Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ Of Mothers, Seeds and a changed Gunsmoke ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
Of Mothers, Seeds, and a changed Gunsmoke.

They were gone and landed right in front of Vash and the group, which had a new member Wolfwood.

Xero and Angel looked at the new guy and were impressed at him but said nothing to the effect of him being there.

" Where did Knives go?" Angel asked Vash. Who had a goofy grin on his face.

" He escaped that same night and we can't find him." Meryl said to her.

" Oh ok. No problem." Angel said back to her.

Milly held her hand up and said " Hello!!"

" How are you Milly?" Xero said back to her.

" Doing fine Mr. Xero and I see you and Angel here have been busy." Milly said with a happy surprise at Angel. As Angel's face got beat red.

Angel and Xero greeted Wolfwood as like he was the rest of them. They started out to walk but Angel held out her hand and encapsulated a dune car that could fit all of them in.

" Where is the ship at Vash?" Angel asked.

" Over there in that part of the land where a town is. They were digging for water but found that and they can not get in it." Vash said as Angel started the car and took off in that direction.

******************************************************* *********************

4 hours later they arrived at the town and some were so happy to see it they jumped out of the car and were happy to be alive after that drive through the dunes.

Angel walked around and saw the group of people huddled at the well and then even more was around a huge metal door. Angel walked off as the rest of them. Angel knew the markings on this ship and Angel got to the front and looked over to what they were doing she went up to the men.

" Please don't blow that up with this let me try to open it ok?" She said to the Mayor of the town.

" Ok fine you can try but if it dose not open the we blow it." He said to her and had his men back away from the ship.

Angel motions the gang to come over there and they held back the crowd. Angel punched in the code and the door opened. She slowly went down the hallway as the rest of them followed close at hand. Each one had at lest a gun in their hands. Vash was the first one to take the lead when Angel stopped and she went one way and he went another.

Angel reached and found a switch and the lights came on she moved towards the control panel and started to turn on things and light on the whole ship came on. It was eerie quite. Then Angel touches another button and there was a humming sound and the ship vibrated around them.

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On top the ground began to crack and crumble as the town folk began to run out of the way as the ship began to lift into the air.

In the ship no one knew that they were flying and the destruction it had caused as it left the town in ruins. Vash got to the control room and that is when he knew they were flying. He switched on the intercom and hail to every one to get to the control room ASAP.

Angel and Xero got up to the room and noticed that they were in the air. Xero just looked on and it was Angel that took the flight panel and read the gauges on it.

" Vash we have to land this thing." Angel said to him. Vash nodded and he put in the coordinates into the computer and was ready to land in a remote part of the planet. It was slow and tedious the rest of them helped as much as they could.

No one noticed a pair of eyes was staring at them in the shadows. She watched them perform the procedures to get the reaction going to make this planet like earth and the rest of the seeds that was till alive and well.

" Get ready for the landing it will not be soft." Vash said to them as they got them selves either to hold on or strapped in for dear life.

" 10, Ok people lets get this thing landed." Angel said.

"9" Angel watched as the earth got bigger

"3, thruster at half power and holding steady." She said out loud like she has done this before.

" 2, Ok get ready for impact." She said.

" 1" Angel said as the ship hit the ground slid it was for almost three iles long.

Xero and Angel and the rest got up when the ship stopped moving. Xero made sure she was ok before he helped anyone else. Angel went to the control panel and made sure everything was still working. The board was late up and she ran a test on all systems. It came back nothing was wrong everything was working in great order even the pods in the holding area.

" Hey Vash, There till are humans on this ship in cryo and still asleep and doing well." Angel said as she punched up the screen that held a pics of the holding area.

" That is good, Ill go down and see if the engines are ok." Vash said as he walked out the door.

" I'm going with you." Angel said as she went after him. She had this uncomfortable feeling that some one or thing was following them.

" I know I can feel it too." Vash whispered and took out his gun and whirled around to see a blond hair woman standing in the light she looked like Angel but only had the hair difference.

" Who are you? what do you want? and how long have you been here?" Angel asked.

My name is Uialloth or better known as twilightflower. What I want is to see my husband and my family. How long I have been here ever since we landed on this blasted planet. I mean you no harm. I will take you to the seeds." Uialloth said to them she walked away.

" Mother???" Vash only said

" She is your mother??" Angel asked.

" No not my real mother but she and Rem took care of us like we were their children." Vash said and ran down the hall after the woman.

" Hang on she looked like me but only blond." Angel said out loud and took off after Vash. Before to long she was with them and in the holding tanks with the seeds.

" Vash My adopted son, How have you been and I am so sorry about Rem." twilight said to him and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

" I have been better and Knives is doing his part to bring the humans to their destruction. Thanks about Rem." Vash said as he walked up to on of the pods and looked in.

" So how much longer are you going to wait to wake them up?" Angel asked.

" I have to do some things first. But soon." Twilight said back to them.

" Like what?" Vash asked her.

" Like get this planet the way it should have been when we landed. Other words make this place hospitable and water running freely. Green grass and trees. all of the animals that was on earth and even oceans." Twilight said to Vash as she walked past he pods and into another room which was just as big with rows and rows of different animal plant etc life that was ever thought of.

Then she walked up the control panel and set the bracelet that she wore down and then the whole thing came to life. Then she took a survey of all the plants that were operative and made sure they were connect to this ship. When the genesis started she didn't want the plants to get destroyed. In another speaker she got a hold of all the satellites and made an announcement to the world.

" This is an announcement, Please head these words. You will have earthquakes, tornados etc. with this situation that soon will be coming in the next day and half. Any one living in these towns please move or die. the next thing you will be waking up to is that you are underwater drowning. So please find a safe haven and stick to it the next announcement will be in one day and half." Twilight said and then left.

Vash was stumped he walked behind her as she made her way back to the cockpit.

" I have heard about this genesis but I didn't think it was true. It was a rumor where Knives and me were. But this is awesome." He said as he ate.

Angel was sitting close hearing every detail that was to be going on. She ate like a horse. Then it hit her and she ran to the bathroom as if to have morning sickness. " Aha the fruits of bearing a child." She thought to herself bitterly. She hated being sick and brought to tears at the same time.

" I have to go to the ship that still is lodged and get the council to here and help. Yes Vash and that means getting them off of that ship too even the one in cryo. Ill see you guys before it all happens and I really want you to see it. It will be awsome." Twilight said as she took to the air herself and left them all alone in the ship.

Angel sat in the Captons chair and took out the Cd case and pulled out a Cd and listen to it. the music played as she got up and dances around the room. Vash watched in the shadows as she did and came out of the darkness and scared her al most to death.

Angel sat back down as Vash did himself and had wonder in his eyes as he watched Angel settle down in the chair. His hand tenderly reached out to touch the lump that was there. Angel didn't stop him she even pulled up her shirt and pulled down the waistband that was expanding day by day. He touched it and it jumped underneath his touch. He pulled his hand away shakily and then looked up and smiled.

" So you are going to be a mother and I trust he loves you." Vash said as he watched it move again.

" Yes and yes he dose, Take your gloves off and fell it with your skin." Angel said to him and watched as he did. Then he touched her belly and kept it their. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the little being and he felt the heartbeat running though his arm and he heard it thought that connection and he smiled and pulled his hand back and regloved it.

" Truly remarkable of how that can be in side of you and live. I would love to have kids some day, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon." Vash said to her.

" You will Vash, But you have a hard road up ahead I can tell you this. But you have one supporter that will all ways be with you and that is Meryl. Don't pass her up Vash keep a hold on her and never let her go. Then there is Milly but I think she loves Wolfwood and he as her. Their is me and Xero who are with you too when the time arise. So you are not alone in this world Vash have faith and hope ok." Angel said to him and held his shoulder.

There was a clicking sound from down the hall and Vash and Angel both pulled their guns out and waited for who ever it was to show them selves. Milly and Nicholas walked out of the darkness and showed them a tape that they found. They put it in and just as that was done Meryl and Xero walked in too. The tape played.

It showed how the Seeds project was conceived and ready to go. then it flashed forward to the destruction of Earth and all threat was left was them and the other 30 thousand people plus descendants of the original survivors of the crash.

The tape ended and Meryl and Milly was in shock so was Nicholas as he clung on Milly and Meryl held on tight to Vash. It was getting late and everyone was tired except for Xero who rarely slept but he knew Angel must have been extremely tired as she fell asleep on the way to the quarters that they were to sleep in. He picked her up and laid her on the bed and covered her up. He reached down and touched her tummy and felt the child move as if it knew it was its father. Xero smiled and laid behind her still hold ing that part of her. He pulled her closer and feels into a light sleep.

*********************************************************** *****************

With in a day and a half Twilight had gotten the councils approval and they were on their way down. There were some opposition but quickly it was gone as it came.

Twilight landed next to the ship and went in side as she was greeted with her gests and went strait to the other control room and went to see if any on the people have moved some had and other didn't. She didn't tell Vash cause she knew there would be casualties and deaths in this and she gave no warning to the people who were in the shelter etc. She reached and pushed the button and nothing happened until she felt a faint tremor running threw the fault line.

It got to the point that it was an earthquake and she saw it all happening with in a minute. Then she pushed the button everything that was needed. A bright light was blinding and then it left everything that was stored was gone and into the ball of light . It fell and then whole planet was enveloped with the light and the earth shook more as the water was rushing up and created the oceans and lakes. She went back to the cockpit and waited it to stop.

The others were clinging to the opposite of them. Vash was the only one that was at the control panel and was clicking watching it throw the monitor and jumped when " Mother" came up be side him. She held his hand and prayed this worked.

8 hours after the everything was done they ventured out to see everything was plush and green. Milly Vash and Meryl and Wolfwood was amazed how this came to be. All the while Twilight and Xero and Angel was watching the flux in the atmosphere was working in some places it was raining like hell and other were having extreme thunderstorms and etc.

" This should stable out here in the next 8 hours too." Twilight said to them.

" I hope so." Said Angel

************************************************************ ****************

With in that time frame the council held a meeting.

" When do you want the rest of the seeds to wake up from the cryo?" Said the elder.

" Here soon in both ships that is left. Now being this planet can sustain everyone with no problem." Twilight said back.

The person who she disliked was at the table and he stood up and looked own to her and Vash. " You two are not human let alone who cares about the human race. I don't want you touching any human being a child or other." he spat at her.

Twilight stood up and walked up to him and stared into his eyes and said very calmly to him. " Dose it really matter who is human or a plant or just plain alien? I have family members that are here. If you don't remember the history let me refresh you on it. We my family have saved earth on countless time and never asked once to be known about it or ever cared that we did. As for Vash here, He might be a plant as the same for his brother, but ill be damned if I am going to let you disgrace him as he sit there not doing anything. wrong he has feeling and he wants to live a normal life just like the rest of us. So don't condemn him."

The elder got up and walked up and got in between them and said. " Ok it is decided that we go though with the plan. We start waking people up with in a week." And he walked out and got ready to leave and start the preps for his ship to get moving on with the waking up.

Angel looked over to Xero and said " I want to communicate with Vegeta. I think these people can use our help and there is one thing I can think of. Vegeta."

Xero handled her the communicator and she opened it up and dial the number to get to him. He popped up on the screen and said.

" What do you need Angel?" He said gruffly.

" How many basic capsules do we have in stock. The kind that hold a house and supplies?" She asked.

" About over 200 million, why?" He asked back.

" Cause they need them here and they can not rebuild right know anyway so I am letting them have our surplus. of the basic capsules." She said back to him.

" Oh Ok, Well then I will be there where do you want to meet?" He said again.

" Here at these coordinates in about a half an hour from now." She said. He nodded his head and click off.

She gave back the deice and then walked off to train under the sky. But Xero stopped her and beckons her to follow him into the seeds tanks. They were at the holding tank of Twilights family. There in the flesh was Bulma, Chichi and Vegeta and the rest of them. Angel was in shock at the sight. Xero stood in front of one and then pulled her next him as the stared at the double of Xero himself.

" I guess that is me in a different time line." He simple said to her. She looked up to the man she loved and touched his cheek and bent him down so her could kiss her.

They hear noises coming from one of that walkways and they moved to see who it was and the sight they got was not to disturbing but was embarrassing to them and they left with out being heard. Milly and Wolfwood were left alone.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel and Xero were sitting outside to get some fresh air when all of a sudden Vegeta popped up and with all the capsules that was in the surplus. Angel got up and gave him a hug. and said Thank you.

Twilight came out and saw ever capsule that was there and she knew what they were and thank the small man. " Thank you brother."

" Brother?? I am no such thing to you." Vegeta said to the woman that he just meet.

" It is a long story my pointy hair uncle." Xero said and smiled as he took a basic patch and put them in his pocket.

********************************************************** ******************

Later on that night al of them were sitting out side under the stars and were exchanging stories of their past and ghost stories came up in the topic and then poems and Vash had one that he remembered Rem saying it one day while she was mad at something or just plain frustrated of being cooped up for so long.

I found myself in a dark cavern today,
Or maybe it was the day before,
I really can't remember,
The passage of hours anymore.
As I look out into both ways of the dust and dirt,
I see light in the distance,
And a quick movement,
Just for an instance,
My blood pumped quicker,
And a lump grows in my throat,
As I saw a rabbit,
With a snow white coat,
It's nose twitched first one way,
Then the other,
Swallowing the lump I took one step,
Then another,
Walking slowly and carefully,
I walked towards the little bunny,
The closer I got the further he leapt away,
Then made a chattering sound like it thought I was funny,
As I walked after the damned thing,
It began to slow to match my pace,
Now it was more of a fallow,
Then a chase,
I think hours passed,
I don't know for sure,
Still no matter how filthy the air got,
I fallowed that rabbit so pure,
Several hours more,
And the passage of time drifted away,
I think night ended,
And the world began another day,
I continued to walk,
Fallowing this rabbit was making me depressed,
Though at one time,
I probably would have stressed,
I grew tired,
Of this endless forward,
And have feeling,
The new born forlorn,
Finally I surrendered,
Turning away,
Refusing to see if the rabbit,
Would lead for another day,
Whither it be,
In holy bliss or sin,
I turned just in time,
To see that damned rabbit's twin,
And as I looked from one,
To the other,
My heart did,
Begin to shudder,
Each way was identical,
to the last,
Not the path,
I traveled in the past,
Tears welled in my eyes,
For deep down in my soul,
I knew this place was madness,
And there is no end to the rabbit hole,

Every one who thought is was funny laughed a little bit. But the one who were on the ship didn't cause that is the way it felt at times.

They were quiet for a while and every one knew that tomorrow was the start of the waking up process. They left one by one and went to bed, But Angel was not tired. She put her headphones on and clicked on the CD. And worked out as much as her body would let her. Walked back out side and did warm ups and started to do hard workouts. she flipped in the air and landed on the balls of her feet. Did at lest 1000 push ups and switched to pinky ones and then got up and did a 200 butterfly kicks in the air. She stopped and put a different cd in and the music got into her and she started to dance but she was grabbed from behind and was taken away by a man that she knew all to well who it was and she wondered how he got out of Jail and back to this time line.

" Legato how did you get out of the jail?" She asked as she struggled to get out of his grasp and to fight him.

" That is my secret and as for you well time will tell." Legato said back to her. He got to his place and threw her on the ground and looked around to see his cohorts waiting for orders. Midvally just looked at her with hooded eyes and Angel gave him a mental note to back the fuck off.

************************************************************* ***************

Xero and Vash were the first one up but he sensed Angel was not around nor did she come to bed after her work out. He nudged Vash in the ribs and pointed out the door.

" Angel is not here and she never came to bed." Xero said to him he looked around and saw her CD player and headphones.

" Well I see she came out here to train a little and something came up behind her and grabbed her while she was unaware of it." Vash said.

" I see that." Xero said as he sniffed the air and he knew who it was and thought the same thing how did he get out of jail. He took off running to where the sent went and he was not alone Vash was right behind him on his heals. They entered in a clearing that held a small house and there were a lot of people there.

Xero looked over to Vash and mouthed " Cover me." He was off into the woods and was nearing the house.

*********************************************************** *****************

Angel was standing at the pole that they tied her up on and she was still awake. Midvally walked by her and pinched her ass and she gave him a death glare. He came back one more time this time a little to close for him and he really got her this time. She growled and raises her legs and caught his neck in the grip and the power that was running through her.

" Leave me the fuck alone got that Midvally or the next I will kill you where you stand." Angel said and this time she got thought to him and he backed off of her. But that left it wide open for the rest of them that was eyeing her up and down.

Legato walked out and sat down staring at her she never moved her eye off of him. She was about ready to break these chains that was supposable holding her their. Then some things unrepentant Legato got up and walked up to her and let her go. But she didn't move when he reached down and touched her child and smiled in a evil way.

" Hmm. You have been having fun sense the last time we met. Is it Xero's?" He asked.

" that is none of your business." She said back at trying her hardest not to go ssj.

Legato let out a small laugh and grabbed her by the arms and held her there and he stared in to her eyes then pushed her into the middle of the house and motioned the crew to advance on her. They did and there was one crack of a whip and it circled around her legs and tripped her and she landed on her butt. But she got up fast and took her fight stance and with a smile she looked at them all and helps her hand up and motioned them to come.

" Come on I can take you all on and still get the hell out of here." She said as they advanced.

With a furry of kicks and punches the men was littered around her. The last one standing was Midvally and he came up to her and kissed her. She didn't take that to well and slapped him and then kicked him in the groin and flew a punch so hard he went flying and out the doors he went. She turned to see Legato standing clapping his hands.

" Very good, you have not even transformed yet. But ill never let you get that far." He eyes rested on her and she felt her self pull out the gun she had and aimed it at her self and then she looked at him and did the same thing to him.

" Two can play this game. Don't fuck with me you will lose." She said to him just as the doors slammed open Xero standing there and Vash right behind him. Legato's consideration was lost and so he lost the strong hold on her and her arms slid down and then she pointed the gun at him.

" This is a little pay back." She whispered into his head and shot his leg out from under him. She put her gun back and walked away from him.

Xero looked down and said " Hell has no furry of a woman that is scorned." He walked off and went up to her as she walked away from it. She made it to the ship and went to hers and Xero's room and feels into the bed and was asleep.

********************************************************** ******************

She slept for about that day as the process was started to waking the people up and that was that. Between the two ships it was going to take at lest two months to get everyone from the cryo up and ready to go out into he world.

Angel stayed and helped the scientist. She was the only doctor their so she took the cases and with in that two month period she got even bigger. she was about 5 months along and she still didn't stop.

The last people to wake up were Twilights family. It was weird to look at the people from a different timeline and know them. Xero got to see the man that Twilight fell in love with and they looked alike in everything.

Angel and Xero and Vegeta got ready to go into their world. Angel said her good bye to Vash and she agreed to have him know about the birth. Xero shook his hand as he did for Twilight and the rest of them.

They were gone and landed in their home and She called Gohan who agreed to be her Dr for her safety keeping it would be another two weeks before another case file came up.

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On the next ep they visit Tenchi Muyo