Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ The Pharoah Returns ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The Pharoh Returns

Two weeks and counting since Xero left her standing in the woods crying and had not heard a word since. Kakarot left after he did to keep an eye and made sure he didn't blow up any planet let alone eat them.

Angel woke up to the alarm clock going off and then pounding on the door.

" Who the fuck is knocking on my door at 6 am and dose not want to die?" Angel yelled out.

" It is I your fucking uncle who dares. Get up we have a mission to go on." He barked through the door.

" Mission? I am not going on any mission." Angel said to herself as she got up from the bed that she had been in for almost the whole two weeks.

" Yes you are little missy and I don't want any back talk either." He yelled through the door again.

" Damn, I hate our hearing. It gets on my last nerve." She whispered as she went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

" Heard that." He said again.

" Fuck you." She said again and got into the shower to clean herself up and then got out and went into her room and got dressed in her custom black and leather duster. There were two words on the coat after they got home. And it said " Xero's Angel"

She opened the door and walked out to see Vegeta was still standing there.

" No I am not and another thing is that I don't do incest." He said as he smiled knowing that it gets on her nerves.

" Ok, Ok, I give up." Angel said as a sad smile graced her lips.

They got into the car and went to work to find Krillin there holding the case up.

" Ok here is the next Z file. It involves about abnormal power surges with three cards and a boy named Yugi Moto. Plus I have a report that some one has seen Xero there." Krillin said as the case was stripped from his hands.

Angel glanced at it and then gave it back to her uncle. They prepared to leave and before to long they were in Yu-Gi-Oh.

******************************************************** ********************

They landed right in front of the game shop that Yugi's grandfather owns. Angel was very excited to see this. Even though she knew it was a different time line. The game was catching on fast in her world.

Angel and Vegeta walked into the shop they were looking around and then they saw a small boy at the counter. Angel walked up to him and said

" Hello. Are you Yugi Motto?"

" Yes I am." The young boy said with cheerfulness in his voice. Just as that was said an older man walked in from the curtain and looked at his customers.

" May I help you?" Said the elder.

" Yes you can, I wonder if you can help me build a deck of duel cards for me and my Uncle here?" Angel asked.

" Why sure I can. You know how to play?" The elder asked.

" Yes I do, but first I need to talk to your grandson for a little bit." Angel said. Mr. Motto motioned his grandson over to the woman with red hair as if he knew who she was.

" Vegeta you want to stay here and look around some more or do you want to tell Mr. Motto here who we are?" Angel asked as she went out the door.

************************************************************ ****************

Yugi and Angel get out side a sat down on the bench that was just out side the door of the game shop.

" Ok lady who are you and why do you want to speak with me?" Yugi said.

" My name is Angelica but you can call me Angel, I am the AFBI plus I am from a different time line." She told him as she pulled out her badge to show him.

" Ok fine then what is it that you want to speak with me then?" Yugi asked.

" I know you have the millennium puzzle and a few others. I also know that you posses the Egyptian God cards and I pray they are safe. The Pharaoh Yami is your protector. The cards are not safe here you need then someplace where they are safe from prying eyes like Seto Kiva and the rest." Angel said to the young boy who was not all pleased by the look on his face. His whole demeanor changed and Angel sensed the other personality was coming out of the puzzle to ask some questions of his own.

Yami looked at the woman that was sitting next to him and had this weird flash back. Then he knew who she was. (The flash back was on one of Angel's and Xero's cases they had to go back into ancient Egypt to help this young Pharaoh and his way with the fight of the original duel with the shadow realm.)

" I remember who you are, Angel it has been a long time since I have seen you. Why are you here?" Yami asked her.

" The reason is Yami is that Yugi is in great danger as with the God cards. You have to separate and be one with your self again. I know how to do this. You might not remember who or what you use to be, But I do." Angel said to him as she pulled out the book of secret arts.

" I didn't know you had this? So what is the plan?" Yami asked his closest advisor.

" Yeah I took it before I left, we will need all of the................................" She trailed off as the rest of his friends came up the walkway.

" Yugi.. Who is this woman and you hitting up on her?" Joey asked

" This is Angel from the AFBI and she is here to help me with school since I have missed so much of it." Yami said.

Angel gave him an eyebrow up look and then smiled at the group. She knew every one of them. " Some are direct descendants." She thought as she stared at every one of them.

" Yugi you could have asked me to help, but I guess you don't want it then." Tea said.

" To answer your last question is no he is not." Angel said to them.

" Did you see the next tournament is going to be held here in domino city?" Tristin said.

" Really I must enter this." Angel said out loud.

Yami gave her a look of his own " You think you can beat me to my own game?" He said as he laughed.

" Um yes I can." Angel said as she was laughing.

" Fine then we enter it." Yami said

" Fine it is a deal." Angel said as she put the book away. She got up and went inside and there sat the deck she requested and to find out Vegeta was a ready dueling Yugi's grandfather. She paid for the decks and then some to the elder. She went back out side and inspected the cards all the same ones that she had back home. " Good now I can get this done and find the rest of the items." She thought

" You ready to enter the tournament it starts tomorrow." Yugi said to her.

" Yeah sure kid, any one up for some Ice cream? My treat." Angel said to them all.

They left and found the nearest ice-cream stand and got some. When it was done they all pilled in to the place to register. They came out and in the shadows Angel thought she saw a figure that looked like Xero's. He heart ached at the thought of him.

" Xero is that you?" She thought to herself.

Yugi sensed her emotions and looked up to see her tears running down her face as she looked into a very dark ally. Then she moved off and let the kids be their selves as she moved closer to the darkness. She looked in and found nothing.

" I have got to stop this, it will kill me if I don't." She said to herself.

" Stop what Angel?" Yami said as he walked up behind her.

" My life my pain my hate and of course my love." She said d back to him.

" You look like you are lost, where is Xero by the way?" Yami asked carefully.

" He is gone out of my life as quick as he came." Angel answered.

Yami knew better, He knows Xero was still around. But he was not going to get any information from her just yet. They left the ally and back to the group who was looking at the roster.

In the dark ally there was a shadow of a man in it but will not let any one see him. The tall man went the other way as the two were talking.

********************************************************* *******************

The next day the tournament started and they advanced fast. Yugi Angel and Joey were on the way back home from it and they stopped to get something to eat and that is when she noticed the same man from the dark ally way.

" He looks familiar." Angel said to Yami as they walked on.

" He should that is Pegasus, Why is he out of the insane asylum?" Joey asked.

" I don't know but he has been following us for a while." Angel said back.

As they continued to walk she finally got a glimpse of the man and her heart-stopped right there dead.

" You two go on and I will meet you guys at the shop. I have business to content with." Angel said as she was ushering them down the road.

" I am not leaving." Yami and Joey said at the same time.

" Fine then stay here and do not move." Angel said as she walked to Pegasus as he stopped and stood there.

" I have three cards for you, a man asked me to make them and then give them to you." He said

" Ok, Who was it?" Angel said as she reached out to get them but got Xero's leather duster. Her hand moved away.

" I think his name was Xero." Pegasus said to her and handed the cards to her.

Angel reached out and yanked the coat from him and gave him an evil glare. " How did you get this?" She said and then slapped him as she left him there confused.

Angel and the rest walked away and got into the game shop and heard man yelling. Angel, Yugi and Joey ran up stares to see Vegeta and Mr. Motto yelling at each other.

" What do you mean I am unfit to duel?" Vegeta yelled.

" Cause you are to wound up to do so and so much anger only makes it worse." The elder yelled right back.

" Anger? You have not seen anger as of yet old man." Vegeta said. As he stood up to leave the house in anger but Angel stood in his way, she shook her head.

" Uncle Vegeta says you are sorry." Angel said to the short pointy haired man.

" I am sorry Solomon you are right I am a hot head and my niece knows it." Vegeta said as he left to go to bed.

Solomon got up and but stuff away and then he himself went to bed. That left Yugi and Joey and Angel up. They were talking amongst them selves in a half an hour Joey left for his home. Angel and Yugi were talking when she heard a noise down in the shop. Yugi heard it too and tried to get up to go see what it was making that noise.

" Yugi stay here and I will go see who it is." Angel said as she pulled out her gun and went downstairs in the dark. She didn't have a problem looking in the dark. She noticed a figure by the door that went down to the basement that held the items and the cards.

" Halt you are under arrest for breaking and entering." Angel said out loud as the lights where turned on and she saw who was trying to steal the items.

Yami Bakura and Merik was standing next to the door and looked like they were scared.

" Bakura and Merik what do you want here?" Angel asked. Then she noticed the Millenniums items that they had.

" Our master wants them and the god cards. We will get them." Merik said.

" Do you guys happen to remember what happens when you teal the items? Or are you just to stupid to remember?" Angel said.

" We remember and I guess we will see you and yugi tomorrow at the tournament and we can tag team duel you two for everything we have and the same for you guys." Bakura said as they left for the door.

" You are on" Angel said as she watched them leave. She went back upstairs and turned in and went to bed. Yugi went to his room and talked to his Yami.

************************************************************ ****************

Somewhere on the other side of city was a man in a black drench duster and waited for his puppets to come back. They did and they said that they delivered the message.

" You have done good my puppets and tomorrow you will be better and then I can leave this place." he said to them and let them leave. The man turned around and left to find his friend and foe. As the streetlights glowed brighter as he passed by a tiny hint of Blue was seen.

" Now I come for you Angel and the items." He said to himself and then smirked wickedly. Then he whistled out in a dreary tune and went on his merry way. Before he knew it he was in front of the game shop and he popped himself into the living room and saw her they're sleeping and holding the duster to her half nude body. He walked up to her and moved a lock of hair from her face. She slightly stirred and then she said

" Xero" softly in the night and he left but not before he did something. He reached over and his hand slowly moved its way up her nightgown and he touched her.

Some where in the universe he heard Xero scream, " Leave her alone."

Teff moved his hand out and in the process he scratched her legs up and then left.

************************************************************ ****************

Angel woke up in the morning something wet and sticky on her legs and she looked down to see the blood had stop bleeding. She looked at her hands and there was nothing there and she got up and went to the bathroom to wash it off confused how she got the scratches. She washed them and went to the couch and cleans that blood off of the couch.

" Who could have done that?" She thought to herself. As the gang came down to eat.

She got ready for the duel that was coming up in three hours. She put on her black tight fitting jeans and a white flair blouse and then her guns and then Xero's black duster and the eyewear and the last thing was the deck and the three new cards. Which she didn't see what they were until now. She pulled the cards and then looked at them.

One was simply named the Xero card. The effects of this monster card are no male monster can be in attack mode and no female monster can be in defense mode. The trap cards of wall of eyes and stop defense is not effected on Xero while on the field

The second one was a magic card and it was named the pointy hair shield. It increased the block and attach of the monster by 500 points. Angel smiled at this one cause it looked like Vegeta.

The third one was a trap card and it was named the bitch. The trap was any opponent monsters are affected to the fact the bitching starts to ensure and that they would kill them selves just to get a way from it. It also destroys 1500 life points each times it screams.

Angel put them into the decks and then shuffled them and put them into the pocket and walked out to see Yugi ready to go along with the rest of them.

Vegeta joined them as the cheer section sat down.

************************************************************ ****************

Announcer: " This is a unusual request. The two men standing at the podium wants to have a tag team duel with Yugi and Angel at this time. The judges has decided to let this happen and so the 4 sided dueling arena will be....................."

Seto Kiva stood up in the sidelines and put and end to the announcer and said " No need to do so I can fit them with the latest mobile dueling arena." Seto then got up and walked to the four and gave them each one. The last one was Angel and he just looked at her like he knew her from somewhere. But he dismissed it and went back to where he was sitting at.

Announcer: " Well ok then, I guess we are ready to duel then. Get ready to duel." he said and went to the sidelines.

" Did you two bring them?" Angel asked before everything was on its way. They shook their heads yes.

" Fine it's time to duel!!" Angel and Yami said at the same time.

Bakura stood in front of Angel and Merik stood in front of Yami and that is how it went for most of the duel.

" Ill go first." She said as she pulled out a card and then smiled " Ill put these two face down and Ill play this in attach mode." She said as the monster showed up and faced her opponent.

" What the hell is that? Well it don't matter Bakura said as he pulled out a card and put two down and one monster in defense.

" Yes exactly what is that?" He said as he picked a card out of the deck and then he put one card down in and put a card in defense mode and left it at that.

"Don't worry about it. It will help us in a long run." Angel said to him.

Merik drew one card and then put two down and one monster in attach mode.

Angel drew a card and the smile got wider and she said " I'll sacrifice this card and put this one in attach mode." as that was happening the hologram of Xero came on the board with an insane smile on its face. " Good that means that the shield that I drew will help." she thought to herself. " And I play this magic card the pointy haired shield." Some where in the audience Vegeta yelped loud and then threw some cuss words at Xero. Angel smiled and started to giggle.

Bakura was lost to this and then asked " What is your attach points on this Xero card?"

" Well let's see." She said as she read the card. " Um what ever is in my hand and what is in my grave yard providing it stay on here long enough. I would say 6.500 is it attach and defense." She said with a smile ever wider.

" Well ok I have something here and it will destroy what you have." Bakura said as he attached the card but it was not destroyed.

" Such a pity, you had to attach me with a lowly card like yours." The hologram said to Bakura. Angel stood there and looked at it with a surprise on her face. The rest was too.

" What you never seen a hologram talk before?" Xero said. Angel watched and thought. " Great his mouth is worst in this form than it was in real form."

Yami got over it quick and did the same as angel and so on.

************************************************************** *************

The game was almost done and then Angel played the bitch card by that time Bakura was beaten and out of the game and it was Angel Yami and Merik who was on the edge of being defeated.

" That is you." Merik said to her.

" Yes I know and guess what you are defeated, along with destroying your monster here it also destroys your life points so good bye Merik nice to duel you."

She stared at the monster and said " Angel attach his life points as well as the monster on the ground!!"

Merik watched as the redhead demon screamed until his monster gave up and killed itself. Then he was down to zero points and with out a fight he gave up his millennium rod and his soul.

Later on the tournament was about over and they announced who came in first and second.

" I give up my first place spot to Yugi here and take second place." She said as she gave Yugi her first place and winner circle.

********************************************************** ******************

Angel went on ahead of the group as they walked home and she got everything ready. She hung the coat up and waited for them.

When they walked in Yugi went to all 7 items and the three god cards and then it happened The shop and surrounding area was shacking and Yugi was looking into space as the millennium puzzle began to shin really bright and it stopped as fast as it began and standing beside his friend and protectee was the pharaoh himself.

Unknown to the rest Angel stood there next to him and had changed in appearance. She went from her regular cloths to Egyptian cloths and her hair went from red to jet black back to red. And with in her body came out a tiny light and went into Yami.

Yami looked at Yugi sense he collapsed on the floor and then to his helper Angel. He picked up Yugi and took him to his room and came back out.

" He will be fine just needs sleep." Yami said

Angel nodded her head and collected the items and put them into the vault along with the cards.

" As for you my Angel and friend I fully remember what has happened and I know now that a great evil was let out too. It is my duty to fight this and put it back into the 7 items." He said to her but his words fell on def ears as she was staring at Xero's duster that was hanging. It was in shreds and one word was written on it.

" Devonstat."

Angel went up to the duster and took it and then at the top of her lungs she screamed. " TEFF YOU SON OF A BITCH, I WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU FOR ALL THAT IS WORTH TO YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN A THORN IN MY SIDE FOR TO LONG KNOW AND YOU ARE MINE." She stormed off into the night with Vegeta and Yami right behind her as she took to the air. Vegeta grabbed Yami and he himself was up in the air.

" Where is she going?" Yami asked.

" To let off steam and destroy something." Vegeta asked.

And that is what she did too but somewhere she felt Teff was here and then it was gone. Then she felt power serge that ran throw her whole body.

" Xero??" she thought to herself.

Just as she touched ground she was side swiped by a person. It knocked her down to the ground and then she reached for her gun and pointed it at the thing that had knocked her down.

It looked up and smiled at her as she aimed with deadly precision on the head. She recognized who it was.

" Yugi? How did you get here?" She said as she put the gun away and helped him off of her.

" I don't remember, I know I was asleep and before to long I was out here. Sorry to side swipe you I was thrown into you." Yugi said with sleep in his eyes still.

" Its ok, sorry I almost killed you." She said as she stiffen at the power that was behind her. She didn't have to turn around to see who it was. " Teff what is it that you want from me? You have Xero looking for himself when he didn't need be."

" What I want and get are two different things. I want Xero or what ever his name is to be his old self and be my partner once again. What I will get is you sooner or later I will have you." He whispered into her ear and the little boy that she was protecting was shacking like a leaf under neither her embracing arms.

Then Teff picked her up and slammed her into the ground with the lift of his leg he cam down on her with force she was pushed into the ground and knocked out by it. Out from outer space energy ball came hurtling to that time line and hit Teff in the back of his head. He scratched his head and looked up to see where it came from.

" Ahh, Xero you are watching. Fine I am coming to get you now. But after I do this." He said as he picked up Yugi and threw him down where Angel was she caught him and moved that he would be under her when the blow came.

It did and she felt her back crack under the weight of Teff. Then it was gone Angel lapsed into unconscious as the two men came to help them.

" Angel! Angel. Are you ok?" Yugi asked the woman. But nothing came from her.

Vegeta and Yami picked her up and that is when she came too screaming.

" Damn take it easy on the ribs please not like I had them broke before." She said. And got up to walk back to the game shop. She got there and was greeted by Solomon who helped her get to the couch.

She reached into her duster and pulled out another bag of beans and ate one she felt her ribs mend and heal. She grunted as they did. Solomon gave her a look.

Vegeta and Yami walked into he door with yugi. They looked at Angel but she said nothing. But just went to sleep.

*********************************************************** *****************

The next morning she got up and there sitting on the chair was Yami. He was reading the book and then looked up to see her awake.

" You don't sleep that well do you?" He asked her.

" No I don't, Oh god was I talking in my sleep? Or worse had a night mare?" She asked him.

" You were talking and it was not a nightmare." He said, as his face got red at the sounds she was making.

" Oh one of those, I hope it was not with you." She said as she smiled at him.

" Umm it started out with me but it ended with Xero." He said again with red in his face.

" I am sorry Yami." She said, as her face got red.

" No, No that is ok it was amusing, for you to remember what happen between us so many century's ago." He said

" Oh well was it good for you as it was for me?" She said as she was trying not to laugh at the face he was making.

" Yeeeeaahhhhh, Real good." He said laughing.

" You know I leave today right?" Angel turned serious again. " This is a fight that you and your friends have to fight now we ca=n not interfere again."

" Yeah I know, but I have you in my heart." He said as he reached over and put the necklace in her hands. It was not the necklace she thought it was but it was something that was held by him.

" I can't take this." She said to him.

" You will and it came from the old times. Hold it wisely and it will guide you in everything." He said as he got up and went into Yugi's room.

************************************************************ ****************

It was noon and they had to get back. Vegeta and Angel made their good byes and she knelt in front of Yami and he was happy to see that and made her in one of his highest warrior. She got up and went next to her uncle and they were gone.

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On the next ep Vegeta and Angel go to Aussy land to meet the crock hunter. Insanity is sure to drive Vegeta nuts. All out comedy in the next ep hope you will like it.

Imagine Vegeta following Steve into the waters with crocks in it? Yeah this is going to be fun.