Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Unexpected Developement ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6:Unexpected Development

Bulma was in the shower almost certain she had gotten the last of his scent off of her. She liked the smell, but did not want to smell like a man. He of course was in the GR training. Bulma was so happy at the way things between them were working out. She was almost sure that she was falling for him. Sure she had slept with him, but did that mean she loved him? She didn't know. Her mind raced with questions. *Does he love me? Do I love him? What is it I feel for him? Lust or love? He did protect me from Yamcha and he proved he was totally blood-thirsty.*

She would worry later for now she knew that he was her man and they would stay together as long as tolerance would permit. She dried herself carefully. But she got a confused look on her face when she felt a small lump on her back. She reached back and felt to see if maybe it was a sore spot from her "extra-curicular" activities.

She almost screamed when she felt the offending lump and felt...FUR! *WHY IN HELL IS THERE FUR ON MY BACK?!!!* She screamed in her mind as she felt it again. She looked on her back on saw the last thing she had expected...a TAIL. She had sprouted a tail over night, but how, is what she couldn't figure out.

Then she remembered that Goku had had a tail when she first met him a few years ago, and Vegeta also had a tail when he first came to Earth. But that was because they were Sayain, but she wasn't. How on Earth had it gotten there?

She was scared now and then another thing caught her attantion was the unusual coloring of her new tail. It was an aqua blue like her lovely hair. Then she thought of another thing that she hadn't realized before. Her hair never grew. It had stayed the same length her whole life. A good 3 1/2 feet down her back. She remembered Vegeta saying that Sayain hair didn't grow. But she couldn't be Sayain her hair was of course this aqua blue color and all Sayains had raven black hair.

But all the evidence pointed to her being Sayain other than that. Still she had been raised on Earth her parents were human she knew, but then how did this happen? Then she recalled that she had no memory of her life below the age of 14 which had been strange. She had to find out the truth and now, but first she would have to show Vegeta.

*I can't be a Sayain. I have no physical strength what so ever. There is my little gift, but that is my mind and not my body.* She walked on still thinking of her problem. She went to her drawer and took out some clothes. She did remember one thing that was unusual about last night with Vegeta. He had done something to her that was a bit strange to them both.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bulma and Vegeta were going wild. Thay were both moaning with so much pleasure and Bulma could sware she felt the Earth shaking from Vegeta's power increase do to his exstasy.

She was moaning so loud she thought the neighbors might hear them if she didn't quiet down a little. She tried but it was hard with the things Vegeta was doing to her. She was loving every moment of this.

Vegeta seemed to be enjoying himself just as much. He couldn't keep his eye's off her. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life. His hands wandered her entire body making her scream with excitement as her back arched.

*My Kami he is so good. I never thought it was possible for someone to have this much control. He seems to be totally in control of the situation. He really knows what he is doing, but he told me he has never done this before. And yet he seems to be a total expert at it. Well I wanted my first time to be special. It isn't just special, it is magnificent.*

She felt his hand go to her back and all of a sudden he started to make a tiny circle around the area at the bottom of her spine just above her buttox. ~This is the unusual part~ She screamed so loud Vegeta lost hearing for a few moments. He had remembered how it affected Sayains to do that, because that was where their tails grew and it was a pleasure spot, but a human? He didn't think Bulma noticed and she hadn't, but this time the house had literally shook from her scream. And he noticed her power level growing higher than any normal human. By the time it had reached around Krillin's level it went back down as she reached her peak.

Veget was confused at how a mere human female's power could grow so high from him touching her there, which was supposed to be a Sayain pleasure spot.

Bulma thought that that was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her; it felt so wonderful. She thought what the heck and reached up and did the same to Vegeta making him climax. The entire house shook from the force. He sank down beside her.

"What did you just do to me Vegeta?" She asked short of breath. "I rubbed the spot at the bottom of your spine. It is a Sayain instinct. I really don't understand it, but we do it. The thing is that it is a SAYAIN pleasure spot where our tail should be. After that mine will probably be grown back by morning. But what I don't get is how it affected you so efficiently. You are human. What made you do it to me?"

He decided not to tell her about her power level sky rocketing the way it did. "I don't know I just had this feeling that I should do the same. It was as if I wasn't even in control of my own hand." Vegeta thought that this was very strange and interesting and he would have to look into it further, but for now he was too tired. "Go to sleep Onna." 'She is more like a Sayain than I thought.' He closed his eye's and drifted off to sleep along with Bulma.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bulma swayed the tail back and forth glad that she had control of it. She hadn't used her mind ability since she was a girl and she was a little rusty. She went on through the hallways and made her way outside. She saw the GR lit up as usual.

She walked over to it and opened the door. Almost immediatly the emergency system kicked in and shut the gravity off. Vegeta floated down to the floor and looked at Bulma. "What do you want, baka, can't I train in peace?" He asked her trying to sound angry. But he was actually happy to see her.

"Uh...Vegeta, I have a problem." "What is it?" He asked concerned. "Well look and see for yourself." She pulled the tail, which had been around her waist, and swished it to and fro. Vegeta almost fell to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" "A tail..." "I can see that, but how did it get there?"

"I don't know. I got out of the shower and was drying myself when I felt it back there." "But that is impossible the only race in the universe that has tails are the Sayain!" "I know, but some how I managed to get one."

"Wait a minute, last night when I rubbed that spot below your spine the way you had reacted surprised me, because normally only Sayains react that way. Then as the pleasure went through you, you generated enough power to shake the Earth. Your power almost reached the Nameks level, then to top it off you grow a tail as a reaction to what I did. But that isn't the most interesting part...look." Vegeta too unwrapped his newly grown tail from around his waist.

"Ok, I remember you saying yours would grow back and then you also said that it was a Sayain instinct to touch that area while you know, but I had been driven to do it as well, remember the same way you were driven to do it to me even though I'm not Sayain."

"Well Onna that is the only logical explanation is that you are, but that is impossible." "Well then we'll have to test that won't we. Come with me, now. No arguments we have to figure this out." Vegeta followed.

Bulma led Vegeta to her lab and got out two needles. She took a sample of her blood then a sample of Vegeta's blood and began to run all sorts of tests on the two. But no matter how many test she took the results came out the same...positive. She was in fact a Sayain.

"Vegeta I've taken every test possible to man and all show that our DNA is completely the same other than minor differences in gender and things like that." "So you are telling me that you are a Sayain?" She nodded her head. "Well, there is one way I can tell, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that and it would have to be under the extremely unlikely chance that we are life mates."

Bulma silently chuckled at the thought. "Wait! There is another way I can tell." Shot Vegeta. He stood up and went over to Bulma. "Now Onna this is going to hurt like hell, but bare with me." She had a startled look on her face, but before she could reply he planted his fist into her stomach. It wasn't enough to hurt so bad, but it knocked the wind out of her. She looked at him the tears welling up in her eye's. *Why in hell did he just hit me?* Vegeta caught her before she hit the floor.

He laid her down and began to kiss her lightly on her stomach where he had hit her. A huge bruise formed where he had hit her. She saw it and almost passed out, but what Vegeta was doing was destacting her from the pain. She noticed that as he kissed the bruise got lighter and lighter until it was almost impossible to see and the pain was almost completely gone. With one last kiss the bruise vanished completely.

She sat up from her position. "What in hell did you do?" "It is almost complete proof that you are Sayain." "What are you talking about?" "What I did was bruise your energy bag inside your body. It is the place where fighters have all the energy they use to fight, stored. I could've beaten that spot all I wanted, but it still would've healed none the less in less than five minutes. Only Sayain bodies have the ability to heal that area so as to keep fighting." "What was the kissing for?"

"Too take your mind off the pain and for my own enjoyment." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him roughly. "You bastard that really hurt. You're going to have to make it up to me now." "Is that a promise?" "Oh yes..."
_______________________________________________________________ ____________

Vegeta took Bulma to her room and laid her on the bed. He slowly peeled off her clothes to reveal her soft, creamy skin. He was tired of being a gentleman and he ripped off her bra and underwear. He wrapped his tail around her waist. She followed with her own tail.

*Oh this is going to be fun with the tail to asist me.* Vegeta began to carress one of her breast with his hand while he kissed the other. Without warning Bulma began to stroke the fur of his tailm, which was to much for him to handle. He began to yell out with pleasure, then he got a really evil idea.

Vegeta picked her up off the bed and placed her on her stomach. Then he lifted her abdomen to where she was on hands and knees. He thrust himself into her from behind holding onto her hips to steady her. Bulma was surprised by his bold move, but did not protest.

She began to get an animalistic pleasure out of this and was loving the way he was acting toward her. It was a side of him she had never seen before much less anyone else and she was happy. It made her feel special to know that she was the only one allowed to see this side of him.

She raised off the bed so that her back was pressed to his front. He was still holding onto her hips so as to keep her steady from his thrusts. He started slow and steady so as to set an exceptible rhythm. Then he began to thrust deeper and harder into her.

"Aaaah," was all Bulma could manage. She would have said something to him, but she was having enough trouble trying to breathe. "V-Veg-Vegeta..." She managed to stammer out through clenched teeth. He was thrusting into her with great speed and a steady rhythm. He growled low in his throat trying to concentrate on what he was doing.

She decided to wait till they were done to speak. If she spoke now then it would ruin the moment completely, but when ever she said his name a few more times it was out of pleasure.

*Is this lust or do I really love him?* The question she asked in her head was one that took her by surprise. She had been trying to avoid the question for a long time but had to face it now. The fact that he was good in bed would not influence her answer. *Well maybe a little.* She thought and thought and thought, but could not come up with the answer.

*Now is not the time to think about this Bulma I mean hell he is ravishing you right now with all he's got...I think and you are trying to decide if you love him or not. Concentrate on him or you are going to miss your climax which will piss you off.*

She did as her mind told her and threw the thought into the back of her mind. She screamed and totally lost control. She threw her head back to try and gain what composure she had. Vegeta began to nip at the small of her neck making her yelp. She loved it when he did that.

Vegeta was tempted to do it, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. 'I could but am I ready for that kind of comittment? I don't even know if I love this woman or if I'm just doing it for the sex. But her neck is so close and my instincts are taking over. Oh Kami, and with her playing with my tail like that I don't know if I can control myself much longer.' Bulma continued to play with his tail making him moan. "Onna I suggest you stop that before I do something we both might regret." "Like what?" She asked teasingly.

"Please Bulma I am serious..." *He said please and he said my name he must mean it. I wander what he is talking about "something we both might regret?"* When he said those words she immediatly stopped messing with his tail. "Vegeta what is wrong what did you mean?" She managed to say between gasps.

"You came close to breaking me woman. If you had continued I might have done something that would've probably pissed you off after I explained what happened." "Oh really and what could that have....aaaaah!" She didn't manage to finish her sentence as she climaxed in the middle of it. Vegeta took a few last thrusts until he spilled all inside her as he came.

Vegeta was completely out of breath. "No wander I was so attracted to you Onna. You are no doubt a Sayain, but the question is how did you get to Earth?" "Vegeta I can't be a Sayain I was raised here and you know as well as I do that I have no physical strength at all." "Oh, but that *gulps air* is where you are wrong. Last night your power level, like I said before, almost reached that of the Nameks level. And he has a level of almost 25,000." "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bulma screamed. She remembered him telling her that her power level had sky rocketed, but 25,000. That was incredible.
___________________________________________________________ ________________

(The night Bulma and Vegeta made love)

It was about 3:00 in the morning and Goku was training Gohan and Piccolo was sitting against a tree watching. He was getting bored so he decided to have some fun. He flew at Goku and Gohan and attacked them both at once. The fists were flying. Piccolo trying to avoid punches while throwing his own whilst Gohan and Goku fought him and dodged his attacks.

Gohan made a well placed punch that Piccolo didn't catch and placed it right in his jaw sending him flying. Goku looked at Gohan in shock. He had actaully hit him and it looked as if he did it effortlessly, but that was impossible Goku had been trying his hardest and hadn't even so much as grazed him.

Piccolo got up out of the crater his body had created. "Very well done Gohan you caught me at a volnurable moment and took advantage. I was paying more attention to Goku thinking you would be easy to dodge so I wasn't as concentrated on you. You see you have an advantage. The fact that you are young and small makes your opponent underestimate you immediatly. I should have known better than to let my gaurd down because you are young." "Thanks Piccolo." "Nice work Gohan I was trying my hardest to hit Piccolo and didn't lay so much as a finger on him, that was incredible.

"Ah thanks Dad." "HEY BE QUEIT YOU TWO!" Piccolo yelled at both of them. "Goku did you feel that?!" "Yeah I did..." Said a stunned Goku. "That was a lot of power Piccolo. It almost matched yours, but it feels like it is coming from capsule corp. That can't be Vegeta he would be generating a lot more power than that." "Yeah I know and the strange thing is that the energy signal seems to be becoming from a female!" "Yeah I feel it to now, but there aren't any female fighters on Earth. Especailly not at Capsule Corp. unless Bulma got so angry at Vegeta she developed a power signature some how."

Goku and Piccolo chuckled slightly at the comment. As quickly as the power came it vanished and the aftermath left the Earth shaking. "Wow Dad that was a lot of power and it came from Capsule Corp, but it wasn't Vegeta. The power was almost as much as Piccolo's." "Yeah I know Gohan and I want to know where it came from."

All of a sudden the Earth began to shake even more than the first time. "Hey Dad there is another power too and this one is even stronger." Piccolo was in shock. "That isn't just any normal power...that is Vegeta's power that you are sensing Gohan." "Yeah it is I can tell. Gohan you go in the house. Me and Piccolo are going to go see what is up over there. Vegeta might be fighting someone." "Yes Dad."

Gohan ran into the house. Piccolo and Goku flew into the air. "Piccolo conceal your energy. If Vegeta in a fight he may need our help so we need the element of surprise." Piccolo lowered his ki to almost nothing. ~ki is japenese for energy.~

They both arrived at Capsule Corp. in less than 5 minutes. they looked all around, but saw no signs of a fight. No signs of even a struggle. They could faintly sense Vegeta's energy in the house and there was another even smaller one with him. "Hey I think the other energy with Vegeta is Bulma, Piccolo." "Yeah, me too."

Goku opened the door a crack and walked in with Piccolo close behind. Both people had to try hard not to blush when they saw them. Bulma and Vegeta were both on the floor next to the couch covered up in a blanket cuddled close to one another. They both rushed out and began to fly away. "Piccolo did you see what I just saw?" "Yeah I think I did." "Well now we know why Vegeta's powered flared the way it did. But that female energy we sensed couldn't have possibly been Bulma could it?" "Goku I think there is a lot more to Bulma than what meets the eye. I believe the energy was her, one strange thing about the energy signature was that it was similar to your's and Vegeta's."

"What you mean to say she's a..." "Yes Goku I believe she is, in fact, a sayain." The two of them flew on the rest of he way home in silence.
______________________________________________________________ _____________

(back to present)

Vegeta finally removed himself from Bulma's warm body. She was still gasping for air. "Vegeta what were you talking about?" "It is of no concern of yours at the moment now go to sleep Onna." "*yawn* Ok Vegeta." She stretched her arms and fell onto the bed.

Vegeta fell beside her and wrapped her in his arms. *Do I love him?* The question just wouldn't leave her mind alone. She was repeating it over and over in her mind. "Vegeta I'm not ready to go to sleep yet, I'm not tired." She turned around and grinned evilly at him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionatly.

She climbed on top of him and felt him getting hard again. "Let's see how you like this." Bulma took her tail and began to rub along his arousal. He growled low in his throat with the pleasure. "Woman don't do this to me it is pure torture." She bent low and got right next to his ear. "I know," she wispered seductively making him shudder. He grabbed her face and kissed her roughly. Opening her mouth with his tongue begging for entrance.

She complied and their tongues had a sparring match in her mouth. She removed her tail from his arousal just before he climaxed so as to tease him. "Hey that isn't funny Onna not one bit funny." She chuckled "Yes it is you aren't going to come yet." He was having fun with her teasing him. 'Well we'll see how she likes it.' He took his had and thrust 2 fingers into her.

He began to move his fingers in a steady rhythm. Bulma began to moan. She knew what he was doing. She wrapped her tail around him. He removed his fingers from her before she could climax as she had done him. "Now we're all warmed up let us have some real fun." Bulma complied and let herself slide over his arousal and she slid over it. She moaned as he went into her.

She began to move her hips up and down in a steady motion. He held her hips steady so she wouldn't fall backwards and so she could work better. He had always had the dominent position, so this was new to him. But it felt so good.

He was about to climax and then he decided in his mind what he was going to do. 'I'm ready for it. I'm ready for the commitment and she is a sayain so therefore I am going to do it. But I must know she is ready for it to first.' Bulma could see he was thinking about something. "Vegeta?" She managed to get through her clenched teeth whole still moving. "What?" *I do...I do love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I want him to know it.* "I love you..."

It was as if she had read his mind. That was exactly what he neede to hear. Without warning he flipped them until they had adopted the position they had been in earlier. He was behind her. But this time he did not allow her to stay on hands and knees. He lifted her up to his chest and began to nip the small of her neck, while still thrusting into her.

She threw her head back as she climaxed. She couldn't have timed it better. He began to nip at the small of her neck still thrusting into her. Without one warning he threw his head back and brought his teeth down into her neck drawing blood instantly. She screamed with a mixture of pain and pleasure. The blood flowed into his mouth and tasted as sweet as...SUGAR! 'I my Kami she is Sayain. Her blood tastes like sugar. That is only possible for Sayains. But not just any Sayains...but Sayain life mates. She is my life mate; her blood is the proof.'

He lifted his head after Bulma's screams subsided. He began to lick the wound clean. "What the hell did you bite me for Vegeta?!" He chuckled. For a Sayain she did not know much about them. "I marked you." "You what?" "I marked you, we are mates now. It's sort of like a Sayain version of marriage." "W..What?" "You heard me woman. I was debating on whether or not I was ready. But when you said you loved me that was all I needed. But Onna not only that, but I now have all the proof that I need to say you are full blood Sayain. Your blood taste like sugar. That is only possible with Sayains, but not just any normal Sayains. If two Sayains mark each other and each others blood taste like sugar it means they are life mates as you call them." "You mean me and you are l..life mates?"

He nodded. "Your turn." He looked at her with his dark eyes and bent his head to the side, so she could get to his neck. Bulma looked bewildered then realized what he wanted her to do. She bent forward and began to kiss his neck lightly then she took a deep breathe and bit down as hard as she could. She finally drew blood after awhile.

*He's right it does taste like sugar. It is so sweet.* She began to suck on his neak to clean the wound. She pulled up and kissed him passionatly with his blood in her mouth. Both their faces were covered with each others blood as they kissed.

'I love this woman, but I will not risk my pride at the moment to tell her. I will wait for the right moment. She said it at the right moment and I must as well.'

They laid on the bed and Bulma moved closer to Vegeta to get warm. She turned around to face him. She was met immediatly by his lips. The lay there kissing one another. They held each other close in the night and slept there without so much as one word. They fell asleep; their lips still enterlocked.
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