Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ How Lovely ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3:How Lovely

Bulma was in the shower washing her hair thinking whether she should give Yamcha another chance like he had been pleading. The other day she had caught him with some blonde bimbo at the park. She was really pissed right now, but she had known he was unfaithful from the beginning, so it was partially her fault too. But still he should have stopped doing things like that years ago and his chances were over with.

"ONNA, WHERE IS MY FOOD?!" (onna means woman in Sayain) She heard his royal pain in the ass yelling. Oh well she would have to get used to him again. " One moment your royal highn-ass, I'm fixing it now."

She rushed to make his dinner, she made 25 steaks, 25 baked potatoes, 30 corn on the cobs, got 20 glasses of tea, 15 beers, and would make 35 bowls of ice cream when he was done. She had discovered that the mighty prince had a major sweet tooth. It was kinda cute.

Vegeta came in sweaty as usual and had a very annoyed look on his face. "You ok Vegeta, you look tired?" "I'm fine Onna now where is my food?" "You know I do have a name it's Bulma, B-U-L-M-A!!" "I know your name Onna, but I don't really care."

Bulma merely snorted and set him at the table. She handed him the food and he dove in and was done in five minutes. He got up to leave when Bulma pulled his arm and sat him back down. "WHAT is the meaning of this Onna?!" "I have a treat for you, here." She handed him a bowl of his favorite ice cream. "Uh...thank you." He took a suspicious look at her and ate the ice cream in one bite she handed him the others and he ate them faster than she could get them on the table. The next thing she knew he was on the floor grabbing his head yelling in pain.

*Brain freeze* Bulma thought to herself he must have eaten it too fast. She bent down to help him up then when he was up and the pain went away he reached over and slapped her as hard as he could in the face. Bulma flew across the room and hit the floor unconcious.
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Vegeta saw her hit the floor and then remembered how weak she was and realized he might have killed her. Her looked and saw she was still breathing, but very shallowly and her jaw was in a very awkward position, then he realized he had hit her so hard that it had broken her jaw.

He had hit her because he had thought she had done something to the ice cream for it to do that. Then he remembered after he had already hit her that the stuff had done that to her before as well, because it was so cold and now he felt like a total asshole.

He gently picked her up and took her down to her lab. He set the controls for 5 hours knowing it wouldn't take long for her jaw to heal. He took off her clothes all but those frilly things she wore underneathe them, so she wouldn't kill him for stripping her naked and he laid her in the regen tank and turned it on. He put the mask on her and the green liquid filled the tank.

He sat down in a chair to watch her for awhile because he knew this was his fault, but then again why did he care at all about this human female at all? He shouldn't care after all he was raised to be a ruthless murderer who could destroy the whole planet in a matter of seconds.

The tank filled to the rim and she floated around in it. Vegeta hadn't gotten any sleep in the last few days, so he went over to the bed that was in the lab and laid down and went straight to sleep.
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Bulma heard a loud beeping noise and woke up. Her jaw was numb and she was surrounded by the green liquid of the regen tank. She thought to herself that Vegeta must have felt pretty bad if he had brought her in here. She was still mad though, why had he hit her? Then a thought came to her, when he got the freeze he must have thought she had poisoned the ice cream or something.

Bulma looked to her left to see Vegeta asleep on the bed in her lab. He looked so peaceful when he slept. The hatch of the machine opened after all the liquid was drained.

She got out of the tank and walked over where Vegeta was asleep and she laid down beside him. She cuddled up to him to get warm, happy that he hadn't taken all of her clothes off when he put her in the tank. He unexpectedly put his arm around her as he slept and she started to wonder if he really was asleep.

Bulma went to sleep feeling safe in his arms. He was usually arrogant and selfish not to mention egotistical but when he was asleep he seemed content. She thought to herself why can't I ever get hold of the good one's like Vegeta. She decided then and there she wasn't going to give Yamcha another chance. He had had his last chance and it was time she found someone new who cared about her and would be faithful to her.
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Vegeta awoke and to his surprise Bulma wasn't in the tank in fact she was wrapped in his arms asleep none the less. Here he was a murderous killer and she was fast asleep in his arms. Could she possibly trust him that much it was hard to believe?

He carefully lifted his arm from around her so as not to wake her. He crawled out of the bed going carefully over her. He gathered her up in his arms and took her upstairs to her room. She woke up halfway to her room and she looked up and saw him carrying her.

She looked up and smiled at him then when they got to her room he laid her in the bed and covered her up, but as he reached down to cover her she gave him a quick kiss on the lips that lasted about 2 seconds. "Thank you Vegeta." Then she turned her back to him and fell asleep. He finished covering her and left the room rubbing his lips. 'That felt strange. When her lips touched mine I felt a tingling sensation. And it felt really great. NO!! You are a Sayain prince you do not have feelings for humans just ignore it!' He left her room as fast as he could.

He went to his room which was coveniontly placed next to hers for some reason or another. He laid in the bed and went to sleep almost immediately. And to his great dismay his dreams were full of her.
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Bulma woke up and stretched then got up and went to the kitchen to make the prince of the assholes his breakfast before he woke up. Then she heard a giant explosion that shook the house.

*Too late he's already awake* She ran outside to see how bad the damage was and then she looked and started crying when she saw it...the ship was in ruins. There was nothing left of the ship what so ever. She ran to the rubble crying and started to dig through what was left of the ship." VEGETA!!!! VEGETA!!!! VEGETA WHERE ARE YOU?! DAMNIT ANSWER ME YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE ON ME!!!!" She dug more and more then heard a loud groan.

She looked in the direction of the groan and saw what looked like a mangled up hand. She saw the fingers wiggle and she ran over to dig Vegeta out. She got him out and he looked terrible...he had cuts across his face and chest, he was bruised in everyplace but his eyebrows, his legs were broken along with a few fingers, and his shoulder was dislocated. She cuddled him in her arms. He was awake and he opened his eye's. He looked at her for a few seconds and...SMILED! *What is wrong with him why is he smiling, he may die if he doesn't get help?!*

He was only able to stare at her for a few seconds before he fell unconsious. Bulma's mother came running outside and saw them. "Oh my what happened?" "I don't have time to explain Mom just run and get Dad so he can help me lift him out of here, he needs help and he needs it fast." Bulma's mother ran and got her father.

They brought him in the house and laid him on the couch. They called an ambulance and waited. All of a sudden Vegeta woke up from what looked like a nightmare or something but his eye's were still closed. He fired an energy blast and it went straight through...BULMA!
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~The ambulance arrived and got both of the unconsious people and rushed them to the hospital. The doctors opperated on them both. Vegeta had a lot of internal damage as well as external. And Bulma would've died instantly had the beam hit any internal organs but to her luck it just barely missed her heart putting a hole in her shoulder missing all essential parts.~
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Vegeta awoke dizzy and totally cofused the last thing he remembered was seeing that Onna and he had smiled at the site of her then he had passed out. 'Where am I?' He looked over to his left to see Bulma in the bed beside his. 'Now what happened to her?'

After careful thought he realized he was in a hospital. He was in a hundred casts and hooked up to dozens of different beeping machines. He closed his eye's tight as a surge of pain went through his body.

He noticed the woman had an extremely large bandage on her shoulder. He looked and saw the wound in her arm could've only come from a ki blast, but who would've shot one at her. 'I was having a nightmare in my unconsious state and I might have fired one in my sleep. Which I have been known to do that. If that is the case the she is very lucky she is even alive.'

Bulma stirred and it made Vegeta jump. Even though he was full of pride he was happy she was alright.
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Bulma awoke a few hours after Vegeta. She was extremely tired and in a lot of pain. Her shoulder hurt like hell, but she wasn't mad at Vegeta. She knew he had been dreaming.

She looked over to see him watching TV. "H...Hey Vegeta, you feeling any better?" Vegeta liked to have jumped out of his skin. "Uh...Yeah I guess. You?" "I could be better." "Yeah." Vegeta changed the channel until he found the only station he liked on this planet...the news.

Bulma noticed he seemed to smile everytime they said something about someone dying or murders. Then something about rape came on and he frowned.(news guy) "In other news 18 year old, Tammy Grisham was beat, raped, and left tied up in an abandoned building to die. Luckily she was able to untie herself and run to the police station. Her rapist was identified as 27 year old, Brandon Terve who was apprehended last night around 10:30."

Vegeta took the remote and turned off the TV very fast. "I take it you don't like rapist." "I hate them. Raping a woman is a sign of cowardess. Any man who would take a woman against her will is a true coward and deserves to die." For once Bulma had to agree with him.
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'I'm glad she has no idea why I really hate rape.' Bulma saw the look on his face and got worried, "There's another reason why you hate it, isn't there Vegeta?" She stated more than asked.

It was as if she could read his mind. "Yes there is. But now is not the time to talk about it." Bulma just closed her eye's, "Ok."

The nurse came in and gave them both their medicine putting them both to sleep.
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~The two left a week later fully healed and everything at the Brief home went as normal as it was before, Vegeta an arrogant bastard and Bulma always pissed at him, but things were changing fast between the two.~
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Bulma was in the shower trying to get the oil worked out of it. She finally succeeded and got out. She had already told Yamcha it was over between them and he had taken it kinda hard, but she was tired of his ways and didn't care.

She got out of the shower, dried off and got on her daintiest and most revealing nightgown, figuring that she wasn't going anywhere.

It was about 3:00 in the morning and she was beat. She had had to listen to Vegeta gripe all day and they had gotten into one of their verbal wars and as usual it ended in a draw. She went downstairs to get a drink before she went to bed, when she heard the door to the GR open.

*That's funny he's never out of there before at least 4:00 I wonder why he is coming out now.* She went outside to see Vegeta leaning against the GR with one hand for support. He had his head held down and sweat dripping from his face. Bulma thought to herself *How lovely* sarcastically.

"Vegeta are you ok?" "No, Onna I'm not." "Well what's wrong." "Everything, training like this is killing me and further more I'm never going to catch up with Kakarot in strenghth, much less reach Super Sayain, so what is the point in me trying to kill myself over it?"

"You're going to reach Super Sayain. I know you are. If you keep working as hard as you do all the time. I've never seen anyone as determined as you are to reach your goal."
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Vegeta looked up at her to see her wearing a very revealing outfit. And he thought to himself 'How lovely'

"What would you know woman you don't have strenghth. You are a weakling." "I know nothing of fighting, but I do know you and I know your are to determined and stubborn to give up without a fight." He grunted.

Bulma acted as if she didn't hear him. He was still hunched over. She went around behind him and put her arms around his waist catching him off guard and gave him a hug.

Vegeta started when she did so, but her touch felt so relaxing. But he was nervous and he tensed up.
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Bulma still holding him felt him tense up, "B...Bulma?" *Oh my God he said my name.* "Vegeta I know how proud you are and I know you are very arrogent, but you also hurt inside and I would like to be your friend if you let me and help take away the pain."

Vegeta yanked away from her almost pulling her with him from the force. "I don't want nor need you sympathy Onna now for the last time go away and leave me alone!!"

Bulma walked up to him ignoring what he said and put her hand on his face. "You are in so much pain. I'm not giving you sympathy just my friendship. You know you really are cute." She felt her hand get warmer and it was very dark outside so she couldn't see, but if she didn't know better she would say he was...blushing.
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