Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ No Need for Strangers ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
No need for strangers

Vegeta, Xero and Angel was standing in front of the desk where Krillin was sitting at and slowly said what they needed to know about the next case. The only reason Vegeta was coming with was because he know the Juria king and his wife.

" Angel I really don't want you to go the way you are sticking out." Krillin said to her.

She just looked at him and then said to him. ' It is better than staying at home and slowly go insane of the lack of entertainment. I am going."

" Fine then, but if you get hurt or worse don't come to me and I would have to say told you so." Krillin said back to her.

Angel gave him a cold look and left the office. Krillin looked at the two men and then said. " Keep an eye on her she seems to be either very moody or just really getting that motherhood thing down."

They left the office and caught up with Angel who was smiling at them, as they got ready to leave.

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Every thing was going good at the house that Tenchi lived with 6 girls that was really trying 1. Get his heart or 2 down his pants. He had none of that he was a gentleman before anything and he wanted to have fun in his slowly dwindling youth.

Tenchi looked up from where he was sitting by the lake when he heard a scream coming from the house. He recognized the voices that were fighting over him that never ended.

" He is mine, why would he want a stick figure like you." Ryoko said to the young lady in front of her that was getting madder and madder.

I might be a stick figure, But at lest I am not a friggin cat thing." Ayeka yelled back.

Tenchi rolled his eyes at the screaming match and went on his meditation for the 20'Th time that day because of them. He slowly got up and walked up to the temple that his grandfather was always at. He walked up and sat down and tried to concentrate once more before he train with his grandfather.

Katsuhito Walked out holding two wooden training swords and throw one to Tenchi who caught it easily. They both took their stances and then came at each other with mock blows as the two swords sounds echoed thought out the shrine.

Tenchi was going to land another blow when all of the sudden there were three people standing in his way. He could not stop himself and hit the short dude at the end to the right who was not happy that he was hit from behind.

Vegeta grabbed the wooden stick and yanked it from Tenchi and proceeded to give the kid the beating of his life with it. But before Vegeta could do anything Angel grabbed it and bopped him on the head for thinking thought like that.

" If you could not tell who that is uncle then you have some seeing problems. That is Tenchi and that is his grandfather." Angel said as she gave back the wooden sword and bend down and gave the proper greeting to the eldest of the family.

Vegeta looked back at the old man and then said to himself. ' Why is he hiding himself like that I all most didn't recognized him in that."

Sosho looked at the short man and was mildly surprised to see the prince of Vegeta-sei was standing in front of him. He just did the customary sign for all visiting dignitaries. Just as that was done they all heard the voices of two young women yelling as they came up to the temple.

" Ah that must be Princess Ayeka and Ryoko." Angel said as she watched poor Tenchi grab his head and look like he was about ready to scream with frustration at the two girls who would not leave him alone.

Xero looked up at hearing about Ryoko and almost took off in a run when he saw her it was funny to the rest but Angel on the other hand just watched and said nothing. Xero came up to her and whispered something into her ears and she took of running the way she came up and Xero in hot pursuit.

Angel looked on and was ready to hear a slapping sound here soon. Sure enough she did and Xero came back up with a handprint on his face. Then she looked over to her partner and had a small line that was trying not to form into a laugh. " Do you feel better now?" Is all she could muster with out laughing.

" Ok Prince Vegeta what are you doing here and who are these people?" Sosho said to him.

" We are here cause there is a rip in the time continuum here and it needs to be fixed. These people are my niece Angelica and her mate Xero." Vegeta said back to him.

" Oh there is and the person you need to talk to is Washu and she is in her lab at the house I would not be surprised if she is the cause of it though." Sosho said and went into the temple to leave them be.

Tenchi lead them down to the house as they entered they left their shoe out side and walked in and met Tenchi's father Nobuyuki and they greeted him. Tenchi lead them to the door that would lead them all to Washu's lab.

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Angel was thinking to herself as she walked with the rest of them. " What was that I felt as we walked back to the house it seamed that some one was watching us in the trees and then right before we went in side. I have a bad feeling about this. " Then they were in the lab and there sat a young woman with red hair and was typing something into the computer. When she saw Tenchi she stopped and looked at him and then smiled.

" Do we have visitor from a different time line?" She asked and waited for the rest to agree.

" Yes, They are." Washu said again.

" My name is Angelica and this is Xero and this is Vegeta. Nice to meet you." Angel said to the woman.

" Hmmmm, Well the AFBI has not lost its talent for getting nice young men to work for them. I know why you are here and no I didn't cause the time rip either." Washu said in her defense.

" Then who did?" Xero said.

" How the hell should I know." Washu said back.

" Well it would seem the self proclaim scientist has lost her touch then normally she would know and would gladly give the information out to us." Vegeta said as he stared at her.

" I am the smartest in the universe and don't forget that Prince Vegeta." She said back to him. Then she typed into the computer and brought up the screen that held the rip in view.

" From what I can tell the time rip came from your time and ended up here. plus there was three life forms that came through it too." Washu said as she typed more and was trying to get whom it was.

" Well at lest we know where it came from and the question is who am through it and why." Xero said. Just as that was said. Sasami opened the door and yelled

" Dinner time come and get it while it is hot."

Every one and I mean everyone came up those stairs and went into the dinning room and seated them selves. Angel was the only one who stayed down their for a little bit. but came up and eat her share of the food and walked back out side and walked down to the lake that was their and all of the sudden she got a chill that ran up her spine.

" Now damn it, I know some one is here and watching the house." She thought to herself as the wind picked up and leaves fluttered around her ankles and her hair was swaying in the wind against her leather duster. She squatted down and touched the cool water on her fingertips and sensed some one was behind her. She went to stand up and swing at the person or thing that was be hind her. When she came full circle her mouth went wide as she saw the person that was watching her and the group.

" Goku what are you doing here?" She asked as she went into her fighting stance.

" Well dear that was no fun, I was hoping to surprise and just kill the rest of the Tenchi clan. But know I can't. You killed the whole experience for me and know you must die." Goku hissed.

" I don't think so." Xero popped up beside her and took his stance.

" Aw damn, this has got to be my worst day ever. Ok I won't do anything today but watch out me and my friends will get you in the end." Goku said as he walked away and stuffing a turkey in his mouth.

" Dose he just pop up when ever he wants?" Xero said mostly to himself but Angel heard it.

" Yeah he dose, I think he is missing his favorite fuck buddy." Angel said back to him. They walked back up to the house but Xero pulling her into his embrace and slowly kissing her distracted her. Angel had no will power when he did that she melted into him and gave up and he took her into the forest.

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4 hrs later Angel and Xero walked up to the house and was rushed back into the lab. Before any one asked Xero said to them.

" I know one that came through and that was Goku, who ever is with him I don't know."

" We know who it is. and they are. Kagato and Nagi. that's not all two more came through after went to launch and they are. Drage and Grave." Washu said to them when a thud was heard and they went upstairs to find out half of the house was gone.

Tenchi was the first one to recover and went looking into the house for other people. His father was in his bed still sleeping unaware of what had happened. Tenchi reached the bedroom that was for the younger sister of Ayeka and noticed that she was gone. He came back down stairs and read the note that was on the pillow to the group.

The letter astounded Angel, Vegeta, Xero, Washu, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Tenchi's grandfather in the group joined the cabbit and then them. Vegeta looked up and then he read the last part.

" How can they take a innocent into the trouble's that they brought on to them?" Tenchi said.

" Well old friend, looks like we fight together again." Vegeta said to Sosho.

" It seems that way dose it." He said back to Vegeta.

Ryoko looked over the shoulder and read the last part again and then she picked up the cabbit and said some words to it and all the area was engulf in a blinding light. Every one was blinded and when the light gave away they all saw a huge ship in the sky and a transporter was being send down for them to load up.

Tenchi ran into the house and left a note for his father when he woke up. He went back to the plat form and then they were all lifted up in to the ship. Once they were in it blasted out into the cold space.

" Ok, What kind of weapons dose this thing has?" Angel asked Ryoko.

" she has a laser cannon and a few other things that Ryoko has done to it." Ayeka said.

" What is that suppose to mean." Ryoko hissed at Ayeka.

" Ladies this is no time to start up the petty fighting over shit. Ayeka your sister is with a group of men that are not too nice. They would kill her in a heartbeat and not think twice about it. Ryoko I know you care for the young child but you have got to get this ship moving as fast as you can get it." Angel said to them with calm voice but her eyes shown with anger at the two.

Angel walked off and past the 4 men standing talking amongst them selves. She went down a hall and stopped right there sat down and slowly her eyes closed shut and she meditated for a while.

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Some time later she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see that Tenchi had his hand on her.

" You are needed in the control room. We have caught up with them." Tenchi spoke. Angel got up and walked behind him. They reached the control room.

" Angel I want you to stay here and guard Ayeka and Ryoko. Us men will take care of these trouble some people." Vegeta said to her. She gave him a look that could have killed any one. Vegeta knew she was not going to take this well either.

" No if and or butt's. You stay here and that is an order." He said again.

" yes sir." Angel said in a whisper. And then took a set next to the control panel.

*********************************************************** *****************

Vegeta, Xero, Tenchi, and Sosho landed in the spaceship and looked to see that they had a welcoming committee and they waited no time to welcome them either.

Then men stood back to back and took rounds on beating up the men who welcomed them so warmly. By the time they were done there were about 20 men that littered the ground around them and not a one moving. The four men walked to the next door and were greeted by the 5 men that took Sasami.

In the middle was the sister to Ayeka and with big tears streaming down her face. She looked up to see Tenchi standing next to his grandfather and the strangers. She could not tell what he was thinking at the moment. She saw the anger and the pain on his face and that is all that she wanted to know. Sasami reached out to her friends but it was slapped back by Drage and he growled at her in a warning not to do that again. The tears came back in her eyes but she was bound not to show them to her captures.

Tenchi caught the tears that were threatening to fall. He looked up and with pure anger he raise his power and called upon the three lighthawk wings that he had and then the sword hilt came into view. He grabbed it a light sprang forth as the blade jumped from the hilt and glowed with power.

" I don't care who you are where you come from and how much power you have, I have vowed to never let any one harm my friends or family. You have broke that by taking Sasami and now you must pay for it." Tenchi said to the five men that were snickering at the announcement.

" I would not laugh if I was you guys, He means business and I can only hope you guys last as long for us to have the last laugh." Vegeta said to his enemy.

Goku took Sasami and backed out of the way and let the rest fight they guys. Goku kept on backing away until he hit a brick wall he turned around to see the three woman standing behind him. Angel grabbed Sasami and took her back to the ship and set her down in a chair.

Angel mad o move to go back she was ordered to protect Ayeka and her sister. Not after that Ayeka was standing next to her and she hugged her sister. Who was calm and almost asleep. Angel looked on into space and her face showed nothing but somewhere she was in pain. she held on to the chair as her knuckles got white from griping so hard.

************************************************************ ****************

Vegeta and Xero were fighting Drage and Draves. Vegeta grabbed Draves and threw him into a wall and watched as blood ran down from the mouth. He knew Draves was alive but very badly hurt.

Xero had a little bit of trouble with Drage but succeeded in beating him into submission. Xero grabbed Drage by the neck and held him there. Xero's expression changed and it looked like he was in pain but there was no wound on him. His expression changed again and then he went into business of kicking Drage's ass and it took nothing to do so. Drage was left next to Draves on the floor.

Xero and Vegeta waited to see how Tenchi and his grandfather were doing. They turn around to see that Tenchi had stabbed one thought the heart and in the same motion Sosho did the same. They turned to see Ryoko standing they're looking for some thing or some one.

" Where is Goku?" Xero asked.

" I had him and then he disappeared." Ryoko said back.

The communication system went beep and they look at it and Tenchi walked over and opened the channel and all they heard were yelling and two girls screaming. Then Angel was yelling something that was soon muffled as a blast rocked the ship.

Xero looked at the rest with in a minute they were at the there ship and landed right in the middle of the fight between Goku and Angel. That is when Xero leaned over and whispered into Vegeta's ear.

" We have to get her out of there if you have not noticed the water puddle in the room. Plus her masking the pain I would say she is in labor." Xero said to him.

Vegeta eyes went wide as the situation was reviled to him. Usually he could sense when she was in pain or other things. But this time she masked it good. " Oh damn he is right." Vegeta thought to himself. That is when Vegeta took over the fight when he stepped into the middle of it. He through a Ki blast at Goku and then turned around to watch Angel as she stood there breathing hard and showed no emotion what so ever. Vegeta walked up to her and grabbed her and she crumpled into his arms and he gave her o Xero.

" Get her to Gohan right know." Vegeta said to them. Angel let out a grunt as the pain came and went.

Vegeta turned to see that Goku was gone and back into his time. Vegeta was disgusted with him. He turned around and said his good byes to every one on the ship. He looked at Sosho and said.

" Ill be back here to talk to you some more and other things."

Sosho nodded his head and turned the ship back to earth and they left to close the time warp in that time.

******************************************************* *********************

Vegeta and Xero landed in front of Gohan's house and Xero carried Angel in and yelled for Gohan but Videl and the kids bounced out to greet them.

" What can I do you for you Xero?" Videl asked.

" Where is your husband?" He asked as he felt Angel shack as the spassum came and left again.

" He is at the hospital delivering more baby's. Why what is wrong with Angel?" Videl asked. Then it hit her. " Oh Ok head to there and ill call to let him know that you are on your way." she said as she picked up the phone to call.

Xero was gone before she said the last word. He thought to himself as he felt her presents in his mind. * Please stay with me. talk to me. Let me know what is going on.*

The cell phone rang and he opened it up and it was Vegeta. " Get her to CC and he will meet you there."

" Ok," He said back and change directions. In no time he landed in front of C.C. to see Kakarot and Gohan and Vegeta standing their waiting for him.

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Ok that is where I am going to leave it. The next ep will be centered at C.C.

Hope you like and enjoy. Sorry if some of the characters are OCC in this one.

Thanks to lizz for helping me. In pointing me in the right direction with the resurch of Tenchi and the Gang. ( I f I got the wrong one please don't shoot me) Thanks for evey one who has read this and encouraged me to continue this.