Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ The return of Xero ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
The return of Xero

Angel and Vegeta and the crew of the Bebop sat down and eat some dinner before they all went their separate ways.

" That was a mean trick your boss pulled on me." Faye said to Angel.

" Well it is to make sure you help this time and not get laid by the next man that comes along." Angel said none to nicely.

" He was good very good to be a fact. Hmmmmm I wonder when we meet up again he wouldn't mind again." Faye said icily

" Bitch!" Is all Angel could muster to say to her? She was so angry with the woman.

" Oh its not like you fucked Spike for the same reason. Look who the one is a bitch now." Faye retorted back.

Angel raised her hand that carried a small ki blast that would most surely kill the woman in front of her. But Angel felt hands pulling her hands back away. Angel looked down and saw Vegeta doing it.

" Not here." He said gently

" Fine." Angel said as she turned to leave.

" From what I can tell you two were not together, so I went for it." Faye said to aggravate Angel even more.

Angel turned around and raised a finger and shot a ki beam to the side of the face of Faye and left a thin cut on it. Angel left as Faye was freaking about the blood running down her face.

In the observation deck Angel sat on the floor Indian style holding herself as she cried. Then she felt like something was stabbed through the heart as she clutched her chest and she knew the Xero was hurt and she had no way of getting there.

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One floor down Vegeta sat there and told them what had happened between those two. Faye got up and walked away when Jet asked.

" Where are you going Faye?"

" I am going to see Angel. Is that ok?" She said back.

" That would not be wise, She still mad at you." Vegeta said back.

" I will take my chances." She said.

" Chances and luck seem to run badly for you I wouldn't do it but then again. I am not you." Spike said to her as she came up behind him and slapped him for all her worth.

" Ouch." He yelped as the rest were laughing.

" Bad move Spike old buddy." Jet said to Spike as he rubbed the back of his head.

Faye moved up the steps to the deck where Angel was and saw the puddle of black sitting on the floor.

Angel heard footsteps to soft to be a man and she turned around to see Faye standing there.

" I want to say I am sorry for what I had said. I didn't know you two are in love. That explained the red wig he had me put on that night." Faye said to the woman that was sitting on the floor.

" That was a wig?" Angel asked in shock.

" Yeah he gave it to m e to wear before we did anything." Faye said to her and sat down next to the woman.

" Really well that would explain the red thing that was in bed with Meryl that morning." Angel said.

" You know I have something that you might like and it is the same out fit you have on here but different colors and it blow the minds of Jet and Spike down there." Angel said as she got up. But clutched her chest again and grunted.

" You ok?" Faye asked.

" Yeah ill be fine let's go." Angel said back to her.

They were in Angel's room and she pulled out the out fit and gave it to Faye and watched as she put it on.

" Wow I like this better. That one is old and getting bad with a lot more holes to worry about. I wish I had a couple like these." Faye said.

Oh and here I thought of you when I saw this." Angel said as she pullout a Cat suite that had leopard spots on it. Then pulled out the headband that held cat ears.

Faye changed into it and then walked out. " Ok I have a mean trick to play on the men." Faye said.

She walked down the hall and into the living room and stood their all of the men looked.

" Oh shit, Faye that is just umm great on you. Wow" Jet said incoherently as he stared at her.

" Faye that is a lot more revealing then the last outfit, But hey it looks good on you I really like the cat ears they suite you." Spike said and then turned his attention to the food and the TV.

Vegeta was in shock and didn't say one word all he knew he didn't want to get up if he didn't have too.

Faye smiled at them and then left to her room and put the black outfit back on and sat down on her bed getting ready to leave.

She met with Angel in the hall. Angel stopped her and said.

" You can do anything you want to with the money it is free for you to chose what to do with."

Angel walked off and went to the deck that was turned into a training room. She did her warm ups and others. 4hours later she came out of the GR and went to get a bath. But she stopped where an image was of Xero and Teff holding his head up and then took his blade and slit Xero's throat wide open.

Teff looked at her and then smiled at her and then said. " Going for another bounty my dear?"

" Yes, I am coming for you Teff, so watch it." Angel said to him not taking her eyes off of Xero.

" Well that is fine be ready to die. Just like him." Teff moved Xero. Healed himself and then hit Teff in the groin and left the scene.

Angel knew he was hurt and she could not get to him. She reached out as the figures left the hall. A tear ran down her face as she went into the shower and ran into Spike who was just getting out.

" Whoa, Looks like you seen a ghost." He said to her while standing half naked in front of her. She paid no attention to him until she felt his arms go around her and him breathing into her ear.

" He will be all right he is a big boy and he can take care of himself." Spike said as he held her as she cried into his shoulder.

She let herself out of his embrace and walked into the shower and washed up and then out of and into her room she got dressed. She came back down and encapsulates a spaceship and made sure it had a full tank of fuel and medical supplies that she took from the med ward.

Then she walked back to her room and grabbed his duster and put it in the ship. That is when Spike dropped on her little plan.

" You are not going any where in that heap of a ship." He said to her.

" You all ways have a way of jump starting some ones heart don't you?" Angel hissed at him.

" What did I scare you?" Spike asked

" Yes you did. I am jumpy as it is ok." Angel said as she was checking on the systems.

"Then what are you doing leaving here so soon and with out your uncle?" Spike persisted the issue.

" Why you want to come and get killed?" She said to him as she became eye to eye with him.

" Why not I am always looking for death but it seems that I have great luck of not getting it." He said back at her

She walked past him and he grabbed her wrist as she past by. The threw her into a bunch of boxes and then held her there and said this.

" I do not have a death wish, you do and I have no clue why you do. Do go looking for trouble when you can wait until comes to you. We are to far out for you to go alone. Wait until we get the signal from Kakarot. Then if you want to go on your suicide run the so be it." He said to her as he let her up.

Then from no were Xero showed up. Angel was surprised to see him and in deed he looked bad.

" Xero, Are you ok?" She said as she ran up to him and started to fix him up from the wounds that will or have not healed.

" Dose it look like I'm ok to you?" He said in a gruff voice.

" No it dose not. Spike tell Vegeta that Xero just popped in." Angel barked out that order.

Spike ran down the hall as she opened his shirt and took a look and all most gasped out at the site. Then she gave him a hundred sensu beans and let him eat three of those and it healed most of the damage and then she did something that was not heard of a glowing white light came out of her and passed into Xero and she took on his wounds and healed him the rest of the way.

She thumped on the side of him as he got up and then picked her up and looked at her in wonder. She stirred in his arms and put her around him to hug him close to her. He smiled and then kissed her fore head as Vegeta and the rest came out of the door and ran up to him.

" Why are you two here?" Xero asked.

" We got the report that Kakarot sent us and the fact even he said we should come. So here we are and there is nothing you can do about it. " Vegeta said to him.

" Fine, but keep her away as much as possible cause. Plus I came to see who had my duster and who took it?" Xero asked as Angel slowly woke up.

" Your duster is in the small ship, but it won't protect you from him. Take mine. It is made of special cloth that can help you." She said as she shrugged off hers and then gave it to him.

" Thank you, I want you out of this do you hear me?" Xero said to her as he took her to her room and stayed there for a while. Lets just say the whole ship rang in their voices.

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He walked out of the room while putting on her father's leather duster and walked down the hall and into the living room and their sat Vegeta who was waiting for him.

" If you hurt her. I will hurt you. I mean it Xero she is all I have got left and I could not stand to see her hurt again." Vegeta said to his newly mated nephew.

" I love your niece and I will come back alive. He can't kill me that easily. Besides I am going to be a father again and I want this one to live. Keep her away as long as you can." Xero said back and then him and Vegeta left.

With the last words Xero was gone and back to the battle again. Vegeta walked back to his room, which was right next to hers. He opened the door to check up on her and she was sleeping peacefully. He went to his room and fell asleep in his bed.

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Angel woke up to a empty bed and she looked around to see that her duster had been taken and she smiled and got up and walked to the shower and got cleaned up and then got dressed in lose fitting cloths. Walked down to the living room and sat down. She was thinking to herself " Where did he go? Is he back into battle?"

She was so out of touch she didn't feel that Vegeta woke up and was standing behind her until she felt his hand on her shoulder and she grabbed it and threw him across the room. It was a reaction she didn't mean it. Vegeta picked himself up off the floor and grinned at her.

" That was good just can't do that in combat?" He said as he seated himself next to her.

" I can do that in combat just chews not to." She said back to her uncle while laughing.

" He is gone and he told me to keep you away as much as I can. But I know for a fact that is not going to happen. So heed this if you leave with out me knowing. I will personally lock you in your room until he comes back. Got it little girl?" Vegeta said to her.

" Yes I got it." She said to him while crossing her fingers.

The rest got up and all shuffled in their own rhythm and then Kakarot showed up and gave Vegeta a report of where they were at and that they are not far from where they are at.

" But it not safe to go as of yet the battle has been going on for more than one week and it still goes on." Kakarot said to Vegeta.

" Really then we wait until it is safe to go there." Vegeta sad as he was looking at Angel.

" What I told you that I will not go until then." She said as she went to her room and got dressed. Went out to the ship that she had ready but it was gone capsule and in Vegeta's pocket.

" Damn him." She thought to herself. Then she saw the swordfishII and was getting ready to hijack it when she heard voices.

" Angel I know you are in here." Kakarot said out loud.

" What do you want?" She said back to him.

" You know as well as I do he will not defeat Teff unless you are there and the fact it will have to be you two to do it together as one to do so." He said to her.

" Really and why should I believe you? You could be a pawn in Teff's game to piss off Xero and others." Angel said.

" You know me better than that than to lie to you I can't tell a lie." He said back to her.

She sighed heavily and walked out of the room and ran into Kakarot himself and she looked up and then looked back and sighed and walked away. All of the sudden she was tired and wanted to take an nap. She did and she went to her room and laid down for about 4 hours.

She woke up to the ship rocking away as the blasts got closer to them. She got up and ran to the cockpit and watched as the rest of them did. She watched the screen and knew that Xero was getting beat in the fight. She turned around ran out the door and down the hall and into the bay that held the ships and she ran to the Swordfish II and got in and started it up. And waited for the bay doors opening. When they did she launched it out and into the open space and headed for the fight.

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On the ship the light and siren going off as the ay doors were opening up.

" Who could that be?" Jet asked.

" I don't know who but they have to get back here." Vegeta said as he thought to himself " Angel is asleep."

" That is my ship who ever it is has my ship." Spike said al most to the point of being really pissed.

" Bebop to the Swordfish... Who is piloting that ship?" Jet said trying to hail the tiny ship.

" Who do you think it is?" Angel answered him back.

" You took my ship!! Why would you do that?" Spike said

" Cause it is the fastest one here. Don't worry I won't wreck it." She said back to him.

" Angel get your ass back here now!!" Vegeta said to her.

" No!! I know what I have to do." She said back to him.

" Yes! Get your ass back her now." he yelled it.

" No I will not until we come back." Angel said and switch off the communicator.

" Damn her, She will get herself killed and the baby." Vegeta said as he sat down and watched the craft go on its way.

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Xero and Teff stood in front of each other. Xero holding his ribs and blood lay at his feet as he watched Teff advance towards him with the sword tip towards his chest right above his heart.

" You still have not found yourself and now you die." Teff said as he ran to Xero.

Just as that was said there was a shot cutting him off in the middle. They both looked put o see a red space ship coming their way.

" Angel, What are you doing here go away." Xero said out loud.

" No we are partners and there is no way I am going to let you get all of the glory. I stand with you as well going down with you." Angel said to him. Xero held his hands up to give up on it.

Teff looked up and smiled his cruel manner and then held a Ki ball in his hand and flung it to the ship. Angel saw this and she cut it right out of it way and let it go by her.

" Nice try asshole, try harder next time." Angel said to him and was ready to land it when the were more shots fired at her.

" Angel, I know you can hear me, Get the hell out of here and do it now." Vegeta yelled in to the speaker.

Angel grunted and took off in the other direction and did a loop and faced her uncle in all of his wrath.

" Vegeta get out of here ok Trust me I know what I am doing." She said to him.

" Do you really know what you are doing? Then let me in on the party." Vegeta said.

" Yes, I put myself in danger, then Xero will go into Majin Xero and there will be nothing to stop him and he will kill Teff on his own." She said back to him.

"Really and you think that will happen? I don't think so little one." Vegeta said. All the while Angel had the plasma gun ready to fire on him. Angel flipped the switch and fired at him. He had a look of surprise ob his face and he noticed Angel determined look on hers as she landed on the ground.

She got out and ran to Xero who was on his knees watching her as she came up and touched him. She let him lay down and used her leg as a headrest as she tried to heal him. The soft white light shown and engulf them both. Teff walked up to yanked her away from him but he was pushed back from the energy that was emanated from her as a shield. He stood their waiting for it to get done.

The light faded away and she was still there as Xero/M Xero / Devonstat got up and looked down to see Teff grab her and dragged her away to his ship. Then it broke. The hate, love, anger, etc emotion went though him. He had changed into something all together new more powerful. The thought of the child she was caring hit him full force and he screamed so loud the heaven and earth and even hell shook to it's inner core and every being that was there was scared. The Beast has been released.

" Hey bitch boy, Come over here and have a real challenge to your manhood. Or are you so whipped that you have to hide behind my woman. If you didn't see the bite mark on her neck saying that she is claimed, Bitch boy." Devonstat/M Xero said

Teff's hair raise on the back of his neck as everything was said and he turned around and advanced on his old partner. The sword pointed to Xero's heart once again. Teff came at a fast pace and was their quicker than anyone could see but M.Xero/Devonstat was faster and held his sword to Teff's neck as the blade cut into it.

" That is for every thing you put me through." Devonstat said.

Another swift and precise cut into the jugular was cut into Teff. M Xero laughing historically while doing it.

" That is for the souls you have eaten and or swallowed." M Xero said to Teff as the blood pumped out freely.

Devonstat noticed Angel getting up and coming towards Teff with a sword of her own and sliced in to Teff's ribs. As Teff screamed out in pain.

" And that was for me and my family." She whispered into Teff's ear.

Angel backed away from them both and went towards the SwordfishII and waited for Xero to come back.

Xero let go of Teff and walked away from him. Teff got the muster to speak.

" You two make a great couple statistic cold hearted killers." He whee4sed.

" really what are you then? Teff my OLD friend you have done a lot more than we have or even could have. Let the souls go and be set free." Devonstat said.

" Never." Was all that Teff said as he felt the sword run into him and he looked at Devonstat for the last time and smiled. " You are one of a kind my friend, Fine I will let them go and leave this place to what ever fate holds for me now." He whispered as he died. Every soul and spirit was let lose and floated up into the air and the body disintegrated.

Xero noticed the last thing Teff left was a bomb and he went a running to the ship and jumped in. They took off and hailed the Bebop.

" Get the hell out of here he is going to blow and we will meet up with you when you are away from here as soon as possible." Xero said into the com.

" Got yeah, Bebop out and gone just home in on the bacon." Jet said to Xero and was gone. Xero stepped on the power petal and zoomed out of there before the planet was destroyed.

******************************************************* *******************

Xero and Angel was talking when she asked. " Mated? You have not claimed me as of yet." With a light laugh.

" Oh I will tonight. You will like it." He said back smirking all the while.

They landed back on the Bebop and got out as the rest of them waited in the living room.

" Oh Spike is going to kill me." Angel said as she entered the living room and sure enough Spike was their and giving a lecture of stealing stuff.

They all ate and watched a little bit of T.V. Faye left to go gamble as Spike and Jet watched Big Shoots for their next bounty. Vegeta was in the training room as always. Angel and Xero was watching the same thing and offered to help for no pay.

It took them about two month's to get back to the port. Krillin was their waiting on them when they landed and they all got out and walked up to him.

" You guys have a good two month Vacation? All the while the Z files have been pilling up." He said.

" Why yes we have, Besides baldy I know you have a case for us and right know I want to get some new cloths and stuff and I am sure Angel and Vegeta would like it too." Xero said to the short man.

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Angel and Xero was ready to go after three hours of getting ready. The case was handed to them and it read to them. Back to Gun smoke.

" Oh no, What has Vash done this time?" Angel asked as she absentmindedly rubbed her tummy.

Krillin noticed it and just had to ask but was not going to. He then looked over to Vegeta and his suspicions was right.

" The thing is that they found another ship that was still keep more people alive in cryo and Vash needs help to recover them. This will all so change the planet Gunsmoke as the result of it all." Krillin said to them as they were getting ready to leave.

They were gone and landed right in front of Vash and the group, which had a new member Wolfwood.

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Ok peeps like I said Xero is back and full force. stay tuned.