Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ It's the last time I leave in a spaceship ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DBZ The Z Files
It's the last time I leave in a spaceship

DBZ The Z Files
It's the last time I leave in a spaceship

Vegeta and trunks and Angel were sleeping peacefully in their beds when the earth started to grumble with a surge of power. Angel sits up in her bed and the room was light up by the lights outside of her bedroom window and before she knew it she was taken. But not with out a scream that Vegeta heard and came running to her room but she was all ready gone. Before she left he could make out a certain logo on the ship and he went down stairs and called Xero.

" Xero! Fucking pick up that damn phone." Vegeta bellowed into the phone. He heard a click and a voice slightly groggy

" Hello, This is Xero Fox." Xero said.

" It's about time you picked the phone up. Angel has been abducted by a alien air craft but it was not it had a logo on it and I know who did it." Vegeta said.

" Wait a minute you mean some one took Angel right out form under your nose and you did nothing to save her?" Xero said. "What am I saying, someone took her willingly, she was gagged right?"

" I was a sleep you baka, by the time I got there she was all ready gone." Vegeta said

" Ok, I'm on my way"........................ Xero hunny where are you going?" was another voice; Vegeta heard and he swore it was Bulma. He hung up the phone and waited. 20 minutes Xero showed up and knocked on the door and Vegeta answered it.

" Where is her bedroom at?" He asked. Vegeta was skeptical to show him here his niece slept but did any way.

" This is nice, there is no show of a struggle in here and it looks like there is no broken windows either." Xero said mostly to him self.

" I can see that, but she is not here and I can't feel her Ki either." Vegeta said

Xero's face dropped at the sound of that. " You said you saw the logo of it? What was it?" Xero said.

" Well I swear it had CC on it before it left. Who were you with when I
Called you?" Vegeta asked Xero

" I was with your wife, it was a diversion to keep me occupied and it worked. Sorry Vegeta." Xero said as he watched the man trying to calm down.

Vegeta smiled and said " Oh no Problem at all." He walked out and got dressed to go with Xero anyway. The maids were there to keep an eye on Trunks if he woke up. When he left the room, Xero went through Angle's draws, taking a silk bra, and a lace leather thong, "that explains the something up my ass attitude." He shoved them into his pocket as Vegeta came back in.

" What do you think you are doing?" Xero asked.

" What dose it look like to you? I'm going with you." Vegeta snarled back. But in his mind he thought. " I knew she would do something like this."

They got into Xero's car and took off to C.C. and went to see if Bulma knew anything.

******************************************************** ************

The ship landed in C.C. and they brought out a unconscious Angel with them Goku stood their and looked at her with some amusement. He raised her head up by the palm of his hand and stared into her closed eyelids and bent down and kissed her on her forehead and them motioned for them to move her to another ship that was ready for them.

" Such a pity, such a waist of good talent." He thought to himself. He almost called them back and not to have her gone she was the only one that was supposed to be on his side. But he loved Bulma more than this upstart. He watched her being loaded up and the ship took off into space and he turned to face Bulma who was all most doing her happy dance. He walked up to her and he took her by surprise and kissed her forcefully and then he picked her up and carried her up to the bedroom. " There is one thing that I like just as much as food and that is sex." He thought to himself again.

*********************************************************** *********

On the ship Angel slowly woke up to her new surrounding and saw a man who looked exactly like Xero but had different quality in him too. This man was a little bit shorter than Xero and less bulky. He was watch you would say more refine?

" I see that you have finally woke up that was a very powerful drug they used on you." He said to her as he got some water and some food for her.

" Yeah I guess it was. Who are you?" Angel asked as she sipped the water that he gave her.

" Oh sorry my name is Orex, and before you say anything I am Xero's brother." He said.

" I thought you were kin to him." She said slowly as she turned around to see if there was any way out.

" There is no way out Angel we are in space and you would die if you left. So might as well make good company." Orex said.

" Ok well, Are you an alien?" Angel asked trying to find out why Xero is the way he is.

" Yeah we are but we are not a saijin either even though we have the blood of one but just a hint of it. But we are omni powerful and we can do just about anything that we want. Dose that satisfy your questions?" He said to her once he got the ship on autopilot.

" Well that is nice to hear and why is Xero such an asshole from hell and nuts?" Angel asked again.

" He has had a hard life and he is just nuts, he has made it his personal defense against everything. No one wants to be around a crazy man But that dose not seem to bother him." Orex said.

" Well that don't explain a lot but it dose answer the question though." Angel said and slipped into silence. Until she thought " Where in the hell am I going?"

" Where are you taking me?" She asked.

" Oh to a mud ball that you live in. I don't like doing what I did so I just circle the Earth a couple of times and land and set you free but you have to do one thing for me." He said.

" And what is that?" She asked almost not wanting to know what it was.

" You have to do is have sex with me and enjoy it." He whispered to her as he showed his bedroom to her.

" Shit! This is not fair." She thought to her self as she went in with him.

************************************************************* *******

Xero and Vegeta pull up to CC and got out of the car and went to knock on the door but Vegeta just went in and walked up to the bed room when he came close to it he heard moans of pleasure.

Xero was behind him and was about to say something to Vegeta when he busted the door open to see a very surprised Goku (eating man) and a very pissed off Bulma.

" Woman! What in the bloody hell are you doing?" He asked

" Something that you could not satisfy with me and he can." She said as she looked at Vegeta with hate written in with those words.

" I thought you would never step so low to get ride of my niece. Everyone thought I was the cold-hearted bastard. They never knew about you though. Bitch." Vegeta clipped the last word with deep cold voice.

She started to laugh hysterically and then just laid they're with Goku still between her legs.

Xero stepped up and looked in and he knew how that was but he just could not bring himself to say so. He looked at Vegeta and then he whispered to him.

" You know who that is it's the eating man He is on the government and I know he had something to do about it. He looks like Kakarot but not that is his twin brother."

" So, I have no quarrel with him just the woman he is stratling." Vegeta said back.

"Stratling? more like using as a plate." Xero supressed his laughter.

" Oh But Vegeta you should be mad at me too I set the whole thing up. She is also part of my group who can shut down you and everything that you stand for Xero so be a good boy and leave cause there is no way that you guys are going to get her back." Goku said as he held up a chicken leg and ran it all over Bulma body making her squirm and then took a bite of it.

" MMMMMMMMM She taste ever so nice. Leave Vegeta and never come back if you value your life and your sons life." Goku said. He smiled as he shoved the whole chicken leg inside of her and began eating it out.

" Oh man that is just disturbing to see never get that out of my head." Xero said as he slowly backs out of the door and dragging Vegeta with him.

" I'll just leave you two to your sick games, Bye." He said again before he shut what was left of the door. Then walked down the hall still dragging Vegeta behind him.

"Let go of me I can walk." Vegeta said.

" Sure as long as you come with me and not go back up there." Xero said. "Or would you like to be just another snack to the spikey headed pacman in there?"

" Ok Fine, Well how are we going to get her back?" He hissed.

" I don't know lets go see Kakarot and see if he can help." Xero said.

" You know Kakarot?" Vegeta asked as they went back to Xero's car and left.

" Yes I do he is one of my informants." Xero said.

************************************************************ ********

Orex and Angel get out of bed and get dressed the autopilot said they were getting ready to land.

" Ok Here you are. Sorry its out in the boonies but I can land and let you off in the middle of the city." Orex said as he put his shirt back on.

" What ever, as long as I get to the city I'll be fine." She hissed at him. Secretly she had been thinking of Xero, and it sent chills up her spine.

" You were so good, better than the rest it is a shame you do not get a long with my brother." Orex said with a slight grin on his face.

" Fuck you and your brother." Angel said to him. But before she said the last word he flung his fist and kicked her so hard she tasted blood in the back of her throat. His fist knocked her out and he picked her up and then took her out side and then laid her in some one lawn and ran like hell to the ship. Some one opened the door to the house.

*********************************************************** *********

Kakarot heard the ship land in his yard and then he was up and at the door in a flash. When he opened it up he saw what looked like a woman lying on his grass. He sensed her Ki and he knew it was a Saijin woman to be a fact. He quickly went up to her and picked her up and took her inside and laid her on the couch and inspecting her for injuries. Angel slowly opens her eyes and looked up at Kakarot.

" Where am I?" She asked as she slowly got into sitting position.

" You are my house. Angel how did you get here?" Kakarot said.

" From a ship that left from CC and circled the earth a couple of times and landed here." She said.

" Really dose your uncle know that?" He asked again.

" No I was taken from my house when I was semi asleep." She said as she reached for the phone.

" Don't, him and Xero are on their way here." Kakarot said " Would you like a shower and different cloths?"

" Yeah I would like that." she said seeing her cloths were in tatters and shreds. She got up and went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower and then put on one of his shirts and his Orange Gi. She walked down to the living room and sat on the couch and dried her hair.

" Want some thing to drink?" He asked as he came up with a cup of coffee. She grimiest as she reached for it and took a drink.

" You are hurt? Who hit you?" He asked.

" Ill be fine and it was Orex who did it but that is ok, He was a jerk just like his brother at times." Angel said as she sipped her coffee.
Mentally she thought of being touched by Xero like Orex had.

They sat their in silence and drank their coffee when Angel noticed car lights heading up the hill and came to a rest as they parked the car in the driveway.

" Kakarot! We have a problem." Vegeta bellowed.

" Yeah my partner is gone and I have some what of a clue where she is." Xero said. As they walked up to the house.

" Well yeah she is gone from you all but she landed here in my lawn." Kakarot said. As they walked into the house and saw her laying their asleep or pretending to be.

" I know you are awake little one." Vegeta said as he sat down next to her.

She smiled and sat up and gave him a hug and turned around to see Xero there and just glared at him.

" I didn't know you had a brother. He looked like you but only shorter." She said to him.

" He was the one who took you? Damn how did you get off the ship?" He asked.

" No he was the one who was waiting for the other ship. And how I got off the ship is none of your business." She said.

" Oh yeah He got you. Not mad about you are a big girl and can taking care of your self. But he is a little disarming." Xero said as he smiled at her and gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

She smiled her best then the world swam all around her and she passed out from what she didn't know. Xero held on to her and had a weird look on his face as he took her to her bed. There in room he took a closer look at her and he moved her head to look at the back of her neck. He saw a tiny hole and came back out to the living room and said

" We have got to get to a or at lest one of the hospitals that we know that Bulma has her claws on or a military hospital and we have to do it now." He said.

" Why? She is all right just tired I would think." Vegeta said to Xero.

" No she is not as tired as you would think, She has something imbedded in her skin at the base of her neck." Xero said back to him.

" There is a place we can take her to and that is to Gohan he is a Dr in the medicine world and he is damn good." Kakarot said as he carried her out side and took off with her in his arms.

" Yeah ok," Vegeta said as he too took off. With Xero not that far behind him.

************************************************************* *******

They landed in front of the practice that Gohan was at and he was talking to too other people that only Xero knew.

" Hey they're Fox Mulder and Diana Scully what brings you to this world?" Xero asked.

" Nothing just someone reported a strange occurrence in this sector. I thought you where heading this sector for us?" Fox asked.

" Oh I am and there was and it involves with my partner. It is a nice thing to see you Scully I want you to take a look at her and see if you can extract something from me?" Xero asked.

" Yeah, Dr. Gohan Son can help me with that." She said as they fallowed Kakarot into the room and the rest followed but was shooed out by them. Two hours later they came out and held the thing that was in side her and they could not make out what it was. So Xero took it and sent it to the lab to be tested. Both Mulder adn Xero couldn't stop staring at each others partners.

" Thank you very much Diana and you too Fox." Xero said as they left that world to end up in theirs.

Two days later at Angels and Vegeta Xero came walking in and said, " I have the results of the tests that was taken from the chip. And it is a transponder and recover from CC and this was put in to keep an eye on our girl here." He said as he watched Angel from the corner of his eyes.

" That Bitch, I swear I will take her down as well as the rest of them." Angel said as she went to cook dinner.

********************************************************** **********

The team gets called in to a carnival for a strange thing/ person.

" That was fun to do," Goku said as he eats the turkey.

" Don't talk with food in your mouth." Bulma said to him.

" Oh get a life you two sick freaks." Xero yelled at them.

" I got a piece of Angel and you didn't. That was so good to rub into your face." Orex said and promptly ran away.

" Fuck you to the both of you. Read the next chapter." Angel said as she pulled Xero off of Orex.