Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Back for round two? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
Back for round 2?

Angel woke up in a warm embrace of strong arms and his sent Vegeta was still in the same position that he had taken to comfort her. She stared at him and didn't say anything these were one of the rear time he showed any emotion. She sighed to herself and slowly got up trying not to wake the sleeping prince. His eyes snapped open when he felt her move.

" What was the nightmare about this time?" He asked.

" The same one I have every night for the past 4 nights." She said to him and sat back down on the bed. Slumping her shoulders and silently let the tears fall into her lap. She felt his hand placed on her shoulder and whispered into her ears " Come with me I have held onto something that belongs to you I was waiting for you to get old enough to have it."

With that he got up and walked to the door. She was behind him as they walked down the hall to his room. He opened the door and let her in, He went to the closet and pulled out a huge wooden crate and opened it.

He pulled out some stuff he was keeping in there and that was done some pics dropped and she picked them up and looked at them. The pics were of her as a baby and growing up. The last one was her and him at the train grounds for the AFBI and her graduation. She smiled and put them back into the box.

He pulled out a big box and a small velvet box. He gave her the small one first and she opened it and there was the necklace that her mother wore a lot. It was a pearl white with blood red sign of the royal house. She put it on and then he gave her the big box. She opened it up and with the tissue was a black trench coat with the royal sign on it. When put it on and put there hands in the pockets there was a sharp object in one and a smooth texture of a letter in the other. She pulled out the sharp thing and looked at it.

She pointed it to Vegeta and he looked at her and said. " Don't point that thing at me. It can kill me."

She pointed it somewhere else and she took out the paper and read it.

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Dear Daughter,

If you are reading this, That must mean that me and your mom is dead and your Uncle Prince Vegeta must had deemed that you are old enough to have these things. The necklace is for your protection and the coat is made of material the must not get into bad hands. The sharp pointed thing that my dear is a gun, Use it wisely cause it only shoots off one powerful load of energy that can kill any thing or any one. If you check the inner pocket you will fine a key to a safe in town. That is a locker and it contains loads of money.

I'm sorry but I have to go and Ill see you some time on the Echo side of life. Take care and don't forget that we love you.

Father and Mother.

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Angels eyes stopped reading and then took off to her room and put the coat down and got dressed and put it back on. She went to the living room and saw that Trunks was eating breakfast.

" What are you staring at little one?" She asked.

" You cousin. You look different today." Trunks said with a mouth full of food.

" wear are you going?" Vegeta asked her.

" I have to go back to feudal Japan cause some of our colleges went there and they are cause ing havoc in that time." She said as she rushed out of the house.

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She got to the office and Xero was sitting at his desk and was waiting for her to get in. What he got took him off guard and what he saw a young woman that had a pair of tight jeans that looked like it was painted on and the a cowboy shirt and a black leather duster with an insignia and a necklace that held the same thing.

" Lets get this party going, shall we?" She asked him and he got up and set the coordinates and they landed in Japan with other colleges running around.

" We have hard work to do and we need to find Inuyasha and the gang." Xero said to her.

They took off to the next town that they knew where they would find them. They went to a hut and knocked and a elder lady came out and asked why they were and what do they want.

" Lady Keade, We are seeking Kagome and Inuyasha, Do you know where we could find them?' Angel asked.

" Yeah I do they are inside here. You can come in." She said as she moved the Curtin that held as a door.

They entered and saw the whole crew sitting down and just getting ready to eat. Inuyasha looked up and saw Angel standing there and Xero who he didn't want to see at all and then he piped up and said to them.

" Back for round two?"

" Yeah I guess we are, The reason why we are here is because some of or colleges got here and they are causing trouble in this time line." Angel said back to him.

" Nice to see you again Angel. And of course Xero, How have you been?" Miroku asked them.

Just as that was said there was aloud boom and Angel and Xero went out of the hut to see what it was as well Inuyasha. What they did see was two men walking up from the debris that had littered the ground and Angel recognized who they were.

" What are you two doing here?" She asked them.

Drake and Sage came up to her with sheepish grins on there faces and then saw a beautiful woman standing next to Inuyasha and the both put the hand s toward her and shook it.

When Angel looked back to Inuyasha he was in his human form. Then she got a cold chill running up her spine and looked around to find a huge demon staring back at her. Angel looked over to Xero who was talking to them both.

" Wonderful, He is human and another demon shows up." Angel thought to herself. She took off with lightning speed and stood in front of it. Right in the middle where the demon could not see her. With one simple power blast it was gone.

" Nice coat, Angel," Inuyasha said.

" Thanks it is a family heirloom." She said and smiled at the dog demon.

Then she felt a hand touch her ass and she turned to look who did it expecting it to be Xero. But it was not it was drake.

" What do you think you were doing?" She said to him and promptly smacked him in the face and left.

" Nothing, I was just wondering how it would feel to touch a Saijin. That is all." He said as he rubbed the hand print on his face.

Angel walked off and sat down watching the stars again and she felt some one coming up behind her and she turned around to find it was Drake. He sat down next to her and said.

" I am sorry I didn't know you were with Xero."

" What!!?? I'm with nobody, What makes you think that?" Angel said to him.

" Nothing just rumors that are being spread that is all." Drake said.

" Don't listen to them, They are wrong." Angel said to him and walked back to the group.

" Drake and Sage we must go back." Xero said but as the last word was said Kaeta spoke up.

" You all my stay here for the night."

" That would be nice, But we must go back." Xero said.

" No we stay here for the night." Angel said " If you have not noticed that Inuyasha has been transformed into a human and he will need help in the night. Besides I know something will be coming for the demon I slew."

Everyone looked to where Angel was and saw that she was standing on a hill with the wind the gently whipped the coat. Her hair swayed with it too. She had an unearthly gleam in her eyes. They almost glowed red. Xero was taken back at the site he was witnessing.

" What makes you think something will be coming?" Xero said as he regained his composure.

" I just know ok!" She said " Ill take first watch, The rest can get some rest."

" You don't need to tell us twice." Sage said. The rest of the group pilled into the hut except Inuyasha.

" I thought that I told you to go back to Kagome." Angel said to him.

" You did but I don't listen to well." Inuyasha said back as he took his set.

They sat like that for good portion of the night. Until Angel sensed something coming towards them. Inuyasha sensed it too and was ready to pounce when Angel grabbed his rat shirt and pulled him back down.

The thing that was coming was no other his brother. He sent a demon to get Inuyasha being a human. He was anoid that the demon didn't show up so he went out looking for it. As he got near the village he sensed another power standing on a hill waiting for him. He was amused to the fact that a human could have that much power radiating from it.

Angel stood up and watched the full demon walking up to them. " Ahh, Lord of the west Sessy. Hmmmmm was it you that sent the demon?" She thought to herself.

He was at the top of the hill and staring into a woman's eyes that had shown that she was not scared of him.

" You are bold to say that in your mind." Sessy said to her " I came for my brother."

" That will not happen and you know it. You brought that demon here. You are not getting him leave him alone." Angel said as sessy was trying to avoid her.

" You are fearless are you? Not scared to die here and never to return home." Sessy said to her.

" Is that a challenge? Lord of the West." Angel hissed at him.

" You can take it any way you want it. I have no cause to fight you." He said back to her. All the time Inuyasha was getting ready for a battle.

" I will take that as a challenge be ready to fight." Angel said to him. She got into her fighting stance.

Sessy got into his and he flew first and connected his foot on her side of the ribs. She countered him and connected a fist in his jaw and flesh.

Sessy looked almost surprised that she even connected. But this time Inuyasha stepped in and looked at Angel and told her " Stay out of this, This is between me and him."

Angel gave him a noid look at him and stood next to him in battle. The next thing they knew Sessy was backing off and eventually he left. They walked back to the hut and went in. Angel sat next to the door and flew into an uneasy sleep.

*********************************************************** *****************


Angel was in her bed at CC and was fast asleep. before she knew she was drugged out of her warm bed and down the hall into a lab that was Bulma's she looked over to see the Bulma was there.

Bulma reached over and grabbed a needle and shot something into a very young Angel. Angel watched everything came clear and very painful. She looked around to see if anyone else was in there to help her. No such luck.

" Aunt Bulma what are you doing?" Angel asked her in a Childs voice.

" I am not your aunt nor do I want to be. You are an eye soar and a threat to me and my empire." Bulma said in a cold hard voice.

Angel eyes went wide as the grip of fear ran threw her. Bulma came up to her again and this time she stripped the frighten girl. There were men there but they were not to help her out just to help Bulma with her experiments.

" Scream all you want your uncle Vegeta will not hear you. sound proof." Bulma whispered in to the girls ear. The troche went for hours until Angel almost passed out from the screaming and crying.

Bulma moved away and motioned the men to come near and gave them instructions and she left Angel alone with the men. They in return took her innocent away and didn't care with it hurt her. By the time they were done they let her go and let her walk to her room and left alone.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel woke up by strangling the scream that threaten to leave her mouth. She opened her eyes and saw that it was to late everyone was awake and looking at her. She looked over and saw that even Xero was looking at her and he got up and went to her. The tears that streaked her cheeks came to a halt as he reached and pick her up and went out the door.

" Are you ok?" He asked. He put her down on the ground and sat next to her.

" Yeah I'll be all right." She whispered.

" She really did that to you?" He asked tentavly. He wrapped his arm around her. She leaned into it and said this.

" Yes she did and it went on for 10 years after that. Xero, I know that you like me but I am no good for no one, I am not right for you and that I would never succeed in making you happy. So with this in light, Just leave me I am dirty unclean and not welcomed."

" Don't say that, You are not tainted in any way shape or form. Dose Vegeta know about it?" He asked.

" No he don't or ever will." She said to him as he lifted his hand up and cupped her chin and pulled it up and gave her a kiss on the lips. He didn't do anything else but just hold her as the sun came up into the sky. Inuyasha came out of the hut and walked up to them.

" Is she going to be ok?" He asked.

" yeah she will, But we do have to leave today." Xero said as he got up. Angel got up too and then they walked back to the hut and got Drake and Sage and were gone before anyone else could say bye.

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On the next ep of the Z files they go to Cowboy bebop. By accident. yeah right. and who is this giving out the orders? Not Krillin.