Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ I Hate Rape ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~ Hello all well here is chapter 4 and I hope that you all really like it.~

Chapter 4: I Hate Rape

~It has been a year since Trunks' visit to Earth~ Bulma was in her room asleep when she heard a loud noise that woke her up. As usual it was Vegeta in the GR training himself to the brink of death. She figured oh well I'm awake might as well get up.

She got up and looked at the clock. It was 6:00 so it was about time for her to get up. She went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast she knew Vegeta would be storming in at any moment for his food so she had to hurry.

She had timed it just right as soon as she had all the food made and out on the table he stormed in all sweaty. "Onna where is my..." He was cut off as he entered the room he saw all the food on the table he just sat down and began to eat.

Bulma sat down and began to eat her own breakfast. Then she looked up and saw Vegeta starring at her. She blushed and looked back down. "So Vegeta I was wondering when we were in the hospital you said there was another reason why you hated rape and you said you would tell me later so what is it if you don't mind my asking?"
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Vegeta gave her an evil glare and looked back down at his food and ate all of it in one final bite. "Come with me Onna." He stood up and walked into the living room. Then he sat down on the couch and Bulma sat beside him.

He had never told anyone this story before bacause he hated it so. "This happened to me a few years ago on my 15th birthday. A woman from my race had been captured for treason. She was brought into the throne room for questioning, but everytime she was asked a question she refused to answer. Frieza ordered her to be killed, but my father said wait. He said to Frieza that it was my 15th birthday, so he said I was to have her to have my way with then she was to be killed. I thought it was a terrific idea so they took her to my room and had her cleaned up and tied to my bed."

Bulma looked in total interest ,"Well I came to my room that night and saw her on my bed scared to death. This would've been my first time, so I was excited not caring that she would be killed when I was done with her. I jumped on top of her and stripped her down. I was about to start, but then she started to plead and beg for mercy. I didn't really care, but then she said something that caught my attention. She yelled please, please I'm only 14. I realized she was just a child, only a year below me. At that moment I felt like such a coward taking a GIRL against her will for my own pleasure."

"I told myself then and there I would never touch any person unless it was their will and not force. I got off her and told her to put on her clothes. She did and then I picked her up and took her to one of the ships and set the coordinates to a planet I didn't know. I pushed the launch button and watched the ship take off. I never felt so weak as I did that day, but then again I felt good about myself that I hadn't made myself into the ultimate coward." Vegeta had left out a few details and had lied, but he didn't want her to know the whole truth. Not yet anyway.

Bulma looked at him and smiled *So he isn't as cold as he lets on.* "After I went back to the palace. The next morning the executioner came to ask where she was and I told him I had been too much for her and she had died in the middle of it so I had desinagrated her body."

Bulma was still smiling "That was a noble thing to do Vegeta. That is the first thing you've ever told me that was good about you." "Well never ever tell anyone that story or I will be forced to kill you because I have never told anyone that story in my life." "Your secret is safe with me." She reached over and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Would you stop that woman." He said holding back his blush. "Just a friendly gesture.

Bulma got up and left the room. She went up to her room to take a shower before lunch time. Vegeta went back to the GR for some more intense training. Last week Bulma had upgraded the GR to take 700*g and he was finally ready to try it. (*g = times earth's gravity) He went into the GR and set it for 700*g and got to work.
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Bulma took her shower and went downstairs to make Vegeta his lunch. She made it and left it on the table just as he walked in. They both ate in total silence. Her parents had gone on an 8 month vacation and hadn't even been gone for a month.

"Vegeta I'm going to go out for a while. I'll be back in a few hours." He growled in reply. She had grown used to that as his answer for yes or ok. "Well see ya."
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Vegeta watched her as she left and thought to himself 'That wouldn't be a bad idea to go somewhere and relax for awhile. He remembered a small lake with a waterfall that he had found on one of his flights. He had gone there on several occasions just to relax for awhile so he thought maybe he would go there for the time being to get away from it all.

He finished his lunch and went out side. He took to the air and decided to explore for awhile. He was flying through the town and saw all the people there. It made him angry that the human race flourished so much while his race was reduced to two members and a half-breed brat.

He flew on for awhile then saw that idiot man that Bulma had been with for some time. He hated that weak excuse of a human. Sure he had a lot physical strenghth, but he was weak when it came to comittment. He had cheated on that woman countless times and it made Vegeta angry. Not to mention that he had threatened Vegeta many times as well. He decided to go down and see what he was saying to some blonde bimbo he was with.

He floated down to get in hearing range. Even though he was still a ways away he could hear them thanks to his acute Sayain hearing. (Yamcha) "Yeah I dumped her like a sack of potatoes all for you babe, yeah she didn't want it to end, but I told her that I had to move on she just hung all over me and I said to her, look babe I need my space you need to let go. She bawled her little eye's out, but it didn't matter she was too whiny for my taste not to mention she was lousy in bed."

Vegeta was ready to tare his throat out because he knew Bulma had been the one to dump him and he had been the one to take it hard not her. But had she actually slept with that guy uuuh that sent chills up his spine.

(bimbo) "Oh Yammy tell me again how you and your crew defeated that alien you called a Sayain that came to destroy Earth." Vegeta looked on and realized she meant him. (Yamcha) "Well me and my crew came down where he and his friend landed in their space ship and kicked there butts and sent them home crying." "Oh Yammy how cool."

Vegeta listened in disgust as Yamcha made himself sound like the stronger man and that he was weak and it also made Vegeta mad when he made it sound as if he had saved Kakarot's life like some little child. He may have hated Kakarot, but he was still a part of the Sayain race.

Vegeta walked behind Yamcha and caught him off gaurd, he reached up and grabbed him around the neck scaring him out of his wits. (Y) "What the hell?" He managed to squeak out. "Now why don't you tell your friend here the truth you poor excuse of Kami's creation, like how Bulma dumped you because she caught you in bed with some red headed bimbo and how you were the one to take it hard. Or how you sent me home crying or how Kakarot saved your worthless ass from me and Nappa killing you?" (Y) "Of all people it had to be you." Vegeta put him down. (Y) "Uh Bunny I have to go...seeya." He slurred as he flew away as fast as he could.

The girl was still starring and then passed out as Vegeta too flew off. Vegeta felt good now that he had scarred the hell out of that wimp so he went to go to the falls to relax.
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Bulma had decided to go to her favorite place to go since she was a kid. The falls out in the woods (dunt dunt dun). She was only in her bathing suit which was a bakiny. She hadn't been swimming in agesa so she was excited.

It wasn't far only about a 1/2 mile so she would walk. She arrived in about 15 minutes. She saw the water and was fascinated when she saw it. It was more beautiful than she remembered. She dove in. The water was so warm it felt wonderful.

She swam around for awhile then got out to dive in. The water cascaded over her body. She looked like a diamond when she was wet, but no one else knew that. Hell no one else had even seen her naked except maybe Oolong that perverted shape shifting pig. ~literally~ She was glad to be rid of him. Bulma had been messing with her body a little and decided to walk her natural walk for a while since no one was around. She actually walked like an angel with a natural bounce to her step. She never walked like that at home, because she knew everyone would stare at her, but it felt good to not use the tough guy walk for awhile.

Bulma dove back into the water and swam some more and then her head shot to the right as she heard a low chuckle from the bushes. *Oh no someone is watching me.* When she looked she almost passed out when she saw...Vegeta. His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against a tree in his normal position.
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Vegeta arrived at the spot about 30 minutes after he had left on account of his little exploration. He got there and saw the water. It looked heavenly. He was about to go and jump in when he heard a loud laugh.

Vegeta looked closely into the water and saw...BULMA. 'Why is she here. Is this where she goes to relax as well?' This isn't fair he thought to himself then his eye's got bigger than silver dollars when she got out of the water and he saw she was only in a bikiny. 'She is so beautiful. This is too much for me to handle. Oh my Kami, look at her walk if she walked like that at home I would tackle her in a second and take her right then and there. She walks like an angel. Ok this is too much.' He saw her dive in with the grace of a swan and the technique of an Olympic gold medalist.

He couldn't handle it. He was already about to go insane. He chuckled loud enough for her to hear and stepped out into the open. He leaned against a tree and folded his arms over his chest in the same fashion as always. Her head spun around so fast he thought her neck might have broken.
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Bulma was now very scared. She knew he wouldn't rape her; he had already expressed that enough, but what would he do and why had he followed her? "Vegeta go away I don't need you around right now." She squeaked with her back to his and her arms covering her chest.

Vegeta walked over to the side she was on and bent down to take a drink of the water. She kicked off the shore into the middle of the lake. He could tell she was scared and it made him smile. "Why did you follow me anyway?" She asked turning around again. "Actually I didn't, this is where I go to relax a lot and this is a free country and I want to swim to." He removed his clothes except his shorts and dove in.

Bulma swam away from where he had dove in and then he came up right in front of her. She yelped and swam to the shore and got backed up against the bank. 'So that is what she is afraid of huh. She should know by now that he wouldn't take anyone by force.' But he thought it would be fun to scare her for a little while. He swam closer to her until he was right up next to her.

Bulma felt his hands fall on top of her shoulders and she shuddered and threw her arms around her chest again. "Why so afraid you think I'm gong to rape you or something? You should know better than that by now Onna." "Please go away." "Why?" "Because I don't have any clothes on except my bikiny." "You have a beautiful body you know." *So he did see me, Oh Kami what now.* "You know I won't hurt you Bulma I'm not like that I've told you that before, so calm down." She was shaking now ,but she relaxed when she heard how he was talking. It was a calm and caring tone, not his usually i'm-gonna-kill-you tough guy tone.

Vegeta ran his fingers through her blue hair.. Bulma tried not to touch him, but it was impossible with him so close. She was still shaking so he put his arms around her to warm her.
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Bulma gasped when his arms went around her and she melted to his touch. He was so warm it was overwhelming. "Onna are you scared of me or do you trust me?" Bulma was shocked by his question she didn't understand what he meant at first, but before she could answer she felt his lips touch hers.

Bulma completely melted. Yamcha had kissed her before, but not like this. This was overwhelming. It was like a dream that she never wanted to wake up from. His lips were soft. She licked his bottom lip to moisten it.
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Vegeta devoured her. This was the most exciting thing he had done in years and he had to admit that it felt pretty good, but then all of a sudden Bulma stopped and screamed in pain as something hit her neck.

He looked up and saw a poisonous dart stuck in her neck. But someone had to have thrown it and he had a good idea who.

For now he had to hurry and get Bulma some medicine and fast. He pulled the dart out of her neck and crushed it. Then gathered Bulma in his arms and wrapped his jacket around her. She was shaking furiously. The poison would start to react soon. "Onna talk to me. If you don't your blood won't pump as fast and the poison will react sooner." She began to talk whatever came out of her mouth as Vegeta put his mouth to the spot where the dart had hit and began to suck out the poison as fast as he could as they flew through the air.

He landed at the Capsule Corp. building and he put some absorbing medicine on her neck and he hoped he had gotten it on in time.

Bulma awoke a few hours later feeling very groggy then felt a sharp pain in her neck. She looked to see Vegeta asleep right next to her. *Has he been here all night to make sure I was ok?* She tried to get up and failed miserably. She fell and landed in the floor.

Vegeta heard a loud thud and woke up very quickly. He looked to see that Bulma was not next him. He rolled over to see her in the floor crying. "What is wrong with you Onna?" "My head hurts, my neck hurts, I'm numb all over, I can't walk, I'm dizzy, my life sucks, and I have to pee really bad." "I would say that covers it."

Vegeta got out of bed and set her on her wobbly feet. "Now try to walk." He said in a soft voice. She looked at him and tried to stop crying. She took a few steps then started to fall, but Vegeta caught her. She made it to the bathroom and then came back out after puking up the last of the poison. "Feel better now Onna?" "Yeah I think so."

Vegeta laid her back in the bed. Then left to do some more training.
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Bulma woke up several hours later and it was dark outside. She could see straight now and walk straight so she went to take a shower. She got in and then began to wash her hair. About half way through her shower the lights went out.

"Oh great the power went out." She finished washing her hair and got out. She dried off and wrapped herself in a towel. She went into her room to try and turn her lights on. But then the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. *Someone else is in my room and it isn't Vegeta. He wouldn't do this.*

She ran straight at the door and then heard footsteps behind her. She ran downstairs and could hear the thumping of footsteps close behind her.

She ran out of the house trying to make it to the GR where she knew Vegeta would be. But someone grabbed her ankle and crawled on top of her. He tried to tare off her towel, but Bulma wouldn't let him.

She used her long legs and hit him in the groins. Then got up and ran. She reached the door of the GR and threw it open. The emergency shut off system came on and she ran in. "What is the meaning of this interuption Onna?!" Vegeta yelled at her then he noticed the scared look on her face and that she was only in a towel. She ran up to him and put her arms around him then ran behind him still holding onto him.

Vegeta looked outside the door and saw a dark figure outside. ~Yeah I bet you thought it was Vegeta that was after her haha got you!~

Yamcha almost pissed his pants when he saw Vegeta. "So you want to touch my woman do you, you cowardous freak of nature?! You just signed your death warrant!" Vegeta was in front of him in the blink of an eye and grabbed him around the neck. "You know not only did you try to rape someone, but it was MY woman you tried to rape, and there is one thing I hate worse than Kakarot and that is rapist. It is the most cowardly act I know of and the best way to get on my bad side."

Vegeta threw Yamcha in the air and blew him into nothing but dust. He turned to Bulma who was still scared to death. Vegeta went over to her and put his arms around her and picked her up. He took her to her room and put her in the bed. "Don't worry he won't ever touch you again." He kissed lightly on the lips and then started to leave the room.

But before walking out of the room he turned around "Did you ever sleep with that guy?" Bulma merely shook her head no, "No one ever saw me naked, well, except maybe Oolong." "Oh really?" With that he left the room so she could rest. Then went to his own room for some well deserved sleep.
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