Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderful Life ❯ One-Shot ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wonderful Life

by Kitkat







Author's Note: This is my second attempt on writing a DBZ fanfic (I still can't show my first one it's so childish), please don't throw me rotten tomatoes... but I apreciate the constructive criticism. And forgive my mistakes, english is not my native language and I have no spell check for english in here. To tell you the thruth right now I have only Wordpad, so don't beat me too much. Oh and forgive also the formatation, I don't really know how I should have written this thing.


AU - This is an AU where Mirai Trunks brings Goku to the future with him to help fight the androids. It's a kind of memory fic, a possible ending to a fanfiction i always wanted to write, but didn't manage to do so. Inspired by the music Wonderful Life by Black. Lyrics goes in the end. Beware for depression ahead.


Pairings: None exactly, but implied one-sided shounen-ai... at least that's what I aimed for.


Mirai Trunks POV




Funny how things easilly settle even after years and years of battle non-stop, day after day. Now that those battles are finally over, that the androids had been taken down, earth will be at peace. The cities will be rebuilt and people will be able to actually live, rather than survive. No need to run or hide.


I've been fighting for this peace ever since I learnt how to walk. I wanted to reach this objective so we could be happy, my mom and me. I should be happy now... so, why am I not? Why is it that I feel this impending emptyness treatening to take a hold of me? Maybe it's because I know my life will never be the same as it was before all this tragedy hapenned simply because "before" doesn't exist in my case... or because they won't be here by my side no matter how peacefull the times are.


I find myself walking among the people, they are so content... of course they are, why wouldn't they be? When I look around I see families, friends, loving couples, all playing around feeling alive and free for the first time in 25 years. And I can't stand how it feels unfair as I keep walking, leaving it all behind and reach my destination, a deserted small beach. Due to the difficult access I'm the only one here and it's been this way for years, ever since Gohan left.


Gohan... such a kind heart, yet such a fierce determination specially when it came to fight to protect those he cared for. Not so diferent from the boy I've met in the past, even if I've stayed there only three hours I still could sense the inner strenght that he held inside him... and what other proof of his caracter I could ask than the single fact that he was there to fight Freeza even if he knew he had no chance of winning? It was good to get to know the younger version of my dear master, so essentially close to the one in my memory, yet so distant... my Gohan was hardened by all the suffering he's gone through. I can't blame him, no one could.


Gohan was the best master anyone could ask for, he was my friend... and he died to protect me, just like his master Picollo had done for him, twice I might add. I don't know if I could endure seeing my master and friend die twice in front of me, because of me...

Oh hell, I'm doing it again, getting all depressed over things that have no way to be repaired. He is dead and nothing i can do will change it. I miss him, always will. All that's left is to wish the best luck to young Gohan, but I know for certain he already will be happier just because Goku will be there with him instead of diing from the heart virus.


Goku... I never thought I could become so strongly attached to someone other than my mom and Gohan, but i did and that's what hurts the most. I brought Goku to this timeline to help me defeat the androids with the promisse that I would take him back to his own time, set one month after we left, as soon as we achieved this goal. Since then five long years have passed... and today is the day of his departure.


During these five years that we've been training together, fighting, eating, living under the same roof I learned to recognize Goku by his usual easygoing attitude and kind behaviour. It's amazing how accurate everyone's description of him matched the man I've met in the past, but even Goku couldn't go through all this and get out of it unscathed. It is an impossible task, if he managed to be the exact same person after all that's happened then I would have to agree with father and say he is a true idiot, no brains at all, just a fucking awesome good luck.


His mood dulled during the the time he spent here, he'd become more mature after watching the cruelty of the androids for so long. Until five years ago Goku never had the time to deal with the enemies he'd fought against, the fights were always fast, one day or so, located far from the cities and the only ones harmed were himself and his friends that were always by his side. He'd never had to retreat from battle ground knowing he couldn't win for the time being and never fought having to think about the douzens of inocent people who might be hidden or in need of imediate help near the fights. He could feel theirs kis and it torn him apart, having to fight instead of trying to help them. I know because I felt exactly the same. Still he was a sight for sore eyes because, no matter what, his faith in life and his unbreakable willpower never wavered.


I still can remember the first moment he set his foot on the West City that I know so well, Goku froze, it was almost as if he was feeling a physical pain. The way his always, at least from Chichi-san and mom's description, cheerful eyes wandered through the scrambled buildings surrounding Capsule Corps and when he felt the absense of all his friends ki it was like something in him snaped, he felt unconfortable, he felt alone perhaps for the very first time in all his life. He told me so during one of our long talks after training. He told me that even when he passed years without seeing his friends he could always feel them around and it gave him the peace of mind he is known for. I think at least for one purpose this whole time travel served. Goku will probably be more attentive, participative I dare say, to the life of his friends. Maybe after so long without them around he will correct his only failure in the eyes of mom: his total detachment from anyone. I couldn't supress a grin as young Gohan's happy face appeared in my mind's eye. I bet he will love it.


It's amazing how much alike father and son can be, even their smiles are similar. I told this to Goku in one of the first times we sparred together and surprisingly he told me exactly the same, in that day we spent hours talking about my father and Gohan. Goku told me everything he knew about dad, wich was a lot considering he really didn't have any kind of convivence with him at all. In turn I told him about my version of his son. Everything from the moment this time's Goku caught the heart virus until the very last time I saw Gohan alive... and then when I've found him in that storm. I have some pictures of Gohan and I showed them to Goku as long as I was talking about the events we shared, but I hesitated showing one of them, the very last we took together, because Gohan was missing an arm. I couldn't help dreading the moment Goku would set his eyes over that picture. I felt sorry for him as I saw the emotions play in his eyes. One more piece of his soul was shattered at the sight. And weird as it seems I think I started falling for him in that exact moment. How could I have been so blind as to not realize that I've fallen for him until now? Leave it to me to take full five years to come to therms with my own feelings.


Dad would be ashamed if he saw me now - here standing, up straight in the sunshine as it fills my hair and reflects in my blue eyes - afraid of facing Goku and trying to run away from myself. Not that Vegeta would accept the fact that i'm in love with the third class, but from what mom told me he was the one to say "A true prince takes what he wants and don't think about the consequences" and that's how I happened. Goku can read a person like an open book with just one calculated look into the eyes, I wonder if he can read me as well and see the full extent of my attachment to him. And I don't know if I should hope for him to see it already or for the contrary. Well, for now I 'd prefer things to continue the way they are. He keeps oblivious and I enjoy his company as long as I can. I should head home to do just that, but i'm afraid my eyes will betray me and he will be able to see what I just now realised was there for so long.


"Soon I'll be on my own again."


Unbiden tears come to my eyes. I need a friend to make me happy, not so alone. Alone like father, like Gohan, like myself before the time travel. I know I have mom by my side, but this is diferent, it's a need for companionship and the closest person I've felt capable of fullfiling this need is going away.


"I need a friend..." Not only a friend, there's no need to lie to myself, but I just can't admit it aloud. It's as if not saying it would make things hurt a little less. Damn, I need him.


"There's no need to cry you know?"


I turn around startled by the soft calling that reaches me and I freeze as I see him a few feet behind me.


"I heard you." He says as he starts to aproach me to put a hand on my shoulder.


"And you know you can always count on me, don't you? It's not like you can't visit me every now and then." He says it flashing that blinding smile of his and with a diferent light in his eyes I can't name. And I just can't help but to return the smile before he pushes me into his strong arms as we embrace tightly one last time. And he whispers "I'll be waiting."


"Let's go home Trunks, we have a wonderfull life ahead."




Wonderful Life - Black


Here I go out to sea again

The sunshine fills my hair

And dreams hang in the air

Gulls in the sky and in my blue eye

You know it feels unfair

There's magic everywhere


Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine


No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It's a wonderful, wonderful life


The sun's in your eyes, the heat is in your hair

They seem to hate you

Because you're there

And I need a friend, oh I need a friend

To make me happy

Not stand here on my own


Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine


No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It's a wonderful, wonderful life


And I need a friend, oh I need a friend

To make me happy

Not so alone


Look at me here

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine


No need to run and hide

It's aderful, wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to run and hide

It's a wonderful, wonderful life

A wonderful life, wonderful life