her pink suitcase.

“Whatever are you doing, Bulma dear? I thought you were going to be training?”

Mrs Briefs looked on in confusion as her daughter pack battery operated hair straighteners and curing irons.

“Well, when I first met Goku, he had been living in the forest and Piccolo trains in the Wastelands as did Gohan when he was a kid. That's the secret! I have been doing yoga and aerobics for years, and yet I am nowhere near as powerful as them, so it must be something about living off the land and sleeping out under the stars!”

Mr Briefs raised a puzzled eyebrow at his daughter and cast a worried look over at his wife.

“Are... are you sure this is a good idea, Bulma? I mean, can't you just ask Roshi to train you?”

Bulma snorted in disgust as she shoved a pair of high heels and a large makeup bag into the suitcase before trying to close it.

“That Roshi is an old pervert! There is no way I am training with him!”

With a growl of frustration, Bulma sat on the lid of the suitcase to force it shut, then let out a cry of triumph when the latch clicked into place.

“Well... if you're sure dear...”

Mr Briefs still looked worried, but Mrs Briefs handed Bulma a pink pastic box with a smile.

“Well, you have fun dear! I made you some sandwiches! Can we expect you home for dinner?”

Gasping, Bulma shook her head as she dragged the heavy suitcase towards to the door.

“No... Mama.... I am.... going to.....train....to....be stronger....this may....take some time...!”

Once outside, she took a tiny capsule from her pocket and threw it on the ground. With a large pop and a burst of smoke, a small red sporty hover car burst from the capsule. Once she had heaved the heavy bag into the back seat, Bulma waved goodbye to her parents and prepared to leave.
Double checking her reflection in the car's rear view mirror, she gave herself a dazzling smile and hopped into the car. With one last cheery wave to her parents, she shot down the road, her music player blasting out the latest chart tunes.

“This is it... My big adventure! I wonder if I'll be able to fly by tomorrow! Maybe I'll meet some wise old kung fu master who will teach me all about how to live off the land and control my Ki! Ha! I'll show them! I'll show them all! I'm not just a pretty face, or someone to come to when they want to use the GR! I will be a great warrior just like Goku!”

Her thoughts of grandeur kept her company all the way out into the Wastelands. The sun beat down mercilessly and there wasn't even a whisper of a breeze. Hot and disgruntled, Bulma reached down and switched on the air conditioning, sighing with relief.

“I shall be a far better warrior than any of those pig headed men, because I came prepared!”

Parking the hover car near a pathetic dribble that could have once been called a stream, Bulma got out and surveyed the land around her. As the name suggests, the Wastelands were barren and desolate. One or two trees littered the dead landscape, but these were mainly overshadowed by large craggy rocks and mountains.

“Well... it's not exactly scenic and picturesque, but it will have to do!”

Taking another capsule from her pocket, she tossed it over to where two trees stood in the shade, and a small house burst out from the smoke. Crossing her arms over her chest she stood proudly looking smugly at her new home for the duration of her training.

“Why sleep in the dirt like an animal when you can have both the wilds, and luxury! Bulma, you're a genius!”

Grabbing her heavy suitcase from the back seat of the hover car, she let herself into her temporary home and began to unpack.
Several hours later, Bulma came out of the house wearing a sunny yellow bikini and carrying a fold out deck chair under one arm, and carrying a beach bag in the other.

“Might as well enjoy this sun while it lasts! It's still only early afternoon, so I have plenty of time to get some training in today!"

She unfolded the chair so it was next to the tiny stream and stretched herself out, wiggling her toes in delight. Pulling a radio and a bottle of sun-cream out of the back, she switched the radio on as loud as it would go and began to liberally apply the sun-tan lotion.

“It's not the beach, but it will do just fine whilst I'm here!”

Putting on her sun-glasses, she reached into her bag and brought out a book, and with a contented sigh, slid further down on the deck chair and began to read.
Bulma was beginning to drift off to sleep, when a repetitive thudding noise began to shake the ground. Opening her eyes and looking around fearfully, Bulma leapt from her chair and turned around just in time to see a hungry T-Rex lumbering towards her. Her eyes widened as her scream tore from her throat, the sound echoing through the Wastelands.
The dinosaur took a step back, wincing at the shrill sound, but then lunged forward, roaring loudly, drool dripping from its huge sharp teeth.

“Oh no... this can't be happening, this can't be happening!”

Scrambling quickly away, Bulma ran towards her little capsule house, the dinosaur in hot pursuit. She was almost sobbing by the time she had gotten to the door, opening it as quickly as possible and falling in through the doorway. She was just in time to slam the door shut when the T-Rex threw its body against the outer wall.
Shaking with fear, Bulma locked the door, but she doubted it would hold the beast for long. In a blind panic she began rummaging through everything in the house trying to find something she could use as a weapon. But as the dinosaur tore through the front wall of the house, she just grabbed the two things closest to her and ran out the back door.
Bulma screamed and tried not to look behind her as the sound of her small house being smashed to bits sounded awfully close, and leapt head first into her hover car. Thanking the Gods who were listening when the car started first time around, she sped off in no particular direction, just wanting to get away.
The dinosaur gave chase for a few miles, but then simply got bored and wandered off. Heaving a great sigh of relief, Bulma stopped the car and looked at the two `weapons' which she had thrown on the passenger seat. The battery operated hair straighteners and a steak knife.

“It's a good job I got away really. I'd best go back and see if I can salvage anything.”