Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wrong Times ❯ Yabai! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragoball Z/GT or any characters related.

Wrong Times

Chapter 3: Yabai! (This is bad!!)

Yamcha's death came as a shock. Everyone became extremely upset, and Pan was the only one who almost ignored the fact they lost a good friend. She realized, before any of the others did, that Tensho had done something far worse. After an entire night of arguing, crying and swearing, Trunks suddenly noticed how silent Pan had been.

"Pan, what's the matter with you?" he asked.

Everyone present turned silent again and looked at the young girl.

Krillin shook his head in confusion.

"Don't you even care Yamcha's gone?!" he asked.

Pan shook her head.

"It's not that, but I'm afraid there's else. Something even worse."

"Ha, at this moment, I think the loss of one pathetic human is about as bad as we can get." Vegeta remarked, earning several glares from the people in the room.

Pan rolled her eyes.

"Will you guys listen up for one moment! Krillin," she said, and turned to the little bald guy, "What did that other dragon look like?"

Krillin described the dragon as best as he could, however, the dragon had disappeared quickly after the wish was granted. And he was only focusing on Tensho, after that.

"So did either of you two notice what happened to the balls?"

Tien narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. "Yes, I remember." He said.

"The balls flew up and all headed in different directions. It was unlike the earths dragon balls."

Pan nodded. "Yes, because these are the Black Star Dragon balls."

"What the hey? You know about Earths Dragon balls?"

Goku looked around.

"I recognize that voice! It's King Kai!"

Pan frowned. "You've been listening the whole time?" she asked.

The voice giggled.

"Well I was curious. You were from another time and I wanted to know what this was all about. Besides, you defeated Cell. Good job! You know, this reminds me of that one time. ."

"KING KAI!" Vegeta yelled.

"Whoops, I'll shut up now. But tel me, Pan, how do you know the Black Star Dragon balls?"

"Better yet, what *are* these balls you're talking about." Bulma interrupted.

"They are the dragon balls created by Lord Kami, before he separated into two beings. You can image these balls are twice as powerful as the ones created by Kami."

Piccolo nodded. "I have vague memories of the balls. They were hidden inside the palace on the look out, right?"

"Not anymore." Pan said. "I'm afraid we have a much bigger problem now. You're saying the dragon from these balls granted your wish?"

Tien nodded a yes.

"We're pretty much screwed then. The Dragon balls are spread across the universe, and if they're not gathered within a year, the earth will.."

"Explode." King Kai finished. "I almost forgot about that."

Goku thought for a brief second. "But if we gather them before that, there's no problem?"

"That's what we did, in the future." Pan said, glancing over at Trunks.

"But it's not that easy this time, is it?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Tensho is after the balls, probably because you guys stole his wish."

"So, not only is the earth in danger because of the Dragon balls," Bulma started. "Tensho's still a threat because he'll make a wish after he finds the balls?"

"Either way, we're screwed." Krillin sighed.

"Well then, we have to prevent both those things from happening." Gohan decided.

Bulma snapped her fingers. "Exactly kiddo. And that's what we're going to do. I'll begin working on a new space ship with dad. We have to get those dragon balls back before Tensho gets his hands on them."

"Sounds like a plan." Pan remarked. It looked like the second Grand Tour was about to happen. A smile appeared on her face at that thought. Could be *very* interesting.

"And what about Yamcha?" Tien suddenly asked.

Vegeta snorted. "Are you really that stupid? Since all the humans of the earth are wished back by the other dragon, Dende's dragon still has a wish to grant. Just wish the moron back with that dragon!"

Bulma blinked, and hugged Vegeta.

"Sometimes, you're a genious!" she laughed, when Vegeta pushed her away.

"You *don't* want to do that, woman." He warned her.

Pan shrugged.

"Well, if that's settled, you mind if I get some sleep?"

Pan didn't get a minute of rest since her arrival in this timeline, and now that the plans had been made, she began to feel extremely tired. Accepting Bulma's invitation, she said goodbye to both Goku and Gohan, promising she'd visit them soon enough. After that, they all went different ways again. Bulma almost immediately started working on the space ship, Vegeta cursed and resumed his trainings, Tien and Krillin decided to take care of Yamcha's return and Pan and Trunks went to their rooms together.

When they reached her room, she grinned at Trunks and opened the door.

"This day has been eventful." She said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Trunks nodded and was about to leave, when he hesitated.



"How on earth can you handle my father?" he asked.

They both laughed at his comment, but Pan knew he meant the question.

"I got used to him, in the future. Don't worry, he'll change a lot. Thanks to you, he'll become a real father."

"He'll actually stay to raise this time's Trunks?"

Pan nodded cheerfully and suppressed a yawn.

"And he'll be incredibly protective towards Bura, your future sister."

Trunks eyes widened in surprise when he heard that. Pan laughed.

"You made a real difference Trunks, if you must know. Let's hope I can do the same."

He nodded.

"You already helped us a lot, by taking down Cell. And we'll make sure this will be solved, as well."

"We? Aren't you going back home then?"

Trunks shook his head. He had decided on this, the minute he heard about Tensho.

"I can't leave you guys behind facing a problem like this. I won't leave without solving all the troubles. Besides, I want to get to know you a little better. You're Gohans daughter!"

She grinned.

"Goodnight Trunks."

"Yeah, sleep well, Pan."

A week had passed since her arrival in this time. Bulma and her father had been working non stop on a new space ship. Pan spent her time training, mostly. She also instructed Bulma about Giru and stressed her that they needed a Dragon Radar. Bulma promised things would be ready as soon as possible.

The last week had been extremely strange. After meeting Chi Chi, she realized how different her grandmother was, before Goten was born. Pan decided to keep her mouth shut about him, hoping to change nothing else in this time. Mirai Trunks had been training the whole time. He was very determined, she discovered. Once fighting, his shy behavior changed. He was really powerful, and she managed to keep up with him, if barely.

After GT she had continued her training with Vegeta, who pushed her to the limits. She became powerful enough to beat Cell, as she had proven. Although she wasn't able to turn Super Sayian, she was equal in strength with Trunks. Her determined training in the future made her about as powerful as an ascended Super Saiyan, which allowed she was able to keep up with Mirai Trunks. He was amazed by her power.

After a week, she moved back in with Bulma. But on the first night of her stay, she couldn't sleep and decided to explore the Capsule Corp at night. It was quiet, this night. Most of the guests were sleeping. When Pan rushed down the stairs, she unexpectedly bumped into Vegeta.

"Watch it brat!" he snarled. "What on earth are you doing here!?"

"Getting something to eat?" she said, not hiding the sarcastic tone in her voice.

He grunted. "You've got some attitude." He said with a frown on his face. "Loose it."

With those words he left. Pan watched him.

"Oh *that*.."

"Don't worry about Vegeta" she heard Bulma's voice say. Pan turned around.

"I can't believe him. His attitude! His manners! He has none!" she shouted.

Bulma smiled. "He's Vegeta." She shrugged.

"Well I can't understand how you put up with him." Pan sighed as she sat down.

Bulma nodded, slightly distracted, then turned to Pan.

"Is he.. will he.. change, then?" she asked, almost sounding desperate.

Pan smirked. "He'll still be the same grumpy Vegeta, don't worry. But in my time, I actually like him. So he's going to change, yes. Can't handle him?" she added, winking.

Bulma laughed. "Sometimes I think I'm the only one who can handle him!" she laughed.

"Oh, Pan!" Bulma snapped up. "I just remembered, I came to show you something." She said, grabbing her hand and taking her to the laboratory.

"Look what dad and I managed to do in just one week!" she said, pointing to an enormous spaceship.

Pan stared in awe at the sight. It was incredible. Not exactly like the ship she used, but that was in the future. To create something like this in such short notice was incredible. A big smile appeared on her face.

"And navigation?" she asked while they entered the ship.

"All taken care of. I installed the dragon radar in the ships manual controls. You can take him out of it, and with you when you leave the ship. I also gave it a personality." She added proudly. "His name is Yuri" she smiled.

Pan stared at the insides of the ship. "Yuri.." she whispered.

A mechanical voice responded. "I am ..Yuri?" it asked confused.

Bulma giggled. "Well, it's not perfect. You'll have to sharpen it's social skills. But he's a good Dragon Radar!"

Pan nodded. "It's perfect! We can leave as soon as possible!!"

Bulma smiled, putting a hand on her hip. "Question remains, who's going? Normally, I would be more than happy to join. But I have little Trunks to take care off!"

Pan laughed. "You don't have to go. The ship can take 3 people, right?"

Bulma nodded. "Four, at most. But it's designed to take 3."

"Well, then there's only one way to find out who's going. Ask them"

"I think it's only obvious that I'm one of the passengers. Who else is interested?"

The next morning Pan immediately startled her friends with the shocking news. At breakfast, Goku and Gohan joined and she popped the question. Pan turned to Trunks, with an almost pleading look, as if she expected him to refuse.

"I'll come, of course. Why else would I remain in this time?" He said, with a shy smile.

"Perfect!" Pan said happily and turned to Goku.

"Well, this is just like in the future. Me, Trunks and," she gave her grandfather the puppy eye look, "What do you say Grandpa? Will you come too?"

"Kakkorot?!" Vegeta scowled. "I don't think so! You already took away my chance to fight with Cell, brat. And this monster of yours won't escape me! I will be the third passenger!"

Pan's jaw dropped. Trunks stared at his father, while stroking away some of his long hair. "Father, if Pan wants to take Goku.." "She has nothing to want!" the Prince grunted. She looked at Vegeta, who had no intention of changing his mind, obviously, and nodded.

"You can go." She simply said.

Goku released a disappointed sigh.

"I'm sorry Grandpa," Pan said, "but maybe it's best if you stayed home this time. You're *always* gone, just relax!" she said. Of course, Goku had no clue of the many times he would leave in the future. But he nodded, agreeing with his granddaughter and smiled at Gohan.

"Looks like it's the three of us again, son!"

Vegeta snorted. "Glad you agree, brat."

"I do, but maybe Trunks don't." Pan smirked.

Before he could say anything, Vegeta crossed his arms.

"I doubt my son has any problems with my company." He said, ignoring that same son and smirking at Pan.

Pan looked at Vegeta. "Agreed. But you will stop being so bossy!" she said, pointing her finger on his chest. He looked at her, and frowned.

"And you will not order me around, brat." He said, staring back at her. Pan just rolled her eyes. This was not going to be pleasant.

The day they would leave, was one of the sunniest of the year. Professor Briefs and his daughter finished loading the ships supplies, and more and more people gathered around the space ship. From a distance, Trunks sharpened his fixed sword, looking at the crowd. Pan and his mother were discussing where they would go first. He watched as his younger self crawled up to Pan and pulled her leg. Pan almost kicked the little guy away, startled by his sudden appearance. This resulted into Bulma laughing, little Trunks crying and Pan blushing, trying to shush the enfant. Trunks laughed and shook his head. This time traveling business was wrong, all wrong. But he started all of it. And he had to finish it. He just hoped his mother was okay.

Suddenly, a shadow came across him. He turned around.

"Oh hey Piccolo." He greeted,

The Namek nodded. "I wanted to ask you something, Trunks." He said, not taking his eyes of Pan.

"The girl is confident Vegeta will change in the future. I'm just worried he'll abandon the two of you in space. Can we count on him, to fulfill this mission?"

Trunks looked over at Vegeta, who sat under a tree, a bit further away from the crowd.

"I don't know.." he sighed. "Father is a difficult man. I have no idea how different he is in Pan's future, but at the moment.." he shook his head, "I just don't know. You know how he can act.." he said. Piccolo looked at him.

"That's exactly why I'm so worried. Earths future depends on this, although I'm not really sure how. But it's important you bring the dragon balls back to earth, and we all know Vegeta has always been after him. I hate to say this, but I still don't trust him completely."

Trunks shrugged. "He *wants* to go with us, Piccolo. We'll just have to be careful. What do you want to do about it? Come with us?" he joked.

Piccolo nodded slowly. "I might just do that" he said as he walked towards Bulma and Pan.

"I'm going with you. So you won't have to worry about Vegeta." He said, smirking.

Trunks frowned. "That should be interesting" he said and got up.

"My thoughts exactly." Piccol replied and tapped Bulma on the shoulders.

"Go with them?" Bulma shouted. Pan turned around.

"You're coming with us?" she asked, curious. Piccolo looked over his shoulder to Vegeta.

"I have my reasons." He said.

Bulma shook her head. "No room, no oxygen. It's just impossible!" she explained.

Pan grabbed the design of the ship and frowned. "I thought you told me it was designed to carry 4 people at most?" she asked.

Bulma sighed. "Yeah, I guess. But it still requires some adjustment, and the space inside is limited, especially with that training room! You'll be on top of each other, at all time." Bulma shook her head.

"And here I thought I was ready. I'll get right to it, you leave in a few hours."

Piccolo rested his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you Bulma." The woman smiled. "Anytime. I guess it would be handy if you went with them"

Trunks' voice interrupted. "Who will tell father?" he asked.

Pan grinned playfully and turned around.

"Vegeta!!" she yelled.

He looked up with an annoyed look on his face. "What do you want NOW!?" he yelled back at her.

"Piccolo is going with us!" she yelled.

"The Namek!! Why?"

Pan frowned. "BECAUSE!" she yelled back, placing a hand on her hip.

Vegeta mumbled something.

Pan stuck her tongue out and turned around. "It's settled then."

The group stared at her.

"You.. sound so much like .. my mother." Trunks stumbled.

"I resent that comment, son." Bulma said. Trunks laughed. "Hurry up mom. I want to get going."

With a growl the beast before him fell down. The blue figure smiled.

"Too easy."

He stroke his hair and walked up to the beast.

"Be a nice useless blob and hand it over." He whispered. The beast looked up and hissed. Tensho's smile disappeared.

"I asked you something." He growled and with a motion the beast flew through the air. Tensho shook his head, his blue hair covering his face. As he stroke the hair away annoyed, he turned around.

"If you do not possess it, why didn't you say so.." he said. The beast growled from a bit further away.

"From that distance, you dare, don't you?" Tensho laughed.

"Whatever." He hissed and released a ki shot from his palm.


The village in front of him looked deserted.

"So they heard already.." he said to himself, while looking at the sky.

"They will follow me, but they'll be too late." He smirked and tied his hair together in a tail.