Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Sparring with the Mind and Body ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~Hello everyone. Thank you all for the reviews. I really appreciate them. I only have 8, but hey that is pretty good seeing as how I just posted this story not long ago. But i am hoping to get many more reviews. Well back to the story.~

Chapter 15: Sparring with the Mind and Body

Bulma lunged at Goku as he came at her. And in seconds they were both in the air. Bulma landed a punch in Goku's chest and stomach and he landed a very well placed punch in her face.

Vegeta watched very proud at the progress of his mate. It had only taken her a few weeks to bring her strength to his level. He had worked hard to get her this far. Now it was time for her to prove herself. He continued to watch. 'I wonder if she has the spirit that would let her kill him? I doubt it. After all he has been her friend sense he was a small boy. But then again she has been friends with his mate for just as long and she attacked her. Hmm, maybe she has more of the Sayain spirit than I thought.'

Vegeta's thoughts were interupted by Goku hitting the ground near him almost hitting him. He smiled. Bulma was doing very well.

Goku lunged at Bulma again after removing himself from his crater. He got to her but when he tried to hit her she fazed out of site. She was so fast he couldn't detect where she was. All at once he caught a movement in the corner of his eye and punched behind him. But he wasn't fast enough and Bulma caught his fist and planted her knee in his stomach.

Bulma let go of him and flew high into the air. She powered up her energy and fired hundreds of ki blasts at him. They weren't enough to hurt him, but they kept him busy while she powered up her big attack. She directed the blast like Vegeta had taught her. Goku was flying all around trying to avoid the blasts as they chased him down.

Bulma finally had all the ki she needed for the attack she was planning. Goku had managed to get the last two balls that were chasing him to hit each other and desinagrate. He looked up at Bulma who seemed to be concentrating an awful lot of ki into one place.

Bulma pulled back her arms then pushed them forward. She gathered all the energy she had stored for this attack and pushed it into a ball in her hand.

Vegeta knew what she was going to do. He had taught her all his attacks and she was going to show off. 'Let her have her fun. Sparring with someone like Kakarot who is weaker than her might do her some good.'

Bulma yelled as the ki gathered in her hand. "Gallet...Gun...FIRE!!!!!!!" She fired the Gallet Gun at Goku. He looked in astonishment. "Well Vegeta taught her all his moves." He looked at Vegeta who was smiling then back to the ki blast that was heading for him.

Then he realized that it was getting larger as it came towards him. It seemed to be gathering more energy as it came closer to him. He then realized he couldn't dodge it or direct it another way. "Uh oh!" He then decided that there was only one way to deal with it. "SUPER KAOKEN!!!!!!" Goke flashed from gold to gold and red. And he shot a very powerful Kamahameha at it, not destroying it, but sending it into space.

Bulma began to laugh as she dodged the blast. This was too much fun. She had sparred with Vegeta hundreds of times, but she had gotten used to his style of fighting. But Goku had a different style altogether and it was fun to try and figure him out.

"So Goku I guess you had to majorly power up to stop that one. You see that is a new technique that me and Vegeta made together on our trip. The energy ball gathers more ki from the things around it as it heads for its target. It even gets power from its target and it is almost impossible to stop.

"Man Bulma you are really good I wouldn't have been able to stop that if I hadnt' did the Super Kaoken." "Thanks." "Vegeta certainly taught you well." "I know, but having him as a teacher was no walk in the park. He was the roughest teacher I have ever had." "I can imagine."

"Well can we cut the chit chat and get back to the fight?" "By all means." Goku vanished and then reappeared behind her. But he had moved so fast that she hadn't been able to detect it and she hadn't been able to block his next attack. But the place he hit her would deffinatly make him regret the move.

Goku took his hand and karote chopped her neck right in the spot where Vegeta had bit her. Bulma felt the sharpest pain in her neck that she had ever felt in her life.

Vegeta felt a strong pain in his neck and it was in the spot where Bulma had bit him. 'OH NO!!! That fool! Kakarot must have hit her mark AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!' Vegeta felt his power begin to surge. But when he looked at Bulma; he got scared for the first time in his life. Her eyes were a deep blood red. No pupil, no iris, nothing, but red.

Bulma turned around and grabbed Goku's neck and squeezed it so tight that he could barely breathe. "Bulma I'm sorry I didn't me..." He stopped talking when he saw her face. ~#blah blah# is Goku's thoughts~ #I guess I did something seriously wrong.# Then he looked at the spot he had hit and saw it was glowing a bright red. "Vegeta whats wrong with her?!"

"You idiot you hit her mark!!!!! That is the only spot that the demon in an Albino Sayain can lay dormant!! If you strike it then the demon is allowed out for a time she won't go back to normal until the sun goes down or until we destroy the demon!!!! But we can not kill her! That would only accomplish three things. Her death, my death, and the release of the demon!!!"

"What?! What do you mean your death?!" "We are life mates, therefore we have an extremely strong bond! If she dies, I die!!!" "Oh boy this is going to be har..." Goku didn't get another word in. Bulma squeezed his neck tighter and yelled in her deathly demon voice, "SHUT UP NOW!!!!!" She looked over at Vegeta. "Nice to see you again Vegeta. This time you won't get rid of me so easily. The only thing that saved Bulma and you last time was this little brat in here." She put a hand on her stomach. "But I can easily destroy the brat. But the thing is I can't kill you or I die and that also means I can't kill Bulma."

"I SWEAR IF YOU HURT THAT CHILD I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!!!" "Oooh touchy. I see the Prince of all Sayains has a weakness after all." All of a sudden the demon let go of Goku. The demon screamed and yelled to what seemed to be herself, "NO get out of me! You can not have my body or my baby! I defeated you once and I will do it again!" "No you won't this is my body now and I will do with the brat as I please! AAAAAAAHHH!!" The demon yelled then a pair of black wings sprouted on her back. They looked like giant bat wings. "Now the transformation is done. I am in control of this body now. RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Vegeta looked and saw that she also had a set of fangs. 'Great now she has full control over the situation. She sould kill us all with a thought.' "Kakarot!! Clear your mind!! Don't let any thoughts go through your head!! She will manipulate them against you and take control of your mind!! Get your family and baldy out here!! Now! Go! I have to do this on my own!! GOOOOO!"

Goku did as told and got Krillon and his family out of there whom the demon had taken advantage of already. "Vegeta what do I do, she has already done something to them?!" "Take them to Kami! He is the opposite of her so he should be able to reverse the effects, but hurry before it becomes permanant!" "What, you mean to tell me she is the..." "YES!! She is the ruler of the HFIL! This demon has never been seen before only her minions which were in the other two Albino Sayains ever born! We never knew when she would surface! Then one day Buruma was born, a young Sayain girl! She was brought before my father and Frieza! But they tried to attack her for smarting off and she almost killed them both! She got so angry that she transformed into her demon form. But the power was too much for her at that young age and she passed out. So they had her blind folded! You see if she can't see she can't use her mind to attack! One day she was given to me as a concubine! When I brought her to my quarters I was told not to remove the blind fold! Even in normal form she could use her mind to attack! But she slept with me freely, because I had promised to send her away if she did! So I sent her away! But it destroyed me, because I found that I loved her damnit!! That Sayain girl Buruma turned out to be Bulma!"

"What how could it have been Bulma?!" "I gave her a drug to make her lose her memory, now that is the story! Now get out of here before they die. I will deal with her!"

With that Goku flew off with everyone in his arms. The demon looked at Vegeta flapping her wings. She looked slightly confused. ~ (blah blah) demons thoughts~ (He must be nuts, he thinks that we've met before. I know I have no memory of my younger years, but that does not mean that I knew him. Does it? No! He is just trying to trick me. Well I won't fall for it.)

"You are lying Vegeta. I have never known you and you can not trick me. Remember I am the master of mind games." "It is not a mind game demon. I have seen your power before when I was a small boy. And I slept with the girl you are trying to take over before only she doesn't remember. It would only make sense that you don't remember demon." "Damnit my name is not demon! I do have a name! My name is Demona! And I have never known you, you are just trying to trick me and it is NOT going to WORK!!!"

Demona lunged at Vegeta, but stopped before she came to him and lifted him in the air with her mind and put his hands behind his back. "Let's see you get out of this one Vegeta Prince of the Monkeys." "Bulma, fight this, don't listen to her try and remember! That is the only way to stop her! She is here, because you have something in your soul that is eating you alive and if you don't remeber you won't ever get rid of her! You have to remember those days so many years ago!! Please Bulma! Please you have to remember!"

"STOP IT!! STOP LYING!! I have never known you and Bulma can not remember what never happened. You will not play with my head!" She used her mind and began to squeeze his heart. Then, "No you will not kill him!" Bulma was able to regain control and she stopped her. "Enough Bulma this is my body now and you will not take it away from me! You have been in control for too long and I will not let you keep it any more!"

Demona and Bulma began to have an internal war with one another. Vegeta watched in awe. Then Bulma spoke and what she said took both Demona and Vegeta by surprise. "What made you this way? When did I get you? I know I wasn't born with you in me. I remember a Sayain legend that said that something terrible had to happen to an Albino Sayain for them to gain a demon like this. I don't remember what happened to me in my childhood, but you still must remember what happened to bring you out this way.Demona, what happened to you?"

'So she is beginning to get her memory back.' Vegeta was ready to cry from the confusion, but held his composure. Demona acted frustrated at Bulma's question. "How can you not remember Bulma? It was the worst thing to happen to you in your life. Now I remember you Vegeta." She turned and looked at him. "But you got your story mixed. I wasn't brought into the throne room! I came in on my own free will, right after watching that bastard Frieza and your father murder my parents!!!"

Vegeta had a look of total shock as he lifted himself off the ground and to his feet, "What?" "You heard me! They were afraid that my parents would create more Albino's so they killed them both! They were going to kill me, but I hid! And when I ran to my parents to help them it was too late! They were dead! My anger rose to a new level and then I met Demona!"

Vegeta hadn't realized it, but during the middle of the story the control had gone back to Bulma and that meant her memory was returning. "Bulma, you are getting your memory back." "Yeah I am and I'm pissed!! I stormed into the throne room after losing it and attacked Frieza and King Vegeta. With the new mind powers added to my own, curtisy of Demona, they were no match! I was about to kill Frieza by exploding his heart and then the power grew too much for me to handle and I passed out!"

Bulma had broken into tears now and was having a hard time talking. "Oh Kami, Vegeta, I remember you sitting there next to the throne, 8 years old, and you looked like you wanted to help them. But you didn't, you wanted to help me. After I passed out some scientists studied me and realized if I couldn't see, then I couldn't use my mind to attack. So they blind folded me and about 8 years later I was given to a Sayain for pleasure purposes. But instead I went with him freely, because he said he would let me go. But he was so gentle that I fell in love with him and was sad to leave. Oh Kami I remember! I remember Vegeta!"

Bulma was now crying hysterically, "The Sayain was you! It was you Vegeta!! You were the one who set me free, and let me leave Planet Vegeta! But you gave me some medicine that made me lose my memory! When I arrived I had no idea who I was or anything, but the Briefs took care of me. That story Vegeta! The one you told me that was the reason you hated rape! The girl was me wasn't it?! But you left out a few major details. Like I never pleaded. I did tell you my age. But you didn't let me go until after we were done. I came to you on my own free will. I remember now Vegeta!"

All of a sudden Demona came into control, but when she did the wings on her back changed into what looked like angel wings. "Thank you Bulma. Thank you Vegeta. Now that she remembers she can calm her fury and there is no need for me. I am free now, and I can go home."

The wings completely vanished, and Bulma was back in control. All of a sudden what looked like a spirit came out of Bulma. It was Demona. She looked at Bulma and Vegeta one last time, and waved goodbye. Then flew up int the clouds never to be seen again.
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